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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 335 KB, 1024x1024, Litecoin[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2476737 No.2476737 [Reply] [Original]

Litecoin is essentially the bitcoin fork at this point why should people wait till August 1st when the fork whatever it may be hard/soft, effectively already exists in the form of LTC

>> No.2476743

Because people are dumb and litecoin has a different name and logo

>> No.2476748

finally some anti-ltc btc shilling

litecoin btfo

>> No.2476769

hang on...so you're saying ltc is an updated version of bitcoin?

>> No.2476807

except for the mining algo

>> No.2476814

They are very interchangeable people only need to slightly change the code to be able to handle it on their system desu
It's faster than BTC and similar in almost everyway and beat BTC to Segwit.

can someone please give me a fleshed out reason against LTC

>> No.2476826

This is unironically true.

>> No.2476833

>faster than BTC
not in my experience. have any of you actually tried transferring this stuff?

>> No.2476860

in terms of speed at least for me it goes


>> No.2476883

Yes, it is faster by design and use.
Xferred btc and ltc to a hot wallet just last week. Ltc posted first

>> No.2476895

Was vulnerable to 51% attacks if not already compromised

>> No.2476899

Considering I've never had to wait literal days with LTC like I have BTC, yes. Usually have my coins within 30 seconds to a couple minutes.

>> No.2476906

Yes, it's just you. LTC always beats out BTC when I do

>> No.2476917

i just bought 0.4 ltc. first puchase of invisible muneyz ever.
how fucked am i?

>> No.2476930

>how fucked am i?
Incredibly since you bought absolutely nothing and will never make money even with the sweetest of gains

>> No.2476959

lambo soon friend

>> No.2476960

see you in 5 years

>> No.2476966

By then I will have retired 4 years before you

>> No.2476995

Worst case scenario, you lose 10 bucks.

>> No.2477019

b-but ltc is stable they said

>> No.2477052
File: 102 KB, 1092x839, LTC Daily 6-16-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every indicator looks good, i'd say get in now if ur on the fence

>> No.2477098

you are shilling hard, or just an idiot, possibly blaming exchange transfer times?

If i move LTC wallet to wallet it is instantaneous and confirmations come fast.

>> No.2477112

you are a rabid idiot

>> No.2477115

and its way cheaper than moving BTC

>> No.2477145

oh yeah? well mr smartypants, why is litecoin so much cheaper than bitcoin if it's so much better?

>> No.2477147

yea.. like especially lately, guys can hate on it all they want, but man does it make sense as a way to move money from exchange to exchange. Although part of that is the really stable price lately.. which I hope starts mooning instead

>> No.2477166

I was referring to you reading OP and thinking it was anti LTC and getting a hard on

>> No.2477175

confirms in less than a minute while bitcoin takes an hour




>> No.2477193
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>> No.2477205
File: 79 KB, 336x327, Ahegao+_f1bcdd72b0253b6926e460220eef79bb (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw litecoin valuation triples due to btc scaling debates

thanks jihan!

>> No.2477207


yes, when people say this kind of shit i can only conclude they are fucking morons, or talking about withdrawing from exchanges

>> No.2477228

it won't last, pump and dump

>> No.2477232

I was literally just taking a nap and a voice came to me and said "buy litecoin"

up 5% in the span of 5 minutes

>> No.2477243

okay the price is spiking
I got 8ltc bought at 11

when do i blow my load?

>> No.2477248
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 9031c02df5f195ed6de53deaf89d8302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really have no idea what you're talking about do you desu

>> No.2477252
File: 71 KB, 1301x826, ltc margin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in late but caught a sweet little dip

>> No.2477265
File: 237 KB, 450x512, masterpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

August or end of the year for juicy gains or just keep it if you actually believe in crypto you faggot

>> No.2477267

if it's better, shouldn't the price be higher than it currently is? pretty simply question

>> No.2477274

aight my nigga

we HODLING til we die

hell i might even buy more, like $1k worth

>> No.2477275
File: 4 KB, 259x194, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Litecoin the comfiest coin?

>sit back, relax and enjoy your slow steady gains while the world is crashing down around you

>> No.2477287

what do you think is happening you total fucking sperg. the normies still need to catch on, and they are doing exactly that at this point.

>> No.2477298

are we actually going to all time highs today?

could this be the day

>> No.2477305

LTC has been rock stable the past two months, everyone buy in in youi haven't already, this shit has yuge potential

>> No.2477312
File: 496 KB, 3000x2000, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recently added to coinbase
Being added to bitstamp on monday what do you think

>> No.2477318

I doubt it. Bitstamp doesn't even list ETH yet

>> No.2477323

no its pretty much confirmed its being added to bitstamp any day now

>> No.2477326

[citation needed]

>> No.2477332

ok hold on a sec faggot

>> No.2477334
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>> No.2477340

im sorry i called you a faggot

>> No.2477343
File: 125 KB, 675x1200, C_UwnvLUIAEFIIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was announced on twitter you moron do your fucking research


>> No.2477356

Why are potty mouths overproportionately unaware of the vocative comma?

>> No.2477364


>> No.2477365
File: 114 KB, 735x1200, DAl_tYYXcAI8DRq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shut up nerd and buy some fucking LTC RIGHT NOW

>> No.2477375

When this thread was started LTC was at 32$, now it is at $35.5

>> No.2477376
File: 9 KB, 298x169, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the quick rundown on Litecoin for you normies:

>Literally the second oldest coin behind bitcoin, poised to take over as BTC goes down in flames due to scaling debate
>Uses a different mining algorithm so Jihan's ASICs won't be a threat
>Otherwise quite similar to BTC, so BTC devs can migrate their many thousands of hours of development work over to LTC easily
>Founder of Litecoin and lead Developer at Coinbase, Charlie Lee, just quit Coinbase to work on LTC development fulltime - expect big announcements in the near future
>Rumored to be added to some big exchanges, plus Charlie Lee has a lot of connections in the industry so its basically a sure thing
>Has shown remarkable resiliency and made steady gains while nearly every other coin has been crashing in the past few days

don't come to biz and posting angry crying Wojaks about how you "knew about LTC but didn't buy" , get in while you still can

>> No.2477377

Not even kidding, I'm just using DGB to move coins around exchanges or make transfers to friends. It's super convenient.

>> No.2477380

I bought 200 LTC at $25
and opened a margin trade for 400 LTC at $31.9

>> No.2477398

We are going to the moon this weekend boys. Please gib:

>> No.2477400

just a friendly reminder that i've been buying the past month

just a friendly reminder that you will be buying my coins now

>> No.2477418

and the price keeps going up, biz responding to yet another stupid pump and dump

>> No.2477428


this is the market we are talking about

millions of dollars flying around

its not /biz/

its the world

>> No.2477442


we're going to $100

don't say i didn't warn you

>> No.2477474

not even kidding: I'm thinking the same.

>> No.2477484

>another stupid pump and dump
I sold LTC today over the course of the day:

I do believe in LTC in the long run, but everything has been kinda unstable over the past two weeks, so I just try to make gains.

>> No.2477493

there is nothing wrong with locking in your gains

>> No.2477494


Only got 1 LTC.

Am I going to make it?

>> No.2477502

you're going to make $64

>> No.2477512

>1 LTC
Honestly, if that's all you got an can afford to spend, then I'd sell at around 0.0145.

>> No.2477537


Why is cex-io removing LTC wallets?

Doesn't sound good.

>> No.2477564

See, I told you.
It's at 0.0139 again already.

>> No.2477572

these dips are getting bought tonight m8

>> No.2477580

Just FOMOd 7 ETH into it, bringing my total to 100 LTC nigga.

>> No.2477609

someone answer this man...is litecoin doomed :\

>> No.2477646


:( I'm no beggar but sometimes I feel like begging some rich anons. I mean some of them wouldnt mind gifting like 200€ or whatever to some anon, right?

>tfw poor

>> No.2477679

>I'm no beggar
If you keep posting this way, you are going to be one.

If you're poor, then crypto can and should not be anything but a fun past time for you.
Let's say you spend 50€ each month on, I don't know, video games or whatever your hobby is.
Put that in crypto and that's ok.

But dealing in crypto AND getting rich is not easily possible if you don't have the capital to start out with.

>> No.2477694

Sure, lend me a BTC or some ETH to invest in it.
BTC: 16ZUA67BPJ4Cj4dsWJe77jag8j1yavi1ww
ETH: 0x6d94df93ae123c319c7de97bfd9a494adac7f888

>> No.2477711

BTC market cap: 42 bln
LTC market cap: <2 bln

LTC poised to take BTCs place. do the math.

>> No.2477739
File: 51 KB, 1148x294, LTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat volume mane.


>> No.2477740


Whats a market cap?

Why is a low market cap better?

>> No.2477755

Lol, go fucking google it normie.

>> No.2477787


>> No.2477811
File: 247 KB, 436x359, tuco wanted - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But dealing in crypto AND getting rich is not easily possible if you don't have the capital to start out with.

i only have 2000 USD. is that enough?

>> No.2477837
File: 25 KB, 425x425, 41rozMYv14L._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw we bought the dip yesterday
tfw if ltc actually goes to take btc's place we will all be so well off
tfw i bought even more ltc 30 minutes ago and its already gone up $0.50

>> No.2477853

i love how this rundown is written in a similar style as the bogpill rundown

>> No.2477874

Because of the hype there will be some correction but im sure $40+ next week

>> No.2477877

i love how you give me BTC LQ57AKbMFduwVenKaBJtig8VsmBk8nY1sn

>> No.2477883

You mean starting out with 2000 USD in funds or just barely scraping 2000 together? If you could easily spend that money on a vacation, but rather invest it in crypto, then yes it's enough to make some gains.

I personally would suggest only trading with 500 for the first month, to get a feeling for the market. Seeing how fast everything moves and what actually happens with your investment.
After that, if you still like it, add another 500 each month until you've reached your limit.

>> No.2477914


I literally only have 0,2 XMR and 1 LTC. Maybe I can invest 13 more€ but that's about ALL I can invest.

>tfw will never be rich

>> No.2477919
File: 35 KB, 420x579, theeconomist-phoenix_get_ready_for_world_currency_by_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get a feel for the market
>meanwhile the new king of crypto is rising from the ashes of the fallen BTC

>> No.2477922

Just see it as a game and have fun with it.

Doesn't matter.
There'll be always ways to increase your shares.

>> No.2477943

^ Dont send here ^

BTC : 16ZUA67BPJ4Cj4dsWJe77jag8j1yavi1ww i think the other was something else

>> No.2478035

how about go away with your begging
nobody is giving you free money
just stop

>> No.2478083

>wake up from a nap
>suddenly richer

I love ltc

>> No.2478098


>> No.2478125

i just closed my LTC position 100%

made $3329 today

it was a good day
probably will keep running up to a new all time high but im tired so fuck it

>> No.2478129

you're gonna feel stupid when we hit $100

>> No.2478134


ill buy back in later probably

>> No.2478135

No one ever went broke taking profits

>> No.2478150


No one went broke spending 10,000 BTC on a pizza either, but it still fucking sucks

>> No.2478156

$37 now!

>> No.2478175
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>> No.2478190
File: 257 KB, 655x776, Okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still fucking going!

>> No.2478208

Is this an ATH??

>> No.2478215

Wow, I didn't expect it to carry past 0.0155.
Shit's higher than May now.

>> No.2478221

>ETH down
>BTC down
>LTC pumping
Boyos what have we done?

>> No.2478226

Great, I bought at ATH again

>> No.2478237

this is indeed a new all time high

>> No.2478238

Should have just waited half an hour for a possible dip.

>> No.2478240
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>> No.2478247
File: 23 KB, 600x484, 1483477491742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of a brainlet do ya have to be to do that son?

if you bought yesterday you'd be rollin in it

>> No.2478248

I kept trying to buy at ~0.0145, but it was pumping really fast and bittrex doesn't have market order

>> No.2478278

The charts not so much that's why you gotta monitor while it's updating the buy sell orders and see the psychology happening at play. If you look at 1min candlestick maybe 5min you see the two giant wicks on that small red stick. Market unawareness shaky hands selling either one big whale or a bunch. In a bull surge then that just went up and up and you could see the sell orders being retracted to go up another 1000,2000,3000 SAT and more up now. GOTTA BUY WEHEN YOU SEE THAT
i almost screamed because whilst still comtemplating a buy it did it's first highest per minute high in awhile and i thought i missed it compeltely.
sitting on 0.3 btc gains buying and selling

>> No.2478308
File: 17 KB, 300x298, 1497652168210-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget

>> No.2478316

Unfortunately, I couldn't travel back in time to yesterday

>> No.2478326

well, now is not the time to buy
now is the time to sell or hodl

>> No.2478346

it's not "we" it's the chinese probably

>> No.2478356

It's over, correctong down now.

>> No.2478371

>It's over
nigga do you see those buy walls?

this is the new normal

>> No.2478396

I was just talking about this article

Thanks anon!

>> No.2478417
File: 7 KB, 225x225, YfwYouDidn&#039;tInvestInDGB2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i sold @ 15%, you can't get an index fund that pays 7 these days. Or a bank that pays above 3%.
Don't feel guilty anon, the people who make smart financial conservative decisions will be the ones smiling.

Sure luck is good and >hodl but whatever.

>> No.2478419

https://bittrex com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-LTC

I don't really see them.

>> No.2478427

>Don't feel guilty
I don't.
I'm only doing this for fun, since my normal job pays more than enough.

>> No.2478457

>tfw maxed out my weekly credit limit on coinbase
>takes 5 days to process bank transfer

I'm thinking about buying like 1.2k in litecoin, even at $40 a coin, will i get burned by that week delay?

>> No.2478466


>> No.2478470

Not sure, I think the general trend is up, but you could buy lower at 36-37

>> No.2478497

I don't think it has much room down so even if im breaking even after a week (doubt it) im in a good spot.

100/coin is conservative i think, next month will be a bloodbath

>> No.2478511

>he bought at ATH

>> No.2478515

>1.2k in litecoin
I don't think the current price is a good idea to just invest this much in, even if LTC is one of the most stable currencies overall.

Honestly, I'd go for BTC still.

>> No.2478533

>100/coin is conservative i think
Lmao, what you think is what I wish

>> No.2479812
File: 218 KB, 669x627, Jihan Wu Bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fire rises

>> No.2479843

If I take that ASIC boost off will you die?

>> No.2479897
File: 6 KB, 250x213, 1486704467684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of selling some bitcoin to buy some litecoin.

Smart or stupid decision?

>> No.2479927

Smart LTC is gaining at higher percentages

>> No.2479962

Well judging by the conversion it seems many are doing that

>> No.2480133

it doesn't fix any of the real problems that bitcoin has, which is to say that if litecoin gains a bigger market share we'd still have the same segwit debate but with litecoin instead of bitcoin.

>> No.2480283

yes ltc has been less than 3 minutes per tx and never more than 5 cents per tx for me at least lately. I think it depends quite a bit what kind of wallet you are sending to and from and if it's to an exchange or not. exchanges generally require 3-6 confirmations before it actually appears in wallet.

>> No.2480296
File: 8 KB, 940x108, ltc margin 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall asleep with open margin position
>wake up to this

>> No.2480329

>wake up at 2am

>> No.2480355
File: 165 KB, 800x432, SouthPark_lederhosen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 Uhr in Deutschland

>> No.2480367

Looks like the next memecoin, but also mainstream. Putting everything into it.

>> No.2480368

Buy something nice for your wife's bull.

>> No.2480375

Single, with a Tinder date today :-)
I'm not buying anything nice for her tho.

>> No.2480410
File: 122 KB, 600x591, LiteWayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flippening incoming

>> No.2480433

Would like to sleep, but it could beat 40$ again tonight

>> No.2480475

lol your going to be like the people who said the same thing about btc when it went to $240 then back down to $80. "Told ya guys it was a pump a dump"

>> No.2480482

I've seen LTC in the past reach $35-$38 before coming back down to $30 and under..

It happened two times in May.

I'd like to believe it's going to stay above $35 for now on but I guess we'll soon find out if this is a huge pump before the dump...

>> No.2480505

Dip is already over and it's back 40

>> No.2480693

I would be extremely unprofitable

>> No.2480705

Considering putting 400 into litecoin. Do you think it will be worth it in august or is that just hardcore memeing?

>> No.2480715

It will pay off. The major argument is by how much?

>> No.2480731

>tfw moved $500 worth of BTC into LTC for shits and giggles three days ago.

I've got a 30% gain, should I flick it back when LTC corrects?

>> No.2480742

Honestly im fine with even a bit of a return, this money is just kind of sitting here right now . When do you think a good time to buy will be?

>> No.2480754

The best time to buy is always yesterday.

>> No.2480762

It's hovering around 40 currently, wait for it to dip some more later today but buy before sunday because it should pump again sunday/monday

>> No.2480787

Alright, will stay vigilant today. I already have a few lite coins so I wont want to kill myself too hard even if I do miss the train

>> No.2480813

Good luck anon, even if you don't buy at the optimal price there is still future profit up for grabs

>> No.2480845

I will keep that in mind, hopefully I will at least make some decent gains come august

>> No.2480923

I don't think the Bitstamp news is that big of a deal..

they only offer BTC & XRP and soon to be LTC.

they have a 3% stake in BTC
a 4% stake in XRP

they don't have that large of an exchange compared to others..


How much volume will they really add? A few million max?

>> No.2481331

capital = wealth

iow the rich get richer

in other news water is wet

>> No.2481565

what program is that? I need something to get prices

>> No.2481596

Bought 3.5k Ltc the other day and sold 3k because got spooked and wake up to this

>> No.2481640
File: 308 KB, 542x511, 1425766492429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the DGB algorithm proprietary?
I doubt a single coin on the market at the moment is as fast as DGB, even LTC and ETH, supposedly the "super fast coins", still take several minutes to transfer from and to exchanges, while DGB is done in literally under a minute.

I don't even know why people go crazy for Segwit when Digusign is so clearly superior.
But oh wait, DGB went down from a x42 increase in 3 months to a meager x22, so it means it's a crashed scamcoin for daytraders.

>> No.2481650


> selling at a loss... ever

>> No.2481654

it is a scamcoin, yes.

>> No.2481664


So you're just ignoring the fact that it's the fastest coin on the market, and nobody else has access to the technology allowing that?
Did you perhaps buy at ATH like a retard and received your well deserved punishment?

>> No.2481684

i actually sold to a hyperactive little fag like you who didn't catch on fast enough to the "fastest coin"

maybe next time, eh?

>> No.2481699

I bought half a million at 150sats dawg, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.2481714

i'm talking about the money you wish you made while you slept through the dump. invest in some coffee, or maybe stop loss???

>> No.2481744
File: 124 KB, 675x1200, DBVqUABV0AAY2b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here you should've bought in when i said



>> No.2481758

People don't know Litecoin
People don't care about Litecoin
there are thousands of places that accept Bitcoin
BITCOIN is the fucking currency of the internet
Not Litecoin

> But muh transaction times and fees!
This is what will be fixed by august 1st
The fact that it takes that long to accept these changes, is the reason why Bitcoin is the greatest. Security.

>> No.2481767

Even wikileaks accept litecoin.

>> No.2481768
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>Wikileaks trust litecoin
Jihan and his asics will fuck you up and you know it
Plus bitcoin is overinflated because its not even a currency at this point its a "store of value" which will mess you up in the long term with whales' withdrawals

>> No.2481802

Who is this thicc sister?

>> No.2481961

It's the Bitfinex exchange

>> No.2482106

ah cool, we should have a thread about coin tools. Do you actually buy the coin there or just bet on it. i.e. is it like coinbase or more of a spread betting pattern?

>> No.2482180

Regular buying and selling on Kraken

Margin trading on Bitfinex, because they have absolute best UI for that

What's also great about Bitfinex is that they don't require any verification unless you want to deposit or withdraw fiat.

>> No.2482190

Sometimes I also margin trade on Kraken because they have 5x leverage on ETH/USD and BTC/USD
I don't think you can get 5x leverage anywhere else

But Kraken has verification limits. USD margin is limited to $10000 until you provide full identification. No problem for me, keeps my risk in check. Currently have a 5x ETH/USD position open.

>> No.2482264
File: 3.61 MB, 463x260, GlumMadeupGermanshepherd-size_restricted[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these nocoiners

>> No.2482304

one shitty thing is that you can only deposit crypto. And buying crypto on places like localbitcoins, the sellers add gigantic margins!

>> No.2482345

I use Bitstamp for fiat exchanges

>> No.2482398

wish there were more exchanges offering GBP

>> No.2482688
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I'm gonna sell. We will retrace about 10%. I'll buy back at the previous resistance, which should be the new support level.

>> No.2482725
File: 250 KB, 805x535, technical-analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
