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File: 10 KB, 218x251, zen-block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2475632 No.2475632 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2475641


>> No.2475655
File: 7 KB, 251x201, 1497324067240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw $600 in, make me rich niggo

>> No.2475696

bitbean is garbage tho

how do you get this shit?

>> No.2475718


its only been around 2 weeks, slowly accumulated 15M market cap--whales are keeping quiet about this one

>> No.2475736

got me 100 ZEN. Next stop, lambo dealership

>> No.2475740

but how do i do this for free, am poorfag

last time i fucked with this my shit got wrecked by cryptsy going under so im not putting any money out

>> No.2475749

How can it be bitbean if it has no meme mascot and is selling at 1000x+ the value that bitbean was before it pumped?

>> No.2475775

>fees + gains
>no fees and no gains

choose one

>> No.2475798

so you're saying i cant just run a mining program on a machine and rake in Zencoin? assume i have access to vast computational resources

>> No.2475841

if you have the equipment by all means mine the shit out of it, you can make a tidy profit in miners fees on this but for most buy and hodl is there only choice

>> No.2476108

ZenCash is at a low, and should go up, but maybe not pull a bitbean and do the 200%


>> No.2476159

The market cap for ZenCash is like $12 million. Plenty of opportunity for 10 or even 100x gains if it reaches where Zcash is now.

>> No.2476174



Pick one or both, I don't care.

>> No.2476205

Wait, I have to ask...

Everyone ITT is aware of Zencash's history, right? Because it really seems like you are serious and not aware it's run by scammers.

>> No.2476228

I know it's a fork of ZClassic, and I know one of the devs jumped ship recently. Don't see how that makes it a scam though

>> No.2476237


>> No.2476267

wasn't the replay attack bug already fixed? that's what it says on the website at least.

>> No.2476287

yes, it was fixed but not before the zencash leaders discussed keeping it a secret from bittrex to mitigate the PR disaster

Also see if you can find this: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8hnkXAUV_ewJ:https://blog.zencash.io/zencash-status-update-thursday-june-8-2017/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk

on their website anymore. Why would they want to scrub information?

>> No.2476320

this shit isnt memeable at all

>> No.2476335

hmmm well I don't have a good answer. That does seem a bit shady if true.

Anyway, I'm only in for like .3 BTC so if it goes to zero not a major loss. This "controversy" doesn't seem to have affected the price much though. It's only gone up since I bought.

>> No.2476378
File: 90 KB, 605x599, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fine if you just want to catch a wave, but just be aware that no one trusts this shit

obviously josh already exited his holdings, at least that's one less person on the team willing to fuck you once it gets up to their cash out price

just be forewarned and don't hold this shit too long

>> No.2476429

zcash is dead, zencash is the fork going forward

best anonymous crypto out there, untraceable transactions as your keys dont go on the public ledger .... will pick up all the underworld trade in drugs, guns, etc. that bitcoin use to have but has too much attention for now

>> No.2476458

zencash forked from zclassic, not zcash

ZCash has the #12 market cap, I don't know how you could possibly say that it's dead, that's asinine

Also, the new 'features' of zencash aren't actually in the production code yet, it's just a roadmap

Zencash is just ZCL at this point with a bigger percentage going to the dev team. There's literally zero reasons to use it over zclassic unless you somehow believe in a team that couldn't keep its shit together for a week after the launch