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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24754771 No.24754771 [Reply] [Original]

I've planned to make 40% of my portfolio PNK but I so deeply believe in this project that I keep buying more and it's currently 80% of my portfolio. Anyone have the same problem?

>> No.24754796

there’s a pnk thread retard, fuck off

>> No.24754995

That nigger deserves a beating

>> No.24755014



>> No.24755039

"Timmy" and his other wypipo would lynch this rigger in the world he is imagining.

>> No.24755066 [DELETED] 
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Seething white m*n

>> No.24755067

Show up to your house with his friends dressed up as a spooky ghosts. They're afraid of ghosts.

>> No.24755102

Do American girls really like black guys or something? Here in Canada only black guy can date black girl because no one wants them

>> No.24755103

you're probably an ugly mutt so who cares

>> No.24755122

nope it's just being pushed hard as fuck, statistics don't lie. Women do absolutely not prefer black guys but it's getting implanted into their heads with tiktok shit and pornhub.

>> No.24755139
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>pure white genes are superior

>> No.24755176

can you be an incel if you don't wear glasses?

>> No.24755197

You could never do this with blacks, all black guys are beautiful kings

>> No.24755227

this dude look ashy as hell & probably smell like chicken and cologne

>> No.24755320
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>> No.24755349
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>> No.24755392

That's why white people should mix with inferior races. The downfall on European people really is painful to watch.

>> No.24755404

Not America in general but go to a pozzed city like NYC and you’ll see white women with blacks left and right. But you’ll also see Latinas and Asians with blacks too. It’s a bad market for non-rich white guys here

>> No.24755445

Theyre called qanons and hoes, I have the feeling it gets lower as the women get older, because on average niggers ngmi

>> No.24755458

you will never be white

>> No.24755524

hahaha wypipo no season they chickin

>> No.24755562

Fuck this nigga is so fucking ugly look at those legs. Atleast post alphanigs.

>> No.24755712

Tommy is gonna say the word nigger and this little niggerboi is gonna cope. Because he's hurt by words. The reason everyone wants white women is because they're toptier compared to niggerwomen. Makes sense, but what makes this niggerboi think he deserves or even is able to get a white woman. Simple, he's coping, knowing He'll never get a normal white woman, hell, he will either end up in prison assraped or sucking a dick in the streets.... Lol, here's another one, NIGGER.
Haha love this word, just because they cant handle it. Shows their smarts. White men fuck every kind of woman without any repercussion, because white men choose and deserve every kind of woman..the world was made by white men. Niggers will never understand, you are allowed to live with us, for now. ;) God i love being white :) also fuck jannies, niggers, kikes and yourself!

>> No.24755739

Is this the white fragility I’ve heard about??

>> No.24755813

You see, white people dont feel the need for black women cuz they're disgusting as shit and fucking retarded compared to white women.

>> No.24755847

>saying nigger on a message board full of racists
Holy shit! The balls on this guy!

>> No.24755862

Imagine being a non white

>> No.24755872

Lose some weight fatty

>> No.24755874

I think we can all agree that asian m*n are built for BBC

>> No.24755998
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>imagine being white

>> No.24756049

Rip his nigger throat out 2bh

>> No.24756193
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>> No.24756214

All me btw :)

>> No.24756757

He is not wrong. Black people are physically superior. You need gear to stand a chance against them in a fight. Even then, they never fight alone. You have to consider 10-20 chimps if you mess with one

>> No.24756796

lol you will never be white, stop simping you pathetic worm.

>> No.24756836

This nog unironically looks like le /pol/ face except black, so I don't know what he'd do either.

Be specific nigga, fried chicken and cheap cologne.

>> No.24756859

>race baiting outside of /pol/
Buh bye, Schlomostein.

>> No.24756862

I dunno I’d probably just continue to work on my education, engage in a rewarding work ethic that brings positivity to the world, invest my money wisely and dump my stupid ass girlfriend who cheated on me and not worry about physically fighting someone or my hypothetical dumbass cheating girlfriend. I would move forward with my life in a positive direction and be kinda happy to not have dumbass energy in my life.

>> No.24756914

>donwload Pi network app
>use invitation code tomdorr
>mine pi

>> No.24757081

oops thought it was a haircomb thread

>> No.24757212

Lol, what a pathetic nigger, smaller then the girl supporting his weight. No girl could support a real mans weight like me.

>> No.24757256

an easy mistake to make

>> No.24757270
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>> No.24757904

Why is the whole life of every niggers completely centered around white people? lol

>> No.24757963
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NIGGERS are not people

>> No.24758007

jankes will not delete this thread
business & finance btw

>> No.24758019

>thread full of racism
>one post mocking whites gets
White fragility ladies and gentleman

>> No.24758032

He is unironically ugly and has not inherited his grandfathers genes at all.
Look at his eyes, the lids look like theyre fused to his face.

>> No.24758117

Yeah, it's because the WORTHLESS KIKE JANNIES were subverted by liberal tranny faggots, who literally have nothing better to do than pretend to be the police of a fake internet money scam shilling board.

Here's something I wrote for you OP, you fucking loser, who's annual income is less than a quarter of what I'm gambling with:

>Trannies are so fucking disgusting. Their huge man hands, their quarterback shoulders, their thin hips that were never designed to bear a child, that five o clock shadow you can't hide, that square jaw line, that adams apple, absolutely pig fucking disgusting. Whenever I see one of you I throw up in my mouth. But like the rest of the people you know I'll politely smile and avoid using pronouns in case I use the wrong one. Nobody likes even being around you. You mentally ill abomination. You disgusting creature.

>You will never be a woman.

>> No.24758319

Kek nigga on the right isn't too happy about getting the ugly one

>> No.24758396


>> No.24758433
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he deleted it himself, inbred newfuck

>> No.24758599

I am “he” you stupid faggot. Insecure whites deleted it

>> No.24758658
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nice try fat fuck
kill yourself

>> No.24759226

Please sirs I come for Kleros discussions no race debate

>> No.24759312
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>> No.24759368

lmaaaoo nigga has chicken legs

>> No.24759380

White fragility is a weird cope from people who would die of starvation without whites, just like was the case in many instances during African decolonization.

>> No.24759413

Imagine starting this battle with white men. Should white men actually take up this charge surely theyd be stealing women from black men left and right.
>be me
>kid fucks my girlfriend
>go to his house and scope it out, nothing nefarious
>found out mom, sis, girlfriend, and cuz
>offer each a g to suck my asshole
>never tell him or anyone else because i know i won

>> No.24759439

Btw this is why i date a black woman who wont fuck black men. You dont even know based.

>> No.24759477

That’s racist

>> No.24759504

>1 post