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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 641 KB, 2560x1920, cukieraski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2475251 No.2475251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what drugs you are into? and why?

oxy, tramadol, alprazolam, bromazepam, clonazepam, diazepam, pregabaline, baclofen for the stress

modafinil, metylphenidate, selegiline and this is for sharpnes, wish i be mmurican cunt to get adderal not fucking 30$ for a pill on tor,

>> No.2475262

Coors Light only, faggot.

>> No.2475264


>> No.2475267

biznessmen don't use drugs, only rope

>> No.2475271

LSD, weed, dokha, and coffee

>> No.2475272

Do you jack off?

>> No.2475278

meth, klonipin, and heroin

>> No.2475290

why garbage beer? bombay sapphire master /biz/ gentleman crypto extraordinaire race

>> No.2475313

Because micropenis hop beers are for chubby idiots.

>> No.2475348

Ex heroin addict. Now I just do acid once or twice a year, Adderall when I can find it and smoke ganja always.

>> No.2475358

>Straight edge masterrace.
One of the best things drugs have done for me was give me the ability to wake up every morning and think "fuck it feels amazing being sober"

>> No.2475368

Pot, LSD, DXM, Psilocybin, etizolam (in case of bad trip). The first 4 are for amusing and novel experiences, sometimes a tool for meditation and personal growth.

>> No.2475401

Vyvanse and Phenibut

>> No.2475410

Serious question pls no bully. I am a NEET that goes without saying. Being a NEET I do not talk to people so I do not know where to get drugs. I also do not want to order them to the house using bitcoin because I have them tied up in investments. What are some good tips for buying drug? Do I just ask random blacks downtown?

>> No.2475453

Cocaine on it right now. Good

>> No.2475472

Get a grindr account. best way to get easy drugs

>> No.2475507

flush yourself down the toilet, faggot.

>> No.2475533

>oxy, tramadol, alprazolam, bromazepam, clonazepam, diazepam, pregabaline, baclofen

wow those drugs are literally for fucking retards flush yourself down the toilet, faggot.

>> No.2475573

>Do I just ask random blacks downtown?
You're going to get robbed or even arrested, you idiot.

>> No.2475580

isn't that for gay hookups?

>> No.2475631
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Green tea, American spirits, and masturbation are my drugs of choice

>> No.2476043
File: 488 KB, 2560x1920, cukierasy part 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean what? this is some kind of RC?
shit man, you are fucking trash
every man of buissnes does drugs
maybe you fucking miserable c u c k
what the fuck is dokha? and what gains do yoy have from lsd? and don't even try to push this silicon valley meme, this microdosing doesn't working, you are still like beaing on acid, your mind floating somwhere
nofap, gf and /fit/, but she is fucked in the head, like for real, so preaty but her mind is a fucking mess, he is 100k more stresfull than this fucking charts, and still twf not even fucking one friend
stop using a fucking brand names, ITS CLONAZEPAM YOU AMERICAN FAGGOT
yeah, just tell yoursel that shit, pussy
Yeah, everyone tried that and had this amusing expiriences, but i asked in the context of beaing serious /biz/nesmen
that's a good choice
don't fucking buy drugs on the streets, its worst than RC's of this fuckin 2017 AD generation, use tor and buy stuff that comes from pharmacy if it's possible, respect yourself
fuck, this one of the best drugs is fucking totally destroyed, real clean cociane like 97% (and thats most you can get, still not clean enough), is so fucking rare, I made a reaserch, some HPLC analysis, DNMavengers and stuff, like only 2 vendors had that clean stuff, and price was so fucking high and no fucking escrow, im so fucking angry i can't buy it at the pharmacy, I would even pay 4x that to get pure and safe stuff
here it comes beta-keton animal or other meth/crack fried brain
still better than alcohol or ciggarets

>> No.2476079

lol the prideful drug master. are you 16, faggot?

>> No.2476106

Test e

>> No.2476114

weed (though I'm trying to take a break), LSD, e, Xanax. you know, just the basics.

I want to try ketamine since I've read recently that it's effective at treating treatment-resistant depression. Shit's expensive though

>> No.2476131

>putting poisons that big pharma manufactures in your body
i guess the delusion makes sense, since your brain is obviously fried. natural selection in action everyone

>> No.2476137

look on the darknet for Alphabay or Dream Market. You can buy whatever you need. The prices are much better than street prices, the quality is better too, and the reputation system ensures you won't get ripped off. It's totally safe if you're ordering domestically within the US because the postal service requires a warrant to search your mail.

>> No.2476156

no, this are some old images, im too lazy to even turn on my phone to show my entire collection
its a meme, trust me, tried pharmacutical one, straight into the muscle, and shit is expensive, probably will buy some more for some experiments and mixes, but for now, meh

>> No.2476183

well you say it's a meme, but there has been scientific research conducted with ketamine recently showing its effectiveness. I'd like to give it a try at least since nothing else seems to help. $100 a gram though seems like a lot (though tbqh I'm not sure what a normal dosage is)

>> No.2476184

no what i'm getting at is that you're a loser and drug culture is for 16 year olds.

>> No.2476190

Polak biedak z /thc/ wykryty xD
To uczucie gdy kiedyś zamawiałem RC z elitarnej strony gienka ale już się w to nie bawię
Teraz tylko piracetam, modafinil (już mi się skonczyl), no i mam też zolpidem na sen i pyrazolam.

>> No.2476210

>Why doesn't everyone else like what I like?
drugs are brainlet tier

>> No.2476221
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AHEM (((Organic))) cigarettes you niggo

>> No.2476255

im studing med mate, i know what every receptor subunit like my pocket, same as almost all mechanisms of action of drugs i ate, and which i will never try too, it's like autistic hobby for me

don't fucking teach me pleb
this, just go into /r/darkmarkets, then on DNMavengers site on tor, always do reaserch, choose the best quality, here in europe we have some really good stuff, especially germans, they have even fucking pharmaceutical GHB and clonazepam for injections

i don;t now much obout ordering in usa, i just have a drop (like mail box but not under my name)

>> No.2476277


>> No.2476301

Tripping on panaeolus cyanescens once per month

>> No.2476386
File: 143 KB, 960x960, nie cpam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, read that papers too, and hear much about it, just talking about my expirience, but as i said, i will order it again some day, it was not much in that vail, like 2-3 dosages

don't fucking buy some dirty powder, look for KETANEST, it's a bit more expensive but fuck, health is more worh than the money
yeah, that fucking drug culture...
>thc, karaczan to wiekszy smrut niż /b/ tutaj na szambie, a szczegolnie jebane /thc/
tez zamawialem, jak mialem 17 lvl i gowno wiezdialem o narkotykach, dobrze ze skonczylo sie na kilku tego typu gówno specyfikach, i jak dobrze, ze zylem w jeszcze tej dobrej erze, zanim zaczeli robić analogi analogów gówna z biegunki, niedlugo do cząsteczki do będą chlor wpierdalać
>Why doesn't everyone else like what I like?
you mean becouse i slander that fucking poison RCs, ciggarets and alcohol?
you are missing the argument mate
you mean what?

>> No.2476483

LSD mainly. Micro dosing and tripping are both great. I have always been attracted to the bizarre and psychedelics are as strange as they come.

I'll smoke weed if its around but I don't really give a fuck about it. Not enough depth there for me. Or perhaps it's me that's lacking the depth?

I don't blame people for not liking drugs. The only reason I ever hated them was because I was lied to about them my whole life by everyone I loved and trusted. Bought the propaganda hook line and sinker

The smug sense of superiority is unwarranted from straight edge "I'm so pure" faggots and 420 drug culture morons alike.

>> No.2476500
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>> No.2476562
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be my crypto trading trap gf

>> No.2476571

R/eddit vendors are feds do not buy from any vendor who advertises on dnm subs

>> No.2476573


>> No.2476579
File: 2.10 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adderall and Marijuana

>> No.2476591


>> No.2476605


>> No.2476606


>> No.2476845

every vendor is on reddit, peaople sharing opinions and reviews

chill your paranoia, you would buy shit that way, every vendor is advertised on reddit, ethier by users or themselfs

>> No.2476873

Just buy speed off the darknet it's the same as adderall, ritalin is the shittiest drug ever.

>> No.2476886

Coffee mostly, and.nicotine (taken in the gayest possible way by vaping).

Occasionally like a spot of mdma and coke but we're talking a couple of times a year. Best to stay sober really.

>> No.2476923
File: 25 KB, 350x200, Lil Buffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mushrooms lsd mdma mda 2cb 2ce..

oh wait whilst trading?
nothing man I don't trust myself, just caffeine and fapping/gf

>> No.2476953

Just alcohol.

I need coffein on some afternoons at work (programmer).

Not a drug.
Coffein is.

>> No.2476969

You gettin swole nigga? Watch your liver

>> No.2477000

>i jak dobrze, ze zylem w jeszcze tej dobrej erze, zanim zaczeli robić analogi analogów gówna z biegunki,
no ja nie wiem, ja głównie zamawiałem rcki w 2012
ale MXE i GBL to mam nadzieję, że szanujesz
teraz ogólnie unikam ćpania, tylko jakis zolpidem raz na tydzień i suplementy, czyli modafinil czy nootropy

>> No.2477044

co jest nie tak z chlorem

>> No.2477058
File: 27 KB, 400x300, jan borowik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jan Chlor Drugi gwałcił dzieci.
PS it's true

>> No.2477131

alcohol + xanax + weed
i want to do oxy, alcohol, and xanax next with weed

>> No.2477152

t. white trash

Me, I like a cup of coffee from time to time
non-IPA craft beer or yuengling to relax

>> No.2477181

Ritalin for work

Weed but not so much recently because it makes me too lazy

Cocaine (this is becoming a problem)

I mean shit I've tried literally 20+ drugs many of which multiple times (few of which full blown addictions) but the above is literally it atm

I've done some crazy trips, benz'd out, nodded to fuck on oxy, dis'd out of this world on mxe

I kinda just wish I never opened pandora's box in the first place

>> No.2477197

only degen fags use chemicals for recreational reasons

>> No.2477204
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>calls out dude for saying coffee when referring to caffeine



Absolute lel

>> No.2477210 [DELETED] 

Whats wrong with caffeine you degenerate fucks?

I guess you faggots don't plan to be around for your children and want to die at 46?

>> No.2477979
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some fucking dirt and filth vs pharmacological purity
yeah right mate, be garbage somwhere else

never took it, just buy it becouse "it might get useful one day" and costed me like 25 cents

>gbl prekursor ghb
>nie ghb
jak mam kurwa szanować jakis jebany plyn do mycia felg, ktory sluzy tylko jako zamiennik dla debili nie umiejących w tor, gimbusów i ludzi gówno z hypa, kurwa nie jestem smieciem jebanym
wysztko spoko mati ;)))) to f-fmph-jp2gm-d to to samo co apteczne, tylko czasteczka chlor w czasteczce, dajcie jezscze uran
brainsmash combination
i tried almost everything, except RC's but even a few of the good ones were in my vains, my only addiction, this stiupid fucking charts, and when i started it, i overuse thoes drugs, when normally i just took them ocasionally
go back to biology class and maybe you will get this you troglodyte

yeah, that what your mom told you, that what mmuricans show on tv?

if you are an idiot, which you definitly are you can day drinkinking water, if you are an idiot, you will die like those junkies

fuck, educate peaople, or watch some "eaducation" propaganda films (mostly muricans made them) from 50-70 about whatever and think - that stupid fuck who knew shit about medicine and belivied in this then is you now but beliving in other bullshit just because of your lack of knowlage

>> No.2478026


caught ya faggot

>> No.2478130


adderall and caffeine during the day

weed and alcohol to wind down at night

>> No.2478162

Does anyone have any tips of quitting caffeine? It sounds stupid but everytime I quit I get these migraines that make me vomit for days until I have a coffee again and it goes away

>> No.2478185

dont drink

>> No.2478271


The only drug a real man wants

>> No.2478443

I need to do the same actually anon I'm on like 3-4 energy drinks a day and that shit must be fuckin me up that's ontop of 20+ cigs a day cocaine ritalin and being overweight and stuffing my shit with junk food

I'm 21 how long will I last if this continues...

I get the same shit when I quit but I mean actually I don't think I've ever successfully tried to quit more than maybe a day by accident (forgot)

but that hardly happens and I actually start to crave them if I go too long without em

>> No.2478546
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>> No.2478664

Yaknow just a coffee in the morning, weed and night and on & off nicotine. """Quit""" multiple times. Vape 3mg now not too bad, smoke sometimes

>> No.2478695

Alprazolam XR, booze, etizolam, diclazepam, Lisdexamfetamine. I make bank thought

>> No.2478765

>and being overweight and stuffing my shit with junk food

enjoy your heart attack by 24

>> No.2478814

Regular drug use is for losers. Unless you have funny money dont do drugs.

Try to limit coffee to 4x a week if you must have something, weed to once a month and alchol to 6x a year. Mdma up to 2x per year, shrooms or lsd up to 3x per year and opiates never.

>if you truly love drugs then do them as infrequently as possible

Get drunk at weddings, coke or mdma at festivals/concerts where you can have sex, coffee before gym and weed to relax and have an introspective trip once a month. Psychs up to 3x per year to reset your brain and sort out reality/have a fun day.

If youre not a literal billionaire and use these substances more often than this, youre literally a deluded and addicted loser and should consider a new perspective about your drugs.

T. Done every drug you can think of including fentanyl, meth crack and tripping on seeds you can buy at walmart garden section.

Making money should be only drug you do daily

>> No.2478829

>Cryptoqueen !!jvcrsnjdnZP
and here it is, whore needs attention even on anonymous forum

>> No.2478847

We're the seeds LSA?

Also mescaline. It feels like you are inside of a disco song. Listen to dancing in September on mescaline, you will be reborn.

>> No.2478850
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Nothing. Gave up caffeine a couple weeks ago, too. Threw away all my vitamins, never felt better.

Every couple weeks I'll smoke, because I grow and might as well, but it's more in the way of a performance enhancing drug than anything else. If I had adderal it'd be the same.

Meditation, excellent diet, crushing it daily at the gym, constantly pushing your comfort zone, continually learning with a good fucking attitude and a hell of a lot of discipline gives me everything I need to dominate.

>> No.2478857

you sound like a teenager

>> No.2478860

>T. Done every drug you can think of
still dumb as fuck

>> No.2478868
