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24751764 No.24751764 [Reply] [Original]

I'm considering dumping my girlfriend. The constant nagging, attention-seeking and money wasting is driving me up the wall. How do you bros manage the expectations/needs of your special other, while also having the time and energy to successfully grow your portfolio?

>> No.24751826


You either get a different gf and train her before she gets that way, or you have to train this one which may be difficult.

This is the default outcome for women who aren't strongly led by men. (Note: some women can't be led and if u have to give them up)

My first GF was like this. Needed constant entertainment, always had to be doing something. It all costs money. It all costs time. This is okay with women because the burden is not on them to succeed in life. They just have to be fuckable to a man that is already successful.

>> No.24751847

Mines pretty good, I see her multiple times a week, doesnt bother me by texting me all day asking me "whats up", yeah I might be spending a bit more money a week but it sure beats staying in my room all day being a hermit

>> No.24751901

Mine's pretty much an uncontrollable demon. She does what she wants. The thing is we had an agreement early on in the relationship that we will give each other space but she seems to be defaulting on it. I guess I'll have to find a new one. Any tips on how to 'train' them properly.

The relationship went to shit the moment we moved in together (we wanted to cut rent). Maybe keeping them at a distance is indeed the better choice.

>> No.24751951

Yes, I was investing in link when I was just under $1 but It was also the time I was getting engaged/married. It cost me $15,000 for everything (ring, wedding, honeymoon... she also pitched in some cash too). That $15,000 would be $150,000 today. So yes, they do hold you back. I have a baby girl on the way now, so that's kinda cool though.

>> No.24752160

Read the sidebar on reddit r/theredpill. Try not to reprogram yourself as an incel drone. Lots of good information there but lots of angry shit so use your brain and think about what rings true for your experience of life.

>> No.24752192

does anyone seem pro-woman or pro-girlfriend here? I wonder why that is

>> No.24752318

did they really quarantine the subreddit. wtf

>> No.24752372

Dump her, the sooner the better.

I had a leech girlfriend for a time, she was a 8/10 but entitled as fuck, stubborn and i slowly realized that her IQ was pretty low and she was copping by riding on her boyfriends' coattails.
Took me 4 years to realize it.

>> No.24752375

No. Dump your girlfriend, or tell her you need some time. If she loves you she will understand and remain loyal to you (kek jk women are att. hoes) until you "made it." If she can't sacrifice a few special moments now for a multitude of special moments in the future, she doesn't deserve your "made it."