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24750903 No.24750903 [Reply] [Original]

What it like being rich? It’s all I ever think about and I was born to a really poor family and never had a chance

>> No.24750930

if that's what you fixate on, you will never get it. is like pussy.

>> No.24750955

Its really good bro
I never worry about money and I can buy whatever I want whenever I want.

>> No.24750961

You crave fast food at odd times

>> No.24750991

You turn into a retard and a pussy. Best to still live pretty simply just with really high quality food and use your riches to fund a private war or something.

>> No.24751005

I never did, I see fast food as poor people food.

>> No.24751021

Your iq is far more impactful than your parents' socioeconomic background to final life outcomes. Maybe your lazy, pessimistic disposition is inherited?

>> No.24751024

Can you find drugs really easy?

>> No.24751041

do you have a nemesis? a arch rival?

>> No.24751076

I dont do any drugs, I‘m not an idiot.

>> No.24751082


>> No.24751142

oh do you mean like a cause you believe in? i feel stupid now

>> No.24751192

Yeah, pretty much that. Use your power of resources to work towards something bigger than just gorging yourself on pleasures. Whatever that may be to you.

>> No.24751503

Bro if you get rich with poor parents it’s a fucking miracle

>> No.24751508

Except that's not true

>> No.24751518

not sure, are you capitalizing on the food shortages our red friends are about to suffer?

if youre not looking at it, you will stay poor.

place a 35:1 bet on trump and buy commodity food

>> No.24751521

If you are rich you are poor. The rich are not selfish in their desires and continue to grow their money and values.

>> No.24751538

kek, no it isnt. job interview time

what do you do for a hobby anon?

if you dont know the secret answer is rowing club, squash or tennis then you are poor.

>> No.24751552

fuck off chink. tell that to your boss while you eat bugs, remeber antiseptic goes on the axe wound

>> No.24751569

You are selfish in your desires juden,

>> No.24751575

i have only recently hit a point where i dont care about what things cost anymore. I live in a tiny but affordable apartment, never worry about utility costs & eat out whenever i want. I save a decent amount each week & DCA'ing it into crypto has done me well.
Parents grew up in poverty so it feels good to be the one to drag my family up the wealth ladder.
I dont know your story OP, but more is possible than you can ever imagine. Now that ive started hanging out with people who are similarly rich, I have started to realize how easy it is to make money if you know it's out there.

>> No.24751579

says the guy getting paid to shill for the reds

>> No.24751666

everyone is giving meme answers so ill add my opinion.
I know a lot of people, rich, middle class & poor, and i've noticed some patterns.
everyone i know who is making good money is incredibly optimistic - blackpillers dont get rich.
there is a correlation between how much you work and how much you make - i know web designers who worked for 12 hours a day 7 days a week to teach themselves front end development & they now make amazing sites & work remotely making 90k. no qualifications, just a solid grind & a desire to be the best.
all the poor people i know resent the rich. they see the world as something thats unfair. quit this mentality or you'll stay poor forever. Just look at how the world is. not how it should be. Now look at what's in demand and figure out how you can be the one to satisfy this.

A lot of plans need money, and until you have a couple grand to your name you should probably just work weekends (drive uber, garden/clean houses for cash, literally anything that makes money) and save as hard as you can. once you have a buffer you can now start to think more long term and formulate a plan & take some risks.

>> No.24751736

stay poor anon

>> No.24751740

seems like a good opinion of someone who knows rich people but yet isnt one.. have they excluded you from their networks intentionally or are you too backwards to have a good enough idea to share with them to promote faith in your skills?

>> No.24751804


Sinner, live in hell as you deserve.

>> No.24751929

lmao, i'm doing just fine thanks for worrying.
im 25 in software & crypto, on the path to hitting 500k net worth next year and turn down deals from friends trying to get me to invest capital.

>> No.24752527

you fuckin idiot, you say your from a poor family and say you never had a chance, but it seems like you willingly adopted that mantle because the first thing you would spend money on is drugs. Stay poor faggot, most poor people around where I live barely make any money but still manage to spend thousands on drugs and fuckin whores (girlfriends), if you want to be successful stop behaving like a poor person and doing poor people things.
I for one will never do any drugs or be with any woman because that's all what poor people care about, but all what I care about is money and I have it

>> No.24752769

>or be with any woman

That is just sad. Nothing admirable about that, IMO.

>> No.24752863

Except it quite literally is true. Anything else is unevidenced cope.

>> No.24752929
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I'll just go ahead and close up this thread. The reason you're poor isn't because your parents were poor, it's because you're a version of your parents and their shitty brain loadouts that made them poor.

>> No.24752951

>the rich are not selfish

>> No.24752992

I used to sell and do a lot of drugs. Meth, coke, smack, MDMA, ya-ba, speed - fucking everything.
Now, I might take a psychedelic at a retreat in South America every few years.
You're ngmi until you resolve to escape poverty through money, not through getting wasted.

>> No.24753016

>and fuckin whores (girlfriends)
oh. and you were doing so well.
Perhaps you've not quite self-actualized yourself yet?
inb4 'I don't need someone else to self-actualize'

>> No.24753043

Are you a burger? If so, even if you're poor, you can go ahead and learn a reasonably good paying skill. Some examples below.

>software developer/data science engineer: you have to be good with your brain and you have to be able to tolerate code frustration, blockers, and middle management
>plumber: you don't need to be very brain smart, but you gotta be able to get dirty and be able to fix stuff and learn to solder
>electrician: you do need to be able to understand electricity and circuits and shit, and you need to be able to work well with your hands

You're very unlikely to become (((rich))) but you can very reasonably become upper middle class, and if you have any sort of brain, you're not even gonna need too too much money to buy consoomer garbage.

>> No.24753123

$KILL is live on Uniswap. It just hit 100% in 4 hours. Gonna hit 200% by tomorrow.


>> No.24753152

>Perhaps you've not quite self-actualized yourself yet?
Indeed, you yourself are very likely self-actualized, but I will never achieve fulfillment because I will never allow myself to be fulfilled with and with what I have and because I would destroy myself trying to achieve any fulfillment.
I like to say to myself that I'll build the Tower of Babel, but before God can strike it down I would destroy it myself
Thanks for reminding me just how lost I am

>> No.24753209

Not sure, I'm 34 with a 150k€ net worth, I'm grinding to get there, but the grind made me very frugal. So I have a feeling that even when I'll be a milionaire, I'll still be frugal. Maybe with like 50 millions in the bank I'd start spending a little.

>> No.24753232

Go turn your water faucet on and watch the water.
That's what it's like for the rich with money.

>> No.24753247

I'm certainly not self-actualized, it seems more like a pursuit than a destination.
Epicurus believed you only need friends family and an analyzed life to be happy. I tend to agree.
Seems like you have at least one of the three.