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File: 59 KB, 862x974, 6D6C6EDF-D1D0-4B02-88A7-A2D01E012E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24742869 No.24742869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am just so sick of rugpulls and botched presales... so I started searching around for a lowcap project that's going to actually help the space... I ONLY BUY PROJECTS that are under $1 million mcap so... it was hard to find this one.

unilock.network - $UNL - $150,000 mcap

Only 163 holders so far.

"Unilock revolves around that concept, giving the community a sense of security and assurance when investing in a new project. You could look at it from a different perspective too, if you create a presale on our platform, you are giving your project the credibility and trustworthiness it so desperately craves."


- Select a percentage of the presale to be added as liquidity to uniswap.
- Select a duration for how much the liquidity will be locked.
- Our smart contracts automatically adds and locks liquidity.
- In case the presale fails , all participants will be able to claim back their funds.

Note: A presale fails only if the collected ETH didn't reach soft cap in the desired duration.

UNL utility :

- A minimum amount of UNL is required in order to create a presale. currently set to 0.
- In the upcoming updates users will be able to stake UNL and get the fees collected from the platform.

New Medium article coming out in an hour - https://unilock.medium.com/


Good luck ya'll. I'm sure most of you know who I am, so I'll see ya in the TG and wallets soon.

>> No.24742888


>> No.24742912


Don't buy this garbage.

>> No.24742964

Woah.... this... this could actually be a good find... like Unicrypt but the presale happens within the platform AND liquidity is locked at the same time? Plus holders profit off of every one? Checkin it now thanks

>> No.24742999


Why is it a scam? I was about to buy it lol

>> No.24743000


And where did you get that info? Not from the website or medium.

Sounds like you are part of the scam, pretending to sound legit.

Scam project.

>> No.24743006

pajeet scam

>> No.24743073


I’m just joined the telegram and it looks like all this info is pinned there. Seriously, why is this scam? If you guys make me miss another gem I’m gonna lose my shit. Give me a fact please.... OP, what are they talking about.

>> No.24743102

It’s not a scam. Just dyor and don’t listen to these idiots. I was shilled this by a buddy a couple days ago and its been great so far

>> No.24743153

He scammed in the past tough. He sold all team tokens so he owns alot of people still money.

>> No.24743167

From now on I think I’m literally just gonna buy anything that has multiple “pajeet scam” posts in the first 5 seconds... lol, that’s a bullish sign

>> No.24743209

Who is “he” ?

>> No.24743271

Hey, this fud has been put to bed multiple times already, that’s why it’s up 3x now FINALLY lol

>> No.24743306

I justed buyed it and I'm times x4 already up.
Haha poor boy keep thinking in scams

>> No.24743317


Please answer me:

Who is the team?

Is the code on Github?

Also... Max total supply 500 UNL?


>> No.24743345

Samefag nigerian scam shills

>> No.24743347


Pump and dumps, pump. Hence the name.

>> No.24743360




>> No.24743608
File: 3.98 MB, 640x360, vitalik.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very bullish on this microcap


>> No.24743784

GitHub: https://github.com/unilock1/unilock/blob/main/tokenModel.sol

>> No.24743801

Imagine buying something that literally just went 4x today.

>> No.24743845

I’ve done that plenty of times... it’s $150k market cap dummy lol

>> No.24743863


This is a great update. As for the “fud” ... a while back the dev sold his tokens cause he was fed up with moonbois.... then he decided it was a rushed emotional decision and now he works on the project with no tokens to himself. If that’s not bullish you’re a TARD ahahahaha

>> No.24743929
File: 2.91 MB, 2000x3296, niggerrugnetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the BIGGEST rugpull the Nigerians will ever pull off. This is NOT tied to Uniswap in any way, they claim they will secure liquidity but have an ANONYMOUS TEAM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

They will literally rug every single ETH deposited there, DO NOT FUCKING GIVE THEM A CENT.

Checked their code, it's a free html template and looks worse than the worst pajeet spaghetti code. Read this to learn who is behind the scamposts. Every post here is NIGERIAN.

>> No.24743958
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1557, NRN rug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They rugged 2000 ETH today, this nigger scamcoin will rug thousands if mods let their shills run rampant. REPORT this garbage

>> No.24743966

Literally no one claimed that this was "tied to uniswap".

Also, you're telling me that smart contract code is written in html? Give me a break.

>> No.24744041

Kek I feel bad for those who got fucked by defibase, but it's very obvious UNL is something completely different. Stop grasping at straws here man it's embarrassing.

>> No.24744084

How's the weather in Lagos today?

>> No.24744087

The biggest indicator that this is a scam is that the project and logo and trying to cash in on another, more popular token’s familiarity.

Like all those scummy bitcoin imitators like bitconnect

>> No.24744228

The dev already dumped all his UNL and literately holds zero. He has no motivation to do anything. Dont be surprised if developments slow down and this fades away.

>> No.24744323
File: 12 KB, 236x300, agorism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So 2 days old, and not checked by anyone? Di you post that as 'gotcha'?

That further shows that this is a scam.

I think you either don't know how to spot a scam, or you are part of the scam.

>> No.24744404

Looks like this is the first all-in-one platform to create, audit, fund, distribute, and lock liquidity for new uniswap tokens.

Not a bad scoop at $150k mcap in my opinion. I did some research and all the fud in here is just the typical biz stuff. I’m in for 5 ETH let’s see where this goes. They just released the token generator today. One stop shop sounds great.

>> No.24744451

Code looks pretty solid, not uncommon at all for a github to be made public around a launch... that’s actually how most projects do it, doesn’t mean it’s been worked on for 2 days

>> No.24744450

Is Lagos a nice place to live? Does it have fancy neighbourhoods?

>> No.24744457

>commits on Nov 4, 2020

Your fud is extremely low effort

>> No.24744668

>doesn’t mean it’s been worked on for 2 days

That wasn't what I wrote.

>> No.24744673

Lol that is one epic self own.

Anyway, I’ve been in the lowcaps half a decade now... I’m an ethereum DEGEN all things shitcoins and true gems I love them all. This looks solid for the price

>> No.24744700


Who is the Team?

Not a single person in this thread has answered that question.

Simple pump and dump.

Next time you scammers need to do better.

>> No.24744773

I think nobody’s answered that because its a dumb question, are you new around here?

Go in TG and chat with the team if you care that much, most of us don’t as long as funds are safu and code is based

>> No.24744803

kys nigger

>> No.24744868

Okay, but let it live on your conscience

The fud in here reeks of a bunch of infinity gainz and gem group members who lose all their money on stupid rebase clones and rugpull presales lol

>> No.24744923

>funds are safu and code is based

This reads like someone trying to fit in here, no one talks like that.

If this was a legit project you wouldn’t try and copy Uniswaps logo and name to trick people. Lazy pajeet shit