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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 400x400, ersdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24742293 No.24742293 [Reply] [Original]

Hands getting weak...

>> No.24742366
File: 358 KB, 518x618, howie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24742438
File: 36 KB, 464x362, IMG_20201209_152833_686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24742447

you will regret selling

>> No.24742493

Same. Volume is drying up as well. Once it's at over 65% down from ATH I'm pulling out all liquidity and will probably only break even. Ah well, back to LINK it will go.

>> No.24742525

if you sell we pump, please do it

>> No.24742533


>> No.24742622

So you were pumped and dumped, many such cases.
Its not too late to put it on $secret and get your money back.
It actually has a working product and the eth bridge and amm are coming soon.

>> No.24742726
File: 45 KB, 356x474, IMG_20201207_133653_487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morons selling one of the most legit defi projects. Howie has more integrity than all of you combined

>> No.24742863

Avanti meeting was a bust. Sell now or you will be selling for less than pennies soon.
Good promise but unfortunately banking is not ready for it. Move on to projects with actual use cases.

>> No.24742990
File: 27 KB, 411x554, image7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks all. Had a good call with Avanti. They are forward thinking in this space, and very cognizant of meeting strict regulatory requirements. There were good takeaways, and extremely friendly dialogue. Our next step is to provide some program details, and convene with their lead lending product folks. I want to express my personal gratitude to certain folks on this channel for sparing moments of their incredibly busy day reshaping global financial systems to watch what this community is building.

>> No.24743041

>aka we have a lot of work to do and no idea how to do it
Best case scenario you break even in 3 years. But moon? Come on.

>> No.24743056

huh, that's actually pretty bullish

this guy is that transparent about the project?

>> No.24743202

yeah, on his tg and dis

>> No.24743232
File: 40 KB, 624x709, 7ecc9723-87f4-4a58-8ba8-5aebc50f885f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this, project is good and all but it's not ready yet. I'm going to rebuy this in 6 months once it bottoms out completely. It's not ready yet for the strong hands, sit tight my krieg bros hope you handle the bagholding

>> No.24743712

Project has been in development for 3 years. It’s farther ahead than you’d think

>> No.24743719


1- The founders have huge connections in traditional finance.

2. Support from AAVE Ceo ( Stani). The project will be similar to AAVE but target big lenders and will help them move toward DeFi on the blockchain.

AAVE market cap: +- $800 M
eRSDL marke cap: +- $6 M

4. Andre Cronje "watching"

5. Wall Street Blockchain Alliance meet up...

6. One of CHAINLINK's early adopters tweeting about eRSDL as hidem gem


7.Almost 80% of the total supply is already circulating, so the inflation is low.

8. It is almost impossible to find a gem below $ 6 million MC and with low inflation. Just 1182 holders... aave holders 12.800

9. A new Chainlink whale has been buying ERSDL


he bought 8.7M eRSDL...and he is adding more daily

and he has a second wallet with 1musd usd in tokens and 47.237 LINKS
this one:,


Follow the whales.

>> No.24743740

They've been developing this for 2 years before going public dude, you're gonna miss the train buddy

>> No.24743768

Sold this for wCRES

>> No.24745651

This nigga still holding a farming defi shitcoin after we went 800% since /biz/shilling started lmfaoooooo git fucking gud

>> No.24745667

I-it's just coordinated FUD r-right, guys?

>> No.24745668

ersdl is too early, its going to 1c within 2 weeks, screencap this

>> No.24745717

yes but eRSDL is a long term hold not a p&d so expect to be in it for 6 months or so

>> No.24745847

This please keep believing this Im farming so much daily and I need buyers I dump my farming rewards every 48hrs lmao