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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24741870 No.24741870 [Reply] [Original]

>friday night
why are you posting on /biz/ instead of going on a date with women and meeting the future mother of your children?
you do care about the white race anon, right? your number one priority should be meeting the woman who will carry your children

>> No.24741921

Im dating a black

>> No.24741929

Most of /biz/ are poor neets, only a small % of people here have decent portfolios, the rest are trying to chase 100x shitcoin moons.
>I got money on my mind and my mind on money

>> No.24741956

still wage slaving

>> No.24741991

im working on a bullshit job with overcomplicators. daily reminder goyim - SIMPLIFY. fucking annoying.

>> No.24742044

Because I failed at life and am one straw away from the camel having a highscore

>> No.24742244

I play shadowlands

>> No.24742275


>> No.24742291

To gain generational wealth to support my current and future family. I'll make babies after I've made it.

>> No.24742306

>going on a date
Nothings open you absolute delusional sperg. Open your fucking eyes to whats going on in the world around you.

Also, I already have a girlfriend

>> No.24742315


>> No.24742336

Already did all of that.
Now they’re all gone.
Please... please watch over your family guys.
I’m closing my time here soon

>> No.24742390

I'm literally here to see the reactions to the Flare airdrop and share in successes and woes with frens.

I will try and take your words to heart, fren.

>> No.24742465
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Seeing a girl but she’s hanging out with her friends tonight. Probably getting cucked but there’s nothing I can do about it. Might get drunk and watch some movies. Hopefully my roommate is home tonight so I’m less inclined to kill myself

>> No.24742471

I'm honestly suffering from success in this moment even more so that I sold the top and can now double my entire crypto holdings...i wish it wasn't this easy bros

>> No.24743140

I don't want to meet women. My oneitis of 15 years is enough for me. That's why I'm browsing a scamcoin forum on a Friday night, to obtain money for my future with her.

>> No.24743747

cringe. go find another woman and you'll see you were caught up on some roastie

>> No.24744133
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I don't know OP maybe because we are in the middle of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, which if it doesn't kill you will give irreversable organ damage aka long covid.

>> No.24744187

Based i dont want ed

>> No.24744222

I work a construction job, no women to be fucking seen. not even in the office. covid shut all the places to meet women down. how do you propose i meet women?

>> No.24744248

turning on scarface right now for comfy kino

>> No.24744274

It's Saturday afternoon and I am about to go get drunk in the sun. What are you on about OP?

>> No.24744290

my time is too valuable to waste on roastlets

>> No.24744299

jeet or eastern euro?

>> No.24744316

just go work out and ignore her if she texts

>> No.24744375
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Down under fren

>> No.24744414

We are in the middle of a hecking pandemic

>> No.24744460
File: 35 KB, 550x422, 1606796377568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 34
>hang out with 18 year old who uses me for my money and weed
>I always try to stay hip with her so I can seem cool so I say "oh that's lit" or repeat popular top youtube comment memes
>always tells me I'm trying too hard and laughs at me then she ignores me the whole weekend

How do I short my life?

>> No.24744490

You fucking simp, read rational male

>> No.24744497

I have a kid, trying for another. Increased my poorfag XRP bag by 100 trading futures before the snapshot.


>> No.24744520
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I unironically prefer shitposting on /biz/, falling, and staring at my portfolio to going out and doing normie shit.

Get fucked normalfag

>> No.24744522

dangerously based
unironically life changing book

>> No.24744544

>im a normalfag for wanting to advance the white race

>> No.24744551

All my money is for me and my degenerate hobbies, roasties will never get it NEVER

>> No.24744557

i thought it was all common knowledge

>> No.24744581

Now imagine life for people who it isn't common knowledge for, who are stuck in the matrix.

>> No.24744596
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>> No.24744610

I have covid. Also ama about covid, I guess

>> No.24744629

you'd be surprised, even a small portion of 4chan has read it
now imagine normies, very very few men have read it

>> No.24744631

I got positive for covid, so im just chilling in my room.

>> No.24744644

Are you banging her? Kek I'm 36 and know what you mean about saying lit n shit like that from dating a 26yo briefly. Cant imagine 18

>> No.24744958

based aussie cunts
hope your night goes well

>> No.24745003

im currently taking a shit and will spend the remainder of my Friday night drinking alone and playing video games and there is nothing u faggots can do to stop me

>> No.24745034

Can you live stream?

>> No.24745066

Saturday morning and I'm lying next to my wife and the future mother of my children
In a few minutes we're going to have a nice cup of tea while watching anime

>> No.24745071
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>> No.24745093

Gf coming over soon, just shaved my balls, will make Alfredo and then she will juggle my balls in her mouth. Have a great night boys.

>> No.24745096

There are apps for that boomer.

>> No.24745098

shit game, literally worse then borderlands

>> No.24745119

It’s not your fault you never had the makings of a varsity athlete anon

>> No.24745157

all white children look like they smell like old spaghettios

>> No.24745177

she’s long gone anon >>24744490
oh yeh the broke virgin dweeb homo tomassi is the one you wanna emulate

>> No.24745201

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.24745216

Did you also have a weird lower back pain?

>> No.24745252

niggers gonna nig

>> No.24745263

This shit sucks I've been pretty sick. I thought covid was a meme but no it's legit not good at all.

>> No.24745292

Wow yea! I worked out pretty hard last Fri but nothing out the norm I also /fit /. Wake up Saturday like I did a million lb deadlift the night before. I never felt like that before

>> No.24745311

I just got it. 34 yrs old and I already feellike my bodies gotten over it am I fine?

>> No.24745313

Every flu I've had was worse.

Everyone I know has been affected differently. I just had a low grade fever and night sweats. The sweating caused dehydration and headaches, but headaches went away after I rehydrated. I didn't even have a coof.

t. chad who actually stays in good shape

>> No.24745346

Thats great for the first time you have it. Wait until the 4th time you have it.

>> No.24745370

That's what I don't get, I'm 36 oldfag but in way better shape then most guys @26 somehow this china coof is kicking my ass. Night sweats been awful do I need to just mass chug water anons?

>> No.24745375
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w-won't the antibodies protect me even better next time?

>> No.24745394

If youre water is acidic switch to one that is basic. Theres youtubes about water.

>> No.24745403

>Night sweats been awful do I need to just mass chug water anons?
Yes, chug water every time you realize your lips feel dry. The effects of dehydration is 1000x worse than the annoyance of drinking water in the middle of the night. If you get dehydrated you'll get headaches AND you'll stay sick longer.

I just kept a gallon jug next to me so that I never had to get up to refill a glass.

>> No.24745440

Who knows dude probably no

>> No.24745444

I just got it. 34 yrs old and I already feellike my bodies gotten over it am I fine?

>> No.24745544

When they contacted me about my positive test I was told anons in my area are seeing shorter immunity and getting second cases often. Wtf lads I don't want the 'vid a second time

>> No.24745856

Yeah that lower back pain was odd almost like a soft pain from doing goodmornings.

I was /fit/ but the pandemic closed all the gyms in my area. Also from your last post, complete opposite for me. Im on day 2 of symptoms and I think I already beat this ((((((((FLU))))))))))))))

>> No.24745906

Also buy piedialtye you dumbfuck. To much water is flushing your body's zinc and potassium levels.

>> No.24746363

Construction guys have game with women miles better than some office drone. Just work some silly banter with someone at the supermarket. Lmao.

>> No.24746379

Stop dating teenagers you retard.

>> No.24746498

i got injured and lost the last of my local friends in august. i've been wasting away at home with no where to go and no one to see. somehow i ended up in crypto a few weeks ago and hear eye am

>> No.24747133

Don't watch the news the demoralization propaganda is full blast right now.

>> No.24747193

i didn't even realize it was friday