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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24740117 No.24740117 [Reply] [Original]

This is the very beginning of institutional FOMO. After that comes nation state FOMO. The end game a few years from now will be a world full of CBDC's backed by a handful of the leading crypto's - similar to how CBPC's used to be backed by precious metals. The only transactions happening on Bitcoin then will be central bank / treasury sized, and they will all be visible for everyone to track.

I realize this sounds unlikely, but the game theory is sound. Because most crypto is deflationary, it plays right into the globalist agenda of discouraging spending growth and encouraging saving. Once there's a critical mass of corporate investment in crypto, central banks will race to buy up the rest, inflating the price astronomically. That will be the global monetary "great reset."

>> No.24740138

>The future will involve hash wars between nation states

Can't wait desu

>> No.24740195

I really think it will lead to a better world. Especially for people who were early enough to be able to afford "real crypto" rather than the central bank currencies, backed by crypto, that most are going to have to settle for - along with all of the social controls that will go along with that.

>> No.24740448

The reset will be when we have a large number of middle class already invested and the rich are forced to pump their bags to stay relevant. Then the middle class keeps inventing new shitcoins that do X forcing the rich to buy those yet again to stay relevant. Eventually so many new shitcoins emerge and so many people keep inventing them that it becomes very difficult to have extreme wealth inequality.

Start making your NFTs and create a new shitcoin for every new business you setup.

I agree though. The reset is crypto.

>> No.24740494

does the great reset include privacy coins or this just another turn to more government control? let me know, I want to understand how much EPIC that is needed for the suicide bag

>> No.24740496
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>> No.24740512

>Especially for people who were early enough to be able to afford "real crypto" rather than the central bank currencies

They will try to do this and they will fail because nobody will want to hold a bank create shitcoin. People will dump their bags of this shit the moment its convenient. I don't know how the establishment is really going to have to change to stay relevant.

>> No.24740548
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>> No.24740602

>They will try to do this and they will fail because nobody will want to hold a bank create shitcoin.

I think most normies would actually prefer a bank shitcoin, unfortunately

>> No.24740609

You are correct. This exact scenario was discussed at the recent G7 meeting. In america, usd stable coins will need a special banking license.

Digital ruble is coming Jan 1st https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/russian-central-bank-takes-a-u-turn-on-its-cryptocurrency-stance-202012070821

Digital yuan is already being rolled out https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/china-moves-a-step-closer-to-digital-yuan-launch-rolls-out-a-new-airdrop-in-suzhou-202011231203

Prepare yourselves, things are about to get real interesting.

>> No.24740642

I don't think there's going to be much of a middle class, anon. Nothing is going 'back to normal' and small businesses are going to be destroyed. By the time normies wake up to what's happening in crypto, Bitcoin will be at 100k and heading for 500k with corporations driving the bid. Once central banks enter the game, a Satoshi may cost 1 cent.

>> No.24740669

>I don't think there's going to be much of a middle class, anon. Nothing is going 'back to normal' and small businesses are going to be destroyed. By the time normies wake up to what's happening in crypto, Bitcoin will be at 100k and heading for 500k with corporations driving the bid. Once central banks enter the game, a Satoshi may cost 1 cent.


>> No.24740700

Can someone explain to me why /biz/ is so focused on cryptocurrency? Why not real tangible wealth? When Israel activates its big ol haccin device known as Intel cpus what you going to do when it all goes away?

Even Benajmin Nehantyahu has his big jewish hands on the cyberspace, you lot think you're safe but I personally hold the belief that 99% of this board is fucked.

>> No.24740771

>does the great reset include privacy coins
I expect that privacy functions will be built into CBDC's, but only for government use. Governments will hold BTC, ETH, and precious metals to back their shit coins, but they will still try to play games in private with them to gain competitive advantage against each other.

As for personal privacy coins, they will absolutely exist, but holding them may become illegal to force as many people as possible onto the CBDC's that are tied to social scores and carbon footprints.

>> No.24740865

Hence UBI. In CBDCs.

>> No.24740906

>Hence UBI. In CBDCs.

>> No.24740909

>I think most normies would actually prefer a bank shitcoin, unfortunately

Normies wont be lead by the MSM in the coming years and they will just go with whatever /biz/ tells them to do

>I don't think there's going to be much of a middle class, anon.

Yeah ever since the lock downs fucking the middle class this hard has begun I am not sure how this will pan out either. We are going to see a lot of rich people get killed in the next 5 years. Especially the famous ones.

>In america, usd stable coins will need a special banking license.

If we end up in a fully crypto based economy.
Nobody will be in stable coins. Everyone will be staking, holding nfts or playing crypto video games. Stable coins will be in constant danger is based on random shit nobody is capable of figuring out. There will be a black market so insanely huge and uncontrollable that the establishment will just be another face in the crowd.

>Why not real tangible wealth?

Crypto is tangible wealth. Its an open source contract that everyone who holds the coin agrees to. Do you value contracts? Almost all wealth on earth is from some kind of contract. The only difference is that crypto is automated based on game theory.

>> No.24741015

>Hence UBI. In CBDCs.

Anything they can do with a crypto random joe can do as well. Lets say they want to enforce you keeping your wealth inside of CBDC in order to be eligible for UBI. Congrats. DAI coin or any other number of random shitcoins can do the same thing. But since the random shitcoins are doing this via the open market they will event even more insane systems that work way better and accomplish more.

meanwhile the CBDC will be a relic of the 1990s attempting to larp as a new concept.

>> No.24741028

>Crypto is tangible wealth.
This. What we are seeing right now is the digital equivalent of the invention of fractional reserve banking during the Renaissance. Satoshi, like the Medici, built a better financial mousetrap.

>> No.24741211
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All these fucking autists were right. started on /b in 2012, coomer years on /gif and ended up on /biz in 2015 but were to busy fucking and drinking than buying in. Surreal, thanks moot

>> No.24741258

Due to the fact that crypto is based on game theory its very easy to read the future events. As long as people are capable of playing the game then these are the following things you can expect.

Nobody will follow what the big banks or governments want, both out of self interest and being lazy as fuck. Its super easy and clear as day that due to the way this stuff works and how hard it is to control then all control will be lost over the population.

If I can gain and store half of my wealth in the latest call of duty simply for being decent at the game. Why in the fuck would I ever even be thinking about putting my money in some bank account? People are going to get dopamine addled brain fucked by literally everything from gambling to god knows what else. The normie follows the path of least resistance, thus having a bank account is utterly out of scope.

Just look from the perspective of a corporation. They dont want you putting your money in some CBDC either. They want you balls deep in their coin.

>> No.24741304

>Decentralization brought to you by the world economic forum.

>> No.24741464

So you're saying sell all your stablecoins?

>> No.24741489

>>Decentralization brought to you by the world economic forum.

These guys will maybe kind of be able to pull off getting people into some central bank coin for maybe one generation. Just imagine the next generation growing up into a crypto based world. Every video game, every anime, every movie, every corporation, every tuber, every possible thing will be calling for your teenager to go all in on random shit. An entire generation will simply forget what a bank account even is and its all driven out of pure and natural degeneracy.

Attempts to regulate the crypto market is going to be hilarious.

>So you're saying sell all your stablecoins?

you should only be in 10% anyway. And that's only so you can buy the dip.

>> No.24741526

>you should only be in 10% anyway. And that's only so you can buy the dip.
I only cared for stablecoins as a reliable means to convert to other coin and because of high APY% rates that I was gonna try to milk on platforms like crypto.com

>> No.24741670

Yep, stable coins have a place. But its not going to be a place where you mindlessly toss your life savings. Nobody is going to fucking do that. Just think about a CBDC right, these boomers are from the ye old age where banks need to make money to stay afloat. So they do lending and all of that shit the old way. This means they will be forced to make it so you cant simply pull all of your money out in one transaction if you see fit. If your money is in a bank account its not REALLY your money in the same way its not your money when its on an exchange. Once that settles in then the CBDC will be eternally fucked as people will avoid it entirely just because of this one fact alone.

I will want to have full access to my shit no matter what I do.

>> No.24741927

Not only that but a lot of you probably didn't realize that the algorithms used to make stable coins can apply to any coin. You can make bitcoin act like a stablecoin. Or in other words you can stabilize your wealth by holding it in a specific type of wallet that uses various methods to hold the value contained. When you take it out it wont be the same amount of Bitcoin but the value will have been maintained. Traders who are skilled also can use leveraged trading techniques to hold their value regardless of the direction the market goes.

I guess we will have to have license to hold Bitcoin as well am I right guys?

>> No.24742010


>I guess we will have to have license to hold Bitcoin as well am I right guys?

I mean, they might try. But these legislators are going to become increasingly irrelevant as people realize they're not needed and are just snapping at the heels of things greater than themselves.

>> No.24742076

And the vaccine? How do we evade that? I dont want to become paraplegic due to a rushed vaccine. But if I dont take it, they will restrict my movement. I might not even be able to sign contracts.

>> No.24742083

The next logical step will be decentralizing government functions via smart contracts. You'll still pay nation state taxes for legit nation state needs like defense, but over time those functions should melt into a network of overlapping voluntary contracts. Code will then literally be the law.

>> No.24742114

>And the vaccine? How do we evade that?
Wealth. Elon Musk won't ever need to take a covid test to fly because he owns his own plane.

>> No.24742152

>But these legislators are going to become increasingly irrelevant

Not only are they becoming irrelevant but game theory indicates that over time they will be forced to play the same game. That means they will do everything they can to pump their own bags the more invested they are. They will end up playing the same game as everyone else.

>Code will then literally be the law.

Decentralized technocracy. All of the wealth and growth with zero of the bullshit.

>> No.24742196
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Fucking bitcoin maxis always come up with the least plausible and most retarded ideas fucking kek XRP has been saying exactly all of this for years

>> No.24742205

>Decentralized technocracy. All of the wealth and growth with zero of the bullshit.

>> No.24742238

>XRP has been saying exactly all of this for years
XRP is centralized poison, anon. It's a forerunner of CBDC.

>> No.24742251

>Fucking bitcoin maxis

I am not a BTC maxi, I am 100% in alts. I hold zero btc.

>> No.24742255


>Literally just discussing crypto in general
>a wild XRP sperg appears

If your investment is so great, you don't need to shill it

>> No.24742300

They are rushing the vaccine right now, anon. Only whales will be able to afford a private plane.

>> No.24742301


>> No.24742320

Sorry faggy, if you don’t understand permissionless proof of correctness is superior to proof of Chinese mining then I don’t know what to tell you.

>> No.24742352

If I’m delusional then every single person agreeing with OP is bound to a wheelchair having their triple chins wiped every 5 minutes.

>> No.24742394

>They are rushing the vaccine right now, anon
I understand that. I'm already a whale by most people's standards. Maybe more of a dolphin. Crypto let me retire three years ago, so I don't have to take the jab to keep a job.

But, I also have had to make the decision to isolate from the world and may have to continue to do that.

If I weren't in this position, I think what I would be doing is maximizing my exposure to BTC and ETH (plus a few long-shot alts) and downsizing my lifestyle so that I could be as independent of the system as possible until the growth in value of my investments opens up my options.

>> No.24742457

Shill Brad-coin somewhere else please.

>> No.24742494

Nope as normies are to lazy to care and give a damn shit, any fucking normie I know has their fucking 50$ BTC in Coinbase

>> No.24742534

Why wouldnt I use stable coin high intrest, then buy other coins?

>> No.24742649

You can, but the 2021 bull run in the major decentralized coins is likely to move so fast that you will miss life-changing percentage gains if you can't switch out quickly enough.

I stake a few coins, but not stable coins, because I want to make sure that I'm not losing out on gains in value.

>> No.24742662

>loan your tether for 10% APR
>All other coins go up 200-600% in a year


>> No.24742688

>Nope as normies are to lazy to care and give a damn shit, any fucking normie I know has their fucking 50$ BTC in Coinbase

wait until social media and gaming wants you to use their shitcoin. a lot of people will be holding hundreds of dollars in that shit and probably not even know about it.

>> No.24742746

Exactly. Makes much more sense to me to stake ETH, DOT, STAKE, etc.

>> No.24742925

>any fucking normie I know has their fucking 50$ BTC in Coinbase

on that note, a coinbase scenario is far more likely than a CBDC scenario from taking hold for awhile. This is the same for exchanges holding vast amounts of crypto. It will be a bleed out though. In the case of a CBDC, you run into all kinds of problems.

A central bank coin would stand a better chance if it was not a stablecoin.

staking has problems if there is no other reason for staking other than to gain APR. The trick to staking is to make it a status symbol or some kind of promotional value behind it on social media or gaming.

>> No.24742956


Anon which coins do you suggest to buy and hold?

>> No.24743013

>staking has problems
I only stake a small percentage of my holdings, and I don't touch DeFi at all. Everyone has different goals and risk tolerance.

>> No.24743112

Anything with a use case where you can hold a massive amount of coins. Bull markets pump everything at once to extreme degrees so its more important to be holding a lot of coins vs holding something like BTC. The use case aspect is a big one as well. Ask anyone who bought thousands and thousands of link for example. LBC is another example.

Anything where if the stuff reaches one dollar from the price you paid will gain you massive amount of value. During the height of a bull run everything pumps regardless of logic or reason.

>Everyone has different goals and risk tolerance.

Yeah fair enough.

>> No.24743757

Why don't you invest in any BTC other than the inefficiency

>> No.24743865

I unironically believe the thesis that moving back to hard currency will dramatically reduce the occurrence and duration of wars. inb4 hippie, flames.

>> No.24743877

BTC performs worse than most alts do when you account for the extremes that happen during a bull run. BTC is just not the game I play. My goal ultimately is to break into the markets where people don't even realize they are in crypto. When proper UX is when the rubber meets the road and I get to be a social elite and not just a faceless whale.

>> No.24743886

BTC has 10x potential over the next 12 months. ETH has more like 20-30x, DOT 40-60x, etc. Potential risk vs. potential reward.

>> No.24743923

35k mcap NFT marketplace launching tomorrow bwahahahahaha


>> No.24743930

>moving back to hard currency will dramatically reduce the occurrence and duration of wars
I agree. Clausewitz famously said that war is politics by other means. Economics is also. When we virtualize competition and do it in a way that is hard to game (no more money printer go Brrrrrrr), it will be better for all of us.

>> No.24743955
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I think everyone knows by now that CBDC will eventually replace all existing transactions and be linked to the smart grid through biometrics for total surveillance and control.

>> No.24743988

You are absolutely right in traditional sense. However, we will enter into other things that will be a war for our minds though.

>> No.24744020

>I think everyone knows by now that CBDC will eventually replace all existing transactions and be linked to the smart grid through biometrics for total surveillance and control.

You will have to convince people to hold it first. Good luck.

>> No.24744037

1 grab a few coins still under a dollar?
2 stay away from defi?
3 should I buy btc?
4 Is eth not incredibly important right now?
5 how the fuck does staking work and is it worth it for a poorfag like myself?

>> No.24744063

What's the best way to control my money/assets if coonbase and coonbase wallet is nogo zone.

>> No.24744080

>3 should I buy btc?

If you have to ask this question the answer is yes. Just hodl the big boy until you figure the rest out. Let the old fags handle the alt-coins.

>> No.24744174

Good advice. That's how I got started. Bought BTC in 2013 and ETH in 2015. Spent the time in between educating myself so that I could make an intelligent investment rather than just following the herd.

>> No.24744226

Most people already hold the device needed, especially younger generations.

>> No.24744230

except the globalists aren't encouraging saving but the opposite, what did I miss?

>> No.24744342
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Say "thank you, dear leader" to your new God.

>> No.24744348

>Most people already hold the device needed, especially younger generations.

That device holds all kinds of stuff. You have to understand that the CBDC will be in direct competition with literally everyone and everything. That is key. So on one hand you might say "oh well its the government and big banks ect ect..." On the other you are expecting people to not end up simply having coins on other apps and dapps for having simply used them. You are expecting that nobody will want NFTs or use their wealth as a status symbol on some social media page.

After a little while nobody is going to be hold the CBDC not out of revaluation, ideology or anything else. It will be because some item in a video game they have ended up being worth more than their bank account. All of the wealth will come from other places.

>> No.24744378


>> No.24744541

Nationalists want economic growth, globalists don't. That's what is so funny, the dumbfuck nationalists need immigrants for growth. Are you starting to find out why polfags are mocked?

>> No.24744643

>what did I miss
Globalists want to reign in the excesses of unregulated capitalism which have pushed planetary resources to scarcity while creating extreme wealth inequality. As long as individuals and corporations can try to corner resources using inflationary currencies, this can't be prevented. But by switching to deflationary currencies and demanding real collateral for capitalistic ventures, we can change incentives so that projects which are funded have payoffs that don't grossly over benefit a small number of politically connected individuals.

>> No.24744655

> How dare you play with your crypto kitties anon. Don't you understand that the world economic forum is against you owning cute cat collectibles?

> OMG its me again. How dare you breed your cute cat collectibles. I just found out you now have a super rare breed. I just wanted to create a utopia and you shit all over it with your cute collectibles.

> OMG OMG AGAIN!! Don't you understand that the world economic forum is very upset at you for collecting cute little Kittie cats!! HOW DARE YOU UNDERMINE MY UTOPIA!!

>> No.24744657

If they want automated production, services, and other iot's then they have no other choice than to use crypto.

>> No.24744661

there is no way nationalists would want immigration, nationalists want do stop immigration, deport immigrant in their country, and discourage importation to focus on growth inside the country, by the people of the country

so globalists still don't want you to save anything, they want you to share, and they want a crypto that removes your rights to control your money

>> No.24744710

no it looks to me they want to use planet resources as a reason to make an equally bad economic system without anyone noticing, how would they want deflation, that benefits no one but the citizens

>> No.24744715
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>> No.24744768
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> We are here to talk about your pokemon NFTs. Anon I understand that you love your super rare rainbow Charmander NFT worth 20k USD. But, for the good of mankind you must give it up so we can live in my utopia. A place where pokemon can be a thing of the past...

>> No.24744794


>> No.24744810

>how would they want deflation, that benefits no one but the citizens
Because the alternative is global war, which benefits no one.

>> No.24744814

there won't be enough vaccines for the risk groups for a good while. by the time they can afford to waste one on the likes of you it would have been tried enough.

>> No.24744840

They don't care about digital assets. They care about running out of IRL assets to the point where the entire planet becomes economically unstable. Historically this always leads to war, and our technology is way too advanced now for the species to survive another global war.

>> No.24744846

No shit you e-nationalist want a big national economy built on fiat and a war economy. You like 1930s Germany aesthetics, ok, now grow up loser.

>> No.24744862

Retard take.

>> No.24744874

I don't buy this theory saying that the globalist suddenly want to help the people, they can avoid this supposed "global war" by resetting the economic system and monetary creation, which is just delaying the issue, and which is all they do

as usual the solution will come from inventions like bitcoin, not from any of the government

>> No.24744892

> 100% Benevolence
> 200% Greed
> 1000% Incompetency.
> Now stop saying hurtful things on twitter!!

>> No.24744897

>e-nationalist want a big national economy built on fiat and a war economy
Nationalists are right to be suspicious of forced multiculturalism. Multiculturalism done right is a melting pot, not a food processor. Integration takes time.

>> No.24744919

judging by your message you're not nationalist, therefore you don't care about the preservation of your country, which is usually what teenagers do

which one? your opinion is irrelevant as long as don't explain your view

>> No.24744931

>Integration takes time.

Why bother with integration anymore anyway. As technology continues to get better there is less need for actually valuable people to move. They can work remotely. Slave labor is the only end game for immigration at this point.

>> No.24744941

>I don't buy this theory saying that the globalist suddenly want to help the people
This isn't sudden. The elite have been trying to figure out how to end war for a long time. If you think BTC mining is wasteful, that's nothing compared to what bullets and bombs can do.

The problem is, they're fighting against national interests that don't see the bigger picture. We have one planet and until Elon can rig up a system to open a new frontier, we have to learn to share it, or die trying.

>> No.24744983

What exactly would go wrong if everyone went full nationalist?

>> No.24744993

>Why bother with integration anymore anyway
Forced immigration is valuable for the same reason that breaking up multi-generational households in favor of the 'atomic' family was valuable. It makes individuals and groups weaker and therefore easier to control.

I know it's hard to see this, but the global elite are actually trying to save people from their own worst nature - which as individuals we don't want to acknowledge.

The average human being isn't enlightened. They are still stuck in the state of nature that Hobbes and Locke warned us about, and if left to their own devices, they will destroy everything while trying to climb to the top of the pyramid.

>> No.24745013

yes and this is possible because so far the printing press was the "standard". but this will change with bitcoin. any fiat will be compared to bitcoin in markets and it won't be possible to print money with no value easily. if the globalist had good intentions, they would have helped improving bitcoin. them not doing that prove they have interests of their own.

>> No.24745024

>What exactly would go wrong if everyone went full nationalist?
That's how the world used to be. Zero sum game between nation states. That was the driving force of history in the 20th century and it lead to horrific wars.

>> No.24745076

The optimal path forward, imo - is cultural nationalism, defanged by globalized economics. In other words, people should be able to live with whoever they want to without being invaded by foreign cultures, but we need to prevent that social structure from striking out violently against other groups who are doing the same. Over time (decades or maybe centuries) things will melt together, but in the meantime we need to figure out how to not blow everything up.

>> No.24745128

>if the globalist had good intentions, they would have helped improving bitcoin. them not doing that prove they have interests of their own.
I think it's too early to make that call. They haven't banned it yet and institutions are starting to buy in. Corporations control politics, so I think Bitcoin and Ether's chances of becoming the world's reserve currency are actually very good.

>> No.24745211

and you think where we're heading to is better? there is no escape from the human nature. we're improving however. bitcoin will make war less affordable, and it has nothing to do with nationalism. if a different tribes comes too close, you will feel the need to remove them, regardless of money and government, it's our nature.

and by the way since we can reproduce between each others I believe a "unique" race is inevitable on the long run as much as I dislike the idea, only the good dna survives and it doesn't care about the ethnicity, it only takes the best traits at surviving.

>> No.24745251

that haven't banned it because they're smarter than the average citizen and know it would do nothing on the long run except removing more of their credibility

>> No.24745305

>and you think where we're heading to is better?
I hope it will be. There are lots of ways this can go wrong and turn into global totalitarianism. It's the challenge of this generation to chart a path between that and nuclear holocaust. I hope we will prove equal to that challenge.

>I believe a "unique" race is inevitable on the long run as much as I dislike the idea
Transhumanism is definitely on the agenda. There's no way to stop it because people will choose it individually, whether that's getting a neural implant that gives you full sense VR or picking the genetics of your offspring so they will live longer and never have to worry about disease.

>> No.24745330

Who are you, anon? No matter. Thank you for blessing me with your presence.

>> No.24745355

so for example Murica will agree that BTC is the new currency, that is mined mostly by its nemesis China. Then if China wants to destroy the US budget they can do a 51% attack and ruin the US economy? You want to launch missiles at us? apparently the corporate wallets of the MOD, lockheed martin and boeing have just been hacked in a 51% attacl sorry!

Totally going to happen

>> No.24745385

>Who are you, anon?
Just another anon with an opinion, anon.

>> No.24745399

No, you are an anon with something to say, a very special anon

>> No.24745419

I don't think that's likely for several reasons. 51% attacks don't work that way, and there's always the option for the minority hashpower to fork and roll-back. If the entire world is using BTC as the base layer and it forks away from a bad actor, it's that actor that is 'forked' not everyone else.

>> No.24745445

Thank you, anon. That is very kind of you to say. I have had a privileged life. I hope it has given me a perspective that others might find useful.

>> No.24745465

The space race, a mutually good global enterprise, probably stopped mutual destruction. A mutually good global enterprise might be a very good medicine between whatever powers are looking to blow it all up and put everything back in perspective

>> No.24745518

Assblasted shitskin detected. Nice 69 ID, homo.

>> No.24745530

We need a new frontier. Being bottled up like this is killing us. What we need to avoid is having that frontier turn out like the plot of "The Expanse"

>> No.24745548

You have to go back

>> No.24745591

I think there's a One who appears in time to save us before man becomes fully Man, a god into himself, pure evil. But I know you clearly avoid the spiritual meaning

>> No.24745599

Opinion on Chainlink?

>> No.24745647

>I know it's hard to see this, but the global elite are actually trying to save people from their own worst nature - which as individuals we don't want to acknowledge.

saving people from their own human nature eh? Do you realize what you sound like?

Decentralized technocracy works on the fundamentals of game theory and requires nobody to reprogram their human nature. Its building incentives for people to do act of the greater good while at the same time improving their own existence.

Your methods are flawed because its not as effective. Bitcoin can get people to build the pyramids while improving their own lives. You just want slaves.

>> No.24745683

>Opinion on Chainlink?
I have never purchased any because I haven't done enough research to be confident that it's the best oracle solution. It may be, but I have been researching other things. What's your opinion on it?

>> No.24745704

LET'S go boys Indian. Jpg

>> No.24745706

You're describing the human tendency to volunteerism, and I agree. That a society of people, left alone, work together without prodding or punishment.

>> No.24745732

>a god into himself, pure evil
I don't see the nature of god as being pure evil or pure good. Carl Jung had an amazing take on this in his "Response to Job." I highly recommend it. I felt more enlightened after reading it.

>> No.24745742

Same here anon. Might have to isolate as well. I was telling all family and friends in 2013 to acquire Bitcoin. Nobody listened and now they all are looking at me with blood lust in their eyes

>> No.24745755

>Do you realize what you sound like?
No, I guess I don't. What do I sound like?

> You just want slaves
I don't want slaves, and I'm not a member of the elite. I just grew up around a few of them, so I have some understanding of how they think.

>> No.24745770

>You're describing the human tendency to volunteerism, and I agree. That a society of people, left alone, work together without prodding or punishment.

It goes deeper than that in this scenario because of the underlying technology.
The hidden hand of tyranny is formed under the guise incentives. He who creates the shitcoin controls the masses. That's why I say building the pyramids in my example. Decentralized technocracy is a war for peoples minds time and attention.

/biz/ can easily create a shitcoin and meme its existence into enough value to fund any kind of project imaginable.

>> No.24745784

That's where you're true colors are showing.

Anyone who takes the book of Job seriously has been fed bs frankly. I think it's the worst exposition of the entire old testament in its childishness and cartoonist depiction of God

>> No.24745788

road to hell is paved with good intentions

>> No.24745811

>blood lust in their eyes
That's why we buy Lambo's, anon. Never underestimate the importance of a quick getaway plan.

I was living rather conspicuously in a large city last year. Hiding out in a small town now with plans to disappear even more thoroughly.

>> No.24745819

>I just grew up around a few of them, so I have some understanding of how they think.

Well you sound like them. Blinded and self important. Having the answers to the greater good but in reality it all conveniently lines up with things that just so happen to be good for themselves. What a coincidence that the great reset involves wealthy elites staying in power!

>> No.24745842

>I think it's the worst exposition of the entire old testament in its childishness and cartoonist depiction of God
I think Jung agrees with your take. What Jung says is that essentially the interaction with Job is why God had to become man.

>> No.24745870

>What a coincidence that the great reset involves wealthy elites staying in power!
American revolution - elites stayed in power

French and Russian revolution - elites were killed off and the mob took power.

>> No.24745877

God is portrayed as man in that entire story tho

>> No.24745894

>as man
In what way?

>> No.24745950

The Nigga is having a talk with Satan in the opening lines, literally devising a bet with each other

>> No.24745975

He like, "Satan, you trifflin. I bet you my boi Cam Newton going to go all the way to the Superbowl and you can't stop him."

>> No.24745985

>literally devising a bet with each other
Yes. Jung talks a lot about this, but he doesn't see that as God acting like a mortal. He sees it as analogous to a human making a bet about the behavior of an insect. Jesus is then kind of an apology for Job.

>> No.24746006

In that case, Jesus could be seen as an apology for the entire old testament

>> No.24746047

Well said. Here's what Jung said about Job:
"As certain as he is of the evil in Yahweh, he is equally certain of the good. In a human being who renders us evil we cannot expect at the same time to find a helper. But Yahweh is not a human being: he is both a persecutor and a helper in one, and the one aspect is as real as the other"

>> No.24746252

I'll leave it with this quote from Solzhenitsyn (a modern day Job), because it applies to the elite as well as to the rest of us:

“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained”

>> No.24746257

It's all beside the point because it's a distraction to debate the state of God. You deflected on the point that a man can himself because evil. When evil convinces enough people to become evil, annihilation results. To deny that is, I think, very globalist/Luciferin. Man can become pure evil

>> No.24746277

>one small bridgehead of good is retained
That may be the case but useless if a man is dead or has killed another good man

>> No.24746323

You didn't play a lot a strategy games did you? When there is a war there is never only one bad actor. The bad actor has allies. Think of Germany in WW2. Never gonna happen that the US or European union would put their economy and freedom to brrrrr in the hands of someone else.

>> No.24746325

The possibility of redemption serves no purpose for a man who follows evil unto death

>> No.24746362

plus if you roll back the chain then bye bye international trade... you think the others would accept it?

>> No.24746634
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I appreciate your thoughts. Why get against xrp/the global banking system. You say it supports the ucbi and write it off but speak of a systemic rush to btc and eth which will tie them into the system in a way that makes them indistinguishable from the xrp.

>> No.24747378
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>global elite are actually trying to save people from their own worst nature
I bet that sounded good in your head.
If you think elites care about the plebs other than how they can best serve their masters then your are delusional.
I bet those paki rape gangs in AngloLand are great for those poor girls, or maybe the elites are trying to force migration to save the paki's from their sexual frustration, is sexual frustration the worst nature a paki can have?

>> No.24747388

I believe that the Current Crypto Market is much like the '95 Dot-com Bubble.
Plenty of opportunities here if you spot the next Amazon or Microsoft or Apple or Facebook

>> No.24747562

That's a nope..
You guys all overlooked the one simple thing your blockchains won't survive....


How you going to keep 'em sync'd with no power dumbshits

>> No.24747577

You're right in that CBDC's will be the end game though... unfortunately that's all they want you using....

>> No.24747579

if Kleros ends up being The Standard I will laugh myself to death

>> No.24747602

I doubt any of those will survive the grid shutdown / reset

Not unless you can keep the chains sync'd on a large enough scale... but with no power, good luck

>> No.24747607

Flare is going to be so fucking huge.

>> No.24747621

Does it require power?

If yes... nope won't survive either.

>> No.24747778

>Why get against xrp
Two reasons. The nodes are centralized and there's very little economic value being transmitted on the network. If those things change, then my opinion might change, but as of now, ETH has the most economic activity and BTC has the most stored value. And both are far more decentralized than Ripple.

>> No.24747796

>How you going to keep 'em sync'd with no power
I'd be more concerned about how people are going to stay alive and fed without power. Priorities.

>> No.24747935

Then why in fck would you even think about crypto?
Obviously you must be, otherwise you wouldn't be discussing it.

>> No.24747936

You will be required to digitally prove your identity upon every purchase, made possible by CBDCs.
BTC will be under complete control. They can simply introduce a 90% tax on all early adopters and 1+ btc addresses and blacklist whoever can't prove source
What will you do then anon? 99.9% of the population will be out to get u due to increasing wealth inequality, taxes will certainly go up soon

>> No.24747948

There's only going to be their CBDC's...

Watch: >>24747562

>> No.24748048

>Then why in fck would you even think about crypto?
Why would anyone do anything, anon? If hypothetical end of the world scenarios frighten you, then why ever leave the house? They could set off all the nukes on the planet, but that doesn't mean they will. I choose not to live my life in fear of hypotheticals, you are free to choose how to live yours.

>> No.24748082

>BTC will be under complete control.
Good luck with that. BTC is borderless. If some countries decide to try to suppress it, they'll just find themselves being economically outclassed by the countries that don't. And crypto is extremely portable across borders.

>> No.24748108

You have to admit, nobody outside of companies.. (that many were at the globalist meeting) has any type of power backup plans to keep the blockchains viable...

How could you all have overlooked this??

>> No.24748109
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I think there is an over sight in your philosophy. I don't believe you can be pro main stream adoption and anti the systems that make it attractive to existent financial institutions.

>> No.24748176

Lmao no you idiot. Its $1
A million satoshis makes a btc.
That puts btc at 1 mil
1 cent a sat is fucking 10k btc

>> No.24748193

Except that Blockchain has a Bitcoin satellite orbiting the planet and lots of miners use solar to reduce their electricity costs. Any other fud or is that it?

>> No.24748206
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The international financial network is also borderless. They all report to eachother and failing to comply means you'll end up mcafee.
Literally only 2 countries on the blacklist. Both places you won't be able to run to.
The point is, if they wanted to, regulating would be extremely easy. You are naive to think the gov can't stop bitcoin, especially if all currencies become digital

>> No.24748209

You must go back.

>> No.24748213

>A million satoshis makes a btc.
One hundred million Satoshi make 1 BTC. And I'm not LMAO at you or calling you an idiot - just pointing out your mistake.

>> No.24748264

I think you are wrong to think they will. Once the banks and insurance companies are on board (and some of them already are), there's zero chance Bitcoin gets "stopped."

Who do you think spends all of that lobbying money in DC? Corporations who want to profit from Bitcoin aren't going to lobby to have it destroyed, even if that were possible.

You need to check the logic in your argument, anon.

>> No.24748290

>the globalist agenda of discouraging spending growth and encouraging saving
What the fuck ever gave you that idea? The globalists want to turn the masses into interchangeable mixed race consumers. The last thing they want is increased saving.

>> No.24748301

anon we are already cyborgs -

>> No.24748361

They want people to own nothing. Does that sound like a pitch for consumerism to you? The elite have been talking about sustainable use of resources for a long time now. Unconstrained capitalism has enriched a few while pushing costs on to others. That's not a sustainable path forward on a finite planet.

>> No.24748364

using the internet and your phone doesn't make you a cyborg unless you are controlling it with your mind only.

>> No.24748407

They want people to own nothing. Does that sound like a pitch for consumerism to you?

Yes. They want everything to follow a subscription model so they can continuously charge you for something you would have previously only paid for once. Rest assured that elites are not spending their time fighting for something that will make them more poor.

>> No.24748410

>Ask anyone who bought thousands and thousands of link for example.
Even Sergey thinks it's overpriced.
Also, token not needed.

>> No.24748451

Guess it remains to be seen if that will be enough.

The blockchain itself isn't stored on the satellites, as far as I know... They only have so much storage space on them, if much at all.

>> No.24748472

Plus you're going to trust the chain that a couple people kept running from their little home solar panels??

Good luck with that...

>> No.24748497

Of course they're not going to make themselves less wealthy. But they absolutely do want other people using less resources so it's less likely we wind up having wars over resources. Ending the ability for most people to acquire and own things is a step towards transitioning humanity away from acting like bacteria - eating up all available food and multiplying until the colony collapses. We have to evolve, anon. Or die.

>> No.24748523
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> he hasn’t read the Bible
Not gonna make it (literally)

>> No.24748526

>The point is, if they wanted to, regulating would be extremely easy.

If by extremely easy you mean completely fucking the economic and technological future of man kind then sure. But they have zero ground to stand on if they want to push this industrial revolution when all it really is doing is preserving the old ways everything was done in the past.

Yeah sure lets completely kick the can of progress down the road another century that will pan out will for humanity.

>> No.24748546

Anon, you're arguing from ignorance. Do some research and you'll find out that yes, the blockchain is stored on the satellite, and no it's not just a few home miners using solar. I'd send you the links, but it sounds like you don't really care about evidence if it goes against your doomsday theory, so - enjoy your theory.

>> No.24748566

>Ending the ability for most people to acquire and own things is a step towards transitioning humanity away from acting like bacteria - eating up all available food and multiplying until the colony collapses. We have to evolve, anon. Or die.

Anon, bacteria doesn't own things. This would be a step toward bacteria and its being done in the behest of neo luddites who want to cling to the 1990s. indefinitely.

>> No.24748581

The world isn't even close to having wars due to a lack of resources. Wars only happen because of power hungry elites. And they give the plebs feel-good BS about saving the planet to rationalize their evil acts. "We have to evolve or die". Fuck you. I would rather die if it means globalist faggots like you die too.

>> No.24748593

>the future of humanity relies solely on this man

>> No.24748600

Right, because they’re going to use a fucking public ledger. They’re going to be transacting in XMR. Visible BTC is for brainlet goyim

>> No.24748606

We are currently using more resources as a species than the planet we live on can sustain. That's how we are acting like bacteria. We are not planning ahead. Technology will eventually help us to produce more wealth from resources we have, but on the trajectory we are on now, we won't get there. We will end ourselves fighting over the last clean water, fish in the sea, etc.

>> No.24748629

What about LINK?

>> No.24748635

>Wars only happen because of power hungry elites
Tell me more

>> No.24748643

>What about LINK?
No opinion. I don't own any, so it's not on my research list.

>> No.24748670

>I'd send you the links, but it sounds like you don't really care about evidence

More like there is no links..
Show me the link that says the satellite holds the entire blockchain

None... nice try dipshit

>> No.24748684

>We are currently using more resources as a species than the planet we live on can sustain.

You have any data to back that up? Even if it was true its only people who don't matter anyway that will starve. I don't give a fuck. Make me give a fuck anon. Otherwise the argument falls flat.

>> No.24748753

>Make me give a fuck anon
I can't give you empathy, anon. That's something you're going to have to work out for yourself. For your sake, I hope you will someday.

>> No.24748765

How are you not shilling AXS its literally a goverance token for game with nft pets where pajeets are making 3x+ their average wages just by playing a game. I have invested 600$ and already in profit of 3 eth. Literally only game that guarantees 75$ a month from 75$ investment and you can liqudate your pets relatively fast. Imagine all the time you spend in game with $ liquid value, its backed by big names like ubisoft and is trading on binance. The plain and simple truth is almost any system is superior to debt based currencies. Axie Infinity will pump hard once staking is released.

>> No.24748770

LOL The satellites only stream the blockchain, there is no significant storage

You guys are totally fck'd !!!
kek !!!

>> No.24748774

After the singularity, which might not be too far away, the whole concept of 'value' will change completely and people will become pure entertainment consumers. Technological future of mankind does not depend on BTC's growth

>> No.24748864

>doesn't understand how blockchains work


"Blockstream Satellite is a network of satellites deployed so that people across most of the planet can download a bitcoin full node, the most secure portal to the bitcoin network, even without an internet connection. That is, as long as they have a satellite receiver with Blockstream Satellite’s specific software installed."

The ability to download a node means the full data set is stored on the satellites.

>> No.24748983

>For your sake, I hope you will someday.

Sounds like its for YOUR sake not mine anon. HAHA

>> No.24748984

No it says right on blockstream's site that the blockchain is streamed, not fully stored.

Stop trying to spread your gay ass misinformation.

>> No.24749011

Thanks for entertaining an interesting thread, anon, rarely enough seen on biz. It also reassures me in my own decision to use crypto as an escape from the creativity and joy killing treadmill the job market is, even when obtained a good degree

>> No.24749133

You're welcome anon. I got my freedom three years ago when I retired early. I hope that day comes soon for you.

>> No.24749142

Youre still gonna have to pay your taxes in fiat. it will just be fiat on the blockchain. so it will be much like today, where the poors hoard cash and lose it to inflation while the middle class invests and gets rug pulled. and the elite wins via private equity investing. nothing will really change

>> No.24749317

If history rhymes it'll be about 7-8 months from now

>> No.24749415

>Youre still gonna have to pay your taxes in fiat.

Taxes are another topic but I see a dark future for governments. Right now as it stands its entire possible to circumvent any and all forms of taxation when people are able to use smart contracts.
If I am paid in a staked currency that is not available to me unless I have to perform specific actions then that money is not mine. If I do this deliberately I can then only be forced to pay taxes on the money I choose to liquidate when I want to do so. The same goes for NFTs. If I purchase an NFT using another NFT then the value transaction is then even. That means no money was technically made. We don't even need to get into privacy coins at that whole topic on top of that.

I hate to say it be governments around the world are going to have to start downsizing in order to survive. Nobody is going to pay taxes if they can invent NFTS out of thin air worth a specific amount of money or be paid in staked currency.

>> No.24749511

>elites were killed off and the mob took power.
Not true. In the French Revolution, a new elite that was already above the mob in economic power replaced the landed aristocrats. They were lawyers and wealthy merchants.
The Party elite became the new elite in the Bolshevik Revolution.

>> No.24749581

Interesting. Seems like that could easily be fixed in the tax code though right? Or are you saying it will be like a sort of crypto-based bartering system? That might work for avoiding sales tax or capital gains, but I would imagine income tax would still be unavailable. Either way, bullish for DeFi.

>> No.24749594

The great reset happens now, not 10 years down the road. There will be a crisis and CBDCs will be introduced, XRP will provide liquidity and settlement. The end.

>> No.24749598

Semantics. What happened to your so-called "elite?" The Terror, driven by each subsequent wave of mob-serving "elite" ate them up. Also, under no definition was Stalin elite. He was an uneducated thug.

>> No.24749626

More likely that it will be a constant battle of both bad actors and the stupid to know what they actually should pay. This battle was simpler in the past but now its a total nightmare. Its not because people will do it on purpose. Its just stupidly complicated and nobody is going to actually give a shit.

>> No.24749627

Actually I see what you’re saying. That’s dope it’s almost like your bank account is now a tax-advantaged savings account like a Roth IRA but better

>> No.24750248

crypto cool cool cool
fiat snooze lame boring earth stuff zzzz

>> No.24751692

I don't see how UBI would stop someone from shitting out kids. Plenty of people on welfare do it.

>> No.24751821
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>> No.24751938

There will not be a middle class. (((Their))) ultimate goal is a two class system.

>> No.24752105

>the great reset
grayscale running the world. Can't wait

>> No.24752121

inb4 Shillcoin (BIZ)

>> No.24752233
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based n checked

>> No.24752465

>the globalist agenda of discouraging spending growth and encouraging saving
But it's the opposite, they want us to own nothing and to be in cinwtent debt

>> No.24752647
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Gentle but firm reminder that the CBDC whitepaper was co-authored by Ari Juels and Fan Zhang, both of whom have worked for the federal reserve and are now Chainlink researchers

>> No.24753135

AAVE gives makes its Token basically an insurance. I think staking works in that case. You expose your money to a risk but therefor get paid for it.

>> No.24753418


this is what it looks like when different IQ brackets talk to eachother

>> No.24754031

It sure is. Not much attention is given to (((them))) and surely that Schwab fag is one of them.
Basically they want to rule the world from Jerusalem with us goyim being their slaves to an even greater degree than today.. they just want to make it official.

I hope i am alive to see the day when Israel gets demolished.

>> No.24754240

>turns off your blockchains with a couple switches



>> No.24754290

hal finney said that in 2009 retard

>> No.24754409

>60 posts
get a life fucking loser

>> No.24754475

retarded vid

>> No.24754612

>it plays right into the globalist agenda of discouraging spending growth and encouraging saving
since when is that the globalist agenda retard

>> No.24754740

>Clausewitz famously said that war is politics by other mean
lol thats such a famous misquote. if you read it in German it is actually war is politics with other means
>inb4 it doesn't matter

>> No.24754804

> It's the challenge of this generation to chart a path between that and nuclear holocaust

So far the challenge of this generation has been trying to pay its rent.

>> No.24754917

no nationalist don't give a shit about GDP over the health of a nation. the neocons and neoliberals care more about their own self enrichment at the expense of the nation

>> No.24755043

>thucydides trap
ok boomer.

>> No.24755217


This the best video on the Great Reset and it's link to cryptocurrency that I've come across...


>> No.24755395


>I think everyone knows by now that CBDC will eventually replace all existing transactions and be linked to the smart grid through biometrics for total surveillance and control.

I think you severely underestimate the awareness that the average person has.

Do you talk to people offline regularly?

>> No.24755413


* I meant: severely OVERestimate.

>> No.24756154

thanks OP best discussion on the board.

The whole electricity meme is gaining more depth. With the world ending in 12 years spouted by AOC and other environmentalist waking normens up to how much fossil fuel Bitcoin consumes. To just ignore it is like ignoring the war of Tesla and Edison. Edison had the early lead, but after implementing a few dozen DC power stations it lost to the superior AC power stations.

>> No.24756300

Lmao so true. That 100 IQ midwit stuck in his emotional programming, thinking that’s how actually intelligent people view the world. Funny stuff

>> No.24756536

But mining will be free during the night when everyone is asleep from using wind, hydro etc which otherwise would go to waste

>> No.24756622

XRP is shit. Like actual red hot diarrhea

>> No.24756670

lol OP is nothing but a globalist shill arguing for a neo-feudalism world order. What do you think the phrase "you will own nothing and you will be happy" implies. it implies you will be a serf to a feudal lord class.

Honestly believe he has the good intentions for man that he proposes when he talks about ending wars and bringing in the excess of capitalism? Look what happened after the financial crash of 08. You have the globalists in power and you saw the greatest expansion of wealth to the 0.1% at the expense of the little guy by blowing up the balance sheet of the federal reserve. Who do you think these lockdowns are benefitting? They want to model the US after a CCP state capitalist system with a huge surveillance state to squash any opposition.

I'm amazed this board is filled with so many low iq retards that get tricked by charlatans like >>24740117 who come in here and talk about how they're "enlightened" and "elon musk expanding the space fronts" and "we need to evolve as a species". you people are pathetic.

>> No.24756770

It affects individual miners less and specifically targets institutional mines consuming gigawatts, who due the heavy lifting of securing the network. There will be some power regulation from governments probably capping how much power you can use for bitcoin. The wild card is how many Karen's group up and how loud they scream about the polar bears.

>> No.24757101

Wait what does call of duty have to do with storing wealth?

>> No.24757665


This is the world in a nutshell. Sad really.

>> No.24757953

What is your alternative solution, anon?

>> No.24758132

you're mad, dangerous, and most importantly exposed, people like you will fail due to human nature

>> No.24758160

It's just Y2K fud all over again.

>> No.24758182

I believe you anon
But why Bitcoin? Why would the western world peg itself to a coin that's controlled so much by China?

>> No.24758226

>it plays right into the globalist agenda of discouraging spending growth and encouraging saving
>we are currently using more resources as a species than the planet we live on can sustain.
>blockchain is stored on satellites
There's a common theme here. Everything you say is based on at best surface level understanding and at worst deliberate brainwashing. The good news is that this signals a trend of brainwashed golems being pro Bitcoin.

>> No.24758339

>But why Bitcoin?
Not necessarily Bitcoin. One of the great things about crypto is that it's a competitive environment. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the big dogs right now, but that can change over time.

>> No.24758391

Bitcoin isn't controlled by China. Opposite. The Chinese miners are slaves to Bitcoin. They have no way of cashing out, if they interrupt or attack the network they end their revenue stream and destroy the money they invested into their hardware. Also, mining is becoming less centralized, there is a 1GW plant moving to Colorado (I believe), also Texas.

>> No.24758926
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>tfw bitcoin was the bretton woods bancor all along

>> No.24759039

maybe money will become reputation, in any way btc is not going away, because it's efficient and a way to send synced info between living entities, we will forever need this. even if teleportation is possible, money will still be needed.

>> No.24760037

Why wouldn't people just create yet another currency to free themselves from whatever hybrid centralized system the government will try to create?

What happens if some cosmic event fucks up all our electronics and data?

What exactly is wrong with DeFi?