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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24739199 No.24739199 [Reply] [Original]

In anticipation of triple-digit APY liquidity mining going live on Bancor v2.1, 53% of BNT has now been staked in the protocol. The result of this is that, amidst the backdrop of a huge market-wide dump in crypto, the price of BNT has remained virtually static. It's becoming harder and harder for this coin to dump the coin as more of it is staked, waiting for full impermanent loss protection after 100 days, and removed from circulating supply. It is carving out its own trajectory, immune from BTC shitting the bed.

This chart shows BNT is being moved off exchanges at the highest right ever. it’s a very positive signal and is likely because this BNT is being locked up in our pools:


It's been a bumpy ride, but not long left now.

>> No.24739335

Bancor's redemption arc has been impressive, but /biz/ is like a battered wife who finds it hard to trust again. The only reason I held BNT through the worst times was that i had lost so much I thought it wasn't worth selling (still down) but I have to say the amount of progress since v2.1 has exceeded my expectations. I think it's in with a chance at least.

>> No.24739418

As I see it, essentially all the revolutionary technological solutions that Bancor promised for its AMM have been delivered, albeit a few months later than anticipated. Without a doubt, it was worth holding through the bear months.

>> No.24740177
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biz bought the top like always when v2 was announced and sold the bottom, now they miss the easiest farming ever with IL protection, literally risk free.

Never change biz.

>> No.24740200

I miss the Bancor memes from 2017

>> No.24740424


Big brain moves. Bancor is always the pioneer. AMM via constant product protocol, tried chainlink's oracles but was too expesnive, now insuring against IL whilst others "come up with solutions" when in all seriousness they are just waiting for Bancor so they copy + steal. I think I saw THOR/ RUNE are talking about it to their community.

I like Bancor, I REALLY like their constant attitude to overcoming obstacles. I have a small stack, the questions is will they pull the TVL from uni + sushi. Its the rational move for sure, but it is also crypto and irrationality can go pretty far for a significant time.

You guys need more memes though furreel