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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2473478 No.2473478 [Reply] [Original]

Did I fuck up buying this?

>> No.2473494

I hope so.

>> No.2473506

not if you bought it thinking ((( they ))) would keep their 1 hour window promise

If you bought after the end of that window, then yes you fucked up

>> No.2473510
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stop being silly anon

>> No.2473525

I have 7k bnt. Will hold it all... feels good to get to lamboland with a private jet.

>> No.2473539

When can we trade it?

>> No.2473548

Yes, you were literally scammed into giving Jews your Eth in exchange for tokens that have 0 value. They raised over $150 million worth of eth in 3 hours, none of the devs need to work another day in their lives, they're rolling in your money.

>> No.2473554

most likely monday.

>> No.2473572

So you're saying if this hits 1.5b market cap it's 10x my money? Pretty good deal imo

>> No.2473575

>Be autist
>Complain about Jews in finance endlessly
>Discover blockchain technology free from Jews
>Invest in Bancor

>> No.2473589


>> No.2473601

not at all. you're going to be glad you bought in.

>> No.2473629

OP my suggestion to you would be to sell in the 1st 24 hours it hits an exchange if you want the best chance of making a profit from this without waiting months.
It almost certainly will have some hype around it then and a bit of a pump due to people who missed out on the ICO or newbies to crypto.
But in long term I think bancor is going to fall stagnant for a long time, like i said everyone who wanted to buy bancor at the ICO did so it had over 10,000 fucking participants and was extended for so long there's little demand right now and the whole bancor vision is no more than a idea right now and it'll be years till some real development is made (if there even is)
This is just my opinion as someone who bought into the ICO before the extended timer was announced, no one really knows for sure what will happen though ofcourse.

>> No.2473658

hmm I think you underestimate the amount of interested money in the short-term, I agree about the medium-term stagnation though

>> No.2473688

>tfw got my money back from BTCSuisse
>ended up throwing in a few shekels anyway as last minute FOMO decision
the extra 2 hours is the biggest load of horseshit
would like to know if they have anyway of proving that they were really 'under attacck'
Even if they showed evidence, they probably hired third party to do it, just like community center bomb threat scam that got JCCs $100,000 from governments to beef up security

>> No.2473755

if you did not see how fucking clogged the network was and how much pending transactions there were I don't even know what to say. People waited more than 50 mins for transactions to come through lol. also it was 2:30h in total they shortened.

>> No.2474134

they said "attacks on our system" - that isn't the same as a clogged network

>> No.2474142

People were purposely sending transactions that got auto rejected because of gas limit

>> No.2474189

can you tell me the btcsuisse fees for buying and selling btc ? they dont say it in the faq.

>> No.2474212

I only know their fees for the Bancor ICO
It was $100 'onboarding' fee and then 1.5% for conversion to ETH