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24724512 No.24724512 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy the fear
>Sell the greed

It's easy as that. When you start to hear 'crypto is dead' 'X shitcoin is dead' 'just sold my portfolio' that is the time period where smart money is accumulating.

When you see normal faggots on crypto twitter saying 'LETS GO X SHITCOIN and they are bragging about owning a stack 1/100th of the stack you accumulate a year ago that is when you should take profits.

Always always try to think things through from the perspective of a whale that accumulate at the bottom and then think about what a normal fag retard that is fomoing in at the top is thinking as the price dumps.

When these normal faggots sell and get out because they can't take the heat it's time to get IN.

>> No.24725228

>When these normal faggots sell and get out because they can't take the heat it's time to get IN.
man this is cool and all but
>normies accumulate
>biz dumps bags
>tf would a whale do