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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 400x600, kbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
247188 No.247188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I nominate Kyle Bass to be the idol of /biz/. Why?

1.) He's redpilled as fuck. He owns a massive bunker in texas that's stocked with guns, gold and food. If anyone survives the happening, this guy will be included.

2.) He's not Jewish. He is a proud gentile that shows the chosen people how real men invest.

3.) He's called every major habbening since the financial crisis of 2008. Why didn't we listen? He turned 30 million into 500 million during the housing market crash (which he had been warning people about for over a year). His fund is now worth billions after buying Greek credit default swaps before the shit hit the fan.

4.) Just look at that smile. You can't deny that Kyle is a handsome man who is smarter, richer and way more based than you are.

He's the hero we need.

>> No.247199

Videos anon

>> No.247202

he's been wrong since 2009 though

>> No.247209

sounds like any typical /biz/ jewish fucking scumbag

step on everyone and think only of yourself

if hell is real he will go there when he dies

>> No.247213

Kyle Bass straight up destroying the liberal tax the rich agenda:


Kyle Bass destroying some dumb bitch reporter:


>> No.247215

You fall into the same category as the dumb bitch reporter in the video I just linked. Sorry he's looking out for himself just like everyone else is. Don't act like you're some holier than thou faggot.

The Greek default happened in 2012. You're a stupid fuck. Get out

>> No.247220

who cares what his religion is? if youre saying jewish people have more money, how this is bad?

>> No.247227


>> No.247230

Jews have low morals. They only look out for the chosen people and their own shekels. Just look at Icahn. Despicable.

le epig /biz/tard mockery xD

>> No.247270

Do you mean /pol/tard?

>> No.247289

Followed this guy for 2 years.

He expects the USDJPY to go 250

Buy gold and short yen

>> No.247296
File: 161 KB, 350x227, 1395665525730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red pilled
>not Jewish
Who gives a shit about his fucking morals and worldview? This is /pol/itcs, its fucking business. He could be a fucking SJW for all I care, but just as long as they have good business/economic sense, you can learn from them. Are you also implying that you couldn't learn a thing or two from successful Jews?

Take this 'idol' shit back to >>>/pol/.

>A correct prediction automatically makes all future predictions correct
Anon, it doesn't work like that. Stop following people blindly like the sheep you are

>> No.247304

You said it all I have little to add...

But I'll bump you anyway

>> No.247323


How does looking out for the people you care about and saving money equate to low morals?

Shouldn't we all be trying to do this?

>> No.247365
File: 47 KB, 720x720, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying worldview and intelligence/business sense don't go hand in hand

Don't try to jew me with your lolberturdian objectivity. Of course you can learn things from jews, but most of them shouldn't be looked up to.

>A correct prediction automatically makes all future predictions correct
Anon, it doesn't work like that. Stop following people blindly like the sheep you are

Fucktard detected. That's a nice strawman argument you've got there. He's been spot on in the past and that gives him credibility. It also sounds like you think you're a paragon of independent thinking. Basically, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Icahn is evil and deceptive. Read about him. Many of the activist jew investors engage in shady business practices. You know that faggot Jim Cramer? He made all of his money by editing a popular money magazine where he would write favorable reviews on stocks that he owned.

>> No.247426


lol @ poorfags

If your mind is really this shitty and negative just end yourself you sad jealous fuck.

>> No.247429

>You know that faggot Jim Cramer? He made all of his money by editing a popular money magazine where he would write favorable reviews on stocks that he owned.

Everyone knows this, even people not in finance.

A couple years back he (finally) wrote an article telling people to stop rushing into stocks just because he mentioned them on the TV show. That's just a disclaimer of course, it's exactly what the fucking wants - but after doing this for ____ years he figured it was time to pretend otherwise.

>Don't buy ____ RIGHT NOW just because I just mentioned it! At least wait and think about it first... I can trust you think, right viewer?

>> No.247447

>lolberturdian objectivity.
>you think you're the paragon of free thinking
You dont even know what a strawman is.

Yes, I do advocate for free thinking. You don't need to idolize a bunch of fucking people just cause they're successful. There's nothing special about Bass, he's a smart guy that's good with money. Could learn a thing or two from him. The way you portray him you make him sound infallible, like everything that comes out of his mouth is holy, pure and true.

Yes, being correct does lend him credibility. But just following somebody because "hurrrr they're smart", or " hurrrr they were right in the past" is just stupid, especially when money is involved.

>> No.247507


>A correct prediction automatically makes all future predictions correct

That is an archetypal straw man argument. Your arrogance is cute.

Seriously, you best be trying to bait me. I'm not even going to respond the rest of the garbage that you continue to write because you think you know it all, but you're really just an autist.

>> No.247535

>listening to financial celebrities or financial icons
not worshipping and masturbating to the thought of john bogles genuine skin

>> No.247554
File: 26 KB, 391x305, 1395159489613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, you're an illiterate, goal post moving faggot. This is exactly what you implied
>He's called every major habbening since the financial crisis of 2008. Why didn't we listen?

Your argument:
>he succesful predicted financial events
Your implication:
>we should follow him in the future

Your argument is shit, full of holes, and inconsistent. Climbing an ivory tower won't fix that

>> No.247580

>Redpilled as fuck

So, a fucking retard.