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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 792 KB, 954x781, 43253453245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24718395 No.24718395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24718435

She looks like a literal tranny

>> No.24718442

that's a man

>> No.24718450

that’s a man

>> No.24718454

That’s a man

>> No.24718461

That man has a penis

>> No.24718473
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she does not.

>> No.24718477
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>> No.24718480

Even Fauci says only 80% of the population needs to get vaxxed to have a huge boost to herd immunity, so all the schizos can opt out and it will still be fine.
I'm getting vaxxed straight away, I'll be flying around the world with my $100 Chainlink as all the polcucks lurk in their rooms for a Great Reset that will make me rich and them even more useless than they are now.

>> No.24718489

We have a moral responsibility to free future generations from (((their))) rule.

>> No.24718501

Yes, as soon as possible. I really hope things can start returning to normal in the next few months so I can start being with my friends and going to theater again. I can't keep living like this forever.

>> No.24718504

Sure, for one (1) bitcoin.

>> No.24718515

enjoy your testicles shriveling up and falling off.

>> No.24718521
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>> No.24718525

You sound too mentally stable to be on this site

>> No.24718542
File: 16 KB, 474x316, fukyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to make us wear masks until every poor in the third world gets it aren't they

>> No.24718551

COVID can cause long term erectile dysfunction.

>> No.24718566

Yeah totally give me a vaccine that was rushed through testing to avoid me getting a virus with a 99.9% survival rate

>> No.24718578

so does looking at your mother.

>> No.24718579

Fuck no

>> No.24718584

COVID is the vaccine, animal.
The name stands for Certificate Of Vaccination and IDentification by AI (19).

>> No.24718589

>rushed through testing
>totally new type of vaccine, distributed through your mRNA
Fuck no.

>> No.24718603

Just because you survived doesn't mean you fully recovered. Many people wind up with new lifelong illness.

>> No.24718623

/biz/ how do I get the vaccine early like the big wigs will?

>> No.24718651

No, they don't. At least not anything more than what the flu can cause. The flu can cause all the same hysterical things that have been hyped by the media. Funny how flu rates have virtually dropped to 0, and overall disease mortality has stayed unchanged compared to previous years.
>lifelong illness
Do you understand how retarded what you just said was?

>> No.24718661

Good. Fuck 'em. And fuck you too, kike shill.
fuck niggers, jannies, trannies, yada yada

>> No.24718672

I'm not old or obese and I don't have any health issues already so I'll take my chances

>> No.24718692

Not a chance in hell. Can you call it a vaccine? You aren’t injecting a weakened virus. It’s programming your dna to produce the right protein. Is this proven safe on a long term basis? Or just in theory?

>> No.24718703
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Vaccines are safe you retarded fearmongers

>> No.24718705

Absolutely! I can't wait to get the vaccine! All the Dirty Normies will be out there getting sick and infected from Covid while I get to go to every party I want!
My very high class friends are planning out first maskless all-vaccinated party as soon as we all get our deluxe cards! Its a cricket party!
Did you know that crickets are actually a superfood? Dumb dirty normies have no idea!

>> No.24718719

More likely forever

>> No.24718731

Look at it this way, if the vaccine kills you then it's just doing what youve always wanted but weren't brave enough to do.

>> No.24718743

i'll probably have to to keep my job

>> No.24718776

Epic nihilism faggot

>> No.24718807

COVID actually stands for COnspiracytards Virtually In Denial if we're playing a game where we can just make shit up.

>> No.24719149
File: 11 KB, 290x174, images(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you will a vaccine
so safe you have to be threatened
To take it
For a disease so deadly you have
to be tested to know you have it

>> No.24719174

Who is threatening you?

>> No.24719193

I’ll claim religious exemption then hopefully my employer fires me and I can win the easiest lawsuit in history.

>> No.24719194
File: 1.75 MB, 200x293, 7F2D37FC-54BE-47DB-B536-B612A4D06458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the vaccine get it, if you don’t...don’t

Why wouldn’t this work?

PS I’m not injecting myself with some fucking vax that isn’t tested enough...insane. These people are evil

>> No.24719230

My coworker got this shit and recovered in 2 days. Stomach bug is objectively worse

Massive nothing burger

Why aren’t we talking about all the people who are killing them selves right now, getting addicted to drugs or losing age old family business?

>> No.24719251

>thousands of people dying in the US every day
>"but i know a guy who..."
human beings are dumb

>> No.24719276
File: 940 KB, 4096x2166, usa mortality 120 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder there is no unusual mortality
reminder lockdown severity is not correlated with mortality
reminder until 2020 the who did not recommend quarantine or contact tracing
reminder masks do nothing
reminder pcr tests over 30 cycles are false positives
reminder seasonality explains cases


vaccinating people not at risk is madness

>> No.24719356

>thousands of old fat people with cancer dying

Yeah no, it’s not a big deal

>> No.24719368

stop making this dumb bait thread EVERY FUCKING DAY fuck off you false flaggers. some people will, some people won't. FUCK OFF.

>> No.24719421

Thousands of the elderly and infirm you god damn kike shill. The overwhelming amount of casualties are coming out of retirement homes, a place where people literally sit around and wait to die. 3k dead a day in a nation of nearly 400 million people is not particularly significant when you consider that the number of people living in poverty has doubled around the world in the last year. Not fatass American poverty where you still get a cell phone and a case of obesity, bud haitian dirt cookie style poverty. Because we live in a degenerate society with no understanding of our own mortality this stuns us, but wait a couple years and you’re gonna see some real shit, when the great migration from the global south to north begins. The fact that we are all here on /biz/ legitimately gives us a chance to prosper, but most normies are about to get shit on. Fuck niggers, acquire cryptocurrency.

>> No.24719432
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kek, no wonder deaths are so high in burgerland

>> No.24719436
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Fuse is the vaccine.

>> No.24719491

>I'm young so I'm invincible

16-year old COPE

>> No.24719494

Theater? Next virus for you will be HIV.

>> No.24719501

Objectively false

>> No.24719536

People like you will be shouting "conspiracy theorist" while Bill Gates personally embeds a crypto mining chip up your ass. You'll cry "flat earther" while your monthly good goy income gets transferred into digital currency wallet, which you had to receive because your biometric Work and Travel™ ID was being updated for a couple months in a new country (or should I say tributary of the Central World State) you had just moved to. You'll scream "moonlanding hoax believer" while you line up up for tri-annual booster shot, and lament over how inflammatory related diseases are shooting up and world fertility levels are weirdly beginning to experience unexplained changes in certain socioeconomic, age, and gender demographics, but it couldn't possibly be this vaccine I've been taking, all the other shots didn't cause any issues...

>> No.24719583

Do you know how many people die in the US daily? Let me give you a hint, 2.8 million in 2018, right of the to of my head. Covid is a drop in the bucket, and that's with them padding it out by reporting every flu and respiratory death as covid now.

>> No.24719656

there is zero evidence long term effects from covid are in anyway more severe than seasonal flu

>> No.24719705

thst is a woman

>> No.24719776
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I’ll get it but I’ll have to get it later as I am still on chemo. Feels good to have an excuse to not get the hot-n-ready vax right away. Feels bad to have cancer. You win some, you lose some

>> No.24719835

Yep, it's funny when statistically illiterate retards always say shit like "durr it's only a problem for people with comorbidities" when like half of all americans are obese as fuck or have some other comorbidity.

>> No.24719918

Half is generous. I’d say more like 105%. The extra 5% is because they’re so fat

>> No.24719919

the deaths aren't high >>24719276

pcr tests are false positives

>> No.24719920

I probably would if I had to for some reason, but I won't be going willingly. Not because I think vaccines are evil, but because I can't be fucked to go to the doctors twice in 3 months to get a shot. Ill take my chances with covid and just continue not worrying about it

>> No.24719940

And the irony of it all is that the earth is actually flat and the moon landings were faked.

>> No.24719948

things going 'back to normal' is the carrot they're dangling in front of your face to get you to take it. things will never go back to 'normal.'

>> No.24720015

Hey man I hope you recover from the cancer

>> No.24720119
File: 93 KB, 500x433, 3C76EA54-7AA8-450C-BF6F-484D889A8A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, fren
things are looking up. I hope you make it

>> No.24720145

I'll probably be on the tail-end of receiving because I'm young and healthy, but yeah I'll get it eventually.

>> No.24720197
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>COVID can cause long term erectile dysfunction.
this is what the vaccine will cause and (((they))) will blame it on COVID

>> No.24720250
File: 369 KB, 887x1124, SmartSelect_20201210-213247_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine being worth $100 billion and choosing that piece of dogshit to come home to every night? Globalists are weird.

kek plus she wants niggers to go first as the Guinea pigs, based.

>> No.24720281

what if i am a pol literal racist who is not white, but not black and side with whites?
also i have 20k link and 50k xrp...and no i dont want vaccine

>> No.24720293
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 73451D18-7A4A-4593-AC6E-B7669419714C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vaccine causes female infertility.

It’s a fucking kike chink scam. Go be a test dummy for a flu virus with a 99.9% survival rate. Enjoy your Bell’s palsy

>> No.24720300


>> No.24720321
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That woman man looks more like a man woman than the man woman looks like a woman man
My brain does not like this.

>> No.24720447

Then you are based. Also don’t side with whites as a whole, tons of whites are retards. Only side with God and those who follow his divine law, to be against the forces of death and disintegration (i.e dysgenic kike demons) and for the forces of creation and higher evolution.

>> No.24720509

yes yes and trump won and lizard people are real and the real conspiracy isn't to get all the dead-weight idiots to believe something potentially debilitating/fatal isn't real

>> No.24720510

That literally isnt true. Please do yourself a favour, and wake up to the possibility that the media is lying to you.

>> No.24720529

"Covid" conveniently causes anything and everything you need it to depending on whatever angle you're going for or argument you're trying to make

It's really a magical "pandemic"

>> No.24720538

Might get the vaccine just to stick it to her

>> No.24720578

>thousands dying everyday
>thousands of 70+ yo dying everyday
I can shop a picture to make it look more bleak than it is too.
This is what the media are doing. There is nothing abnormal about the number of deaths this year, when compared to previous years.
>The CDC themselves even addmitted personally that only around 8% of "covid deaths" are likely to be deaths directly linked to covid

>> No.24720589

Lol covid deniers and anti MASKERS believe LIZARD ppl lol conspiracy theories ;!!xd

>> No.24720600

More like MANlinda GUYtes

>> No.24720633

nailed it

>> No.24720683

I won't take any vaccine recommended to me by a tranny.
COVID is a very serious disease, but the "vaccine" is definitely going to be worse.

>> No.24720757
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lol i side with WHOEVER that stand agasint these equity for niggers, orginal sins, green earth bullshit.
some asians are VERY based.
and some whites are fucking brainwashed to the core.
here is production of china and i never saw greta tell them "how dare you"

>> No.24720820

Good to hear anon and ya I think xrp will moon I’m all in 15k
Hope you make it too friend

>> No.24720887

hope you recover fen

>> No.24720891

>have cancer
>still gets the vaccine

You must hate your life bro

>> No.24720903
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>> No.24721087

im going to actually kill someone like you some day. there is only so much patience i can stomach for useful idiot braindead fucking redditors. seriously, if i were to see you in real life, and could get away with it, i would kill you. you are pure fucking evil.

>> No.24721261


>> No.24721303
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>> No.24721321

I'm not. I'm half expecting a lot of shares to crash if the vaccine is suddenly found to be ineffective.
This foresight is pretty useless as I have no shares because I'm too poor to trade

>> No.24721365

Enjoy higher life insurance, being banned from international travel, being unable to visit rest homes, and whatever else they're planning, they'll do as much as they can to make it too much of a pain in the ass not to take it

>> No.24721406

What with Negroes and Jews being the most at risk for the Deadly WuFlu, I have pledged to check my privilege and refuse any vaccine until every single Jew and Negro in the USA first gets that shot of mRNA to alter their genetics.

Just checking my white privilege, yo.

>> No.24721410

life’s been breddy good, lad. just a wee bump in the road
all i know is that i can’t wait to have a comfy beer at the pub with my best buds

>> No.24721471

I know, I had it when it first came out, got over it after a few dys. It's like a 99.4% survival rate, and that number increases as more testing goes on. It really is a nothing-burger, but it gave the Dems a chance to try and fuck with the election, which they indeed did.

>> No.24721492
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There is literally zero evidence saying that is it as dangerous or less dangerous than the flu.

>> No.24721509

What bullshit, thta's just propaganda to spread the fear. We gotta just live with it, hiding from the 'flu is insane... But it does give power to a lot of people. If that brain-dead pedo Biden manages to weasel his way in, look out for national lockdowns and mandatory experimental vaccines!

>> No.24721511
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dumping thought crime

>> No.24721538
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>> No.24721550

Keep in mind that the CDC has been padding out those stats. Also, do you know how many people die every day? Hell, TB kills a MILLION a year alone, but of course they aren't usually white so I guess no one cares. Just about everyone who dies of WuFlu are past the age of life expectancy anyway. My country's freedom is a lot more important than some boomer living a few more years wearing depends and desperately clinging to a few more breaths...

>> No.24721560
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>> No.24721567

kek. I’ve been snorting coke for years...there is nothing worse in that vaccine that I haven’t already put in my body.

>> No.24721584
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>> No.24721591

Then you're a traitor to your own people.

>> No.24721609


>> No.24721630
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>> No.24721640

1.5 million more people dying in a year is a big deal, obviously our brains cannot comprehend a number like that but from a non edgy 4chan perspective (what most people have) people would prefer those people not dead due to an illness.

>> No.24721686

>Returning to normal

This is the new normal. If covid is a reason for shutdowns, then seasonal flu is also a valid reason.

>> No.24721719

>1.5 million more people dying in a year is a big deal
No, it isn't. They need to die, it's Darwin's way. And they are gonna die anyway. It's like people think iftheyhide from the 'flu they'll "be okay" but they are gonna die sooner or later. No need to take my country with them.

>> No.24721737
File: 114 KB, 1200x742, detached cases and icu admissions stockholm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24721739

I'd be better off if this was the only post I read in this whole thread

>> No.24721753
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>> No.24721773
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>> No.24721778

I'm not taking it ever. All the covid shills can be my guest to take it first.

>> No.24721796
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i bet you don't wear masks either

>> No.24721798
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>> No.24721800
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>bet you don't wear masks either

>> No.24721818
File: 111 KB, 960x848, 62B50609-F4BB-440E-91E5-C4291C0C9D1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait

>> No.24721884
File: 386 KB, 1264x560, who change in influenza pandemic definition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24721914

>Low test Micro Soft Man and High test Man Woman
It is a match made in Heaven

>> No.24721944

What if the whole anti vaccine sentiment is caused by glowniggers so whites refuse to take the vaccine and get decimated huh? PLOTS WITHIN PLOTS.

>> No.24721954
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>> No.24721959

buckle up buckaroo

>> No.24721992
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>> No.24722001
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I'd rather die than have to live with mostly niggers my whole fucking life.

>> No.24722010
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>> No.24722026
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>> No.24722031
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>> No.24722046
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>> No.24722089

>Minority that sides with whites
Don’t be an idiot. Once white establish an ethnostate they’ll come after you next.

>> No.24722094
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>> No.24722099

God bless anon

>> No.24722117
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>> No.24722136
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>> No.24722164

Enjoy your teeth falling out and rotting spine