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24715954 No.24715954 [Reply] [Original]

Same job and skills, women are not paid less. Ever. Never seen something like that.

>> No.24716052

You know, women are a hard one. We want them. We need them. They make babies too. Somehow there is is no more human life without them. Or us.
And why do we always have to give in? Why do we always have to pay? And so on?
Because they are women. Made that way by evolution. They look for a stable man that they also like. They look for being financially secure and set too, of course..
What kind of man are you, blaming them? If you want to be alone like me, then be alone. but quit whining. Jerk off and shut up

>> No.24716069

Shut up no one cares. Look out a window or something loser

>> No.24716262

You have to go back

>> No.24716286
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Based retard, I like women, I dislike simps. And women dislike simps as well.

>> No.24716308

Because someone took 1000 men aged 25 - 45 an got the median income. Then took 1000 women aged 25 - 45 and got the median income. Then compared said incomes. That person realized that women, in bulk, earn 75% what a man does. Women saw this and aplied their cute little heads to the info and arrived to two nice conclusions:
1. It's not my fault. It's never women's fault. It's everyone's else fault.
2. Ever woman, personally, needs to earn 25% more. Because that's the way stadistics work

What women forgot to mention is that a good chunk of them will take between a year to three years off to raise their children, getting behind in the work market. Also, a lot of women prefer to simply stop working and earn a living with their vaginas, either through marriage or through onlyfans

>> No.24716341

>Never seen something like that.
Then I guess you've only been looking at Ben Shapiro videos instead of actual academic research.

>> No.24716370

I'm an electronics engineer. Skilled women are paid as well as us and have exactly the same opportunities if not more to advance in their career.

>> No.24716376

The Master Chief is black?

>> No.24716447
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Women are property and have been so for most of history.

People have roles and Women are slipping out of said roles into degeneracy levels never seen but before the Roman empire's fall and similar situations.

Keep them in their place, they like it, and it's for a reason. Society doesn't allow for this to happen naturally. That's why rape will always be an option to conquered foes because that's how it's always been and it's literally the reason why they act the way they do. Their ancestors were raped by the stronger foe times 20. Thank you and good night.

>> No.24716499

kitty? It is a game.

>> No.24716525

It was due to a shitty study made in the 2013 or so. The study interviewed and researched the salaries of 1000 women vs 1000 men. The thing, is that the study didn't consider the job and degrees of each individual, so it obviously misrepresented a giant gap between women and men salaries as a proof of toxic patriarchy.
Later, some feminists realized the bullshit, but instead of making it public, they kept pushing the bullshit narrative while enforcing more participation of women in STEM, just to close the gap of salaries.
It's just the clown world in action, i hate normies and women.

>> No.24716675

But that's an incredibly retarded thing to do, how the FUCK did that work...

>> No.24717026

>But that's an incredibly retarded thing to do, how the FUCK did that work...
It worked, because the average normie is retarded.
I've a CS degree, started making nice money as a full stack webdev, but i left that shit because some retards (men and women) were paid as much as me. The problem was that these 'retards' only made meme changes like writing css and/or changing variable names, while i did more than 50% of the work by myself. Why did i chose webdev may you ask? well, it's extremely well paid and even a nigger can learn js, python and frameworks in less than 3 months.
One day i got out of my bed, went to the waggie cage and told everyone to fuck themselves, then moved to my parents house for a year and invested all the fruits of my temporal job into crypto and stocks. That was the best decision i made in my whole life if you ask me.
Now my net worth is 1,3MM and i automated the trading of half of my portfolio (just scalping for daily money).

>> No.24717099

my grandma tried to argue with me on the wage gap, and I said "I dont even believe women should vote? I'm not the one you should be talking to about this"

>> No.24717199


Show proofs.
-t. CS major

>> No.24718132

so.. closing the wage gap means women will work less hours and get paid more. Their wages will be higher than ours?! Because feminism?
What in the flying blue fuck

This will make them all but unemployable..

>> No.24718362

welcome to 2020 anon and it's only going to get worse
thank cunts and jews

>> No.24718396

it's the top and the bottom against the middle. never forget that.

>> No.24718508

Women are paid less because they asked to be paid fairly in the 70s

>> No.24718666

basically this, but actually why are women underrepresented in lucrative fields like finance, software development, and now crypto? Remarkably few will even show interest in these fields.

>> No.24718787

And the middle class will lose

Either climb your way to the top or give up and join the sterilized UBI class

>> No.24718878

you're not wrong

>> No.24718948

women are nothing more than baby-makers and I am sick of society pretending otherwise.
giving them rights was a massive mistake.
I'm ready for businesses to be forced by law to employ 50/50 male:female ratio, and pay women more despite them working fewer hours and getting loss work done.
strap yourselves in, boys.

>> No.24719052

>Same job and skills, women are not paid less. Ever.
>Source: just trust me bruh

>> No.24719140
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Women are paid the same amount as men. The idea that women are paid less is feminist/radical leftist post modern dog shit that doesn’t deserve your attention. The argument is anecdotal at best and there is nothing credible about it. In b4 but jobs that women prefer to work are paid less... well tough shit. A graphic designer is obviously going to be paid less than a neural surgeon. It’s not our fault that some careers are paid more than others and the careers that women tend to choose are paid less than the male dominated ones.