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24713752 No.24713752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24713787

just shorted the gaming industry, thanks bobo.

>> No.24713823

>western AAA game devs in 2020
lmao, just wait for Elden Ring like everyone with a brain

>> No.24713837

whats so bad about it?

>> No.24713871

It feels like I’m playing a series of cutscenes

>> No.24713897

It's been awful since 2007.

>> No.24713908

Post me a sperg negative review. I like watching that sort of thing

>> No.24713935
File: 1 KB, 376x240, run-for-the-money_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably began to stagnate around 2006

>> No.24713943

i shorted this game buy not buying it

>> No.24714299

Its been shitty ever since micro transactions became a thing back in 2013

>> No.24714317

This, it's been shit for well over 10 years niggers

>> No.24714330


>> No.24714346

Csgo, ksp and Minecraft anarchy chads rise up!
Also fuck everyone who complains about skins in csgo. You can literally play stonks inside ur vidya. Shit is kino and doesn’t effect the gameplay

>> No.24714353

>turning horrible

child spotted: the gaming industry has been shit for years (e.g. since COD4)

>> No.24714361

>is turning

lmao, AAA games have been pure cancer for the last 10 years

>> No.24714385


>> No.24714389

Why was this game even so hyped up? I don't get it.

>> No.24714422

I just want an Elder Scrolls style game with actual depth where I can make my own character and go into a vast world.

>> No.24714447

people bought the hype of a developer that has made console garbage for 10 years

>> No.24714448

you want to buy my 15 years of service account?

>> No.24714481
File: 14 KB, 480x360, sewershark2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax, it's just a game!

>> No.24714509

Gaming turned into shit after it turned into a social event for people pretending to care.

>> No.24714510

the futuristic cyber punk setting seemed new and fresh back when the trailer was first revealed in 2017

After eaiting 4 years now it just seems tired and late...

>> No.24714525
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based elden retard

>> No.24714557

They're slavs you jrr fatass

>> No.24714560

>playing video games
dumb bobo

>> No.24714588

cyberpunk pushing the lgbtqxyz agenda. fucking infidels. their punishment will be more severe than the people of sodom.

>> No.24714603

Fallout 76

>> No.24714637

The teaser came out in January 2013 bud

>> No.24714638

that which you seek, lies within your own mind. go there. no need to be afraid. you don't need anyone. you are fully capable of entertaining yourself.

>> No.24714703

because CDP has great reputation of giving back and caring about their gaymers, and because their Witcher games have great storytelling, in part thanks to being based on books

>> No.24714768

ITT: Adults that are no longer the target audience but do not yet realize they've just outgrown gaming

>> No.24714799

How do i short redditors

>> No.24714815

>CDPR down 8% in a day
holy fucking based

>> No.24714845

>yes goy, nothing to see here, video games havent changed at all! Just let your children take it from here

>> No.24714857

Actually thinks quality matters since the past 10 years.

>> No.24714865
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I don't think it's an age issue. The companies clearly don't care about anything but money. All the artists that made good games are gone. And now you get next gen games like pic related that care so little about details that they don't even bother to animate the camera guys on the sidelines. That's something I could do I Blender in a few minutes.

>> No.24714874

Turn and burn, dog meat!

>> No.24714933

yep makes the last of us 2 seem like a 10/10 unironically

>> No.24714967

>All the artists that made good games are gone
Not just gone, they were literally pushed out. Watch some interviews with old devs of formerly great projects that went to shit. Its fucking sad man. Everything circles around microtransactions, dlc, lootboxes, etc, and yearly sequels means there's no real time to do anything but rehash the same old shit, and every game is released unfinished.

Making a good game now comes secondary to making something that just amounts to digital crack designed to trigger endorphins with every micro-transaction.

>> No.24715048

The last of us 2 wasn't that bad if it wasn't for the gay agenda in there, the graphics and everything was great..
And games like squad, project reality, scape from tarkov, pubg.. are good game btw.

>> No.24715077

It's frustrating that even ten years later I still care about the state of this stupid fucking industry.

Wait, this isn't /v/?

>> No.24715115

No, it's effect, you were right

>> No.24715219

The gaming industry went to shit when most games started focusing on multiplayer & micro transactions. The big companies like Rockstar & EA would rather churn out shit like that because they’d be playing it safe & they minimize profits thanks to faggots that spend money on their micro transactions.,

>> No.24715231

Fuck you. Cyberpunk is a great game

>> No.24715266

>Game literally has no cutscenes
Is this a shitty /v/ meme? I never visit that shithole

>> No.24715267

Same boat man. I left vidya not because I wanted to, but because all my favourite games went to shit, and there was nothing good to replace them. It honestly leaves the same pang in my chest as thinking about someone I know who's died. But on the other hand we lived through the golden era of video games, so maybe we just didn't know how good we had it.

>> No.24715291


>> No.24715308
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>They had to make it for PS4 and XBOX too
Gee I wonder why

>> No.24715310


>> No.24715314
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>> No.24715355

I play oldschool runescape and theres a protected class of fucking programmer-sock-wearing moderator-boot-licking trannies that lynch anyone who cracks a fucking joke. Not to mention adding a gay pride event immediately after pledging to keep the old game in tact.

>> No.24715358

If this were true, Classic WoW and Oldschool Runescape wouldn't be still be two of the most popular games on the planet right now.

>> No.24715470

Made by women and "women".

>> No.24715777

>turning horrible
we been here for years retard

>> No.24715794

Checked and agreed
Also dedicated community servers reachable by IP being suppressed

>> No.24715832

played by adult children yes

>> No.24715878

skins were fine until agents were introduced.
I've lost some matches because some of those, it's literally cheating on certain map + agent combinations.

>> No.24715916

why have all gaming communities done this? Its like over the course of 1-3 years the popular gaming community did a personality shift and now if you dont guzzle black penis they ban you for bigotry

>> No.24715930

they made the 101% white witcher games before this, so it's surprising if it's sjw bait.

>> No.24715943

Games are turning shit to the demographic that browses here, sure. But isn't that just us getting older and games getting kinda stale just from age? Granted, there's not a lot of innovation and it's all AAA bullshit these days.

I am assuming people in their mid to late twenties and beyond browse here. I haven't played game since 2015 and indeed 2007 seemed to have been the peak of gaming. Only e-sports has some interesting developments going on that I can see.

With that said, is gaming still a bad INVESTMENT?

I'm up on my ESPO ETF since buying in March 2020, right before the crash. Not sure what the future holds though.

>> No.24715959

I play osrs pretty regularly and there is a ton of young kids playing it who never played it back in actual 2007

>> No.24716086

this is why you stick to runescape oldschool
it will always stay based

>> No.24716832

based boomers

>> No.24716992

> being above 12 and still playing games
Man up you faggots

>> No.24717016

kys Bethesda dick sucking, tasteless scum

>> No.24717108

the only decent cyberpunk games i am aware of are

shadowrun (snes 1993)
deus ex (PC 2000)

>> No.24717198

>chromatic aberration, depth of field, motion blur and other sick-inducing unrealistic effects
>SJW propaganda everywhere, dildos, trannies, BLM, cuckoldism and soijaks
>day-one DLCs, DLCs each six months, numerous patches and bugs
>devs being paid less and less, and working more hours, like slaves

Just short it, Bobo.

>> No.24717237

Go play Tetris

>> No.24717298 [DELETED] 

The target audience of games changed and you're blind if you don't see it
They were digital toys for kids and teens in the old days, with some being well-crafted enough to appeal to adults
Now they're explicitly targeted AT adults who want to escape their lives or gambling addicts
I can still enjoy simple old games now and then but I have zero desire to touch modern abominations

>> No.24717336

yeah i played some today and didn’t like it. the gun fights were weird and the whole game felt stiff and awkward. i’ve been no lifeing demon’s souls so maybe i’m just used to an amazing game but idk.
i’ll keep playing because i paid 64$ for it though

>> No.24717340

this. long as fuck video games even though they're all trash.

>> No.24717369

Haven't play a game since 2017, waiting for elden ring

>> No.24717425

>Also dedicated community servers reachable by IP being suppressed
yo wtf is this bullshit, how the fuck is the original xbox's and 360's matchmaking for halo 2+3 fucking worse than MCC? And there was halo:CE for PC where you could join servers off a list like in counter strike. i miss 90s/00s multiplayer that shit was golden era

>> No.24717507
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play chinese games, they dont pretend to be money sucking gacha
they are just money sucking gacha

>> No.24717546

This. 2006 was the last good year for gaming. Downloadable content destroyed the industry. Now they sell you half a game for $70 and then charge you another $100 for content they intentionally left out to merchant you.

>> No.24717585

Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne were the only good games since 2009.

>> No.24717604
File: 71 KB, 750x750, 41674EBF-7E7E-4F9E-8919-5E45AE68D62A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a break...
>what is Witcher III
>what is The Last of Us
>what is Skyrim
>what is RDR
>literally every RTS, racing, sports, and simulator is leagues better now than ever before
Like what the fuck are you /vg/ autismos looking for?

>> No.24717610
File: 82 KB, 1073x653, Ek0k4RMXEAAQaod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good games since like 2014 have been Grand Strategy games and Citybuilders, everyone knows this.

>mfw waiting for Ck3 to be good

>> No.24717720

Gay faggots are the only group with more time on their hands than even the gaymers themselves. Trannies and BBC worshipers will literally sacrifice their lives to destroy anything "good" in yours, akin to a freedom fighter of the goat fuckers. They will dedicate any amount of time, money, and resources just to simply annoy all the way up to completely fuck up your hobby. Because that's how much they despise straight white males.

>> No.24717743

>I only play casual AAA games for the normies

The only good games are PC exclusive games made by small teams. The only place where you can still find gameplay without hand holding

>> No.24717796
File: 93 KB, 640x400, betterthanskyrim1992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Witcher III
>Last of us
very shit
very very shit
>RDR 2
an OKAY game for 2018
yes simulators are light years better, I can give you that one.

take ultima7 for example. now graphically it does not compare to modern games and the combat is a bit clunky. but the world itself,(interactivity, npc responses, environment) was more advanced that skyrim and it was released in 1992! .. anyway, that is enough ranting.

>> No.24718082

I’ll give it a go, fren, but what don’t you like about Witcher/Last of Us/Skyrim? I can get not liking something like Fallout or Ass Creed because the stupid amount of pointless, uninspired, grinding quests but...

>> No.24718491

Skyrim is good for fappin, if you install the right mods.

>> No.24718963

I agree. Happy to be proven wrong

>> No.24719022

>just shorted the gaming industry, thanks bobo.
Being bad doesn't mean "not profitable"

>> No.24719160
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look, witcher and los1 are okay games for what they are. los1 is probably much more unique and better developed for its time when compared to witcher3. what annoys me is the lack of interactivity or features already existing in older, less polished games. when you have a giant budget and team of devs, it would be nice to look at classics and add or further develop these features. some games do to a small degree but others like skyrim just add pretty much nothing and fuck up existing features. yes the game can still be enjoyable but it could have been much much better obviously. you still haveindie devs that are creating new interesting games which build upon 'classic' features, which is good i guess.
anyway, fuck it

>> No.24719162


>> No.24719165


>> No.24719208
File: 382 KB, 505x600, 121967357_2728546847394841_1835734269928415319_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

braindancing is dope asf, I don't care what any of you old faggot boomer bitches gotta say about it.

>> No.24719217

neon lights so pretty

>> No.24719236
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>very very shit
You're entitled to feel that way I guess.

>> No.24719483

there are a shit ton of great indie games being made all the time

>Enter the Gungeon
>They Are Billions
>everything made by Paradox

you niggers need to stop spending your money on AAA games made by tranny kikes that hate you. there are plenty of indie devs doing way better work that deserve your money a lot more

>> No.24719514

short the ones with the most women and blacks in them

>> No.24719524

that’s fair, and I’d imagine a lot of the team devs want more robust, immersive, gameplay - but the kind of timelines that would be required to realize those ambitions would be unrealistic to keep the AAA studios afloat. Between working with rapidly-developing software (OS, game engines, etc.), and meeting commercial expectations, it’s probably crazy to work in the industry and create something as expansive and multi-dimensional for current-gen performance expectations as it was when only nerds played and made vg. If I ever make billions, I’d love to create an independent studio that would focus all of its energy into one long-term project. Have well-paid 400-lb neckbearded DnD-playing, unshowered, wizards with passion make something truly beautiful. Something set in Renaissance-era Europe. I don’t fuckin know; I’m writing my stream of consciousness at this point

>> No.24719592
File: 146 KB, 1170x780, BellaMayKisstheBride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARPA is cyberpunk.

ARPA is good.

Bella Protocol is my girlfriend.

We're entering the Kyoto harems.

>> No.24719634

Get a load of this moron

>> No.24719635

CDPR is a indie company. Or used to be one.

>> No.24719666

I've been playing a chinkshit game called Amazing Cultivation Simulator for a bit now and at like 80 hours I'm just starting to figure out what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.24720682

found the actual trader that doesn't know anything about video games or how they should play

>> No.24721286

prolly been playing vg for longer than you’ve been alive brougham, not that it matters
what a model game for you? what should the AAA studios aspire to be?

>> No.24721300

naw League of Legends is basically the greatest game of all time.

>> No.24721558

you can fully customize the penis of your character with a .000 degree of precision.

>> No.24721645

>still caring about bideo games

grow up already

>> No.24721679
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>Yup back in my day the games were so much better.
Yup, they just dont make em like they used to.

>> No.24722243

I hope this is sarcasm

>> No.24722270

Everything after Pong was pozzed.

>> No.24722568
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 1478731074917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try real life

It has the biggest explorable open world and some of the most complex game mechanics out there
Literally infinite possibilities
The complexity of this game rivals even Dwarf Fortress
Be warned though, it can be hard as fuck on some playstyles, and there is permadeath
But to me, that's the beauty of it, it just makes the gameplay more meaningful
And you can play on the easy modes if you want, you just won't get as much xp as somne of the more developer-intended routes

My favorite meta currently is grinding for cryptocurrency, it lets you amass tons of ingame money with less effort than most other methods, in fact it's kind of OP right now since only some players are using it, but the reward rate will probably be nerfed later

>> No.24722636
File: 5 KB, 194x260, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Games are for children only

>> No.24722705

He’s right though, they are for children. Maybe they’re okay in social situations but spending hours playing games as a grown man is like playing with dolls

>> No.24722755

right in the feels
man, i just finished grad school, got a job, and am out socializing most evenings... sometimes i just need some time to myself to slay some fuggen dragons
is that a crime?

>> No.24722839

You mean like movies are only for children?

Grown men should spend their time chopping firewood. Ploughing the field. Talking about the new Volvo truck. You know important man stuff

>> No.24722878

>caring about modern video games
>caring about anything modern at all
It's only going to get worse. Same with music and film.

>> No.24722884

Yes that’s correct

>> No.24722892
File: 5 KB, 256x334, anzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is Ghost Trick
>what is Virtue's Last Reward
>what is Saints Row 2
>what is Return of the Obra Dinn
>what is Hollow Knight
>What is Rabi-Ribi
>what is Metal Gear Rising
>what is Kid Icarus Uprising
>what is SMT:IV
>what is DMC V
>What are Monster Hunter games (except world)

Sure the industry became soulless, pozzed and full of censorship but great games are still being made. Granted you have to focus on Japanese or indie titles but just like shitcoins by DYOR you can stumble upon kino stuff. You shouldn't waste your time playing videogames until you make it but at least try to make an effort searching for the good stuff if you plan to
>inb4 muh Ghost Trick

>> No.24722920

Nobody talks about volvo ever.

>> No.24722923

>inb4 muh ghost trick
fuck I'm tired. by that I meant
>inb4 muh ghost trick and Obra Dinn are puzzle games do they don't count
>muh VLR is more of a VN than a game
it doesn't matter

>> No.24722927

Someone shoop this with a merchant running off with peoples money

>> No.24722929

Make insurance for your portfolio, don’t be an tard who will lose everything in a moment. join polkacover.com and don’t panic about scammers and fake projects

>> No.24722931

I cant believe i read everyones game exceptions and no one said overwatch. Overwatch is the best arcade shooter since like unreal tournament 3.

>> No.24722962

yeah dude I love doing nothing until everyone has their ults up then deathballing with them while the enemy uses all theirs too
even pros will tell you how shit it is

>> No.24722983
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I found it to be too easy, only the SFM porn of the girls made me stick around longer than I originally planned before ultimately dropping the game. I liked quake hampions more

But even then modern matchmaking sucks nowadays which is my main concern with multiplayer titles, hence why I mostly named singleplayer games in my list. I also forgot to mention the splatoon games, they are unironically fun to play and have quite some depth for a TPS aimed at children

>> No.24723018

The only good games you listed are MGR, DMC5, and SMT4 (which is good but not great)
And VLR??? Really? 999% of vns are better than that steaming pile of shit

>> No.24723037

A good game once in a while is not bad
Just like anything "once in a while" is never that bad
Grown men making it their main concern as is much more prevalent now is bad though, and obviously unhealthy and immature
I will probably play minecraft until I die, and before (as well as after) you have children you do have a fair bit of freetime, but once you're bearing the weight of society on your shoulders, during your prime you often simply don't have time to engage in a fantasy world that doesn't materially get you anywhere anyway
Imagine like having a kid and being on the computer not paying attention to them on your time off work, unless you're playing with them that is

>> No.24723087
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>The only good games you listed are MGR, DMC5, and SMT4
The only good games you've played, I'm ready to bet. Obra Dinn will make you think and Ghost Trick is unironically one of the best stories I've ever seen
>And VLR??? Really? 999% of VNs are better than that steaming pile of shit
Saw what you did there but OP mentioned videogames. VLR is kinda in-between so it was the first thing that came to mind along with Danganronpa titles I liked and also forgot to mention even though they're closer to being VNs and yes VLR was a step down from 999 and is pale in comparison to mystery focused novels like Kara no Shojo or Umineko despite the memes and the fanbase that became filled with wrestling faggots

>> No.24723194
File: 32 KB, 450x338, 12308402_131167150584047_4966021835726106865_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be completely honest, I love the Witcher III, but the main reason is because I really like the books and the setting, and I enjoyed playing what was essentially Witcher fan fiction.
Everything else on your list is mediocre or bad, and even if you named 10 great games, it would still be cherry picking.
Fuck you.

>> No.24723357

You have bad taste.

>> No.24723695
File: 304 KB, 680x356, 745F5E4F-AEE0-46C2-9453-0D88B49CEFF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just naming big games from big studios, which I think are exceptional, to make a point. They’re objectively well-made games, and in more than just one way. My top games look a lot different desu. You can’t tell me with a straight face that the vast majority of games pre-2010 weren’t steaming piles of shit... we have more variety and quality than ever before despite the huge amount of garbage.