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24713271 No.24713271 [Reply] [Original]

my ex just sent me a pic of her and her new guy kissing with a ":)"

I feel like dying bros. please cheer me up. I made $789 yday but it doesnt even feel good fuck :(

>> No.24713299

at least you don't have to deal with an unfaithful parasite

>> No.24713303

if i had enough money and i could get away with it i would hire an assassin to kill that whore for you if that story was actually true. What a vile cunt. Send her nudes to her father

>> No.24713307

she got the exact reaction out of you as she wanted


also the fact that she needs to do that shows insecurity and honestly you win that she cares that much about getting a reaction out of you

>> No.24713316

kys for even having a girl like that in the first place

>> No.24713321

Trick her into sending you a picture of her sucking his new BF cock, send the picture to his mom and dad and her horny uncle and upload it here.

>> No.24713329

What a cunt of a ex

>> No.24713350

Listen to this.
block the number. move on. that bitch is a terrible person and i'd say you should warn her new boyfriend but fuck him, he can learn too.
t. i learned

>> No.24713374

spend 300 hundred of that on a smoke show escort and send your ex pics of her blowing you then block her. you will feel better and she can't escalate further because the bitch is blocked. game set match.

>> No.24713389

>Trick her into sending you a picture of her sucking his new BF cock, send the picture to his mom and dad and her horny uncle and upload it here.
This, except don't send it to anyone and just masturbate to it like the cuck you are.

>> No.24713394

send her a pic of your bank account with a ";)" and block the number

>> No.24713398

psycho girl wtf

>> No.24713424

300 gets you smoke show escorts?

>> No.24713486

for like an hour, which is all he needs to accomplish the goal? yes, i believe 300 would do it. like VS model level hot, especially in a large metro area.

>> No.24713489

You might feel like dying, but she's the one making cringe moves irl
See >>24713307

>> No.24713541

lol pay a hooker and send her the pic of your load on the hooker's back. ";)"

>> No.24713549

This guy is right. Aslong as you do nothing. No response, nothing! then you won the battle. Women can be fucking evil but you have to not let them win and ignore it and act like she didn't matter... She doesn't matter bro! Get on tinder or OKCUPID now! and buy chainlink.

>> No.24713553

Who gives a fuck about your trash girlfriend
and fuck you too for being a bitch about

>> No.24713564

Send her a pic of your dick in your hand and ask for more

>> No.24713588

Block her you retard

>> No.24713641

Post pic faggot

>> No.24713691

send back a pic of you kissing her new guy to assert dominance

>> No.24713709

Rape her dad

>> No.24713747

I feel you anon. The saying 'happiness is the greatest revenge' used to motivate the shit out of me. Give yourself a few years. Go dark on social media, and then pop back up a fucking millionaire.
>t. On my way. I'll be popping up v soon.

>> No.24713790

good idea actually

>> No.24713856

>letting a woman hurt you
You are a man. She sent you that just to hurt you, anytime I want to get over a girl I go with negative reinforcement. Anytime you think of her you hit something hard so it hurts, until your knuckles are bleeding. You will soon associate her with physical pain and stop thinking about her, negative reinforcement is the quickest way to change a behaviour. I know it sounds edgy teen to hit stuff but this is a tried and tested psychology method that all animals respond too.

>> No.24713904

Why is that cunt bitch trying to rub it in anyway? What's motivating her?

>> No.24714017

that's all you need to know

>> No.24714133

why do you talk to your ex lmao

>> No.24714501

i have her blocked but its from her new guys phone number LOL

>> No.24714523
File: 71 KB, 550x842, 88808A8A-98C1-4754-ACE9-4FD1A17351C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dodges a psycho
>feels down

>> No.24714598

>i have her blocked but its from her new guys phone number LOL
Send him a picture of a fat turd you've taken lmao

>> No.24714612

Kek that is fucking cringe of her. She probably still has feelings for you since she's trying to make you jealous. Best response is to just ignore her, women (and attention whores like her especially) hate that more than anything

>> No.24714621

>my ex just sent me a pic of her and her new guy kissing with a ":)"
Why did you not block her?

>> No.24714693

Total complete ignore.

No acknowledgement whatsoever. Just live your life and succeed. That's it. And even when you finally make it, don't seek her out to send her a smug message or anything like that, let her find about it herself. You just focus on making it bro, that's it.

>> No.24714803

Correct response

>> No.24714829

You're living rent free in that whore's head.

>> No.24714883

Send her a text back saying something like “what a cute couple! I’m so happy for you :)”

>> No.24714912

that's passive aggressive woman shit, do NOT engage in any way at all

just complete ignore, that's it

>> No.24715029
File: 1.78 MB, 320x240, 1307938115168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you sad, why would you even want to be with a girl that was immature like that? When someone acts in a way that shows their own shortcomings, why would you be offended?

Now make enough money to pay her bf to suck your dick, then send that pic to her with a smiley face on her wedding day. Or don't because your realize how dumb it is wasting time thinking about her.

>> No.24715034

>get on tinder
when you're demoralized it's best to double down on demoralization. foh

>> No.24715057

this. just ignore her

>> No.24715074

kek that's fucking embarrassing for her

>> No.24715083
File: 878 KB, 700x933, 1601293385639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your goal is impressing people on social media?
I might 'go back' if all these responses are real. jfc

>> No.24715174

I second this anons idea.

>> No.24715269
File: 61 KB, 604x590, 7CD813C4-3EDD-4D11-84D1-F30FC7C8C793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex sent me a pic of her and her new “mans” in bed bro, I completely ignored it and only felt strange for about 3 days and moved on, she did it because I always walked away from her because I got tired of her quick, but my ass comes back to her because the sex was good, regardless, it just shows that she was insecure and hurt about the past, just move on, you’ll be fine, plus since you’re here it only shows you know about crypto and you might make it in the long run, Godspeed.

>> No.24715277


>> No.24715286

>he fell for the women meme
you're probably not gonna make it anon, but there's still time. what did you learn from this?

>> No.24715316

post nudes or it didnt happen

>> No.24715348

just reply: rent free

and don't give her any more attention.

>> No.24715402

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.24715840

no worries man
she will die miserably as she lived
a soulless nihilistic whore
all the great people know there is more to this existence than just this universe
the "initial thought" the "consciousness"
no need to be religious to comprehend this but one needs to be of higher "dasein" which most people, even religious, are not

>> No.24715886

This. Any woman that would do that is a cunt. Rent free is the perfect response.

>> No.24716427

Send her a picture of empty egg cartons and block her.

>> No.24716479

One day you'll be rich and she'll be a shrivelled up whore who resents her weak beta bf that was stupid enough to marry her.

>> No.24716521

shriveled up whore with no eggs

>> No.24716546

either send something similar back or block her and never speak to her again.

>> No.24716583

Set her on fire, in minecraft of course

>> No.24716608

I'm sick of anons dumping details of their shitty lives here.. piss off, not your therapist.

>> No.24716655

every board does this

>> No.24716657
File: 451 KB, 383x383, 1597398858254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brah stop caring. That's literally all you have to do. Give her neither thought or energy.
If emotions are coming up drop them using the release tecchnique (releasetechnique.com). You can get rid of all negative emotions using the method.
She's desperate for a reaction and as a psychopath will throw breadcrumbs at you to try and bite. Do nothing. She's worthless. You used her, so the other dude is putting his dick where you have already coomed. Jakes on him.
Why would you want her back now she's some other man's trash?
>in b4 look at this pepe.exe

>> No.24716715

Invest in INJ. This time next year you'll be well off and can pull ant tail you want.

She sent the pic because she wants attention, you don't have to give her any.

>> No.24716773
File: 202 KB, 819x1024, 1602779365643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get two hookers for and record your dicking smacking there ass along We Will Rock You.

very doable.

>> No.24716795

whats INJ

>> No.24716853

Decentralized exchange (Injective Protocol) - its going to be massive and right now the market cap is still low

>> No.24716892

Tell her you got herpes and she may have it too

>> No.24716964

Fuck your feelings

>> No.24716993

I really think itll make you feel better if you post the pic on here so we can all enjoy it

>> No.24717009


>> No.24717142

Based. Hell, even doctor it with inspect element if you want

>> No.24717166

If you are wealthy off LINK, send pic of your bank account. If not, edit a picture and make it look like you are rich and send it back. I promise you with certainty she will feel worthless

>> No.24717187

The same thing happened to me except it was my dog

>> No.24717209

Also, just ignoring her is also a good thing because I guarantee you she is just waiting to get a response

>> No.24717215

Oh God, I can't even begin to imagine your pain. My heartfelt condolences.

>> No.24717269

Yeah my dog left me for a new owner and keeps harassing me

>> No.24717377
File: 58 KB, 640x597, 730BF6E1-9FA4-4713-8AC0-0034E0709FB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expert knowledge here
forgetting her will be the best thing you can do for yourself
that, or prank the new meat and with a fake positive HIV test in minecraft

>> No.24717499

Why is the gif not moving?

>> No.24717893

Anon, just know
That her new BF has technically sucked your dick. hear me out...

>> No.24717925

Find a better bitch and do the same thing. Women hate competition just as much as men, and if you take care of yourself and find quantifiable success to show for it, you'll stab right into her lungs with a similar text.

>> No.24718081

Find a girl with bigger tits than hers and send a pic of you sucking on them.

>> No.24718269

remove your ex from your life entirely. it didn't work, it cannot work, it actively worked against the both of you so maintaining any form of comms is negative even under the false guise of 'good terms.'.

Hostages don't keep in contact with their captors despite Stockholm Syndrome and neither should you with an ex.

>> No.24718414

literally this.
at first, you may use this feeling as fuel to drive you to succeed, but you must transition to wanting to succeed for yourself, not some whore.

>> No.24718541

Send her a photo of you shitting on a printed picture of her with the same emoji :)

>> No.24718770


>> No.24718903

That's gay. Only a virgin would even think to say that

>> No.24718923

Virgin response. Just send nothing

>> No.24718954

This. Absolutely nothing hurts a woman more, nothing BURNS their soul like hot oil than being ignored.
Any attention is good. None at all is literal hell. It's the hardest thing I had to learn, but seeing how it worked was insane. Literally every single time with my ex, when I let my emotions win and I actually tried to "fight" back. Lose.
Reach a point of anger that I actually become serene and actually have the resolve to ignore her. Win.
Every time till we finally broke up. Bad relationship so for the best, but I've applied it since and even though you don't keep every girl, you definitely win way more battles. Even some you flat out did not deserve to win.

>> No.24718974

Yup. Just say something with an exclamation point and nothing else instead of getting upset.


>> No.24720144

send her a picture of you kissing your portfolio. or do one of those cute pictures of you laying in your bed with your portfolio on a phone. I know you're a dude, but give the camera those e-thot doe eyes anyway for full effect.

>> No.24720169

What the fuck are you checking newfag

>> No.24720193

Send her a pic of you fucking your new girl or an escort. If you cant do this just dont reply

>> No.24720214

>Hire a quality escort
>snap pic ramming her with some blockfolio gaming (maybe)
>send it with :) and block her

Assuming this is ex-girlfriend, if it's ex-wife just move on not worth the risk.

>> No.24720218

She is still thinking of you anon. Whores have two modes, thinking about you and not thinking about you.
Text back 'k' or something similar, just don't show her you give a shit. She will wonder about you more, and eventually crawl back. Then you fuck her and dump her.

>> No.24720235

blockfolio gains* sorry i've been drinking

>> No.24720258

Don't send her an image of you with an escort kek. If those pics go around and people realise you hired an escort to pretend to be your gf to get back at some dumb bitch you will look pathetic.

>> No.24720284

How would they know it's an escort you idiot

>> No.24720324

She obviously still thinks of you, even though it sounds like the relationship is beyond repair. Block her and move on with your life.

>> No.24720339

Send her your Tomochain balance. That'll learn her in 2022.

>> No.24720362

Admittedly I've never dipped toes into the high class escort world but most prostitutes I've met look like prostitutes.

>> No.24720374

Just zoom in bro

>> No.24720485

She's clearly a whore. You should be happy.

>> No.24720614

You're a cuck OP. It's all your fault. Women are literally unable to think for themselves.