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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24708728 No.24708728 [Reply] [Original]

Remember well the voices who told you not to buy Freedom Reserve

>> No.24708829

good luck selling anything more than $1k

>> No.24708858
File: 197 KB, 750x845, 4075E252-404A-4E40-AF3B-B5A4186F911B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiple people have dumped 4 ETH bags and the dips just get bought. cope

>> No.24709043

We are hitting a penny today brothers

>> No.24709082

better believe it. this project is what DRC tried and failed to be.

>imagine investing in a banker coin kek

>> No.24709639

get in with everything fuck it

>> No.24709663


>> No.24709721

1$ and I retire, when?

>> No.24709757


Where did you even learn about this coin?

>> No.24709827


Some biz bro mentioned it here few weeks ago, bought a small stack

>> No.24709893

Probably 3 years

>> No.24709969

Look, I just don't invest in shitcoins, okay? I'd rather miss 10 moon missions than get rugpulled once. Deal with it.

>> No.24710038


>> No.24710153

Holy fucking shit its jumping so hard still I thought we would lose momentum

>> No.24710208
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>> No.24710236

FFS there is no way this is sustainable... Nonetheless impressive

>> No.24710250

the worst looking website i've ever seen.. almost like they didnt even try.

>> No.24710280

Is the team doxxed?

>> No.24710381

It's ridiculous how fast this is recovering from dumps.

>> No.24710462

Got my initial investment of 3k back and some change and I still have a fucking huge stack, time to hodl

>> No.24710523

I need to start doing this strategy.

>> No.24710528

What's the difference between this and other erc-20 tokens? What's a realistic market cap for this project?

>> No.24710573

this is clearly a con and im sad i didn't invest :/

I'm positive it will be poomped to 2 cents and then have the rug pulled

>> No.24710619

At max supply, it's not even half a million market cap right now. I'd say it can reach a couple of million market cap easy even if it ends up being a typical DeFi shitcoin.

>> No.24710624

I bought in fuckin way early and very low but I could have had a stack of like 3 million had I bought yesterday. I traded my federal unreserve for a stack of around 800k and that was only 800 dollars worth, I traded 3k RLC for a lot more today since I saw the moneybags. Now I dont have to worry about it

>> No.24710648

Good time to buy now?

>> No.24710674

It's in a dip, so yes.

>> No.24710678

Threw an eth at it

>> No.24710679

The market cap isnt even 1 million, buy this shit now and you will still make a ton of money. I think it will honestly lose a lot of momentum once it hits that point

>> No.24710701

I keep considering buying shitcoins like this when the price is flat - but I just don't because it goes against my trading strategy of buy and hold appreciating assets with fundamental strengths.

But if I were to buy in early with these shit coins, like you described, I could easily turn a profit. I did the same thing with BOND and eRSDL. I think I'll set aside 2 ETH to start trying this.

>> No.24710740

1 ETH in yolo

>> No.24710761

The main thing is even though I think a lot about how much I could have gone in, going in a minimal amount to get you a heavy stack is the best way. Getting a stack of like 500k worth of shitcoin for like 1eth is very minimal risk depending on how much you have saved.

>> No.24710818

Of course not. Dev and his friends own 70% of supply and they offer free coins to pajeets in their tg to shill this thing on biz.
Good luck to those who made money on this, low volume shit coin now high volume shit coin, looking forward to the rugpull

>> No.24710830

Yes, I've over exposed myself recently and need to build back my cash reserves. What's nice is there are an unending stream of opportunities like this on biz. And only one successful trade like this will allow me to keep playing the pump and dump game on biz.

>> No.24710917

Dumping hard right now, let's see if it recovers

>> No.24710960

why is the price dumping but you get less eth as the price goes down? 1 eth was 170k and now its down to 130k

>> No.24710976

Supply being released.

>> No.24711103

this is going to .01 end of day right ;)

>> No.24711160

Dunno, rather looks like one of the most brutal P'n'Ds I've seen recently. On the other hand, there is a faction of /pol/tards who support it heavily.

>> No.24711340

Now look at that motherfucker...

>> No.24711352

It will eventually climb, however I am definitely not dumb enough to keep a ton in, I took some profit before getting RUGGED

>> No.24711413

They're just playing off of unfederalreseve

>> No.24711572

Went from 5 eth to 10, gonna hodl 300k to see if it goes anywhere, if not oh well

>> No.24711612

thats what it was. i knew i heard somethign similar a couple weeks ago. this jeet shit is dumping already

>> No.24711648


>> No.24711752

>tfw dumped 1.5 million bags near the top

Thanks for the 16 eth

>> No.24711872

link on etherscan or LARP, price never dropped that much.

>> No.24712236

Dead cat bounce or is it retracing I wonder

>> No.24712418

buying in later :) cheers!

>> No.24712465

300k is like 1.2 eth Benchot

>> No.24712737

k threw in 0.7 ETH

>> No.24712840

Is it recovering?

>> No.24712842

Price prediction end of week?

>> No.24712870

Lmfao people actually bought this is there really this much newfag blood ready to be spilled

>> No.24712920

So you are saying you cannot make money from it?

>> No.24713079

We are gonna hit 1 million market cap before this shitcoin truly dumps

>> No.24713127

Current mcap?

>> No.24713236


>> No.24713483

its shooting back up again, this is fucking crazy

>> No.24713493


>> No.24713902

Lmao fuck FR. You still can’t even search for it all uniswap. This entire pump was artificial. Obviously sats Ganga aquired FR with their trading bots

>> No.24713930

Get in or stay poor

>> No.24713932

You are aware how much shit you can’t search for on uniswap, stay poor

>> No.24714027

if you can't find it then you don't deserve it

>> No.24714033
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>You still can’t even search for it all uniswap
Anything you can search for on uniswap is already ancient.
Fucking tard

>> No.24714201

Pretty surprised it's bouncing back after my dump did leddit start buying?

>> No.24714287

Pretty easy to find, its on the coingecko list

>> No.24714446

I've got to say this is pretty remarkable. Definitely going to dump but good on you if you made money

>> No.24714480

I believe it will manage to break out and hit a way higher market cap

>> No.24714533


>> No.24714590

dont be greedy this shit just pumped 600%, this is the break out. Market cap is terrible. No one is throwing new money in this now

>> No.24714602

where can you find the MC? Its not on Dextools or Coingecko

>> No.24714678

Total supply is 80mil, so the mkt cap could not be above 280k w/ FR currently priced at $.0035

>> No.24714708

But circ supply could be a lot less.

>> No.24714733

The number of addresses are going up too. the MC will peak at at least 1 million if not two

>> No.24714758

There are newfags who keep falling for these scams, that's why these scammers are active 24/7 peddling their shitcoins here.

The real shame is enriching these slimy scammers, but newfags kinda deserve it.

>> No.24714783

What is the problem if you still make profit from it?

>> No.24714796

Money can be made with these shit coins, it's just an extremely risky proposition.

>> No.24714843

The other scams are typically sitting at a much higher MC though

>> No.24715248
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Based wealthy anon.
These trash coins have no volume.

>> No.24715354

There was like 2 threads on this coin here over the past week one of them made by me

>> No.24715428
File: 1.16 MB, 750x1334, 7A674CEB-7BCB-49FE-BC76-A126A35D16BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahah you jews think you are sneaky don’t you ?? HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.24715769

Jesus Christ its dumping and I put in my 0.45 ETH that I was trying to return back to the 1.25 It was before I lost it on that stupid XBTC cancer. Im down to 0.35 now. fml :(

t. im a major retard

>> No.24716061

some shill on brit/pol/ convinced me to put 0.07ETH i had lying around into it a few weeks ago
pretty impressed honestly, keep going lads

>> No.24716175

so many biz niggers about to get rugged by this kek

>> No.24716253

I wonder when the rug is. It hit .007 without rugging, i was sure that was it. I guess when it goes to 1c.

>> No.24716264

how the fuck is this shit maintaining

>> No.24716292

its a fun coin that has some /pol/ support. Plus you get a shitload for 1 eth. in the current landscape where you miss the release day and everything is 10 bucks a coin, this feels good

>> No.24716432

Yeah wow so fun. Haha wee fun coin unlike other tokens which are not fun. I am buying this finey parabolic gem token. ,,,

>> No.24716507

have fun with you .019 bitcoins, you missed the 1000x and its never coming back. crypto is meaningless, you're better off with moonshots than watching a coin thats already 1000xed crab and pretend you're a "seasoned investor"

>> No.24716658

Thanks anon! I bought 100k FR

>> No.24716660

Rakesh be real with me. will this feed my family for the next year

>> No.24716693

it will, your money will double at the minimum if you buy in this early

>> No.24716869
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shit if this even hits half of what eRSDL peaked at, that's another 4x from here. Feelsgoodman

>> No.24716944

What is a suicide stack/ make it stack for this in your opinion? i currently have 65k of it

>> No.24716945

I dont think it will do better than eRSDL but I think eRSDL is a little undervalued. Both projects are still early as fuck

>> No.24717230

The discord trannies took over FR HAHAHHAHAAH

>> No.24717616

I bought. What does it do?

>> No.24717659
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>> No.24718042

Yes probably because if you had bought in for roughly about 500 USD yesterday

then it will be 83,333 USD @ 0.01 USD

>> No.24718465

what do we do about the low liquidity?

>> No.24718528

Shill it in more places unironically, at least leddit