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File: 157 KB, 1420x916, CSW-1420-916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24706726 No.24706726 [Reply] [Original]

u guys do know CSW is SATOSHI right?

>> No.24706763


>> No.24706809

Hal finney..... fucking retard

>> No.24706823

how do we profit from this

>> No.24706837

>wants to stay anonymous
>sends the first transaction to yourself

>> No.24706858

Adam Back

>> No.24707648
File: 704 KB, 768x663, 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24707711

If he's satoshi why doesn't he log onto his bitcoin talk account and post something?

>> No.24707725

Who cares. Whichever coin scales will be the winner.

>> No.24707733

satoshi is van saberhagen

>> No.24707834

that can't be satoshi he doesn't even look asian lol dumbass

>> No.24707926

Who's that fat old fuck?

>> No.24708002

Craig Wright is unironically not Satoshi, the real Satoshi Nakamoto always wanted small blocks and segwit, "Peer to peer electronic cash" was simply a purposeful mistranslation of the Japanese. Blockstream - funded by Bilderberg group - saved Bitcoin by refusing to raise the 1mb block cap, preventing the blockchain from becoming cripplingly large. If they had not done this the blockchain could be as large as 500gb today meaning that Bitcoin node operators would have to upgrade from 500gb hard drives and pay for more storage space, ultimately leading to financial ruin and the death of the network.

Bitcoin as a store of value was just the first step, Blockstream is releasing the full version of the Lightning Network in 18 months, this will lead to a revolution in digital gold and decentralisation by routing all payments through Lightning banking nodes off-chain, this is why Blockstream is so intent to lower the block size to 300kb to incentivise adoption.

Back to hash power, as the price and adoption of BTC increases the blocksize will be gradually reduced to 0kb, closing off the blockchain completely, this will move all transactions onto Layer 2 (Layer 3 and 4 are also in development). With all transactions off-chain the greedy miners will have all their power removed and we will never see another hardfork ever again like the hard forking of 'Bitcoin Cash' and later 'Bitcoin SV' by the fraud Craig Wright (they have their own competing blockchain in the works), this will render the BTC protocol completely free from big blocker influence under the tight but decentralised fist of Blockstream.

>> No.24708458

Lol not quite. Which renown cryptographer is mysteriously omitted from btc whitpaper? That's who satoshi is.

>> No.24708493

Bruce Schneier.

>> No.24708494

We're going to have terabytes of storage and 10,0000 gigabit internet and cuckstream will still be arguing for small cocks.

>> No.24708530
File: 38 KB, 742x682, Satoshi-Nakamoto-Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be too obvious. He did log into and post on one of his old accounts ;)

>> No.24708570

This guy is so retarded that this isn't even funny anymore. Just fuck off.

>> No.24709154

They caught him. New evidence shows Hal email stampstamp is even earlier than Satoshi.. ie he sent email to himself.

>> No.24709562

they all know
brace for impact

>> No.24709840

Shit, bsv jeets are back.

>> No.24710442

anybody have that old screenshot of the original bitcoin mining software enabled on the CRAIG network

>> No.24710802

BSV = capitalism
BTC = communism
All other coins = religion

>> No.24710911

>10 years from now
>Chainlink is over $10,000
>Sergey is now written into humanities history
>BTC is standard world currency, chainlink provides all the data
>Smartworld™ is the new society
>One old bum sitting on the street, begging for a few satoshi sent to his old android smartphone
>You look closer
>"Lol" you check the BSV price, seeing it is actually CSW
>Send the man the 4 BSV you have, worth about $3
>The man screams and attacks you
>The McPolice come screaming down the road, hitting the man
>They drag his body up, and take his phone
>"That assault will cost you 10,000 satoshi, a McPolice response fee of 5,000 satoshi, And the Link fee for providing the CCTV footage!"
>The other officer addresses you "Sir, the fee will be paid immediately to your account, I apologise for this unfortunate interaction. The amount will be reclaimed from the perpetrator at a later date when he can pay, likely he'll be sent to the McWorkhouse. Can we be of any further assistance?"
>You laugh knowing you're getting some of the Link fees, and reply "No officer, here, take this for your speedy response." Tipping him 1 Link.
>He cries under his McFaceshield and thanks you, grovelling, as you walk away, the other officer beating CSW in the back of the McRapid Response Unit.

>> No.24710989

Satoshi is a super intelligent AI that can only be accessed by solving the polymeric falcighol derivation with a quantum computer

>> No.24711473


>> No.24711598

are your bags getting heavy?

>> No.24711769

Prove that I'm not satoshi, I know he's a fraud because I created Bitcoin

>> No.24711821

>Wants to stay anonymous
>Literally screams I'm Satoshi at anyone who will listen

Yea man faultless logic

>> No.24712158

if he was we would know about it already

>> No.24712196

more like
btc: don't trust, verify!
bch: trust, but verify! (weird ideas about preconsensus for 0-conf)
bsv: trust, don't verify! (let the miners handle the blockchain you can ask them about your tx)

>> No.24712625
File: 2 KB, 93x125, 1596592830168s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's known, you just have your head buried in the sand

>> No.24712671

I only know that he likes harvesting pumpkins

>> No.24713296
File: 353 KB, 1600x1200, 1590302182528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anons, I saw this picture nd I knew: This guy can´t lie, he is satoshi for sure.

>> No.24713635

nodes that dont mine blocks dont affect consensus
you can achieve the same level of veracity using an SPV client and 100 byte block headers which scale linearly

>> No.24713683

you have a weird concept of knowledge autistic fiction is not knowledge

>> No.24713711

we get it you know jack shit about bitcoin

>> No.24713756

The fact that there’s autistic people who believe this when many companies have stated chainlink is overpriced shows the state of linktards

>> No.24714431

Microsoft Windows is overpriced. There are better, cheaper, even free, alternatives.