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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24703738 No.24703738 [Reply] [Original]

I am a time traveler from the year 2025.
Here are the bags you should be holding in each respective currency if you want to "make it"
You don't even need to diversify, just pack your bags in one and watch the rocket fly.

BTC: 1
XRP: 1,000
LINK: 50
ETH: 2.5
LTC: 100
ADA: 100
FIL: 5

All other coins have been outlawed or gone to zero. This is the only warning I will give.

>> No.24703825

I'll probably kms by 2025 the way the world seems to be turning
My tiny little linklet stack of 4k isn't even enough to consider

>> No.24703911

4k is plenty, but you should put it in a Trezor or something... big gubnerment stole a shit ton of people's crypto off of exchanges using an executive order in January of 2023

>> No.24704180

If this was true I would make it with ease, sad to not see RLC though, was hoping for smart cities :(

>> No.24704575

So am I, a lost a lot of money on RLC... Got in early on WOZX though, that's how I paid for the time machine.

>> No.24704688

where is ALGO?

>> No.24704711

Goes to $125 by 2022 and then dies. Didn't pay close enough attention to know what happened there desu

>> No.24705871

what kind of stupid nigger with access to time travel in 2025 would come back to 2020. You absolute fucking retard at least try to make it believable if you're gonna lie.
Funny thing is, everything you listed combined will still never be enough to /makeit/

>> No.24707164

You know what else happened in 2025?
You didn't make it.

>> No.24707201

No $Aergo? They are working with some major enterprises and government branches in South Korea and the MEASEA region

>> No.24707291

1 btc to make it / btc price now = 18k
only 2.5 eth to make it, etg price = $550

Tell me how I know you're larping.

>> No.24707697

Tell me how I know you've only been in crypto for the past 3 months.

>> No.24707727
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>> No.24707985

2025? I thought the next bull run was 2027 and 2028.

>> No.24708012

I'm a time traveler from the year 2015. What should I tell 4chan about the future? Keep in mind they won't believe me.

>> No.24708233

tell them BTC is a scam and watch them flock to it... works every time.

>> No.24708473

Apart from most the other shitcoins, ltc and xrp were dead give-aways lol

>> No.24708552

You have hard choice
either lost everything with project shitcoins
or buy cvr token and get fucking amazing benefits with polkacover.com lol

>> No.24708576

autism speaks yet again

>> No.24708636
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>time traveler
>no digits

>> No.24708663

okay anon how will noia do?

>> No.24708687

How does $50 in 2024 before its outlawed sound

>> No.24708711

based you better be not lying im gonna be comfy

>> No.24708746

quite good anon quite good
who will be president on 20th january

>> No.24708806

why would a 2025 nigga post a 2019 meme

>> No.24709420

I only have access to 2020 internet and I'm not good with photoshop
So the Chinese takeover hasn't happened in America yet?

>> No.24709456
