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File: 36 KB, 400x400, xbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24697759 No.24697759 [Reply] [Original]

Give me hope for these two fuckers

>> No.24697771
File: 166 KB, 745x1024, base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the base scam

>> No.24697841

People holding Base now will pay for the millions that those made in the first few days

>> No.24697913

XBTC bros...did we get too cocky?

>> No.24697949

Should I just sell this dog shit and accept my losses, fucking wozniakcoin is making crazy money and this just dumps like no tomorrow

>> No.24697972

They were Infinity Gainz pump and dumps. Once it ends they throw the project away and start with a new "PARABOLIC HIDDEN GEM 1000X NEXT YFICORESAV3 MOONSHOT"

>> No.24697975

WOZ coin dumping as we speak... there is no money to be amde in this market except you are either early or lucky or both. It's all a big Ponzi.

>> No.24698026

Honestly, I don't know. Can't believe I bought BASE then this shit instead of going all in on Wozcoin

>> No.24698047

I'm down $200, kind of hoping it pumps just a little so I can break even but I am beginning to feel like this is it.

>> No.24698063

I'm only down like 200€ I'd have fucking doubled with wozx.. You win some you lose some

>> No.24698097
File: 50 KB, 1204x509, Screenshot_2020-12-10_12-46-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you fucks want to be early then buy this.

>> No.24698118

EOY price prediction?

>> No.24698150

I bought at $0.088 and i'm just hoping I can 2x it at least. But maybe by EOY it'll be at $1 - $2?

>> No.24698180

the hype is dying out

>> No.24698195

The hype for BASE died 4-5 days ago. The hype for for xBTC died 1-2 days ago. Just leave it and look for something else.

>> No.24698219


as is this case with all coins.They are all pyramid schemes.
However, base is having a very high volume for its marketcap and the design makes it a very dynamic coin. I believe base will 10x from its current marketcap.

>> No.24698221

And why is this prominent??

>> No.24698282

This coin became listed about 4 hours ago and it's really cheap right now, from what I can see there's interest in it on Telegram, and people are buying right now. Getting early is almost always a good idea, unless it plummets of course. I just bought some and gonna wait till end of day to see how it goes. Nevertheless, make up your own mind.

>> No.24698284

They basically want to create a kind of PayPal for ETH20 shitcoins, making it normie-friendly.

>> No.24698296


what is it?

>> No.24698321

>They basically want to create a kind of PayPal for ETH20 shitcoins, making it normie-friendly.
Hello? Is this Request Network?

>> No.24698330

What do you mean?

>> No.24698349


I cant find any info on this coin. I can only see that i exists through chartex.

>> No.24698383 [DELETED] 

Hey, What do you think about this platform: baseprotocol.org

I asked some crypto experts and they advised me to join it. But wanna know your opinion about their options and solutions for passive income. Is it worthy?

>> No.24698456

Thanks. Unironically aped in.

>> No.24698467


>> No.24699093
File: 414 KB, 772x804, 1498260768283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hype for for xBTC died 1-2 days ago. Just leave it and look for something else.

>> No.24699135

People are upset, don't worry about it. The rebasing tech for xBTC is pretty solid and not subject to whims of whales. It's market cap is still relatively low and has plenty of room to grow

>> No.24699149

Agreed. Out of all the rebase tokens this and AMPL are the only solid ones.

>> No.24699302

how do you address the lack of new money coming in to xbtc?

>> No.24699343

Give it time. Project is new compared AMPL. We are about the same mark. New money will come in

>> No.24699554

Can someone explain to me where does the value go if one of these stays in the negative rebase for some time?

Like if a normal price falls, that just means people are less willing to pay for your shit, hence the "value" in their eyes falls. But a negative rebase just destroys value.

>you had 200 @ 0.5$, sorry! now you have 100 @ 0.5$

>> No.24699939 [DELETED] 

xbtc featured on forbes:
www forbes com/sites/anniebrown/2020/09/25/using-artificial-intelligence-to-tame-the-most-volatile-asset-class-in-history/?sh=2b4da53e7327

>> No.24700035

It's a fuckin dead useless coin, it existed a long time before BASE and it was thoroughly dead, the only thing that happened to it was that BASE existed and there was hype for Rebase coins and smart people bought shit rebase coins that already existed and then proceeded to shill them to idiots to dump their bags, get out while you can it died once and this is just a pnd

>> No.24700059
File: 29 KB, 400x400, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make some money for once

>> No.24700061

Tokens are burnt, it goes into deflation of supply. That's how AMPL works and basically others as well.

>> No.24700139

>they bought a flavor of the halfweek.

They dont do anything either, they are literally ponzis. Stay poor

>> No.24700151
File: 645 KB, 938x960, santa-x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All pajeets are selling their cheap bags, seems like great moment to accumulate more. When whales will get into it with full force?

>> No.24700193

this lmao, just let paperhands johnny sell

>> No.24700354

sorry anon not this time

>> No.24700468

i need some hopium, we're still early right?

>> No.24700518

Yes I know, I was asking more abstractly. Like I put 100$ in, to buy 200 tokens, but now my bag is slashed. It just seems weird to me that an algoritm could determine the value of my bag without any involvement from other people's valuation or of money moving.

>> No.24700534

I accepted the loss and got out, it will be my luck this shit pumps soon.

>> No.24700553

With xBTC you mean? Sure. There wasn't a big "hype" around this. It has a ridiculous marketcap. Marketcap is literally everything for a rebase coin. Most retards don't understand.

>> No.24700674

Anon is right. xBTC shitcoin is over 3 months old and didnt do shit until BASE mooned. And people invested in it and shilled it on BIZ. Then it had a small mooning and those who aped in got fucked by the pumpers. Now everyone is leaving the shitcoin again and nobody is coming in. It is fucking dead.

>> No.24701710
File: 19 KB, 868x935, 1606198393394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um what exactly does base think it's doing right now