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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24695363 No.24695363 [Reply] [Original]

>can’t hold above 2 cents
Sorry to all the new fags who fell for this obvious scam above 2.5c. In America l, people generall Theil as one of the most notorious cross-industry scammers. Nevin too. This is why they have to go to South America to peddle their fartless beans. Buyer beware there is no bottom

>> No.24695555

I was visiting San Francisco to see one of my friends who works in wealth management. We went to a strip club, and while I was there, I saw Nevin, surrounded by women. He was throwing tons of money at them, but not just bills. It was stacks upon stacks of $10,000, sealed up with the white paper bands, like he had just come straight from a bank.

I went up to him and congratulated him on the success of Reserve as of late (this was about a month ago), and he started laughing. He took a hefty swig from a bottle of Dom Perignon, and said, "Yeah? You think I care, reservie?" Confused, I asked what he meant, and said that he had obviously put a lot of work into helping disadvantaged third worlders and he should be proud.

"I don't give two fucks about those pajeets, kid."

He was about to say something else but one of the strippers tapped him on the shoulder. Nevin pulled out from his pocket the biggest ziplock bag full of cocaine I've ever seen in my life. It looked like one of those gallon bags, almost bulging at the seams. The stripper ran off into a back room with it. He then pulled out a Zippo lighter.

"You wanna know what I think about Reserve?"

He picked up his bottle of champagne on the floor, pulled about 20 stacks of bills from a duffel bag, threw them on the floor, poured champagne all over them, flicked his Zippo, and dropped it onto the pile. Almost instantly the whole stack caught.

I stared at him, speechless.

"It's called a 'PUMP and DUMP,' kid."

He laughed as he watched the pile burn before losing interest and going into a back room with his entourage of strippers following carrying duffel bags full of what I assume was money and coke.

This is the man you are supporting by buying RSR.

>> No.24695579

only room temperature IQ buys this useless overvalued shitcoin

>> No.24695619
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>100 gorrilion supply

>> No.24695630

KEK has spoken

>> No.24695977

Top kek. You sold me on rsr. Whats the suicide stack and make it stack?

>> No.24696081

Wow you replaced Nevin for Justin Sun. Anon come with better fud.

>> No.24696121

Suicide stack - 100k
Make it Stack - 1million

>> No.24696188

If only Nevin was this based and not a gaping mouth soiboi

>> No.24696398

On a serious note now, the fact that the Paypal announcement couldn't get it past 2c is very concerning.

>> No.24696476

I'm debating selling my RSR stack to go all in PNK

>> No.24696513

This shit coin only pump because of the 20 daily thread about it

>> No.24697112

The only real positive movement you're going to see is when arbitrage starts burning the supply. Chase other shitcoins for announcement pumps, it's what I do.

>> No.24697143

Arbitrage won't even burn 1B tokens per year.
Do with this info what you will.

>> No.24697794

Digits say you should already have gone in on PNK at 6c, but now is better than 20c.

>> No.24697885

can somebody start fucking actually believing in these so I can buy more?

>> No.24698596

>volume over 70M daily
>biz users are pumping it

>> No.24698634

For all the plebs and newbies that don't get shit
When there's more fud than shill about a coin on /biz this is definitelly bullish.
This means people fudding so they can buy more at a low price. You recognize the fud cause there is no real criticism behind it. Just some made up stories and dumb talk
That's why honest fuckers like me tell you to DYOR. Also RSR is dogshit.
Fuck this shitcoin it's useless.

>> No.24698700

>this is bullish for buttcoin shtick

>> No.24698713

such a shitty fucking ass coin that does nothing that I bought 10k more

>> No.24698971

>champagne burns

>> No.24699659

the paypal news did nothing for this coin. I should have sold yesterday, we're heading for 100 sats and below