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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24678411 No.24678411 [Reply] [Original]

Will crypto survive when the dollar inevitably crashes because of all the money printing?

>> No.24678447

bitcoin will be accepted as a reserve currency. day to day expenses will be paid with DOGE

>> No.24678628

unironically this

>> No.24678649
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The more people that buy an iPhone the cheaper it is due to economics of scale.
That means the more money you print the cheaper iPhones are. Things like milk are infinite so all you need for milk prices not to rise is a huge demand for iPhones from milk producers.

>> No.24679109

yes BTC will moon hard then, thats why right now am using alt to accumulate more btc, INJ is my biggest bet now and can do X5

>> No.24679223

But bitcoin always crashes together with the traditional stock market

>> No.24679257

Why is the rare earth minerals market so fucked. Surely more countries than China have some fucking rocks.

>> No.24679466 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is this ridiculous brainlet comment? How bizarre.. I have never seen anything like it. I must document this and present it to my colleges at our annual conversation.

>> No.24679566

What the fuck is this ridiculous brainlet comment? How bizarre.. I have never seen anything like it. I must document this and present it to my colleges at our annual convention.

>> No.24680100

Every crisis they learn how to keep going. Right now its not "stock market crashed", its "mr president we need one trillion or market will crash tomorrow".. they will just keep printing more, lie about inflation, prices of crypto/property/stock will keep rising while they hold down prices of cheap food

>> No.24680127
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>> No.24680155

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.24680989


invest is something more "real"

>> No.24681236

most dont understand they will just slowly crash everyone's wage's and savings through inflation for 95% of normies
if you are living paycheck to paycheck your paycheck will have less buying power for assets but you will still be able to eat chipotle and buy other consoomer garbage
This is how you slowly bleed out the middle class without anyone starting a rebellion.
Not to mention instill fear into all so they are vulnerable