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File: 33 KB, 1152x648, algora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24675371 No.24675371 [Reply] [Original]

Does having the best tech guarantee success? Why isn't Algorand more hyped?

>> No.24675406


the reason it isn't hyped it because its for nerds.

>> No.24675443

No idea. Same shit with iExec.
All I know is that I'm loading my bags based on their potential to be adopted.
Because the money that comes from true adoption will make the money we're making now look like chump change.
That's just how it goes though.

>> No.24675475
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Stop posting Algo, faggot. I’m trying to accumulate before the rest of these retards catch on.

>> No.24675480

The market is speculative, value is not based in utility or tech.
At least not yet

>> No.24675486

>Does having the best tech guarantee success?
No, and this would be obvious if you studied the history of technology. Also, algorand does not have as much of an advantage as you think.

>> No.24675517
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Shut the fuck up and let us accumulate you impatient oaf.

>> No.24675577

all i use is algorand.
for all shopping..
go to mcdonalds? algorand.
go to home depot? algo it.
go to local restaurant? pay in algo..
car repair? i got algo.
mortgage? have an algo.

>> No.24675619

>all this time online
>doesn't even have a dex

>> No.24675648

>Does having the best tech guarantee success
avax has the best tech and already better projects being built on it.
algocucks btfo

>> No.24675713

based pasta negroes

>> No.24675748

because the best tech is not Algorand - its Elrond, dyor

>> No.24676033

These things don't happen overnight. Algorand is a long term project. Build a stack now. Accumulate. Profit comes later.

>> No.24676060

Isn’t that named after the little boy from the Jetsons? Prefer Al Gore.

>> No.24676159

what can algo do that avax can't?

>> No.24676183

Algo will be a sleeper hit. Stake and accumulate.

>> No.24676447

You know you don't have to limit yourself to one project right?
Also Algorand has a better name. Checkmate.

>> No.24676464

There's such a thing as being too ahead of your time.

>> No.24676491

you mean cardano

>> No.24676624
File: 132 KB, 736x724, 1606891830462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why isn't Algorand more hyped?

ALGO already has all it takes to succeed.
>a Turing Award founder
>MIT professors team
>better tech than ETH and other competitors
>Connection to the Fed
>Adopted and used by Circle, VISA, govt of Marshall Islands

The market will catch on. The retail investors will catch on. You are early and you are lucky. Keep accumulating, staking, and have patience.

>> No.24676628

a reminder for all pasta negroes:


Thu 10 Dec 2020
10:00-11:30 (New York)
15:00-16:30 (London)

>> No.24676654
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>> No.24676784

46k tps. Most complete webpage i've ever seen in crypto and one of the greatest tech teams. Safest longterm investment.

>> No.24677107

That's ELROY.

>> No.24677144
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>the tokenomics

>> No.24677166

>what does this thing no one has heard of not have

>> No.24677222

>46k tps
fucking kek retard. less tps than avax, more finality tx

>> No.24677291

Cope with no one caring about that.

>> No.24677648

The tech is amazing. The tokenomic is shitty as fuck.
Same for xDai Stake.

>> No.24677679

No no man. iExec has incredible tokenomic. Price is suppressed for us to accumulate. As of 2021 we will pump without any stop

>> No.24678002
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dont be sad. after the token dump yesterday we're already on our way to the top 10.

>> No.24678481
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>> No.24678509
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It will rise as more people become aware of the partnerships, and more Dapps are built on it.

Especially when they find out about the Algorand staking rewards.

>> No.24678566

too bad algo doesn't have the best tech

>> No.24678619

>MIT professors team
just like the Enigma scam - kek

>> No.24679058

I wish I also had the small pussy to compare Micali's project to some literally whos

>> No.24680040
File: 896 KB, 1164x1374, Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 10.04.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubters BTFO. Why the FUCK would these autists kill their golden goose by keeping the price low forever?

>> No.24680320
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In time people will look beyond speculation, and will look at the tech and projects being built on the tech. When that does ALGO will moon.

Friggin Circle is in partnership with ALGO! Anyone who has been following crypto news knows that next year the USDC is going to be a big deal in crypto.

>> No.24680660

>When that does ALGO will moon.
The price of coins is entirely speculation. The protocol works the same whether the price is at $0.3 or $30. Therefore there is no fundamental reason for the coin to be at 30$. same with all blockchains

>> No.24680901

>he thinks ALGO won't pump its own coin to raise more money for operations.

>> No.24682200
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>The price of coins is entirely speculation

That's simply not true. Demand can drive the price of some crypto, especially when the crypto is needed to use the blockchain. For example: Reach just released a Dapp program, and in order to run the Dapps on ALGO it will require ALGO.

>Therefore there is no fundamental reason for the coin to be at 30$. same with all blockchains

Again, demand determines the price when tokens serve a purpose. Not all crypto is the same as Bitcoin.

>> No.24682231


I meant to write

>Reach just released a Dapp programming language for ALGO

>> No.24682602
File: 93 KB, 480x588, 1607322405202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price targets? I bought a couple grand worth around a quarter a piece not sure how to value it especially given the mc and total supply

>> No.24682774

Look at Tezos. It literally got adoption from numerous banks and is getting a zk-snarks upgrade at the protocol level - it's dumped non-stop for months now.

Algorand will behave the same for at least 2-3 years. It will go up randomly and then dump hard for months at a time. This is what crypto does