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2467073 No.2467073 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else experienced this? After getting into crypto, I suddenly don't care about women nearly as much. It's like my sex drive has been replaced with an autistic single-minded obsession with increasing my portfolio.

It's pretty comfy desu

>> No.2467162

Selfbump for omega male syndrome

>> No.2467265

No I'm trying to make money through cryptos so I can afford one.

>> No.2467351
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yup that's why rich old guys let young black guys back their wives into orgasm-comas

it's actually not being a cuckold at that point, you're like above it all
it's like that scene with doctor manhatten when his clones are gangbanging his girlfriend whilst he works on his project
he's just above it all

>> No.2467373

my dad's advice:
women, don't give a fuck about them and mean it
men hit prime in 30-50, women 15-35.
we will get rich off crypto and have our pick

>> No.2467403

i can't focus at my wagecuck job

knowing i can make a month's worth of wages with one refresh of my blockfolio kills it, i can't wait to achieve financial independence and leave for good

>> No.2467402
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Good one faggot

>> No.2467405

I got diagnosed with tinitus and I found autistic crypto traiding as my cure.
Hostel IRL would be fun, too.

>> No.2467423

I was a disfunctional drug addicted autist until 27. It was like I just woke up one day and I was worried about stability and good living. Now I'm pretty well off and dating a hottt nude model. Dudes dad was right.

>> No.2467459

>yeah, i'm a cryptomillionaire
>what's that
>it's uh...cryptocurrency
>oh i've never heard of that
>well it's digital currency. i made some investments and now i'm kind of a big deal
>so it's not dollars?
>it is and it isn't. it can be
>ok so are you a millionaire or not?
>why are we even talking about money?
>i dunno you brought it up
>well i shouldn't have.

>> No.2467544

This with literally every fucking plebbit who doesn't even know what an altcoin is

>> No.2467578

get used to it goy. you're going to be having that same conversation for the next couple years.

>> No.2467597

How this conversation would actually go:
>im a cryptomillionaire
>a what?
>you know bitcoin?
>I think Ive heard of it
>yeah I have millions of dollars in that
Everyone has heard of bitcoins. They dont know what ethereum or the blockchain or any altcoin is, but they've heard of bitcoin.

>> No.2467606

It's called not having testosterone

>> No.2467607

I only used to visit 4chan for /gif/ to masturbate but then I happened upon biz and now only moons give me a boner. i think I fucked up my sex drive

>> No.2467628

i'm not a wizard man. level of interest and depth of questioning will vary. anyone who's actually interested in how you're wealthy will want to know more, and you'll resent anyone who just handwaves your riches as buttcoins and moves on to something else.

>> No.2467975

Only a Canadian would bring up cuckoldry in biz

>> No.2467992

bitcoin made me sober. at least for the time being.

>> No.2468011

Same. Blockfolio was like crack in May. Every refresh brought more gains. Every day, another 1000 or sometimes 2000 dollars.

April and May were awesome.

>> No.2468052


As a female, I know what you mean. All of a sudden I've lost interest in so many of my old useless preoccupations: vidya, tv/movies, surfing /pol/ and reddit.

Wasn't looking for a bf to begin with but I notice my celebrity crushes have gone way down.

>> No.2468117

more like
>whats up babygirl?
>do I know you?
>ya bitch i'm the guy who has 3 ethereums
>oh my god just fuck me now

>> No.2468134


>> No.2468148
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You know the rules roastie.

>> No.2468174

i have collegues (male) aged 20-30, that have never heard of cryptos and don't understand it at all. could imagine that womyn will be more impresed if i had a lamborghini with a stash filled with gold bullions.

>> No.2468183

The richer you become, the more you become aware that women are *entitled* to 50% of your shit when they leave you for the next man.

>> No.2468184

a culture that puts net worth "above" healthy relationships is a suicidal one.

you can't say you're better than everyone if you find it hard to deal with people or get your dick up. you're not dr. manhatten if you fail in the ways he fails.

>> No.2468248


Stay poor lmao

>> No.2468521

>a girl from /pol/

>> No.2468539

>blah blah I'm a grill blah blah
Fuck off roastie

>> No.2468554

poor people don't have good relationships either, they put drugs and food above everything else.

>> No.2468569

Idk, about you guys but this just make me want to fuck mad girls.

>> No.2468597

You have a woman and you carry her for 20 years. Pretty soon all she knows how to do is make good sandwiches. She's out on the streets when you break up and he sandwich skills won't get her far.

How else should it be? Maybe don't marry someone who can only make sandwiches you beta cuck.

>> No.2468603

Chances are your sitting in front of your PC more and masturbating profusely so your motivation to pursue actual women is plummeting.

>> No.2468655

Separation of Property, friends. That's the idea.

>> No.2469049

Wrong As Usual, these were not clones these ARE him, see the full picture Friend .

>> No.2469068

Marry me!

>> No.2469089



>> No.2469438

yup. I also tried to get a buddy to put a few thousand into ETH at around $40, but he couldn't because his wife wouldn't fucking let him, now he's on suicide watch after seeing my $125k portfolio. fuck women.

>> No.2469447

>as a female

Gtfo faggot

>> No.2469463

Fuck, mate. I don't have that irrational hate against females but, all these stories I hear about wives and lost money makes me feel bad...

>> No.2469473


Rich guys can also fuck 10/10 escorts when and where they want to. Hookers are really convenient. Example:
>be me abroad for a project
>working in my hotel room
>hmm let's take a break soon, I just want to cum in a woman's mouth
>1h later she knocks on the door
>I fuck her and cum buckets in her mouth
>a few minutes later she's outa here
>continue to work

That's basically the life of rich people (hint: you don't need to be super rich to aford that).

>> No.2469499

Yeah im in the same boat as ur mate not that bad though but still woulda been up a few thous

>> No.2469515

Hahahaha women are cancer

>> No.2469554

Also, never marry a South American ex-prostitute. I know a guy (pretty rich back then, having a huge shop in a centric zone paying 3000€ monthly for the rent, enjoying expensive travels and diving experiences, driving a BMW M3... that kind of things). After a serious medical issue that woman took control of all his money, and isolated him from all his friends and family.

>> No.2469560

My girlfriend cheated on me last week and ive made 1k since
Not looking back desu

>> No.2469588

fuck bitches, get money

>> No.2469601
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>> No.2469735


>> No.2470545

Find a roastie fwb, do it for free.

>> No.2470551

Sounds like your meds are destroying you're sex drive.

>> No.2470581

>I was a disfunctional drug addicted autist until 27. It was like I just woke up one day and I was worried about stability and good living.
Addicted to opiates 12 years. Woke up one day said no more opiates, no more cigarettes. Now focused on self improvement and its working out great.

>> No.2470609

Fake + gay

>> No.2470670

if you can afford it, you're better off with professionals

roastie fwb is for poor nocoiners

>> No.2470717


It's okay, I hate women too. I'm not like other girls, I'm different. I can't relate to most females so I consider myself agender. But I can't really relate to guys either; I'm unique, like a snowflake. ;-)

>> No.2470771
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>> No.2470860

just play by the rules or gtfo

>> No.2471178

So you're an autistic tumblrina? With short hair.

>> No.2471192

Yeah but that's because I'm married, not because of crypto.

>> No.2471302


I have very long hair, never visited tumblr. Probably a little bit autistic.

Why don't yall keep your sexism on the containment nsfw boards? I'm just interested in talking about trading crypto like anyone else. OP was the one who brought gender into it.

>> No.2471352


9/10 of the people here are virgins and have been ingrained with virulent sexism by 4chan.

Dudes who can't get laid or who got burned and have no grip on reality. I'm not going to say what you should do but if I were a woman I wouldn't engage with such cancerous souls

>> No.2471391

you were bragging being grill
we do not like grills on these boards you know

just pretend being a bitbean bagholding faggot on suicide watch and people will at least laugh at you

protip: 99.9% of this board is lies and pretending

>> No.2471401


go back to the kitchen woman
this board is for serious biznessmen only

>> No.2471403


>> No.2471404

>Dudes who can't get laid or who got burned and have no grip on reality.
How is that not having a grip on reality? They've literally been rejected by society because of who they are, and you expect them to just accept it?

>> No.2471844

Most guaranteed slide tech, every year and counting

>> No.2472179
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>> No.2472271

Told my gf I made about 60k$ last month and shes pressuring me to sell.

>> No.2472287


>disclosing your specific wealth to others

don't ever do this, you can allude to it though

>> No.2472768


I've made so much money just hodl-ing ethereum.

I thought about recommending investing in it to my siblings but I figure they'd be negative about it. It *is* a risk. Plus I don't want to tell them how much money I have so they don't ask me to give them some.

>> No.2472803

She didn't have the investing skills to tell you to buy, but now she thinks she has the investing skills to tell you to sell? sell when you want to, not when some clueless girl tells you to

>> No.2472822

yeah all i care about is my portfolio gains. i havent jacked off in 2 weeks i dont think. i dont even care about sex anymore. the only thing that gets my dick hard is seeing huge gainz

>> No.2472830

Go back to Alabamarama

>> No.2473178

Prove you are a female. Don't even show tits, just your feminem arm or something with timestamp.

>> No.2473224

Or rather

>Drive up with lambo

Dont forget to clean vagina juice off the car. You should love your lambo the most.

>> No.2473276

Mentioning money to women.

It's like you want to get married to a gold digger so that she can pop out a crotch fruit and divorce you, talking half your shit.

>> No.2473284

This is good for 2017, but next year it's gonna be

>Yo, bitch get over here and sit on my dick
>Excuse me?
>Come on ho don't play, I'm that guy that owns .00001 BNT
>Where do you want me?

>> No.2473311

Lol i have this to it feels very comfy indeed. Havent even fapped in 3 days.

>> No.2473352
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>I consider myself agender

>> No.2473396

Not having successful offsprings is the ultimate beta sign.
If you have no successful kids you are garbage.
Everything else is in service of that. Gains that last generations are the ultimate gains.

>> No.2473431


If you're such a bitch you can't adapt yourself to the world to get a girlfriend, you deserve to be lambasted on the internet and suffer irl. You aren't entitled to anything, sure people are shitty and a of memes about women are true to an extent but it goes both ways, whether you are a Chad or a shitlord.

If you want a valuable partner that is worth having you have to have some value.

>> No.2473493

No. My sex drive is high as ever and my girlfriend is supportive of my Cypto trading. Sounds like you never get pussy to begin with, and now "crypto trading" is your coping cop-out from the dating pool.