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File: 7 KB, 200x200, base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24670069 No.24670069 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get in now?

>> No.24670211

Yes, it'll pump in the weekend

>> No.24670221

Yes. Whales raking it past 200 mil mcap this time.

>> No.24670250

probably the easiest way to make money no matter the shape of the market. Time your buys correctly and you'll be in profit

>> No.24670259

Anything under a $50M cap is comfy.

>> No.24670313

comfy hold

>> No.24670324

If you ride even one 100%+ positive rebase you're basically in the green forever with this coin

>> No.24670342

Get into xBTC instead

>> No.24670379

Already have a bag

>> No.24670434

cya at the moon boys

>> No.24670450

best hedge against the falling mcap. everything dumps and you even gain from it

>> No.24670482

I would recommend you to see BASE as something more risky and fluctuating than xBTC for example. You can try to hold a little bit on it, but if you want a better hold / safer placement, stay on xBTC and if it's not already done, try to reach the 1000 xBTC suicide stack by buying more for your existing bag. xBTC have a lot of room for growing in terms of market cap

>> No.24670515

thanks fren

>> No.24671101

Bets on rebase % today?

>> No.24671277


>> No.24671447

I was literally telling everyone on this board to use the opportunity and get in two days ago. Of course you rather believed the pajeets who were probably even paid to fud this. And now you'll fall for the xBTC pajeets again. I have nothing against xBTC btw but BASE is just on another level. Sure get some xBTC if you want but don't be a retard and put everything in xBTC without getting any Base. It's still a good time to get some Base now so don't fuck it up. But the point of maximum opportunity was two days ago.

>> No.24671743
File: 199 KB, 982x928, 8C0D306E-8366-4BBC-9288-4DDECA595324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an old picture, but just replace $20M with $30M and $500k with $2M

>> No.24671779

> And now you'll fall for the xBTC pajeets again. I have nothing against xBTC btw but BASE is just on another level.
>BASE is 3x away from ATH
>xBTC is 12x away from BASE’s current cap

Hmm I really wonder which one of this copy projects has more potential for gains.

>> No.24671821

All rebase tokens are is purchasing a percent of the rebase tokens market cap at time of buying. If the coins mcap goes up 10% so does your investment. Ampl included. I've made an unironic 50% gain (in ETH) solely from LP with base though. Break even on base mcap itself BC I held through dip. I posted this in another thread but it's relevant here too. Xbtc is the same though it's LP sucks.

>> No.24671833

is there a way I can learn this? seems so hard to understand

>> No.24671852

Ivan literally posted video about it 2 hours ago.
What do you think what will happen when his 200k viewers start aping in after work

>> No.24672009

That's just what I'm talking about when I mention xBTC pajeets. Just look at this guy. Create your own thread and go shill there. You should be thanking Base for singe-handedly creating this rebase coin season, xBTC would still be sitting at a $500k MC now if it wasn't for Base. It clearly shows which of the two is the better one and is not just short term hype. Don't fall for these stupid MC memes. There is definitely money to be made on xBTC but just make sure to get out in time.

>> No.24672022

Where do you even buy base? its not on uniswap

>> No.24672060

Add custom coin on Uniswap:


>> No.24672077


>> No.24672114

>You should be thanking Base for singe-handedly creating this rebase coin season, xBTC would still be sitting at a $500k MC now if it wasn't for Base.
This is true and I’m very thankful.

Still doesn’t change the fact that these two projects are basically copies but the other is at 1/10 of the price.

I’m not investing into crypto for a lousy 2-3x. I’m 5x up with xBTC and inted to turn that number into 50x at the very least.

$300,000,000 for BASE is not happening but the odds for xBTC hitting $30,000,000 are pretty high. Just think for a moment and you’ll realize how much potential there is, 10x for xBTC and it’s STILL less than BASE.

>> No.24672232

Pajeets begging you to buy their shitcoin over base is pretty bullish for base. Ampl had geyser, base has cascade. What does xbtc have?

>> No.24672314

>What does xbtc have?
The Mint which is basically the same. You thougt it didn’t have anything right?

Just saying that I would rather make 10x than 2x, why are you being so hostile? Scared? I’m glad BASE showed us that rebase tokens have their time and place but if you want to be early, you choose xBTC.

>> No.24672357

You underestimate Base and what it's trying to achieve. Idk about a 300 mil MC either but it is undervalued where it is sitting currently, I'm sure of that. xBTC could bring some great gains in the short term, I already agreed on that. I don't believe however the odds of xBTC hitting a 30 mil MC are that great since the product just isn't that amazing. Only thing it has behind is the current rebase hype which will be over sooner than you think. The only rebase coins that will make it in the long term as of now are Base and Ampl. Also just think about it. To push a coin to a high MC you need big players getting in and backing it. xBTC has low liquidity on Uni and also no CEX listings so nobody with serious money is getting into it. Base on the other hands has the capacity to onboard some fat wallets.

>> No.24672397


>> No.24672449

This is a great point. Also what I've learned in crypto throughout the years is that you shouldn't underestimate simple yet brilliant ideas. And I think Base with it's peg to the overall crypto MC is just one of those. If they execute properly I think it could also be a big player in the long term. People saying that it's just a clone are complete brainlets. They have just taken a good idea and improved on it. Another example of a simple and brilliant idea would be RSR and just look how well that one has performed.

>> No.24672690


Fuck yeah get in my bro.

Shit is gonna kick off

>> No.24672699

I think it is better than ampl
it is way more decentralized
than ample shitty dollar measurement

>> No.24673343

I mean, if you don't think this won't pass 300m market cap, you're borderline retarded. The hype and market cap will continue to grow until the chainlink ama and then we should be going to the moon after that. Just buy and hold.