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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2466981 No.2466981 [Reply] [Original]

This is what's going to happen. It'll continue to climb this weekend and spike on Monday. In the following week, it'll continue to grow and hit three digits by the end of next week.

>hurr why so much litecoin shilling

Because it's in the air. A lot of good news and happenings for LTC recently and you can really feel the buzz around it. The bitcoin fork is also contributing to this.

I'm not gonna say I warned you, but I warned you. Screencap this.

>> No.2467014


We need to get girls to write "LTC" on their bums and post it on /biz/ and Reddit, that's how we get people interested.

>> No.2467158



>> No.2467166
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All in on LTC, lambotime.

>> No.2467206

>saw the same lambo posted in another LTC shill thread
What are you idiots doing?

>> No.2467254

watch xrp too, I now believe both ltc and xrp are being targeted

>> No.2467262

amazingly litecoin does not seem to want to move up or down from $30, pretty damn high amount of trading in litecoin too, are people just trading for small percentage gains or what?

>> No.2467325

People could be using it as an intermediary because of BTC's fees.

>> No.2467434

People use LTC as a storage coin, it's very stable, and it's good for transactions because of low fees.

>> No.2467461

youngfag here, just found an old $100 visa gift card.

Do I put it on LTC? I've only got ETH so far.

>> No.2467474

put it on LTC, and send me some :D will be worth $100/LTC very soon!

>> No.2467586

Gonna do it next drop.

>> No.2467668

buy in at anything less than $30, don't wait for drops beyond $27.50, because you're just waiting for pennies at that point.

>> No.2468897


>> No.2469000


I bought LTC dip yesterday :)

waiting for a ATH soon !

>> No.2469281
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>bought $1k worth of LTC on Coinbase while it was at $25
>said it would arrive Friday
>Weird but okay.
>Friday comes with no LTC, no mention of it
>it's now $30

>> No.2470140

I don't see the problem? You are going to get the same amount of LTC you purchased when it was $25 a coin. In the end you are already getting profit since it went up $5 a coin since you purchased it, and you are getting more coins with that $1000 than you would have if you had waited.

>> No.2470221

It comes EXACTLY 3 days after the time you purchased.

So if you bought on Tuesday at 3:01 p.m. it will arrive on Friday at 3:01 p.m.

>> No.2470254
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Just bought $1500 last night. I had LTC for a long time and then when Charlie talked a bunch of shit about it I sold because it was clear he made it as a way to show what Bitcoin could become with a fork but not to be an actual BTC replacement.

Fast forward to now. He's realized that BTC is a wreck thanks to diverging opinions of miners and that no matter what decisions are made it's going to be a shitshow. Hence he leaves Coinbase after getting LTC on there so people can easily access it using fiat.

He has the added benefit of being a professional with contacts who actually knows how to interact with the greater business community. Did anyone here see pics from the DGB presentation? It looked like something a community college grad would do. Sold all my DGB after seeing that its leaders were in over their heads.

LTC will replace BTC next.

>> No.2470324

yea. LTC is slowly rising on the fact that Charlie has gone back to it, and that means new news is inevitably in the pipeline. this is basically as much of a sure-thing as you can get in crypto.

>> No.2470652

It makes me want to actually use LTC. I'd love to be able to have a stable price crypto I can use to buy and sell with.

>> No.2470737

>LTC will replace BTC because it has a leader to call the shoots because that is clearly decentralized

nope, just enjoy the pump while it lasts

>> No.2470746
File: 12 KB, 200x200, its time to stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive bought LTC in the past 3 or 4 times and have always got burned.

I might buy literally one or two LTC, and leave it. But there's no way its going to 100. No way.

>> No.2470792

You made me buy 10 LTC just now, Thanks. Hope you're right.

>> No.2470815


>> No.2470950

Jesus, /biz/tards are so easily sold on any coin. I wish I could find you idiots IRL and sell you some time shares.

>> No.2470967

He made a good point and i researched it, already up a dollar anyways. u mad?

>> No.2470994

Not mad, I'm holding LTC as well, my point still stands though and over time if you buy whatever the fuck someone shills whenever you see it, you'll lose money. And I reiterate, I sincerely wish I could find you morons and sell you time shares IRL.

>> No.2471088

Expecting big things from LTC this week, already made money

>> No.2471101

the shilling of this coin on biz is way too over the top, it's a not a bad coin, but just take it easy

>> No.2471107

I'm getting the urige to hand over my address so you can find me and sell those "time shares" you were talkin bout.

>> No.2471139

Same here.
Also my money didn't leave my bank.

Is coinbase willingly playing with the market ? Like being offline at the worst moment or blocking some transactions when they will cost them ?

>> No.2471148

sent ;)

>> No.2471155
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>> No.2471273

How do I check? I'm super new. Just trying to provide for my fiancee so I appreciate it. She has lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, an unknown auto-immune disease and receives chemo once a month. So the more I can provide for her the better. Thank you!

>> No.2471289

Check your address at an explorer. You gave an address of yours right?

>> No.2471290

The only reason im not dismissing the ltc shilling is because ltc is so stable. I doubt it will go up but i also doubt it'll crash.

>> No.2471309
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>> No.2471343

Litecoin is mostly a chinese market and they are insane about anything that doesn't crash consistently, which of course led to crashs later on. Right now @226 CNY, won't crash anytime soon though, they will push it high and then it will crash.

>> No.2471348

Yeah. I use coinbase. What is an explorer?

>> No.2471351

Exactly, this what I hate about the stupid get rich quick attitude that comes with the cancer of traders. Stability and gradual growth of any currency is a very good thing to have.

>> No.2471377

Blockchains register all transactions. Explorer is how is named a site where you can browse the blockchain for things you wanna see. i.e. a litecoin explorer:

This question qualify you as proud noob. Read more, lurk more.

>> No.2471381

It's a site that shows you transactions on the blockchain.


>> No.2471411

What are the advantages of LTC over BTC or ETH?

>> No.2471419

Eternal september with money is scary.

>> No.2471437

So how would I see if I was actually sent any coins? My portfolio is the same on coinbase.

>> No.2471459

No fees, fast, accepted by wikileaks

>> No.2471465

ltc is faster for transactions (although btc will soon have SegWit which will make it quicker, therefore reducing ltc's advantage), and it has much cheaper fees. It's almost unmatched in terms of stability right now (however, that probably won't always be the case), something that traders don't appreciate, but actual businesses, who want to use a public blockchain, would.

>> No.2471486

A guy who immediately posts all 3 of his major crypto adreessses and you think their so dumb you gotta spoon feed em all this info? Hey maybe if he added another post to his sob story he night just some more bucks from you idiots.

>> No.2471491

Go to an explorer of the currency you want to check, put your address, press enter and see if there's something new.

>> No.2471538

It can be, who knows? I'm not sending anything to someone I don't if I'm not too damn happy.
Friendly communities thrive because of cooperation and the reputation fo trusted individuals, but here it is entirely anonymous, you never really know.

>> No.2471558

Your post doesn't even make sense. Try again. NEET.

>> No.2471581
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I have 3 LTC am i a pro trader yet /biz/?

Gibs LTC pls

>> No.2471582

Oh ok. Thanks!

>> No.2471643

Biz is not a thriving community its a community full of con shills man and the other half beggars with 50 adreesses for fooling poor shmucks like you. I am no longer a neet, not after the amount of idiots that donated to me.

>> No.2471649

Are you new? This is very light shilling compared to shit like DGB or RDD or anything else for that matter.

>> No.2471751

How are they fooling me?

>> No.2471752

I use 4chan, but not /biz/ regurlarly. Most communities are in reddit or slacks and noob questions are more common than I'd like to see.
In any case, my autism prevents me from loss. I answered the guy when he asked how to use an explorer, not for a tip. I'd never give up any litoshi of mine.

>> No.2471778

I was literally born yesterday

>> No.2471791
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litecoin is winning




>> No.2471835

#5 AT COINMARKETCAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2471886


It's main advantage is that LTC is interoperable with BTC, meaning it's real easy for developers/engineers to change BTC infastructure (atms, apps, etc.) to use LTC instead. Also you can easily change BTC logo to LTC, simply by erasing the two humps.

>> No.2471890

Which was awesome of you, thank you.

>> No.2471915
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forbes writer contacting Litecoin creator Charlie Lee

>> No.2471925

i bet she just wants the D

>> No.2471935

>i bet she just wants the D
Let's be honest, Lee is not the most attractive Chink in the China shop

>> No.2471943
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Sorry man, internet is a spetacular place, but it's necessary to know what you're supporting. It's not personal, I just don't know you.

>> No.2471960



But I have a lot in LTC right now. Have had for a while. Reason being is BTC wait times and for people who want to do transactions (ie buying shit), speed is the key.

IMO LTC is where BTC was 6-7 years ago.

>> No.2471968

Why the fuck is figuratively everyone using Coinbase?
>takes 3 days """to arrive"""

>> No.2471975

I doubt it.

What I do however believe it's a much more stable coin to use as your "reserve" than ETH, BTC or ZCash.

>> No.2471984

I got my 5 LTC immediately.


>> No.2471992
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>> No.2471995

>meant 0.01289

God dammit.

>> No.2471998


>> No.2471999

Litecoin's real worth is $600 (1/4th of BTC)

>> No.2472002

@240 CNY now. Crazy.

>> No.2472006


>> No.2472013

"It's pumping niggers"
"It's pumping, niggers"?


>> No.2472020

WTF I love litecoin now.

>> No.2472018

if everything was equal yes

but actuallyl it really belongs higher than 1/4 BTC because its drama free and has segwit

>> No.2472025

Boyos, ŁTC is going to surge big time next month won't it?

>> No.2472029

the former, retard

>> No.2472031

arise chikun

>> No.2472035
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, C9JnsdNVwAAIC4kLITE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me your litecoin maymays please

>> No.2472036

help - i has ZERO ltc, and i want to start getting in to HODL.

any anons wanna give me a small piece of LTC?


>> No.2472042

I wish I had bought more than just 200 LTC

>> No.2472045


>> No.2472053

>BTC down
>ETH up
>LTC surging
What's going on here? Is this the beginning of a revolution?

>> No.2472060

whales, cease this madness, you utter faggots. SSTTOOPPP

>> No.2472067
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Just gonna leave this here. This is how ETH looked when it mooned to $400.

>> No.2472068


The chinks are starting to move their money to LTC.

>> No.2472072


kek I have 1.

>> No.2472075

Sit down and relax, are you with us or not?

>> No.2472088
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>> No.2472090

eth is shit

>> No.2472091
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>> No.2472096

>got a job working grocery store in jan 2016
>instead of doing their 401k I put $50 a week into crypto
>put birthday money into crypto and some money of a car i sold
>btc and ltc early on, then eth and a few shitcoins
>muh dik

Quit my job and bought me a camper and a small parcel of land with some of the proceeds. now i shitpost on the internet with plenty of money in the bank and grow my own food and have chickens

>> No.2472105

>tfw I bought 30 at 29.50

Bag exchange

>> No.2472108

Literally why? Unless you were investing in another coin that's just retarded

>> No.2472110
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>> No.2472121

Totally understandable man, I don't expect any of the autistic people on here to actually help a fellow fag out monetarily. The knowledge was worth enough, thank you.

>> No.2472123

Humans need food to live

>> No.2472132

because I was feeling overexposed

I had bought some LTC right before the "crash" couple days ago, and I averaged down

so I felt the need to trim some today now that i was in the green again...

>> No.2472140

Should I sell my ETH for Litecoin ?
Should I see my BTC for Litecoin ?

>> No.2472149

ETH and LTC can coexist

>> No.2472156

eth is a scam, don't even mention this shit

>> No.2472160

Sell your BTC for LTC, keep the ETH

>> No.2472161

Ima /beanboy/

>> No.2472166

>tfw you are living my dream
Godbless, anon. I hope we all make it.

>> No.2472172

ETH is severely overvalued, centralized, inflationary, vaporware trash

its got plenty of hype because retards actually believe Dapps are the future. Protip theyre not

drop the ETH

>> No.2472183
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Target is 0.02 after this weekend.

This post will delete itself after a heterosexual person had read it.
So never, as all here are fucking faggorts which sold their stash days ago.

>> No.2472196

I bought the dip, didn't sell at all

>> No.2472197

shit almost as high as the #4
MOOON, don't stop chinese

>> No.2472219
File: 186 KB, 1000x1000, ancient whales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litecoin is a legacy coin, it has been accumulated throughout the years.

Tread softly, once you guys disturb the price of LTC you will awake some ancient whales.

>> No.2472225

Low will be 1280

>> No.2472245

Fuck Bitcoins chink drama, I'm all in on LTC now.

>> No.2472246

Why would they sell now when it isn't wven the all time high and Charlie Lee just began working on it again

>> No.2472249

Thinking of selling off what little ETH I have and moving it into LTC. Already holding LTC, but a little more might not hurt.

I agree with you, only hold some because people keep buying it.

>> No.2472285
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>he bought high

>> No.2472302

At what prices did you buy?

>> No.2472335

>eth will reach $1000 by the end of the mond
>ltc will reach $100 by the end of the month
>because you can feel it in the air, man

>> No.2472354

Except people have already explained a thousand times yet you keep strawmaning

>> No.2472360

LTC will actually reach $600 by the end of 2017

>> No.2472389

Chinese are not fucking about here. This surge is crazy

>> No.2472401

Just put 5k usd on litecoin

>> No.2472410

We 32 dollars now

Congrats boys

>> No.2472424
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new ATH soon fellow stalkers

>> No.2472432

> 3000 BTC buy support at polo
> chinese don't stop buying
Pretty good, it's not even monday!

>> No.2472433

I'm about toss in 300 bucks on LTC. Am I going to be rich by Monday?

>> No.2472442

Just don't forget to put stop-loss orders above your entry price, as you always should.

>> No.2472450
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BitStamp euro normies will join us soon

>> No.2472460


>> No.2472469

Will throw a BTC at it at the inevitable dip, we're all going to make it brahs

>> No.2472484

Can you do stop losses on coinbase?

>> No.2472490

WTF is it with this meme?

>> No.2472491

on GDAX you can

you should definitely be using GDAX to trade instead of the coinbase dashboard...

>> No.2472494

expect bitcoin fanboys to lament 'muh segwit' if this thing gets higher

>> No.2472498

Every exchange worth its salt can do stop-losses,
Kraken, Bitfinex, Poloniex, even Bittrex if I recall correclty

>> No.2472515
File: 34 KB, 650x615, ahahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel buy LTC at 34$ stupid cucks
it will dip at 20ish in like a week

>> No.2472537

When BTC hardforks and the ETH bubble burst, people have only one safety coin: LTC will multiply by 10

>> No.2472542

say it with me

>> No.2472545

>if I keep repeating these memes they will become true

>> No.2472550


>> No.2472552

Just bought 10 LTC
I am holding and Ill check back in a year

see ya

>> No.2472558

Any one feel like helping out a poorfag? Had so sell my LTC last month for rent and now too poor to reinvest

>> No.2472559

>implying everyone here didn't but the dip

>> No.2472563

I bought at $25, tho :^)

>> No.2472575


isn't that basically how meme magic works?

>> No.2472634

tfw I could buy 3 litecoins and try to live off $60 for two weeks and coinbase takes 7 days to deposit my BTC so I can't transfer that so I'm just sitting here watching LTC skyrocket :( Feelsbadman

In case anyone pities me:

>> No.2472678

You should get a job and pay bills instead of gambling.

>> No.2472719

I'm brand new.

>> No.2472725

Why are you using bank wire instead of paypal?

>> No.2472759

I do have a job faggot. Well an internship but it pays shit. They are mainly paying me in le experience.. coins have actually earned me money but am stilling scraping by

>> No.2472767



>> No.2473048

Everything I get on there, I get in seconds.

>> No.2473137

This is why the bulk of my investments is in ETH
It has a nice stable growth due to good developers, being very workable for businesses, and is being very closely looked at by China and Russia to invest in. I don't expect it to go 10x in a year or anything, but I feel like it's the safest of the big 3 for continual growth in the coming years.

Though I think all big crypto is going to keep growing over the next 5 or 10 years before we really hit 'stability' in the market. Right now is generally the best time to make a lot of money off of the market. People say the normalfags are invading, but they're only invading to the extent that normalfags hopped on the MS stock train during windows 95. It still took quite a white for them to really hop in.

>> No.2473158

then why dont you explain it?

>> No.2473179

$2500 in December

>> No.2473237

>They are mainly paying me in le experience..

lmao cuck

>> No.2473251

I sent you 0.1 BTC and 0.4 ETH

>> No.2473680

I am pretty sure ETH has locked in eternal dominance with the EEA. People love to say that they're using private chains but even if they were it wouldn't matter. It's still an absurd amount of research hours being put into the tech and the Ethereum Foundation will just embrace any innovations that come out of it. I don't think any regular group of devs can compete with that.

>> No.2473743
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please gift me some coins, I badly need some cash right now. thanks generous, kind /b/rothers


>> No.2473792




>> No.2473803

I just started buying Crypto today. I just bought my first Etho

Should I seriously buy some litecoin? Do you guys know what you're talking about for real?

>> No.2473827
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>Do you guys know what you're talking about for real?


>> No.2473856
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arguably buying now at 32$ is buying high

LTC seems to have been stuck rangebound between $25-35 for weeks

I recommend not going balls deep at this price just in case it doesnt have its breakout event to reach all time highs, so you have funds to average down if it goes to the mid 20's again.

its a moving slow coin. slow and steady, the Jeb! of the crypto world >>2472091

never seems to climb as much as bitcoin and ethereum, foreverially undervalued.

but one day. one day LTC will have his moment. and everyone else will apologize.

>> No.2473874

I just bought two lightcoins,

So you think one day it will climb up?

>> No.2473883


especially as august 1st draws closer and bitcoin holders get nervous

>> No.2473969


>> No.2474011

#4 coinmarketcap

>> No.2474017
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Really makes you think

>> No.2474018
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>> No.2474031

what does litecoin solve? nothing, it's still ASIC mined china coin
vertcoin atleast has GPU mining and segwit/LN and is a copy of litecoin which has bitcoin's distribution and principals

>> No.2474043

LTC is going to go from $30 to $0 on August 1st. What a retarded idea.

>> No.2474071


Im just a poorfag looking for some generous crypto millionaries to donate to me

>> No.2474081

gas yourself

>> No.2474086


what does this mean

is it a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.2474098

It means that one of the largest manufacturers of Bitcoin mining equipment now accepts payment in LTC.
That is definitely a good sign if you are invested in Litecoin.

>> No.2474102


>> No.2474123

mooning as we speak

>> No.2474135
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>tfw you realize Jihan is deliberately trying to crash bitcoin to increase the value of his litecoin holdings

>> No.2474158

HODL'ing 1500+ LTC since 2013 and still buying the dips. Missed the BTC and ETH trains, it fucking owes me something by now. It was my first crypto through mining so I feel I have some sort of sentimental connection to it and need to ride it to glory and riches or death and destruction. Time will tell.

>> No.2474164


I'd LOVE to buy some if coinbase would sort their fucking shit out and let me add a debit card. Fuck.

>> No.2474199

not a great fan of gibmes but if the fork is coming and people start jumping ship from BTC I'd like to have just something in the wallet to help monitor the changes. spare some alms good sirs?

LTC: LdR8hjJcnCQMr6iJyyaM5umnsD9fWtC61d

>> No.2474225

Coinbase and Kraken's retardation made me miss 30% of the bullrush these last months. Fuck those slow verification processes

>5 weeks later and Kraken still havent tier 2 verified me

>> No.2474227

I hope it hits 1350000, because I got a small sell order there.

>> No.2474350


>> No.2474383

Boys we are breaking all the barriers

33 here we come

>> No.2474390

$33.06 on Kraken

>> No.2474395






>> No.2474421

Nice bud

>> No.2474446

33 on Coinbase now

>> No.2474825
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>> No.2474880
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34 soon

>> No.2474899

How can you get burned if you can hold the bitch?

>> No.2474922

Just a poorfag trying to get a pair of space kneepads for the flight to the moon.


>> No.2474986

>sold at 135
>going down already