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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAlUAAAAJDBjZWJhMWZkLWMzZWEtNDIzZS05ZWMyLTBhYjlmZjA1YTkyMg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2466794 No.2466794 [Reply] [Original]

Can we finally get a Patientory thread going?

>medical records storage on Etherium blockchain, a perfect use case of the tech
>actually at all time low right now

You can actually buy low and sell high on this one. I know most of you faggots prefer to do the opposite though

>> No.2466881


>> No.2467397


>> No.2467410


Stay away retards. This company is literally ran by a millennial black woman. 0 chance of success

>> No.2467415


>> No.2467450

Watch this video on Patientory and you won't want to spend a single sat on this train wreck.

>> No.2467475

This. I bought some ICO to resell to fomotards but I think I fucked up on this one, it suffered heavily during the crash, anyway if it recovers ever I'll be dumping, don't buy my bags /biz/

>> No.2467519
File: 29 KB, 400x400, Chrissa McFarlane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is the CEO/Founder.

kek. black jew. enjoy being jewed and paying reparations for not being jewed hard enough.

>> No.2467528

guys top kek the medical profession is the one whose personal is most behind on the tech despite them using it all the time due to massive red tape, legal aspects, doctors having no time for this shit, nurses giving no shit and insurance companies / medtech companies benefiting more from the status quo due to aforementioned issues and also because no 15 year old hacker named 4chan wants to produce a new dialysis machine

also patient records on the blockchain wtf? how could any hospital / doctor use this for data this sensitive? one malpractice / breach of confidentiality lawsuit and the hospital would sink like the titanic, and 'but it's safe in the blockchain' is not going to fly against the legal forces active in this

this will never take off

>> No.2467535

and just to be clear, i love medical innovations, and record innovations, but this CEO just makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.2467559


>McFarlane received a Bachelor of Arts degree (double major in Africana Studies/Spanish and double minor in Latin American Studies/Global Health) from Cornell University, and a Master of Arts in Business Management with a concentration in marketing research and healthcare from the Wake Forest University's Babcock Graduate School of Business.

>degree (double major in Africana Studies/Spanish and double minor in Latin American Studies/Global Health)

this person has no experience in tech. none. however, she does know how to lick the right ass with her "marketing concentration" and "health research".

>> No.2467664

> a nigger female as CEO
> not even a working product to test yet

this project is dogshit

>> No.2467765

I was legit interested in this and then saw her at the bottom of the website. Got the fuck out of there.

>> No.2467792

This can't be true

>> No.2467819
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>> No.2467849
File: 86 KB, 773x591, 1480097879287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ finally makes a thread about a coin that i invested in
>i just happen to pick the one that they wont shill but instead shit all over


>> No.2467968
File: 1.49 MB, 1265x670, 2017-05-14_12-04-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a nigger female as CEO
free shilling from the media
> not even a working product to test yet
medics have tons of money and would throw their money

i'm in this one just for the meme magic

>> No.2468620

I regret everything I've ever done.
What's one more? Wine's 2.99 at ALDI, that looks like a good way to die...

>> No.2468625

>doctor, we just got this patient in, hes bleeding to death
>oh shit, whats he allergic too before i start administering!?
>we cant unlock his data, no one has his private key
>fuck no time, lets try this

This coin will literally kill people.

>> No.2468741

It's still sitting fairly close to square with ETH from ICO, you can just bail. I'm not risking too much on this, a little downward movement against ETH and I'm out. My other ICO scam is going well so not prepared to offset that with a big loss on this fucking thing.