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24667769 No.24667769 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a narcissistic, machiavellian psychopath really the best personality to have in order to succeed in life?

>> No.24667797


>> No.24667809

dubs agree

>> No.24667818

No. Plenty of those personalities in poorville.

>> No.24667830

Success is deeply subjective. If you want a giant mansion and achieve it through questionable means, but feel helplessly alone in it, are you truly successful?

>> No.24667877
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>Success is deeply subjective.

>> No.24667949 [DELETED] 

$40 BAND code, 3 spots left


I know they're easy and we already know this but I don't want any of you to miss out on your money.

Answers (In order of the quizzes):

1. Band protocol brings real world data to the blockchain
2. Oracles secure and power blockchain with just a few lines of code
3. You can stake band to earn blockchain rewards

>> No.24667958


>> No.24667977
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That or high-functioning bipolar. Gotta take crazy risks to make crazy money!

>> No.24667996


>> No.24668020

It works yes. But you can also be successful by being an ambitioned autist.
You can be Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. Your choice. The psychopath asshole route is the easier one

>> No.24668060

>but feel helplessly alone in it, are you truly successful?
doesn't matter whether or not you make it you will always be alone .

>> No.24668082

I never understood how people can't see those used car salesmen/greasy politician types coming from a mile a away, but a large portion of the population get mesmerized by them

>> No.24668090

Possibly but not in isolation. Like >>24667818 said, there's plenty lowlife losers with that kind of personality. Possibly the majority of criminals, trailer trash, homeless, etc. The personality most likely to find success is probably well adjusted normie, just not peak success.

>> No.24668102

Yes that's why everyone fears them

>> No.24668177

"some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused by you"

>> No.24668591

I feel like yes but not to narcissistic. You have to be able to divorce your actions and emotions in order to preform the best action that suits you the most while not being attached to a certain idea or feeling that would otherwise cloud your judgement. If you are a little bit of a psychopath that helps people out I think that is the best combo as you can be efficient with your decisions while maintaining good social standing that would help further your career or business. I’m just talking shit though so I don’t know

>> No.24668612

If by succeed you mean make money, then yes absolutely. Having a conscience gets expensive

>> No.24668665

>Success is deeply subjective.
you're just regurgitating a modern prejudice that exists as a revolt against ancient thought, and putting a full stop at the end of a jumble of words doesn't make it true you pseud

>> No.24668687
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Succeed in what?
Fuck you money is achievable with any personality, and the Machiavellian type's life ends there, while good people are just beginning their lives at this stage.
It's the worst type of personality to have if your goal is happiness, meaning and fulfilment, and no amount of power to ruin other people's lives changes that.

>> No.24668733

The best personality is having big, big balls

>> No.24668765

Yes, but not to the point you can't maintain a good social standing. I see this happen too much with brads that haven't realized their potential.

>> No.24668784
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This. The best investor is someone who's smart enough to know they're in a bubble/speculation game or a volatile market but has the balls to stick it out.

If you're dumb but take big risks you're not really someone with big balls, you're just a moron.

If you're smart with no balls you'll make puny albeit consistent gains.

The true alpha chad has both big balls and a big brain.

>> No.24668854

Go drown in your own shit covered street you filthy untouchable human garbage

>> No.24668880

It's because a large part of the population never had any wake up moment or had anything definitely bad happen to them to necessitate caution of other people. They live in fairy rainbow neoliberal democracy land. These people are natural chattel

>> No.24668958


>> No.24669067

Handsome mf no homo

>> No.24669100

With these traits you have 0% chance to be within 1 standard deviation from the normal.

>> No.24669116
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Yes it is, and I've put a lot of effort into learning the skills.

Pic related a screenshot of this section of my Anki.

For the Curious, Influence and Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini are the best in this list.

>> No.24669376


Do you have any other book lists like that on useful topics?

>> No.24669454

You don't know what any of those words truly mean beyond tv tropes. They detract from the person, they are not superpowers.
Psychopaths have poor impulse control, that is one of the defining things about them in reality. Narcs are insufferable.

>> No.24669490

>what is Buddhism
>what are the Vedas

>> No.24669493

poisoning my personality with existing tropes makes me a tool of my forebears, as I act under their ideology into the future
even exposing my subconcious mind to this garbage is eternally harmful

>> No.24669581

acting as a true human, and reaching my full, individual potential means independently experiencing and developing my own personality, my own way of accomplishing social tasks, and my own way of problem solving

even knowing a set of steps to apply to a given problem that can be reasoned out on your own, leads you down the path of thinking only of those steps, and applying that solution to all situations and problems

social science and psychology are dysgenic garbage, educating inviduals on how to exploit others only creates weak people

if I am going to be strong and influential, I will become strong and influential in my own way, and if/when I reach that point, the force of my personality and prescence will not be the result of some lessons in a book, they will be hard fought and won through life experience and perserverence

my success under those circumstances will be a million times more meaningful to the progression of our species, since it was not completed through those dysgenic shortcuts

>> No.24669680

A psychopath does not have the ability to define a meaning for his life and is chasing behind an empty avatar his whole life.
As such no matter what he does he will always be a failure compared to anyone else no matter how fucked up they are just because they act on their emotions and have their own values.
There are as many definition of success as there are definitions for truth.
Everybody who faces his life and future death with courage will be successful no matter what the world thinks of it or the appearances.
Doing your best without going back on what you believe in is the most beautiful way of living a life, even if the result seems a failure. However this only applies to those who suffered through hell and learned of real kindness and strength.

>> No.24669701


>> No.24669709

No. You have to attain balance in your life and please God with what you think, say and do. He will make promises to you and keep them.

>> No.24669756

this also

>> No.24669824

name one successful "narcissistic, machiavellian psychopath" who didn't inherit his money
meanwhile, the world is filled with autist billionaires starting from middle class
muh dark triad types cap out at the high-level wagecuck stage. if you come from a lower class background and have average iq this might be your idea of success. but objectively there are people infinitely more successful, and they don't exhibit these personality traits
intelligence, perseverance, resilience and ability to focus are stronger markers

>> No.24669840

70% of billionaires has a military background.

>> No.24669861

Elon Musk

>> No.24669884


It might be for some. But I dont like it. These people are insufferable and the world would be a better place without psychopaths.
I dont think being an asshole makes you succeed in live. It just makes you an asshole.

>> No.24669957

Absolutely no doubt about it.

And to dig a little deeper, hormones are the building blocks of all of this in its purest form........Men with above average/high Testosterone levels take more risks, and more substantial risks than men with Low T (which is most men in 2020).

From CEO's to fighter pilots, its all about how comfortable you are with risk. Men that are risk adverse naturally become confident/cock and even Machivellian

>> No.24669977

.....^^^ take more risks, not risk adverse!!!!

>> No.24669983
File: 5 KB, 225x225, EPIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not. We EPIC holders are a rare breed. None of the bad. All of the good. ECR in Q1 will be the true proving grounds.

>> No.24670109

This started with 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. I read it because everyone reads it, and because I seriously sucked at social interaction.

Yes, adding it to Anki to have my notes shown to me on schedule was intentional brainwashing that I conducted on myself. I seriously needed change and I wasn't making progress by myself with my state of mind at that time. I needed an external kick from other people who had thought about this topic.
>If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulder of giants. - Isaac Newton
I learned socialization the same way I would learn anything else.

I do but I don't think there is as much value in sharing. They are various deck related to uni, work and projects.
Also because these topics have a nicer presentation on the /sci/ and /lit/ wikis.

>> No.24670156

No. The best path is to achieve spiritual enlightenment. The enlightened can shut out emotion just as effectively as a psychopath but then turn empathy back on when cold rationality is no longer required.

>> No.24670173

Prisons full of these fuckers, so no not always especially taken to extremes

>> No.24670186

>high-functioning bipolar
No a good strat. What you want is to be in control of your emotions rather than controlled by them.

>> No.24671100

>intelligence, perseverance, resilience and ability to focus are stronger markers
So you don't have any of those traits? Afterall, you're still poor.

>> No.24671113

Both are psychopaths

>> No.24671343


>> No.24671439

Depends how high your IQ is to be coupled with that, definitely major flaws to being a narcissistic, psycho (probably lots of business execs fit into this archetype tho)

>> No.24671445

I though only thot posts received comments but apparently biz is really fucking gay

>> No.24671555
File: 9 KB, 183x275, 2Q==(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good list anon thanks
Strategy of Desire by Ernest Dichter

>> No.24671738

Both are the same, musk is just more charismatic.

>> No.24671764

pajeet scams, old as time

>> No.24671790

I made it off being the affable guy that takes the time to listen and is extremely lucky.
My texas friend made it off being a womanizer of real estate agents until he met the right one.
My fem friend made it off constructing a cutesy persona and vlogging herself in a way that advertises herself and merch the most.
There are many ways to make it anon.

>> No.24672307

In business? Sure

>> No.24672575

guy is a an awkward sperg

>> No.24672740

It works for a while then it crashes down.
Look at Trump

>> No.24672860

psychopath doesn't mean bad, it means being superior

>> No.24673073

Based pseudo intellectual brainlet

>> No.24673083

Anon, don't waste a captcha/post on bad posts. Just report them.

>> No.24673126

It's neither. It's a term for a certain type of personality disorder, anon.

>> No.24673163

Politics. Politicians "mysteriously" become extremely wealthy while in office pulling mediocre salaries. Military people who are smart network with politicians/corrupt MIC contractors and get rewarded for corruption once they retire (or before, if they're very careful and "invest" correctly). I see it all around me. Hell, I knew an O-5 who was already a millionaire from "investments" who was being groomed for promotion to General. It happens all the time.

>> No.24673829
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I guess so but you will be lonely most of the time and in order to nudge your loneliness you would punish people around you. >>24668177
How do I find those who want to get abused?

>> No.24673944
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reminds me of this book. Probably a rip off.

>> No.24674384

I read up until the end of chapter one.
It seems that the topic of the book is already woven into what I've already read. At least it seems like it.
That's the problem, going back to read foundational books can be boring.

>> No.24674478


If by success you mean the usual definition as exposed in this ultra-capitalistic society yes, it's one of the best ones. And that's exactly one of the major flaws in this current system.

>> No.24674569

That hasn't been any different. Money is just means. Power hungry men existed since 10,000 BCE.

>> No.24674678


I acknowledge that as well, power hunger is a constant throughout history. But it's of the utmost importance for there to be checks and balances (at the cost of more bureaucracy but there's always a price to pay) which don't allow these "players" from corrupting the structures of power from within in such an absolute way as it's being done nowadays.

>> No.24674866

You are referring to the dark triad traits.
Everything should be in moderation, a full narcissistic wouldn't make it, he would need intelligence and machiavellianism to balance.
Check your dark triad traits here:

>> No.24675125

Isn't this a bit overkill?
Can you really use all this knowledge in your every day life, or can it be summarized in less than 10 pages?

>> No.24675188

There is no point in living if you are not marching towards the highest peak or the deepest chasm. Centrists will slowly fade and are hardly humans.

>> No.24676259

I agree. Win Bigly is pretty much all you need imho

>> No.24676725


Will I make it, bros?

Narcissism score: 0.4 percentile: 0
Narcissism is an egotistical preoccupation with self.

Machiavellianism score: 1.8 percentile: 15
Machiavellianism is a tendency to be manipulative and deceitful.

Psychopathy score: 0.7 percentile: 1
Psychopathy reflects shallow emotional responses.

>> No.24676805

I know the guy in OP's pic. Levi. he's a nice guy, just takes a lot of selfies cuz he's a model and that's what he's supposed to do.

dude deals with a ton of sexual harassment, and i guess op has a crush on him too.

protip: don't aim for fame. make your fortune in silence and keep it a secret.

>> No.24676972
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It might be overkill, but probably not.
There is actually a lot of variety in the subject matter there, I didn't just read 23 books on the exact same thing.
>basic socialization
>use of power
>human-centered design
The summary will be longer than 10 pages.

The stuff about human interaction I use every day. The broader topics might only come into my thinking when I'm giving a presentation or selling.
I am quite the autist, these books have helped me a lot.
Each book in that list is something I thought it was worth taking 1 or more notes from. It's not exactly a book recommendation list.

It's good.


>> No.24676986

The best personality is being too stupid to realize you're not succeeding

>> No.24677019

>narcissistic, machiavellian psychopath
the dark triad, yes

>> No.24677420

empathic schizophrenics vs narcissistic psychopaths

>> No.24677494

The people who consider those traits positive are the dumbest, least successful people. If you describe yourself as "Machiavellian" it's pretty much guaranteed that you're a coping loser, usually at least one step behind any opponent.

>> No.24677503

You mean a smart person

>> No.24677749

HEs a pretty boy


>> No.24677919

So you want to do all the hard work and the mistakes yourself?
I think it's easier to learn from experienced people and analyze their stuff and take the good and leave the bad. Critical thinking is where it's at. You're going to make enough mistakes on your own with this external advice. Many more without.

Not talking about the post you replied to, just your argument.

>> No.24678039


>> No.24678094

>So you want to do all the hard work and the mistakes yourself?

Yes. I want it all. All of it. I want all the success to be mine. I don't want to build on a foundation laid out by some turd. I want to claw my empire out of the dirt, so I can actually take pride in it.

It's like playing a video game after watching a walkthrough: unrewarding, but still entertaining.

>> No.24678160


That's noble, but be ready to waste a lot more time (and the lost opportunities due to opportunity cost).

>> No.24678319

Why do you think you know what the best strategies are though? You admit to not intuitively understanding social interactions and having basically no natural talent. You apparently only tried one way of doing things because you're too shit at everything to even try anything else. Not only did you put all your eggs in one basket but you chose the basket full of braindead scammers who became successful by telling other people how successful they are.

>> No.24679350

How old are you bro

>> No.24679410

Nah the books are a tutorial not a walkthrough lmao

I can attest reading dale darnegies how to win friends and influence people changed my life

>> No.24679464

No. I've worked with a lot of old dudes who head companies, millionaires and few billionaires. They're all a bit psycho and very successful. The problem is the personality type that gets you there also forces you to keep going and prevent you from enjoying anything.

Even worse for woman, they all end up having their kids hate them for prioritizing work over family.

>> No.24679617
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You have assumed too much.
Learning effective persuasion is only a small part of what I study.

I am a skilled engineer producing excellent work. I'm not scamming anybody.


>> No.24679940

>You have assumed too much.
No I read what you wrote. You wrote "yes it is" and I replied that no it isn't and that you're a faggot with no idea. Why are you answering the question as if you're not just a mindless follower appealing to the authority of scammers?

>> No.24681217

Yes but only if you dont have other things like social anxiety