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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 790 KB, 631x645, 634643463464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24661734 No.24661734 [Reply] [Original]

You did sell, right?

>> No.24661759

its solving itself by crashing the price

>> No.24661782

the pic they used is trippy af

>> No.24661796

Wawa wewa

>> No.24661843

about the price of a cup of coffee

>> No.24661846

That's what real security costs. But that's okay, docusign is only going to get fucked as soon as someone starts fraudulently signing shit using their technology and they're found at fault. Meanwhile secure private keys and PGP signatures have been around forever and they're free, but that's okay, docusign has a pretty website! Fuck em.

>> No.24661866

the ants in the maze are us

>> No.24661868

>not using zoracles

>> No.24661875

>T sigs and arbitrum

>> No.24661902

Good thing off-chain reporting solves this

>> No.24661907

>unicorns and fairy dust

>> No.24661909
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Now *this* is copeposting

>> No.24661911

That has never happened and never will

>> No.24661919

Blame gas costs. It will change once Arbitrum is live later this month.

>> No.24661963

Yeah blockchain tech...not middleware.....I see what you faggots did there. LINK 10000 cope more.

>> No.24661988

Retards on here actually believed people would pay a fat Russian $50 to ask him the weather instead of using google. Lmao.

>> No.24661990

This desu

>> No.24662012

This is bullish!

>> No.24662084

All it takes is one disgruntled employee or one very clever hacker. APTs are a thing.

>> No.24662131

this isn't a trans friendly board faggot

>> No.24662142
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This just keeps getting funner! Anyway, hope you only invested what you could afford to lose.

>> No.24662206
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hackers aren't a thing prove me wrong

>> No.24662238

Yes, and reading the newspaper via the internet was prohibitively expensive in 1992.

>> No.24662269

>trippy af

Don’t write like a zoomer nigger

>> No.24662346
File: 113 KB, 1000x667, 656445645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek the problem isn't blockchain, it's LINK! It's a shitcoin. There are, at a minimum, 4 oracle projects that are better. But congrats to Sergey for showing us how not to do it. Pictured: the Chainlink of automobiles.

>> No.24662366

Naturally you won’t name them.

>> No.24662397

Isn't he talking about using a blockchain based infrastructure for the services DocuSign offers? That is, he's comparing DocuSign's centralized provenance model with doing the same thing on a decentralized ledger, which would certainly be much more expensive and also not be needed if we trust DocuSign with maintaining the ledger.
That is a totally different thing from providing access to their ledger via Chainlink oracles. While posters who think anything that exists on the blockchain won't need Chainlink Oracles are missing the entire game theoretical aspect of Chainlink, this news could nevertheless be seen as slightly in favor of Chainlink, as it seems DocuSign aren't in a hurry to put their data on a publicly accessible blockchain (so even those smart contract developers who don't understand link will not have the choice to forgo an Oracle and query the blockchain directly).

>> No.24662416

>gas costs are too high
Yes, we've been over this. It's being solved. Try to keep up OP

>> No.24662427

If you knew the first thing about chainlink you would know that this is not true. Like it fundamentally is not true and makes no sense. So anything the retard says doesn't matter

>> No.24662439

Bullish for XRP because no PoW

>> No.24662514

ETH tech is shit and the platform is too expensive

>> No.24662753

You’re right, XRP has no PoW...no possibility of working

>> No.24662771

>what is eth 2.0

>> No.24662783


>> No.24662843

You literally entered the crypto market last month.

>> No.24662888

It’s free for companies to concert USD to crypto and Cardano is set to be able to do one trillion transactions per second.

>> No.24662921

how can one sentence be so wrong? im amazed

>> No.24663030

Hydra won't be ready until 2022 bruh

>> No.24663094

did they mention the part wheres its 13x less secure to not use blockchain? ;)

>> No.24663131

Isn’t this more of a problem with eth not link?

>> No.24663374
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not for long

>> No.24663478

They said November

>> No.24663501

Fantom is the solution to eth gas

>> No.24663514

>the obscure powerful man, the worker ants in the maze, the color scheme
>Author: Wright
We're DOOMED, CHAINLINK IS GOING TO 1$. Should have invested in Satoshi's Vision, damn you /biz/

>> No.24663574

The bigger problem is determining if the code being submitted to the Chainlink Central repository is actually being written by Chainlink.
They could easily hire "blockchain developers" on fiverr to do the coding for a small fee then send the results to the team then the team sits back profiting from the dumps.
Rumor has it that Adelyn's uncle is a human trafficker in China and his organization kidnap teenagers from computer cafes and force them to work on oracle problems at gunpoint.

>> No.24664029
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>the ants in the maze are us
Sir, I'm not a nigger and I'm not a bugman.

>> No.24664247

Confirmed, I was playing LoL with Chinese team mates who disappeared in the middle of a team fight. I heard through the discord their muffled screams while what sounded like a chainsmoking tranny was shouting "U SOLVA CHAINRINK PROBREM OR U DIE"

>> No.24664742

bump. I hope someone posts the vocaroo and I will save it as evidence.

>> No.24664801

This is crazy how many xrp loons just shit on Chainlink

>> No.24664887

Also they used ETH, and ETH was probably expensive when they ran their trial. With all the Layer 2's rolling out, and the progress that has been made on ZK's recently, that should get us to a much better place in terms of cost.

>> No.24664923

>i enjoy pooping on the street with my hole village.
Yeah I bet you do, poodar.

>> No.24665000
File: 59 KB, 1365x610, 77457454574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting Antshare vibes.

>> No.24665012


>> No.24665083

This is 4D chess. Wait for the article touting Chainlink as the savior to DocuSign's woes

>> No.24665093

checked and it’s unironically almost over

>> No.24665175

delet this

>> No.24665255

GEEQ will solve this while also providing the highest possible security. Enabling microtransactions on the blockchain. Biz will catch on mid next year

>> No.24665365
File: 77 KB, 1300x1052, 32303844-young-happy-business-man-holding-a-funny-huge-and-oversized-cup-of-black-coffee-in-caffeine-addictio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24665595


>> No.24665617

>2 more weeks
I can't wait to still hear this 6 years from now

>> No.24665655

I can't wait to shit on your face.

>> No.24666026

This image has soul, the original wojak

>> No.24666156

Blockchain would actually be 1000x more secure than their absolute garbage service though so if they don't do it someone else eventually will. It would also still be less than a quarter of theor operating costs they're just cheap fucks.

>> No.24666197

Decrepit fucking boomer. I've heard millenials say this

>> No.24666228
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>> No.24666281


>> No.24666674

Docusign is a shitty technology that barely works on a good day. Nobody cares what they have to say.

>> No.24666967
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Are the ants in the room with us right now?

>> No.24667001
File: 482 KB, 1434x955, 1434_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjAtMTIvZGIwZTVhM2YtNjQ1Ni00MWEzLTg3ZTQtNjJiZTcwZDQ2ZWFjLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger what are you doing