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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 711x518, pajeet'srideservice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2465001 No.2465001 [Reply] [Original]

Alright let's see a show of hands, who fell for the latest /biz/ Pajeet scam coin? Reminder that people actually thought this would replace Uber lmao.

>> No.2465070

I put 4 btc into

Honestly pissed /biz/ tricked me again

>> No.2465196
File: 41 KB, 634x424, Piyu Pradesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never spend money on poocoins
>tfw still accumulate a portfolio of poocoins given out for free

>> No.2465203

jesus christ lol how dumb are you. I'm sure if you hodl for a while you'll get your money back but damn

>> No.2465204

What's your secret anon

>> No.2465205

same fags

>> No.2465235


>> No.2465267
File: 36 KB, 321x459, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem pajeets trying to take my money again

>> No.2465420
File: 49 KB, 853x466, beee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their welcome page on their website. I don't know if that's some shitty joke/reference that i'm missing or just a grammatical error, but it's enough to keep me the fuck away from this coin.

>> No.2465437

>SWARM city
how can you not get this?

>> No.2465454

Holy shit is Boardwalk trash. I am impressed that multiple adult men could work on something for months, created this bullshit, and have the balls to release it with a livestream.

>> No.2465483

So this is a coin themed around a swarm of bees, and they have puns on their welcome page rather than links to their roadmap, whitepaper, and team. Solid investment

>> No.2465512

I watched that crypto0 news youtube guy talking it about yesterday or so, was the first time hearing someone explain it. It was literally retarded sounding.

I imagine most people who buy into these things are doing it based on hype or just arent familiar with like web dev.

>could swam city / boardwalk just be an app without a scam coin currency

Then whats the purpose? Why even tie in crypto? To avoid fees, then just build it out to accept any crypto.

Who knows tho, maybe Im the retarded one, you never can be 100% sure.

>> No.2465545

They're not even making an app lol..

>> No.2465546

There were more topics telling you to stay away. And you need to stop blaming others for your mistakes especially when you don't turn on your own brain.

>> No.2465549

>Then whats the purpose? Why even tie in crypto? To avoid fees, then just build it out to accept any crypto.

I dont know the answer to this either
But im still hodling 160 of these pajeet coins

>> No.2465563

Kek redd ID will be exactly same thing. Holy shit we are in a market of nothing but shitcoins and people are falling for it.
"Crypto was a mistake."

>> No.2465584

offloaded my bags at 229k feels gooodoooddooodd