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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2464191 No.2464191 [Reply] [Original]

Post in here if you didnt sell anything today ONLY

>> No.2464207

Didnt sell, bought LTC and ETH on the dip

>> No.2464234

I have 40k in Cryptos (90% of my savings) and didn't sell anything.

I probably won't be as lucky next time.

>> No.2464252

Sold QRL but because I knew it was going down which happened at the end.

Bought in XVG and REDD during the dip

>> No.2464265

Bought BTC and ETH on the dip. Newb here.

>$200 a week limit on my bank card.

What is this shit

>> No.2464314

The only trade I've done in the last 48hrs is to convert .06 ETH to more DGB.

>> No.2464319


>> No.2464443

Lol bought 1 ETH 10 LTC

>> No.2464454

implying cuckbase would let me

>> No.2464486

I sold some BAT at 8999 after buying it for 8000.

Other than that, I didn't do much.
Bought some LTC, but not terribly much.

>> No.2464492

well you should be thanking them

next time set a stop loss if you want to bail out

>> No.2464556

Bought from Jan to apr 500eur, cashed out 500eur + 300 as gains - have 5000 in cryptocerrency atm, I'm watching the whole thing from a distance not ever wanting ti sell - eaven if i lose everything It was an awesome ride - love crypto

>> No.2464572

Didn't sell! Would've bought of I had cashed my check in time.

>> No.2464597

I didn't sell anything but I bought 1 more ETH at the upper part of the dip like a retard, at the time of writing this I've lost $10 in value on it. Hoping it goes back up eventually.

>> No.2464614
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Didn't sell. Bought some ETH below 300.

>> No.2464639

didn't sell anything and my btc barely changed.
usd-worth is a little lower but fuck it.. not planning to cash out within the next two years

>> No.2464646

Why the fuck would I sell when literally everything is falling?

>> No.2464652

bought 500 in BTC and holding until it's above 3k again :V
I sold at the very start of the crash, so I didn't get the ATH - I dumped everything just beneath ETH ATH and broke more or less even with my BTC (bought at ATH price averaged down to about 2700 sold at about 2600)

>> No.2464699

>selling low

>> No.2464713

I did exactly the same as this man here.

>> No.2464715

Today was my first ever day of trading cryptos.

Bought $1800 worth of ETH @$297. Feeling pretty good. We'll see how it goes. Also got LTC but much less

>> No.2464770
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My hands are too strong for their own good I think. I survived but I could have thrived.

The past is far away from me now. I don't like to dwell on what ifs

>> No.2464834


I sold LBC at the top. HODLED to everything else. Do I win?

>> No.2464864

Didn't sell but didn't buy BTC at the dip either. I was afraid it could crash to 1300. I'm still afraid tho.

>> No.2464909



>> No.2464952
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Sold 25% of my shit and I regret it so much. Specially my KMD cause it mooned hours later.

>> No.2465326

even better, I bought the dip

>> No.2465366
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i didnt buy or sell shit, im not a rookie ive made the mistake of selling in shit like this before and lived to regret it..Im just watching and waiting i know the 18th things will be better and by july 2nd my birthday ill be celebrating for a totally different reason.

>> No.2465427

happy future birthday bro

>> No.2465462

why the 185th?

>> No.2465466

Thanks many cold ones will be cracked to you in respect.

>> No.2465477

>these days i can only fap to portfolio gains
any one else like this?

>> No.2465484

analysis is showing between the 17th-19th ETH has no choice other than to fall or break out, Judging by the past itll probably more than definatley breakout

>> No.2465528
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Bought come library, made 5% on it in a few minutes.

>> No.2465535


I have just notice it dips on a wednesday and usually moons on the weekend

>> No.2465644

now is actually a great time to buy in while fear is in the market, because of this...

luckily i bought in around 200k at 196$/coin so im jus kinda watching the shit see how the fear and greed controls everything.

>> No.2465653

Do you still qualify if you sold and bought back in cheaper than what you sold for?

>> No.2465684

went all in on a pump and dump got x4 gains

>> No.2465700

I didn't sell anything today.

>> No.2465703


>> No.2465719
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Notice a trend?

>> No.2465736
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same I traded 40eth for dgb. Can't wait for Oort cloud coming. Check em.

>> No.2465788

never selling until i can buy my lambos with straight ETH and not fiat

waiting patiently for GNT to moon also, any day now

>> No.2465805
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I sold

and then re-bought the dip

and then sold again

and then re-bought the dip again

>> No.2466894

out of laziness

and eth is finally ok again. nice eth, good eth

>> No.2466967
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>Sold and bought back in. Lost 200-300$ in fees and price difference.


>> No.2467094
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I'm waiting for it to go back up so that I can recover my investment. I'm getting out of crypto. This shit is stupid!

>> No.2467108

you just might have been saved by the bank of japan
thank those nips hard
you'll have another week to sell

>> No.2467228
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dropped 5k on ETH over the past few days, about 3K of that was just today.

>> No.2467250

I have about 7k usd invested.
I never sell anything. It's a sunk cost as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.2467346

Didn't sell my ETH, I was waiting for a bearish break on the 10 26 9 day MACD, since I didn't want to sell unless I thought it was a legit crash

>> No.2467365

Sup niggers? I just bought.