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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 1191x596, mysterium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2464055 No.2464055 [Reply] [Original]

I saw some threads going about this and a bunch of retards going on about "hurr who would use crypto VPN". You guys DON'T fucking get it.

1. Why is decentralized VPN valuable?
>can't be shut down by a central authority: no single point of failure because it runs on blockchain
>Fresh daily IPs. Ever tried to post on 4chan from behind a VPN? You almost never can because every major VPN is blocked. In places like China this is a HUGE problem where the govt blocks all major VPN providers. Instantly solved by this service when you have hundreds of different IPs popping up every day.
>Crypto payments ensure anonymity. You will never have to register an account, provide an email, etc to connect

2. Hurr why would anyone run a node? The FBI will come to my house & shut me down!!
>there are already 400+ nodes up and running: https://mvp.mysterium.network/
>There are THOUSANDS of TOR nodes running and there has literally never been a case of somebody convicted for running one. This will be no different on Mysterium. People will be safe from a legal perspective.
>People will see this as a business opportunity. I am already looking into options to rent servers, set up multiple VPN nodes on them and generate passive income with this. Once this shit becomes mainstream it'll be unstoppable.
>Literally any company with massive amounts of unused bandwidth but who doesn't have the technical expertise to set up VPN infrastructure will flock to this to generate additional revenue.

I could go on. Am I shilling? Sure, I don't really care. I've already made a killing off the ICO & I don't plan on selling for 2 more years+ anyway. I really don't give a fuck about short term price. I just saw a shitload of misinformation going on about this & needed to correct it. If you don't see the concrete value in this you lack VISION and you're just never going to make it in crypto (or business in general). This is an opportunity given to you on a golden platter.

>> No.2464073

Tbh I bought in cause market cap is still less than $50M. Even if this grows just to Sia's level or something there's potential for insane returns.

>> No.2464084

Missed the ICO sadly. Hopefully it's on Bittrex soon, I'm not about to put any money into yobit.

>> No.2464097

I get the decentralized VPN, anon. I do. But why does it need block chain? Or tokenization? Seems like it would be better to just run a meshnet subnetwork in the same vein. Payment could still happen via any crypto auto paid weekly based on (hopefully encrypted) uptime logs

>> No.2464111

Wtf 50M? What's total supply? Coinmarketcap doesn't seem to be updated.

>> No.2464120


I'm planning on running exit nodes too, but please do recognize the security issues are not completely solved yet. Whereas there are no legal problems at first glance, remember you're the only one they'll be able to track when CP goes through your node; at the very least, ISPs can choose to terminate you if you're causing too much trouble. Centralized VPNs are viable because they are basically in bed with governments and actually willing to turn you in if anything shady comes up. This has great potential for profit and freedoms, but also great potential for a witch hunt.

>> No.2464128

This is going to the moon. This has actual utility. If you're not in this, you're going to regret it.

>> No.2464129


In short, it does not need the blockchain; they're just jumping into the ICO bandwagon. All power to them if it works, but it has already put some people off.

>> No.2464154

Idk what Yobit is but MYST is up on liqui.io

Check the whitepaper. Several components including payments are handled by smart contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain:

Total supply is 32M, only ~23M circulating (rest is locked up).

>> No.2464182

>please do recognize the security issues are not completely solved yet

I agree, actually. This is a long term hold for me. I'm glad that devs have indicated that they plan on implementing chaining options (as one possible way of reducing risk).

This project still has a long way to go but I believe in the team, and with the funding they've received I have no doubt they'll be able to execute.

>> No.2464187

>running on ETH

Well, it looks like im out anyway

>> No.2464199

>Idk what Yobit is but MYST is up on liqui.io
It's an exchange, had thought it was the only one you could find Mysterium on.

>> No.2464204

Is this legit? How was this not shilled before now? Definitely interesting.

>> No.2464228

Mind to elaborate?

They've put pretty much nothing into marketing & it only started going live on exchanges 2 days ago.

>> No.2464260

>it only started going live on exchanges
It's not on bittrex, poloniex, or livecoin.

>> No.2464271

Where can I buy this? Can't find on polo

>> No.2464282

It's supposed to moon once it hits the big exchanges, or at least that's what the totally-not-shills say

>> No.2464298
File: 92 KB, 1007x493, mystbittrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only liqui.io

Bittrex has confirmd that they will be adding it but devs are holding out to put up a guide first so that people don't fuck up withdrawing the tokens (see pic related).

>> No.2464326

Personally i don't like the way the ETH ecosystem is going. All those tokens are reliant on the parent chain.

Everything is great when it's going well, but what happens when we get into a bear market? Another DAO happens? What if something terrible becomes of VB?

Just as most alts rely on btc, when ETH tanks, and it will, what goes up comes down, all these ETH tokens are going to feel a pain worse than ETH.

I don't think ETH can survive without his cult of personality at this point, and he's a single, very visible, point of failure. Not in my risk wheelhouse

>> No.2464341

How does it have such a low market cap? How much was ICO price?

>> No.2464365

I don't think Vitalik himself is so important that the blockchain itself would be at risk without him. Price is kind of another matter (though I do know it matters for chain security) but still not that big of a threat to these tokens' success IMO.

Matter of opinion though so it's your call.

>> No.2464380

ICO was 1 ETH = 204 MYST

>> No.2464406

How long does it take for ETH to show up in my liqui wallet, already shows as confirmed on etherscan but can't see it on liqui

>> No.2464409

Tor does the same, but for free, and it's safe and tested technology with 10+ years of field deployment and numerous audits
Hola does the same thing for the normie faggots
>can't be shut down by a central authority: no single point of failure because it runs on blockchain
It can easily be shut down by acquiring the addresses of the VPN's from the blockchain, just like most Tor exit nodes are banned since they're publicly listed, and how repressive governments ban entry nodes and force people to use bridge nodes which sometimes aren't publicly known nor listed
>But why does it need block chain? Or tokenization?
It doesn't, it's just another ICO ponzi
The government will go against people actually getting paid for VPN services, just like they do with companies that offer VPN services, this is what faggots shilling miss
They don't fuck too much with exit node operators since they don't get any remuneration for their services
This doesn't actually do nothing to stop the government from backdooring the VPN's, so people will just let the FBI handle their nodes after they get them knocking on their door

>> No.2464425

Yea it's normal for it to take a while. Mine took like 10 minutes even after it confirmed but it'll show up eventually don't worry.

>> No.2464463

The tech has a long way to go but I bought just cause this shit will moon once we hit Bittrex.

>> No.2464505
File: 20 KB, 372x351, Anime_6cbdec_6105111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got the 1.2x bonus at ICO

>> No.2464539

This is the first time a biz shill convinces me. Only downside is liqui is sketchy as fuck & has no volume.

>> No.2464581

I had the same concern but I just bought & withdrew immediately to my regular wallet. There are no limits on withdrawals even on new accounts

>> No.2464599

any info on when this will be on Polo?

>> No.2464627


No clue on Polo but see >>2464298 for Bittrex info

>> No.2464650

wave goodbye to your shekels retard. you'll never see them again.

>> No.2464668

I just sold my ETH for BTC and bought MYST before noticing there's an ETH/MYST pairing FUCKING REEEEEEEEE

>> No.2464672

i love the way you niggers ignore this post.

>> No.2464691

Been hosting a node of this for two weeks because I like the project.
Not sure if I made any coins, how do I check?

>> No.2464702

the toilet, where you fucking belong.

>> No.2464710

You'll find a bunch of info if you ask around the #MVP channel in slack

>> No.2464738

>this guy looking for attention trying to spread FUD the whole thread but nobody cares

Here's your (you) lmao I Iiterally feel bad for you.

>> No.2464766
File: 23 KB, 394x458, pepe_434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhhhhh! Anon we need them to buy a bittrex bags

>> No.2464800


>> No.2464843

Hahaahhahaha you absolute moron

>> No.2464900

>biz shilling a solid coin with actual fundamentals and real world applicability

What the fuck

>> No.2464981

save you feeling for your diary, faggot.

>> No.2465002

toilets have real world applicability, yet you shit on the street.

>> No.2465005
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2465050

without tokenization you'd need a centralized payment processor

>> No.2465094

without shitcoins to shill you'd be at the local dump rooting through garbage and swatting away flies.

>> No.2465125

Don't hold, don't like "real world use" coins, just stating the fact that tokenization isn't superfluous for things like this or GNT

>> No.2465140


Wtf lmao it's just a coin dude holy shit

>> No.2465184

Why does coinmarketcap have like no info? What's circulating supply?

>> No.2465190

you're as cavalier about coins as you are about your potty training.

>> No.2465206

Circulating supply is ~20M. It was only added to CMC like a day ago so info hasn't been updated.

>> No.2465273

Only thing stopping me from dumping 10 ETH into this is this shitty exchange. Anyone used it? Legit?

>> No.2465317

Ya it's legit. The team behind it is public and everything

I bought from there earlier & don't even plan on withdrawing my MYST, just enable 2FA and you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.2465376

shitting on the same street phone posting, again. i recognize you faggots from earlier.

>> No.2465386
File: 37 KB, 600x653, feels-good-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made bank off GNT, REP, SC, ANT by investing early thanks to /biz/
>hearing about this now while it still has virtually no exposure and a low market cap

I might actually make it. I love you bros

>> No.2465404

Spent 4 ETH on this and got the 20% bonus during ICO. Just noticed it's worth way more already on liqui.

I'm excited for this regardless, think it will hit 200m+ market cap easy.

>> No.2465415

what was the ICO price, nigger?

>> No.2465424
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 37u2i1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2465429

you won't even make it off the shitting street.

>> No.2465441

ICO price was 1 ETH = 204 MYST (without the 20% bonus).

>> No.2465461


In sats? Probably like 2500-3000 with the 20%, but the ETH I used to buy it was way cheaper than it was now also.

>> No.2465488

See >>2464298

You're gonna keep complaining over this coin for days & then miss then when this hits the big exchanges & gains massive exposure out of pure arrogance. You're destined to fail in crypto.

>> No.2465493

it's going to be listed on bittrex soon. i loaded up 10 eth worth because i missed the presale like a fucking idiot but decentralized vpn market is much needed and this idea is really great.

>> No.2465542

you're going to log off your phones tonight after another long day of shilling and watch the sun set as you shit on a street. you'll be back here tomorrow, just as poor as you are today.

>> No.2465556

do you have a shit fetish or something my dude jesus christ

>> No.2465581

i'm potty trained, thank you.

>> No.2465607

I've never seen quite the fecal master in all my years.

>> No.2465641
File: 458 KB, 2074x1304, Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 9.50.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, fag?

>> No.2465655

>there are already 400+ nodes up and running: https://mvp.mysterium.network/

Actually impressive at this stage, I'm in. Not touching Liqui but I'll be buying as soon as this hits Bittrex.

>> No.2465686

Ayyy my man that's pretty much exactly the amount I got as well

You should definitely hop on our slack to learn around a bit in the meantime!

>> No.2465715

This sounds like such a great idea, but why does their website leave so much to be desired

>> No.2465752

that's not a photo of you off the shitting streets.

>> No.2465761

The team's European so they suck at English but it shouldn't affect product development.

>> No.2465773

You mean grammar wise or? Nobody on the team speaks English as a first language, but IMO it's kind of stupid of them not to fix some mistakes.

I'm hoping with all the money they've raised they can hire a translator for a day to sort that shit out lmao.

>> No.2465994

>russian devs


>> No.2466020

What's a good entry price? Don't want to buy at an ATH or some shit

>> No.2466042

If looking for short term idk. Long term? Literally right now.

>> No.2466076
File: 95 KB, 963x614, market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing but market buys

feels good man

>> No.2466142

with tor you can act as a relay not just exit.
they dont need to shut it down, they just need to shut the nodes down.

>THOUSANDS of TOR nodes running and there has literally never been a case of somebody convicted for running one.


not to mention ease of use. holy shit what a clusterfuck. anybody serious about anonymity has their own ways to do things. this is just a gimmick.

>> No.2466199

Lol first link from that search:
>But there was more: In its verdict, the court cited transcripts of chat sessions uncovered during the investigation in which the defendant told an unidentified correspondent “You can host 20TB child porn with us on some encrypted hdds” and, in German, “You can host child porn on our servers” and “If you want to host child porn ... I would use Tor.”

tl;dr yea no fucking shit if you literally tell people to run CP through you you're liable

>> No.2466262

>anybody serious about anonymity has their own ways to do things

You're missing the point. This isn't geared towards criminals or people who want hyper-anonymity. This is going to be used to bypass government firewalls, access blocked websites, use Netflix from foreign (p.s. Netflix now blocks most VPNs - this solves that) and all, more importantly, at a much lower cost. You can't use major VPNs on most websites because IPs have always already been used and blacklisted. This is again a solution.

Literally every counterargument in this thread is either a non-issue, misses the point, or is something that will get solved as developmemt progresses.

>> No.2466402

all those issues are a non argument.
>bypass government firewalls
being done just fine without this
>access blocked websites
>use Netflix from foreign and all
look up smartdns tech.

needless to say, all these can be solved cheaply by paying for a webserver in bitcoin and tunneling to it.

dont get me wrong, ill make money off of it. but you seem to be way too attached to this and are either not thinking clearly or don't know enough about any of this.

>> No.2466577

it's not supposed to be tor, retard.

>> No.2466745

>all these can be solved cheaply by paying for a webserver in bitcoin and tunneling to it.

The average person can't do this & will always choose the easy alternative. Myst will just be VPN but cheaper & more flexible which will be its main selling point.

>> No.2466843

the average person cant follow the many how-tos provided online that involve basically installing a program?
if they cant do that what makes you think buying MYST will be any easier to them?
or maybe they'll let me just put in my credit card details, that would be nice.

>> No.2467298


So it is not actually set up through the tor network it just emulates how tor nodes work? what it does? any more details on the VPN nodes? Are they essentially i2p in witch case ipv6 only and no ipv4 addresses? Just "tor nodes"? what kind of security does myst sending myst - myst for users to protect against theft from things like double sends/ invalid addresses ? Encryption type/details is there anything special going on there just 256?

I am new to this stuff.

just ignore me if i have no clue what i am talking about

>> No.2467545

>government, FBI
>everyone in the world is american
If you're so afraid don't run a node from your home. I think there would be plenty of nodes from Malaysia, Panama and shit like that

>> No.2467618
File: 23 KB, 434x428, 1496432964319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that retarded kid from yesterdays' thread, who thinks everyone shilling mysterium is a pajeet
Go back to /pol/ alt-right warrior. Your shitposting is annoying.
Myst is a decent coin, one of the few with actual real world use, it's not some kind of POSW tier shitcoin