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24630961 No.24630961 [Reply] [Original]

>virtual holiday party on Friday

>> No.24631010

I had a virtual happy hour with my manager and 6 co workers. We didn't say a word to each other while I sipped a single coors beer over the course of 2 hours on camera.

>> No.24631043
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forgot my reaction to the situation

>> No.24631108

>put picture of yourself in front of camera
>virtually attend
>fap 2 /gif/
cringe if true

>> No.24631128

that entire board is full of filth, what do you fap to on there?

>> No.24631133

Oh wow you turned camera on. I only turned mine on when i used to wage when i was eating specifically and pretended it was my mukbang

>> No.24631183

>disconnected wireless access point
>sorry, my internet is down
my boss told me my job is planning on doing a virtual christmas party and this is exactly what i plan on doing.

yes i am autistic, yes i am an avoidant personality schizoid, yes i am sabotaging my career, no i do not care. fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck being a wagie, and fuck jannies.

>> No.24631212

Had one last week as well, I really liked drinking with my coworkers before covid but over the internet it is just lame as fuck. Just made sure everyone saw me being there, then went into our drinking game channel to get a bit of a buzz on. Sang one cringy song with the karaoke people and off I was drinking on my own little bit before taking a shower and calling it a day early.

>> No.24631230
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My company is having a virtual Santa's Grotto. Where you get dial into a MS Teams call and speak to a company exc dressed as Santa and talk about what you're doing at Christmas.

You'll then get company branded 'swag' sent to you in the mail and you have to write a letter back thanking Santa with picture of you with your company swag (which will be used in marketing material).

I wish I was making this up.

>> No.24631292

Shit like this makes me glad I work outside far away from people. my work life basically hasent changed.
>Wetland biologist

>> No.24631310

I don't believe this, and if you're not lying I would fucking quit. What fucking dumb bitch roastie did they hire to think of an idea that stupid?

>> No.24631355

This is pretty elaborate

Why on earth are they going to so much trouble? Is it to demoralise the grunts? Maybe it's just a power play to really grind you down into subservience...

>> No.24631387

That sounds cute and cozy. It's nice your company cares about you and wants to treat you to something special during these troubling times

>> No.24631423

have a drink fren
remember, you dont care, its just a job
t. autistic, avoidant personality schizoid

>> No.24631437

if you still get to actually "celebrate Christmas" at work then you have no idea how good you have it

>> No.24631539
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THIS. We deeply care about you, [employee ID#174032849]. Now shut up and wear your LOUDLY BRANDED APPAREL™ and get back in the wage cage! If you don't wear it, this will reflect poorly on your quarterly report!

>> No.24631619

It's real. I didn't believe it was real either until my Santa call got added to my calendar.

Who knows, who really knows.

I just want my bonus.

>> No.24631732


>> No.24631795

get a life

>> No.24631934

umm, filth... generally.
do you fap to the dutch masters?

>> No.24631978

she still hasn't responded to my thanksgiving text

>> No.24632021
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>> No.24632022
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I wish this wasn't real

>Hello Anon!!
>Wow! What a year 2020 has been!
>Your holiday party committee is in the process of planning this year’s out of the ordinary virtual holiday party. During one of our planning meetings we began to talk about how extremely fortunate we are to work at [Company]. [President] and the Board of Directors have gone above and beyond to make sure that the employees of [Company] have not become part of the COVID-19 statistics. We are fortunate to work for a company that put the employees safety and comfort levels first. We all still have our jobs and throughout the pandemic have been given the flexibility our families need. I know that I speak for many when I say how grateful we are for the sacrifices the company has made to ensure we are all safe during this pandemic. As the committee talked, we thought how nice it would be for [President] and the Board of Directors to hear that their efforts have not gone unnoticed.

>So the holiday party committee would like to put a video together of [Company] employees thanking [President] and the Board of Directors. Thevideo will be shown during our virtual holiday party and we would like for this to be SURPRISE.

>We are asking that everyone do a short 15 -30 second video expressing your gratitude, some nice words, or even something as simple as a wave and a thank you. Be creative and feel free to include your families in the video. [Company]'s efforts during this pandemic have not just affected us as employees, but it has impacted our families and personal lives as well. Our hope is to take each of your videos and create a touching video collage that shares how thankful and proud we all are to be part of the [Company] Family.

>> No.24632092

Unimaginably based

>> No.24632119

>we thought how nice it would be for [President] and the Board of Directors to hear that their efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Are there actually companies in the U.S. still this tone deaf

>> No.24632146
File: 116 KB, 596x647, 8DAE18C8-38B3-4D6E-ADD3-7CBC0666C80D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes I get stuck places I don’t want to be because I don’t want to be the first person to leave because then I have to say goodbye to everyone and I don’t want to talk to anyone anyways

>> No.24632151

you sound pretty based to me

>> No.24632253

send a corrupted 15-30 second video file right before the deadline without time to fix it or quit or fake and gay

>> No.24632395

So two hours of not having to wage? Sounds based. Your retard ass should have jut drank more and chilled.

>> No.24632488

t. work at a giant mortgage company and get to celebrate Christmas.