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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2462861 No.2462861 [Reply] [Original]

>they think there will be some magical mega dip on August 1st

this isn't how it works. Everything will be activated before August 1st, dips are already occurring. Nobody is going to wait until the last second to get their positions ready. It's already happening and will continue to happen UP TO August 1st.

I'm telling you now, if you hold BTC, LTC, and to a lesser extent ETH, you will make money for the rest of this year.

>> No.2463004

I really only trust btc.
All of my ventures in altcoins (including eth, ltc) are ploys to get more btc.

>> No.2463077

Ditto anon

>> No.2463080


>> No.2463083


>> No.2463134
File: 85 KB, 640x480, IMG_3338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the fork make Bitcoin better? Is it like how eth is 350 while eth classic is 10?
My coins automTically go to the new chain right???????????????? Pls....answer

>> No.2463242


>> No.2463295

Never go all in

>> No.2463313

>placing more faith in LTC than ETH
Jesus Christ OP couldn't you at least try to make this shill believable?

>> No.2463361

>>placing more faith in LTC than ETH
>Jesus Christ OP couldn't you at least try to make this shill believable?
LTC isn't pumped from icos

>> No.2463390

Your coins go on botih chains. Just don't leave it in an (((exchange)))

>> No.2463400

You could make that argument for literally any shitcoin considering ETH is the only crypto that even has ICOs.

>> No.2463440

No it isn't. You're a fucking idiot

>> No.2463475

Protip for newbies: when everyone and their grandma already knows about something, like an expected dip, that means it won't happen because it's already priced in. OR it will happen now, as soon as everyone knows, like this dip that just happened. THIS WAS the Aug 1 "crash".

>> No.2463477

If you had any counterexamples you would have stated them.

>> No.2463600
File: 783 KB, 2210x1130, bizspreadsheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate you newfags so much. You have made this board a waste of time to browse. No dumb fuck, ICO doesn't mean ETH network token crowdsale you fucking retard. Fucking sonm was just today and accepted everything for fucks sake. Kill yourself. All newfags, kill yourselves. Where the fuck do you turbo retards even come from and then pretend to know what you're talking about on top of it? I hope you commit suicide, because you're a waste of time for anyone that has to hold your hand through such basic bullshit.

This is for all newfags. You useless fucks have ruined this board.

>> No.2463663

how do I avoid exchanges? pls respond

>> No.2463699

me too. I'm really holding onto my 100 LTC hoping its gonna hit big money. I got into bitcoin earlier when it was super cheap but i pussied out on the big crash. got back in at $900 each with only 5 btc. a man can dream but i fear ive missed out on large returns. people on here are memeing hard for DGB but im not sure i can trust it. I'm going to wait a little bit to see what the market does because i'm not incredibly well off to just waste money on something

>> No.2463706
File: 12 KB, 236x344, sakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hardware wallet

>> No.2463748

Thanks I knew I was missing something in my searches now I can figure it out.

Im not him but def a newfag to biz. Is this spread sheet live? if so where can I get it.

t. newfag

>> No.2463789


>> No.2463798

don't rely on one spreadsheet to give you an idea on the market as a whole. if you want to be an educated trader then you need to do research yourself on all of these coins. I pussied out on eth when i shouldnt have. missed the boat earlier this year when it was only $10 each. oh well.

>> No.2463821

I dont even use 4chan very much and I know to lurk more. they jump in without learning the culture first.