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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 1000x646, Uniswap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24627997 No.24627997 [Reply] [Original]

Before I knew about this I was working minimum wage. Now I read /biz/ and pump and dump coins on uni for $500 every day. I check volume on dex, buy in as its nearing top, and dump. Learn how to flip coins fast and don't hold unless you wanna be broke.

>> No.24628031

>get it tattood on your arse
any links to how you do it?

>> No.24628256

Uniswap fees are fucking insane

>> No.24628354

Gimme your strats

>> No.24628423

Uniswap fees are great except "insert 3rd world shitcoin"

>> No.24628479

wow, so the secret is to buy low and sell high. why didn't i think of that?

>> No.24628521

Wait Wut? Da fuck is this for shit haha this is even worse then saying a token will go x100

>> No.24628555

Explain a bit more in detail to a retard. I want to escape my 12k/year brutto.

>> No.24628562 [DELETED] 

Let's help eachother out bro, sign up to swipe use ref 9YIAJ1 on swipe.io so we can split $20-$60.

>> No.24629005
File: 19 KB, 645x773, cFVpntN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to coingecko
>Put search in and open all trending coins in new tabs
>See how it performed last 1h, and also past days
>If it's over 5%+ that hour, search dextools for the token and check their telegram group
>If they're screaming "its pumping its pumping" buy then
>Let it ride out the high for 30 minutes or longer if it lasts
>When it starts dipping even a little gtfo
>move on to the next shitcoin
In and out like a silent killer

>> No.24629146

you are obv a newfag who is about to get dumped on real soon. have fun being fast, (((silent killer)))

>> No.24629205

Absolutely legend anon. I know it probably wont be this easy but thanks so much, anon.

>> No.24629391
File: 27 KB, 750x375, 38FC17BC-FBDE-418A-8CAD-7F5F874D2D46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy Uniswap and their insane fees while it lasts because Injective Protocol (INJ) will become the most widely used DEX with no kyc restrictions and no gas fees.

>> No.24629516

I support your efforts but uni is too big, you won't get that kind of volume

You'll make it too anon

>> No.24629543

I use uni to increase my inj bag. However the same strat op uses on uni will work on inj

>> No.24629589

Have you heard about andre's new project snowswap? That looks promising

>> No.24629830

/biz/ chases pump and dumps, but even making 5% every day adds up.

>> No.24629834

It's on the eth platform. So how does it solve fees?

>> No.24630323

add md on telegram OP: @CC_Tele_gram
or discord: caesar#2872

Very interested in your strategy and I want to ask you some questions

>> No.24631327

You're gonna get fucking rugged one day. Then you'll kys. Take politicians out in minecraft when you do

>> No.24631382

LOL this. I remember my first trade, how cute