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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24624322 No.24624322 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get another thread going where anons can ask questions about coding, CS career paths and how to monetize their coding skills.
>inb4 "go back to /g/"
no. this is on making money, not about Rest vs. Ada discussions
>how to git gud?
see pic related (also summoning the OP from pic related)

Ask away if you have questions on landing a comfy job in big tech
>t. europoor software engineer wagie for US big tech corp

>> No.24624354

I've tried to challenge EPIC in the privacy aspects but failed, not due to the code itself as it's open source, but rather the community. EPICenter is just epic.

>> No.24624375

Link the other thread at least

>> No.24624464

I'm currently doing a PhD in CS in Germany. I plan on emigrating to another country when I'm done because losing 50% of your salary on taxes and social security kind of sucks.

What would anon recommend if my goal was to maximize the amount of money I can safe per month? I was thinking Switzerland and the US might be the most sensible countries. Out of those two I'd probably prefer living in Switzerland because it feels like a more conservative version of Germany (have been living in Germany all my life). Also, I don't need a visa to work there.

Any other countries anon can recommend? I don't think the Bay Area is an option for me because I'm not smart enough to make it there.

>> No.24624710

anon pls

>> No.24625067

I'm also in Germany and actually declined a PhD spot a year ago because I felt like I would get cancer doing this shit for 3+ years. Took a corporate cloud dev job instead.

I feel like Texas is the sweet spot between good salaries and affordable cost of living, especially if remote work becomes more accepted after coovid.
Switzerland is kinda nice but imagine paying like 45€ for a pizza, it's insane...
How does it work for a German citizen who wants to work in Switzerland?

>> No.24625099

You're right

>> No.24625194

I want to fart in that monkeys mouth.
>he doesn´t know

Sent from Ipad using Tapatalk.

>> No.24625214

Thanks for the bump based schizo

>> No.24625236

How does one actually translate the knowledge of data types, loops, if statements and objects and variable into something useful and cool?

>> No.24625247

If you're hoping to not hand over half your salary to socialism, America is not the place. Really don't know where is. If you find it let me know. Maybe Singapore or Hong Kong or another Economic Free Zone

>> No.24625257
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>> No.24625263

hi im a programmer and tell ppl how to run our aws. would anyone here buy coaching? on what? i think i could reasonably teach someone skills in demand and how to market themselves to get either dev or devops job

>> No.24625287

Just understand that every single app out there is just a sugar coated CRUD app. Understand REST apis and build literally anything you want.

make a youtube channel and monetize your skills

>> No.24625318

>a youtube channel

fuck no. private only - no cult of personality clickbaiting.

i could also neet life coach lol.... (not joking)

>> No.24625350




>Just understand that every single app out there is just a sugar coated CRUD app

sounds like you make boring apps

>> No.24625360

I understand but you need to find customers somehow... write a blog with free/premium tiers where you teach neet lifestyle and how to learn valuable skills

>> No.24625391

what is not a CRUD app nowadays? Some video codec optimization in C? Using some libraries to make meme models in AI?

>> No.24625399

Third world anon here, I beging my data science studies next year. Will I get a job or is it trash?

>> No.24625421


>> No.24625464
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I have an engineering degree but pretty much zero software/IT experience or knowledge (had entry level C++ classes, good with MATLAB & excel, understand basic python).
How can I transition careers entirely? My ideal scenario is a remote position of course, but I really just want to escape the engineering pay ceiling. What is a good career path for me? Certs? I really don’t want to go back to school. IT stuff seems interesting too. I really don’t care what I do, nothing can be worse than manufacturing engineering.

Also, god bless you OP. A lot of us are fucking stuck with bullshit jobs (or no job) and these threads give us some sort of hope.

>> No.24625467

I don't want to spend 10h listening to a fat fuck shilling me norfvpn to learn2write hello world
what are the best and the most efficient resources to start with? open and free knowledge

>> No.24625485

I can literally do all of those and cannot get a job. This shit is a meme don't fall for it

>> No.24625499

>I feel like Texas is the sweet spot between good salaries and affordable cost of living, especially if remote work becomes more accepted after coovid.
Yes, Texas sounds like a good idea and probably something I would aim for if I were to work in the US.
>Switzerland is kinda nice but imagine paying like 45€ for a pizza, it's insane...
I heard a pizza is more like 25€. Still seems worth it because my net income will probably be about 2x the amount in Germany.
A former colleague of mine went to a large German company right after his PhD and was lucky to get a 75k€ salary, which is a lot in Germany. That translates to about 42k€ net income. An equivalent position in Switzerland would probably be about 120k CHF, which is about twice the amount after taxes.
>How does it work for a German citizen who wants to work in Switzerland?
I can just apply for jobs in Switzerland, there's no paperwork for EU citizens.

>> No.24625509

I want to flashloan your foodcoins this is /biz/ related retard

>> No.24625552

>If you're hoping to not hand over half your salary to socialism, America is not the place.
I thought taxes and social security eat up a significantly smaller fraction of your income in the US than in pretty much any Western EU country.

>> No.24625566

I actually farted while reading your post, it smelled good,,,,
Kikes are scared of me, I have an entire army of crazed retards, insane psychopaths, these men are not only horny but extremely violent.
I would watch out, do not ever call me a ¨niggger¨ or a ¨darkie¨ ever again you fucking faggot, you fucking pavement ape. I am a dangerous man. Danger!

Sent from Ipad using Tapatalk.

>> No.24625581

Hows the industry like for computer engineers?

>> No.24625605

Best C course?

>> No.24625609

No we also discuss freelancing and consulting but you're just retarded if you're comparing a comfy 9-5 literal do-nothing six figure home office ball scratch job to waging at walmart for $12

How high/low is your ceiling? are you in the US? Learn web development + the CRUD paradigm and build meme apps like "add favorite movies through a search bar with a button to a list and display these movie covers on a website"

It will teach you to:
- build a frontend that displays lists
- looping through these lists (pulling in different parts like the title, the movie cover image, the imdb rating, etc..)
- fetching data from some movie database API
- deploying it on a free azure/aws/heroku VM
...everything you need for a comfy dev job in big tech

just build a meme app like described above and google everything you don't understand

>> No.24625624

Blah Blah Blah.
Bunch of kikeshit.

Sent from Ipad using Tapatalk.

>> No.24625640

If I spend the next 6 months getting good at plain JS, React, Python, and Git, what is appropriate for a starting salary?

>> No.24625674

If you're starting to program: Don't choose C as your first programming language. Autists might try to convince you otherwise, but really don't. Learn one of Python/Java/JavaScript.

If you can program already, just read the book "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie.

>> No.24625696

How do I get a job in Europe? need to escape Argentina. I already have some experience

>> No.24625716

everything seems to get flooded by pajeets more and more. also many sandniggers from egypt, bahrain and such...
you have to hurry up and get good with stuff that companies don't want to offload to pajeets just yet

not worth it bro

where do you live? just google "how much does a web developer make in <your region>" and add like 30% on top because these sites are run by kikes so they lower the actual numbers to get cheap devs

I'm in southern germany, zurich is easy to reach with a car. Did you look into living in Germany/working in CH? Many boomers do it but it seems like a bureaucratic nightmare no?

>> No.24625770

>masters program in EU
>intern at 2-3 companies
>firm handshake, don't be weird
>find ugly German chick that helps you with everything
>apply at the end of your studies for a full time position

>> No.24625797

Why is it not worth it? What language you recommend?

>>24625640 Thanks

>> No.24625829


>>24625640 this meant for >>24625674

>> No.24625865

same here bro
that was my original plan but due to hyperinflation in my country and I think argentina as well unless we land a full ass scholarship we ain't getting out soon

>> No.24625907

>I'm in southern germany, zurich is easy to reach with a car. Did you look into living in Germany/working in CH? Many boomers do it but it seems like a bureaucratic nightmare no?
I know plenty of people do that. I haven't had a critical look at that yet though. I think if you live in Germany you also have to pay taxes in Germany.

>> No.24625945
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Finishing off my last semester and thesis (AI related) of my masters next semester. school paid off. Have over a years worth of experience working in the field, with a year at a company in NYC.

Got laid off during Corona from stressful ML/AI job. Been in a mini-depression since. No drive to apply for another job, as last job brain fired and abused me. Need to recoup. Focusing on some hobby projects and finishing school to keep coding chops up and stay industry knowledge relevant.

Will this time off be hard to explain to a future employer? Its been over 6 months at this point. I feel like i can justify it by saying "i used this time to consult and focus on school" or something.

Also, to the more experience code frens - what would you guys do in my shoes right now? I want to get into consulting for real but havnt the slightest clue as to how to get in. Would it just be posted as a regular job? I also have an OK network and a good friend in the design space - so attempting to get my own project off the ground doesnt sound too hard (aside from coming up with the idea) with the network assistance i can leverage.

>> No.24625951

I'm in NYC, I just have serious imposter syndrome issues. I see listings for entry level jobs in the metro area for like 60k, which is barely more than I make now and not worth the effort considering I'm going to quit my job and study fulltime soon. I feel like after a few months of job hunting I'd cuck out and accept 60k just because I'd be desperate for that first job.

>> No.24625995

I guess I'll just keep trying to better myself and refuse any offer less than 80k no matter what. Maybe try to do some freelance stuff to build a portfolio

>> No.24626035

>How high/low is your ceiling?
In my current field, high is just under six figures (after like 10 years of experience, if I’m lucky), low is like 50k
I am in the US.
So let’s say I get great at the tasks you’re describing and understand what’s going on to some extent; how does this become something marketable for jobs? Resume fluffing and a GitHub? (Not being a smartass, genuinely asking)

>> No.24626055

Can you even survive off $60k in NYC?

>> No.24626104

From what I've learned its github + networking + ability to pass tech interviews. The resume i guess goes into the networking category of that. What you really want is a good LinkedIn and to message recruiters

>> No.24626138
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what is the fastest and easiest way to mastering smart-contract with almost zero programming knowledge?

>> No.24626200

Sort of. It's not enough to live without roommates. I moved back in with mommy to save money but I was paying $850 for a decent room with one roommate in a nice neighborhood. NYC isn't terribly expensive if you live outside of the trendy areas. Yes I know $850 can rent you an entire house in some areas but I know people who are paying double that and still living with roommates

>> No.24626305

just say you had to take care of your sick parents or something. your skillset sounds better than 90% of people don't worry. Just apply for the next year because now is when companies get new budgets for new hires

I refused to cuck and got like 60k€ as my entry level salary compared to the sad and cucked 42k€ many Germoids accept around here. Just be confident and try to come up with nasty questions someone could ask you in an interview that would make you feel like an imposter and just work on solid answers to those questions and you will slowly "defuse" the potential of fucking up in most of your weak areas like that.

yes and display the ability to learn new frameworks/languages with ease. Don't focus too much on a single language because companies need people that can also learn their shitty legacy frameworks etc. Github can be skipped if you say that you've been working on closed source projects your entire life because you felt that monetizing your code was a better choice than publishing it on github.

you need to learn solidity which is just like javascript

>> No.24626382

>everything seems to get flooded by pajeets more and more. also many sandniggers from egypt, bahrain and such...
>you have to hurry up and get good with stuff that companies don't want to offload to pajeets just yet
This is incredibly demoralizing and has just killed all of my motivation for doing anything in life but being a lazy bum and eventual mass shooter.

>> No.24626447

>everything seems to get flooded by pajeets more and more. also many sandniggers from egypt, bahrain and such...
>you have to hurry up and get good with stuff that companies don't want to offload to pajeets just yet
this, I gave up after learning webdev, there's just too many pajeets you have to compete with

>> No.24626511

>I was paying $850 for a decent room with one roommate in a nice neighborhood
That actually sounds very reasonable.

>> No.24626765

Once the semester is over, I'm going in on building a news aggregator app. I'm using the django project on python and just googling what I don't know. What are some other ideas for projects that a newbie can build to bolster his resume?

>> No.24626831

I am about to finish my degree in CS/engineer, I a decent not a good salary in my country (Latin America) is about 1k per month 12k year BEFORE taxes.

I am thinking on doing a SAAS and but I havr no idea which niche yet but i could charge in dollars which would be fucking nice in my context.

Is it possible to get a remote job in the states that pays the actual salary and does not take advantage of my fucked up currency and divides the salary by 10? (if it is worth mentioning I am from one the best universities in LAN but still shit compared with the elite ones)

>> No.24626931

so, say i have zero knowledge of coding but take to it 'averagely' well. will i in 6 months of part-time study find myself to be employable? not expecting to work for microsoft, i just need a skill. could this be it if i can do a few hours per day for 6 months on a site like codeacademy?

>> No.24627036

You are in the same time zone as USA, apply to every remote US job you find, lie on your resume about your experience (make a fake company if you have to, have friends reference you that already are in CS, etc.)

>> No.24627202

yes just start doing meme projects like >>24625609 and watch youtube channels that talk about javascript frameworks

>> No.24627208

I've been studying webdev part time for the last 6 or so months. I have made quite a lot of progress but I absolutely do not feel qualified for any kind of actual job yet, any webpage i put together might work as intended but it looks like dogshit. I guess that's mostly something that UX/UI specialists work on polishing in the real world but I'm kind of embarrassed about it. I am going to start studying fulltime for another 6 months starting next year. Not saying that you couldn't do it but it's a lot of work.

>> No.24627469

thanks anon, i've heard so many people tell me no that i've recently become discouraged and lost interest. i'll get back into it.
i know HTML pretty much inside-out already, faffed a little bit with mysql and a teeny bit with php. i had a network of websites which were my sole source of income for 3 years starting in 1999. man the money was nuts back then. HTML on its own though is surely useless? it's not like 'real' coding is it.

definitely going to get back into coding. the naysayers won't put me down.

>> No.24627519

Am I good to go with Python? Mainly for finance & data science

>> No.24627610

yes but if you want a job in big tech you have to demonstrate the ability to be language and framework agnostic so just add some languages to your resume

learn javascript and React or Vue. It's like fancy HTML with some more functionality, you'll learn pretty fast

>> No.24627879

>learn javascript and React or Vue. It's like fancy HTML with some more functionality, you'll learn pretty fast
thankyou anon. saving this thread.

>> No.24627899

Go back to /g/

>> No.24627973

Best option to convince someone to hire me as entry level data analyst?
> t. bachelor's in math/stats with data science focus
i know r and sql kinda and i can actually communicate/work well with other's unlike 99% of STEMfags

>> No.24628028

others haha

>> No.24628065
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right now?
use a very good camera and mic for your interview video calls, unironically create some kind of youtuber-like "muh bokeh" backdrop (use lighting) in your room for the interview like the gaylord in pic related
display understanding for their business cases not just the math because boomers don't understand it anyway
wear some relaxed but nice clothing so you come across like someone with work ethics

that's it.... you will stand out A LOT

>> No.24628129

any companies you might recommend? have you lied in your resume before?

I am doing my thesis in ML i have experience in ML/NN and i am working with CNNs in my thesis.

>> No.24628274

if you want a tech job without knowing any coding considering learning Microsoft Power Platform (Power Apps, Power Automate). These tools allow you to create "low code" (or no code) applications and automations. Development is entirely GUI based, no programming knowledge required. Power Apps is also used for developing interfaces for other Microsoft products e.g. Dynamics 365. Microsoft and Udacity recently released a free intro course if you'd like to get started.

>> No.24628366

fuck me. so how long until this tech is sufficiently advanced that coding as a skill is redundant?

>> No.24628687

Where can I find clients who are looking to get webshit done?
On a related note, /biz/ should create a decentralized consultancy.

Possibly never. Nocode is a meme.

>> No.24628718

No. If you want to do web dev (highest chance of getting employed) then do freecodecamp and The Odin Project. You won't need anything else

>> No.24628918

Im a senior mech E about to graduate. Based off my internships ive completed I dont think I actually like the field, the work ive done does not feel fulfilling. Should I look into coding as an alternative career path? I used to code a little bit when I was a kid. Only taught myself really basic c++ and dropped it, I kinda enjoyed it.

>> No.24629038

Jannies, do the job we don't pay you for and delete this thread. It smells like WFHG, and we can't have that, can we?

>> No.24629137

I have a solid mic and webcam, and those are definitely the things I'm focused on. Thanks

>> No.24629152

Real answer:
Contrary to what the media and YouTube ads tell you, you're not going to be making a decent wage programming by just learning to code. You need to have another skill set that's your main skillset, and the ability to implement it in code is secondary.
People are FAGMAN don't make money because they're good at coding. Many of them suck at it, actually. They make good money because they're good at algorithms or databases or low-level optimization, AND they can do it in code.

>> No.24629844

what's your problem fag

>> No.24629995

While Python have the best tools for web crawling, I think that Django sucks.
You could setup a recurring job to scrap news and write them to a database using Python then create another web app in ASP.NET Core or Nest.js.

>> No.24630029

Kys pajeet

>> No.24630090

I never understood how python got a reputation for being the go to option for web crawling. The built in regex is pretty basic and I don't see any improvement in speed or what not, compared to php with PERL regex plugin

>> No.24630115

Python syntax is simple

>> No.24630124

this anon. You may know full well you're an AWS guru with the ability to teach a skillset worth $200k, but no one else is going to believe it unless you put up some content showing just how well/quickly you can actionably employ your skills.

A blog is good, but like other guy said, a youtube channel will get you way more foot traffic. At least a video to demonstrate what you know, how you use it, and how you intend to teach it. The rest is just money. Some free mini-demos would make a fantastic sales funnel to get people to buy into your full course.

Speaking of full course, there's tons of SaaS out there to facilitate an online lesson plan. Coursera, udemy, etc. You can build it yourself, but you should factor in the cost of building/maintaining your own vs just paying the premium and getting the added ecosystem of an established service.

>> No.24630132

Even ASP.NET has very pretty web crawling solutions.

I feel like every colleges senior project is literally "make an app in python that crawls the web"

>> No.24630178

I'm a C# programmer but i've tested Scrapy once and I thought it was more intuitive and easier to use than Selenium and HTML Agility Pack. But this was 2 years ago

>> No.24630184

Syntax is subjective to a degree. As an oldfag, I like the clarity that brackets provide. I can see how many people like python too...

>> No.24630274

These 3 apps look like they are trying to solve very different problems....

>> No.24630616

Id like to ask.. don't you think that the new-ish automated coding (i forgot the exact name) is going to pretty much kill the need of new devs ? With kt you basically write in a normal way and the thingy does everything...so whats the point for new people to try to learn everything from the start?!
Also I am taking a python course... I lose interest fast and cant fully focus on it but still..how long do you think it would take to learn it good enough to get a job or is it possible to make money freelancing? And is only 1 language enough? Thanks.

>> No.24631530

AI is one big meme, there will be solid developer jobs for many many many years.

python is a good start but also get into web dev with javascript and css

>> No.24631656

what about just learning frontend shit, like getting decent at javascript, css and such

>> No.24631774

it's enough to do the everyday work but not enough to pass the interview

>> No.24632673

how do cybersecurity degrees fair out? I have a GI Bill and think this is the route I want. To be a master of network security in this digital age is the goal

>> No.24632902

very sought after but don't forget to learn all about the bureaucracy that comes with it, like filing reports, setting deadlines for bugfixes, planning audits blah blah blah

>> No.24632937
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Was a good bread, will create a new one tomorrow if this one dies over night, have a good night

>> No.24633016

This, ignore the magatards that complain about the rise of "socialism" in the US. The Democrats have the same Wall Street donors as the Republicans, they aren't going to significantly change tax or economic policy anytime soon.

>> No.24633999
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>Learn web development + the CRUD paradigm and build meme apps. Go to /g/ and search /wdg/

This is the way.
I went to community college for an AAS, didn't even get my degree, got on at a web development agency with intermediate level knowledge of the following
- REST APIs and how they work (types of HTTP requests and when to use them)
- Javascript. This is a big one. Don't learn a framework until you understand regular, or 'vanilla' javascript. Then move to learning frameworks, namely ReactJS, as react is the big one now.
- OOP language like C# or Java (.NETs C# is big because a lot of bigwig corp fags like it)
- Difference between front-end and back-end development
- CRUD (big one)
- Relational databases and other database skills, SQL, MongoDB, etc.

With no experience, no internship, relying only on my noob skills and charisma, I landed a job making 40K, 6 months in got a 5K raise, and expecting another soon. Webdev is the way if you aren't good with all the hard shit. I'm lazy, and bad at math, and webdev is my comfy place now.
Although I long to be innawoods.. Maybe one day