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24620982 No.24620982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, bear with me here but lets say Trump does get a second term. What can we predict will happen, other than further increased corona deaths, and how can we profit from this?

>> No.24621179
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Does Biden have the magic wand to make covid disappear?

>> No.24621261


There is no legal avenue for Trump to get a second term. Only way he stays in power is if the military stages a takeover. Worst case scenario is that Nancy Pelosi becomes acting President and that's gonna make the entire market take a shit so just short the DOW

>> No.24622199
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I cant wait to kill you libtards

>> No.24622223

he wont. you lost. stop coping

>> No.24622316

What? Kill all Chinese loyalists and Jews? You need to calm down.

>> No.24622364


Yeah yeah, shut the fuck up and dilate. Just hit the copium again.

He's a coward so I expect nothing to happen like usual.

>> No.24622368

I cant believe he put his lips on a nigger

>> No.24622716
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what nigger infested shitty do you live in?

>> No.24622962
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I live in Phoenix but keep coping these tears sustain me.

>> No.24623253
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you think trump is going to lose? liberals will burn their shittys down when trump wins.

>> No.24623295


He already lost dumbass. Now fuck off back to /pol/ tranny

>> No.24623300

>further increased corona deaths
news flash - biden committed on the campaign trail to not locking down. Locking down is the only thing that decreased deaths.

So - either he's a hypocrite and we lock down again, or he doesn't lock down and corona deaths continue to soar as they have (since no other existing measure has meaningful effect on case count/deaths).

>> No.24623327


No national lockdown but the federal government will pressure states to self-impose lockdowns and there's already a push for mandatory masks the first 100 days so buckle up.

>> No.24623469

Biden is gonna stay Pres-elect
Nothing meaningful will be done about the Rona, it's already way out of control
Congress is gonna keep the divide, republicans are gonna quietly rig the runoffs
Dem president with a divided congress will mean 4 years of nothing important happening, republicans will blame the Dems like always as shit hits the fan and nobody will learn the lesson that the government is shit, red vs blue is and always was a distraction.

>> No.24623539

most states already are locked down for the holidays - no non-essential travel, no large gatherings, no multiple households. What more is there?

>> No.24623578

This is a lie. The legal "avenue" is the electoral college same as always. 7 more days and i dont have to hear these lies anymore

>> No.24623649

what piece of shit plot of land are you from that no one ever visits?

>> No.24623754

tomorrow is safe harbor deadline. that means it would be illegal to change the electors chosen. in 2000 the court decision came 2 hours before the harbor deadline, so unless the supreme court does anything tomorrow its constitutionally over for trump

>> No.24623858

>electoral count act

>> No.24623890




SCOTUS isn't touching this with a ten foot pool. Buy REITs for the Biden admin.

>> No.24623902

You either have actual down syndrome or your brainwashed sheeple

>> No.24623946

Make sure to livestream your rope

>> No.24623961

Read the "constitutional" law your preaching. Its all about in the event of someone else claiming to be a rightful elector. NOT the rightful elector changing their mind later

>> No.24623973

if he got a second term it means republicans keep the senate most likely so everything would be the same as the last four.

>> No.24623982

I dont like Trump you cunt. But im also not a treasonous cunt like you probably chink. I will accept who wins

>> No.24624047

you know those electors chosen for Biden are democrats right? are you so delusional to actually believe that dozens of democrats will willingly vote for Trump?

>> No.24624073


If you understood what you were saying you'd know that Congress can indefinitely freeze the elector vote and sort out the bullshit post-Jan 20th. Congress is first among equals and there isn't dickall anyone can do unless they get violent. Hence the worst case scenario being a President Elect Pelosi. I recommend you read these articles as they make it so simpletons like you can understand it.


>> No.24624165

Trump supporters are seriously delusional. OP posts literal picture of Trump kissing little girl and tries to spin in to Biden kissing a little girl.

>> No.24624199

OP doesn't like either of them.

>> No.24624228

When did i imply or say otherwise to anything you said? Sounds like youre the simpleton, sub 140 iq trash humans shouldnt address me

>> No.24624290

In a sense, yes. the virus is fake news by the kike media, and they will begin to minimize the hysteria if biden takes office. lockdowns will still be there but the npcs will pretend that biden singlehandedly defeated it because that is what the media will report.

>> No.24625628

Keep coping lmao.
Don't worry I'm sure Clarence will give you the W any week now lmao

>> No.24625755
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LMAO, "muh IQ". Literal subhuman trash larper. Please keep justifying your mental retardation with "muh IQ" you dumb nigger.

>> No.24625786

adding "how can we profit from this" on the end of all your posts doesn't suddenly make it business related nigger

>> No.24625803

You're fucking braindead.

>> No.24625828

I didnt say anything about my IQ. i said YOUR IQ needs to be above 140. And clearly yours isnt.
The electors vote on 14dec20. That is the date it is decided. People claiming its over tomorrow are just propping themselves up for a massive let down. I feel bad for you liberal retards, youre going to seeth so hard and since im not a republican i wont be dancing on your graves

>> No.24625900

When will you faggots ever realize that the entire system is designed to fuck you over. You are not going to vote yourself out from under the thumb of jews. You are not going to legally win in anything when the entire legal system in America is jews.

There's nothing more pathetic then boomer faggots like you going on and on about laws and legal procedure as if any of it fucking matters. The only thing that actually matters, is Trump going to call for a coup or is he going to bitch out like a faggot and complain about it on twitter seconds before being banned and silenced and ignored.

>> No.24625954

I cant stand how low iq this thread is. Yes Trump can still win legally. No, MSNBC is not the decider.

>> No.24625973
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betfair excahnge

I have £20K on hiim

suggest u all do the same

you won't get a 25x chance again in your life

>> No.24625991

And i actually do see Trump as the less jew candidate. So in a way yes we did vote our ways out. Assuming this election goes the way i expect it to

>> No.24626049


>> No.24626133

Why are you like this? Why do you want Biden to win? You must be Mexican or one of the lgbt types

>> No.24626136

But he won't because the legal system is filled with biased jews who will not allow it.

And what happens in 4 years when Trump is gone? They've already shown they will blatantly rig an election and collude with the ministry of truth to ignore anybody who questions the legitimacy of the vote.

I think deep down you're a coward and you know you're a coward. They type to not fully realize the intention and purpose of the second amendment was for you and me to murder, yes murder politicians.

>> No.24626174

not all mexicans support Biden

>> No.24626201

But he won't because the legal system is filled with biased jews who will not allow it.

And what happens in 4 years when Trump is gone? They've already shown they will blatantly rig an election and collude with the ministry of truth to ignore anybody who questions the legitimacy of the vote.

I think deep down you're a coward and you know you're a coward. They type to not fully realize the intention and purpose of the second amendment was for you and me to murder, yes murder politicians. You would love it if its all resolved legally and then you can live happily ever after never having to be in any real conflict for the rest of your life. Its not going to happen that way. You're choice is legal destruction or illegal preservation.

>> No.24626231

Most do

>> No.24626282

Im not on your side, pretty boy. This is simply a case of the enemy of my enemy. I am a libertarian. Not a replulican. And yes i voted trump but that doesnt mean im an extremist. If biden is voted in, it is what it is

>> No.24626359
File: 125 KB, 768x648, 234234757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red areas are larger therefore there are more of us than you
Imagine being this retarded. All the red areas are rural areas with like 5 people per square mile. All the blue areas are areas that actually matter and contribute to the economy.

>> No.24626380

Now do per capita

>> No.24626479

The outcome will still be the same lmao. Even the rich people dont live in the shithole states, so even they cant drag your numbers up.

>> No.24626578

>What can we predict will happen, other than further increased corona deaths,
shut the fuck up you stuipd faggot

>> No.24626633

Most cities are shitholes anyway tho. Look at the income disparity and the sheer amount of homeless people cluttering almost every major us city. And before you call me a rural hick cunt, I’m a California itfag

>> No.24626978

The disparity of urban life comes from the fact that it is the only place in which poor people are even able to participate at all in the broader economy. If youre pretty much without any "value" (and I dont mean this in a human sense, just purely economical) than being in the country side is objectively worse, since you will most likely not even find a place to sleep. Cities are hotspots and therefore offer more niches for homeless.

>> No.24627048

How did such a fantastic genius allow such widespread voter fraud? Sad!

>> No.24627193
File: 34 KB, 1100x550, 1596372418129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you were right, and you’re not, the SCOTUS has a hearing scheduled with the Trump legal team tomorrow. Alito actually rescheduled it so it would fall within the (totally arbitrary) safe harbor deadline. Within a week your chink handlers are going to ship you back to Zhengzhou to work at the iPhone factory and Donald Trump will be officially on his way to inauguration day

>> No.24627252

>i'm a libertarians
>too much of a cuckold coward to take advantage of the situation to murder politicians

>> No.24627345

Im not an anarchist. I believe the government should protect borders and run a military and national defense. I am for defunding the police, but not for slaughtering them, i just want it privatized, same with all of it. I would rather kms than take up arms alongside the "day of the roper" christian right wingers.
That said, if the electors decide on Trump and they try to swear in Biden, thats Biden committing treason. Im just against treason whomever commits it

>> No.24627438

this sounds like a 10 year olds take on how the world works. reality is much more bureaucratic.

>> No.24627466


>> No.24627487

The virus is a red herring.

>> No.24627874

lol betting on a dead horse are we?

>> No.24628161

>lets say Trump does get a second term
kek give it up incels

>> No.24628265

Forcing the Trump legal team to address their lawsuit sooner is bad for them not good. Less time to present their case.

>> No.24628857

The Supreme Court is going to debate whether illegal aliens can vote. Abraham Lincoln couldn't fix this country.