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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24615702 No.24615702 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill. We are all gonna make it. Fellow stakies frens how are you all doing?

If only the fudders knew what is coming their way.

>> No.24615904
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I'm calm as a spring leaf because, if you know you know.

>> No.24616218

>Devs already exited scam PoSW
>Blockchain developed on bitcoin tech
>Coin has no value
>Blockchain has no value

Yah, sign me up.

>> No.24616336


>> No.24616945

Fudders are attempting to delay the inevitable.
The XSN train is going to pick up a lot of momentum from ETH testing news, SSUI release to public beta, and the exchange listing.
I don't think this is by any means the GBR, but I think we are about to see some action you're all going to love.

>> No.24617056

Kys, every fucking thread.

>> No.24617455

rope yourself in minecraft you schizo

>> No.24617643

Are you married to the project? You should be mad at the DEVS for taking advantage of your ignorance with buzzwords and misleading videos.

When are you gonna man up and ask them to explain their token model in great detail, especially in reference to the DEX because since it's a UTXO blockchain, it really can't much of anything for DAPPS so there is no utility there.

OR is the token utility model under an NDA or secret because of competitors???


I mean, if I put money in something, I would want to know what the fuck the value was, wouldn't you?

Look, when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

You think you guys are the smartest people in crypto? Ask yourself that question. If the answer is no, you might be in a fucking scam.

>> No.24617659

Kys faggot, why you always lying?

>> No.24617789

If you buy this coin kill yourself retard

>> No.24617847



>> No.24617885

What is absolutely certain is you are not anywhere close to the smartest person in crypto.
Or in Papua New Guinea.
First of all, what the fuck is that last sentence meant to mean?
>I mean, if I put money in something, I would want to know what the fuck the value was, wouldn't you?
You having a gross misunderstanding of blockchain and UTXO blockchain capabilities would imply then you own absolutely 0 crypto by that logic. Unless you can explain to me the token model of all of your holdings in great detail?

>> No.24617911

wew lad

you are here, and should seek a therapist to work through your anger.

remember frens, buy high sell low only earns you points in biz; real life is all about DYOR

>> No.24617962

Think about how stupid this is.

You think teams like uniswap with $500M in treasury are just sitting around with their finger in their noses?

You think that they don't understand this is a competition?

Yet, some broke DEVS that scammed on another project are going to create the greatest thing ever?

Doesn't that sound stupid as hell?

You think Hayden doesn't know that he'll eventually have to update his protocol? You think they're not working on it?


Just think about it. Use your brain.

>> No.24618044

Look at DASH. DASH will give you an idea of what DAPPS are capable on a UTXO blockchain.

You can't will things into existence. And YES, ABSOLUTELY, LOL, I can explain the token model of all my holdings in great detail.

Are you fucking crazy? You think I'm so stupid to fall for buzz words and misleading videos?

Why the fuck would I invest in something I don't fully understand? That makes no sense. That's how you lose all your fucking money. Not only do you need to know how it works, you need to know the competitors, the barriers of entry, etc.

You haven't thought any of this through. You're trying to justify your investment, but you're so scared to ask the developers to present a token model that's transparent.



>> No.24618224

Good thing that the banks with all of their money invented Bitcoin. Oh wait. Nevermind.
Uniswap will go the way they think is best, as will Stakenet. They may head in a similar direction, but that does not discredit XSN in any way.
Go on then, explain to us what a genius holds. What does blockchain developer and economist AfterBazaar hold?
If you think through competitors, XSN is a no brainer buy.
Just read the whitepaper if you don't understand their propositions.

>> No.24618476

The DEX might work and be fine, but that doesn't give XSN coin any value.

That's the point. XSN itself has NO VALUE.

What they are creating is a wallet that connects one layer 2 with another.

That's IT.

There are no liquidity hubs. Yankee even admitted that when he said people don't understand what liquidity is and said it's just wallets and order books.

So, if I have an ERC20 and I want something else, why the fuck is XSN involved?

You see what I'm saying? It's not a no brainer.

And I don't give up alpha. I can't help you with that. I also don't get married to any projects.

>> No.24618689

XSN doesn't have to be involved but it is involved in that a part of the fees will be exchanged for XSN and burned. This is a deflationary counteract for the masternode generation of XSN. You need XSN to run a masternode so masternode owners have an incentive to want XSN burned. Otherwise XSN doesn't matter. If they never burn XSN or never put the DEX on the masternode network XSN will be useless.

>> No.24618726

For the latter case the DEX could run all the same through team owned hubs etc.

>> No.24619317

you had two years