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24615299 No.24615299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In 20 years will the world be better or worse?

>> No.24615322

hopefully we'll all be dead

>> No.24615336

Nah Anon you'll be gay like the rest of us

>> No.24615342

yes please this

>> No.24615368

Won't exist hopefully. I hope it all returns to nothing.

>> No.24615379

Keep your head up and be optimistic, the only way to find out is to be alive. I don't think anybody can predict these things with precision and accuracy, but just from what we've seen the past few decades, I think globohomo cultural norms will continue to be exported to the developing world, social norms will continue to erode, and society will continue to be fragmented. There will also be a large trend of reactionaries and traditionalists who will arise as a rejection of the continued pozzing of Western societies. There will certainly be more recessions and proxy wars, but highly unlikely a total economic collapse or a full scale global conflict. On the bright side, more countries will adopt the democratic socialist models that Scandinavian nations have in practice, with a healthy balance of a safe, social security net with a free market and private enterprise. Everything I have just said are what I believe might happen judging from trends I've observed the past few years, but I could be wrong

>> No.24615402

It will get much better in the long term, though I don't think the difficult period we're going into will be over by 2040

>> No.24615415

I'm just here to be entertained.

>> No.24615722
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Worse. You need to start a family and move away from the city if you want to have any meaningful legacy. Cities have become a net-negative to demographics when you consider the kinds of lifestyles promoted there. Before sanitation, cities killed more people than they created, due to disease. Now they take more lives that they create for a different reason. All the conditioning society has done to us since we were born tries to turn us into the last man. The most contemptible of beings which is placated by convenience, consumerism, and luxury. These are the people who choose freedom over responsibility, but that freedom is merely slavery disguised as passion. Consumers of escapist media, the lgbt community, young adults who sterilize themselves, ect. - all are slaves to their whims. If people like these become more prevalent in the near future, the best you can do is retreat to the countryside and hope the world becomes a better place in time for your grand-children.

>> No.24615742

If jews are still alive, worse

>> No.24615791

the only way I see the world being better, and to reverse the collapse, is with crypto and decentralized stuff really taking off

>> No.24615876

lefties OUT

>> No.24616228

Bring it.
Ephesians 6:10-11
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
1 Peter 5:8-9
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings
John 16:33
"I [Jesus] have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"

>> No.24616356

in 20 years I will have banged your mom for 20 years straight

>> No.24616380

Worse. The world is not prepared for how bad Gen Z is

>> No.24616851
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>picture zoomers doing fortnite dances,waving lgbtq flags,announcing their pronouns,seeking safe spaces when someone called them fag online
>now imagine zoomers hold positions of power and can dictate how other people live

>> No.24617861

why lgbt = bad for economy?

>> No.24617940

Better, but not thanks to faggots or pedos.

>> No.24617944

no kids
more degeneracy
psychological problems
tendency to think socialistic
enforced quotas instead of competence (biggest problem)

>> No.24617947

Better. There will be open factions opposing the jued and the NWO. At least you can die taking down a couple of em with you in Minecraft

>> No.24617981

>more AIDs
>more stds
>more child rape
>more cancel culture
>more "inclusive" bullshit
>more marxists
>more faggots afraid of hard work
>more single moms raising queer children

Do you really have to ask retard

>> No.24617989

You will have nothing and you will be happy.