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File: 265 KB, 786x824, D316338A-F4FC-4AE1-9536-A14C385256DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24614828 No.24614828 [Reply] [Original]

So I live in shitmerica and school is overpriced by 100x. Anyways, dropped out my senior year and I owe 7.5k. Any way to pay less or straight up get rid of it?
Would have been better off throwing that into bitcoin, not this dumbass overpriced school system.

I assume not since this country doesn't try to help its citizens and instead we are basically cattle made to be bled dry while others sit on their asses jerking off and making passive income out of you actually being a producer instead of some dumbass leech. Stupid ass mafia government.

>> No.24614912

Debt forgiveness is coming. Biden won

>> No.24614951

How does that work exactly? Haven't been keeping up

>> No.24615059
File: 641 KB, 1242x2208, 71E7696B-2F59-47D7-A0D7-8047D11B3D49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, an actually useful president. I underestimated him. I won't pay shit then. I wonder when this will pass since it just says he "suggests" to do it

>> No.24615074

imagine going to school.

>> No.24615134

Thing is shitmerica has shit employers that make people get a degree (even when it's not needed for the job 99% of the time) as a way to screen people out. High barrier to entries for paper pushing jobs. Fucking retarded country as a whole.
I was hating on biden (not as much as trump of course. He's a clown), but if he can get this approved, he's already more useful than most presidents we've ever had

>> No.24615140

How do you think Biden's going to pay for it ?

>> No.24615156

>jerking off and making passive income out of you
That would be me you fuckin loser LMFAO

>> No.24615162

Who gives a shit. America has already made 3 trillion appear out of thin air, whats another trillion. At least this one will actually benefit me and not unemployed nogs

>> No.24615165

The unfathomably generous Mr. Biden is going to dip into his own personal savings and pay off everyone's debts.

>> No.24615210

Yeah, you're fucking retarded no wonder you had to drop out with debt. Instead of only you paying for being a dumb fuck now all of America is going to pay for it.

>> No.24615211

I give 0 fucks how. I want this debt that is 100x higher than it should be to go away. These prices were unjustified and administrators just plucked "thousands of dollars" out of their assholes anyways.

>> No.24615235

I don't make passive income and need to be a wagecuck, you down syndrome idiot. I get ZERO direct benefits from taxes, RETARD

Trying tk be clever and you failed miserably. Cut your nuts off and don't reproduce

>> No.24615264
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I graduated and make 79k/yr now. Keep seething though, enjoy paying for my college

>> No.24615276

That's not me, retard. Look at the ID. You also fail to comprehend the most basic things which is that the cost of schooling isn't a "fair value" anyways. In truth it should maybe cost 50 bucks a unit, but they shoot it up because "I love ripping people off". To give you an example, a cc charges people about 50 a unit. University? 500. Why? "cuz why notttt". Dumb retard bitch

>> No.24615291

You're probably not paying enough interest on it for it to be worth paying off in the short term, $7.5k is almost nothing.

>> No.24615306

By the way, taxes are allocated stupidly anyways. Also, money printing is an invisible tax but you retards don't complain when banks get bailouts, huh? It's only okay when banks get bailouts and not the workers, huh? Only bailouts for the rich welfare queens, huh? Bitch has 0 understanding of how america works LOL!!

>> No.24615340
File: 151 KB, 337x301, lf1YuzN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh yeeez duuuude

>> No.24615360

>7.5k is almost nothing.
Ya fucking right. When I was making over 18 an hr, it took me 3 months to get 6k. Full time work. Now adjust for cost of living expenses and other expenses. That's nothing. It took me a fucking year just to get 2 bitcoins worth (lost 1 trading. Slow bleeds. Even with risk management I got ass fucked. This was before the bull market).

>> No.24615361

Well let's see how much you make after they increase the tax burden.
>On crypto board
>Not an enemy of central banking
You sound and smell like rancid curry

>> No.24615387

This was also before bitcoin was over 10k to be clear. Wish I never traded.. could have had 40k instead of basically 20k. After a crash, I'll just use a 5x leverage on new money (not touching hodling stash) and leave that shit alone (no stop loss).

>> No.24615397


>> No.24615423

>You sound and smell like rancid curry
Have you done 17k pushups in a month with 45lb? what about 50k situps in a month? Curl 50lb dumbbells? Beta pussy bitch. That was when I was 16. You want to act superior when you can't even touch what I used to do LOOOOOOOL
Neckbeard incest lover bitch cunt faggot. Just for the record, I'm 25 and yes, I stopped training. Point is even now you are below me.
"b-but Imm whiiteeee. Hitler said that makes me aloha even though I'm a fat fuck that can't even do one pushuuuuuup" hahahaha

>> No.24615427

Ok, so in short, you're retarded and want everyone else to pay for your stupidity.

>> No.24615440

>senior year
Shit dude, why didn't you just finish? You payed all that money and got fucking nothing for it, might as well have at least gotten the paper.

>> No.24615457

Yes, considering school was priced 10x higher than it should be :). Bitch

>> No.24615471

>The absolute state of pajeets

>> No.24615497

The cost was making me sick to my stomach. I felt like a dumbass that was getting duped. If it actually becomes cheaper (the way it SHOULD be), I'll finish it. I wasn't liking the classes (completed the hardest one I had to which was intermediate accting), but I'll bite the bullet only IF I don't get ass fucked again with these retard prices

>> No.24615517

>everyone that hates spreading their ass cheeks is a pajeet

>> No.24615529

what the fuck. Don't remember what it was supposed to be so just out "superior".

>> No.24615581

Also, you stupid bitch, what you fail to understand is my issue isn't paying. It's having to pay 10x more "just because" AND the way it isn't actually optional if you want to make middle class (only other options are the trades AFTER 5 years, truck driving, or sacrificing a large capital on risks such as bitcoin and a business that could fail). Long story short, you are forced to go through retard hoops AND pay 10x more for it. Only a submissive beta bitch that LOVES getting dominated thinks this system is good

"I know I paid my debt, but can I please pay more? I love getting ass fucked".
That's you

>> No.24615644

Holy shit you actually have to go back.

>> No.24615659


>> No.24615664

Let me guess. You're a newfaggot? I bet you weren't even here when chainlink was .20 cents.

>> No.24615684

Lowkey even if that were the case, you guys should be overjoyed because as the dollar goes to shit, bitcoin will skyrocket

>> No.24615686

Yeah, also known as the Great Reset where you'll forfeit all assets, take covid-19 sterilisation vaccines, rent everything, your taxes still support Parjeet kids. Fuck off with your optimism for debt forgiveness. Jew slave.

>> No.24615741

>jew slave
>debt forgiveness
Are you retarded? Holy shit

>> No.24615766

Just to clarify both of those are oxymorons. The point of this system is to trap you. Debt forgiveness does the opposite of trap you
Retard. Let me guess? "Debt forgiveness for the central banks only!!" What a bitch made faggot.

>> No.24615797

>actually benefit me
It devalues your college degree. So no, it doesn't.

>> No.24615808

Sure the cost sucks and you don't want to fall for the sunken cost fallacy, but dude you're at the point where you spent all that money for NOTHING, and you only need to spend a little bit more to get SOMETHING. Degrees do still open doors for employment. A few grand isn't that much in the grand scheme of things once you start working and getting paid real money, just finish the degree dude.
Are you shitting me? A theater degree? What the fuck were you thinking?

>> No.24615857

He didn't get the degree lmao

>> No.24615881

False. What devalues a degree is too much supply.

>> No.24615884

>he thinks an establishment kike is going to do anything about student loan debt

>> No.24615897

Read the IDs, idiot. Not the same person. Secondly, what's your major again? Let me guess. Stem? Let me guess again. You were in the too 1% of your class? Shut the fuck up

>> No.24615934

Says the newfag plebbit tourist. I was here long before stinkies even knew they would become obsessed a global shitcoin scam.

>> No.24615936

You sound awfully bright and motivated I’m sure with your superior intellect you’ll figure something out

>> No.24615950

Sure, kiddo. Go back to sleep. You need all your energy for your online middle school classes.

>> No.24615958

>$7.5k debt
>accounting degree
$7.5k by your senior year is nothing. you could pay that back in 6 months. holy fuck you are one stupid nigger.

>> No.24615962

This comment might as well be blank lmfao. What a waste of space. You have 0 point.

>> No.24616000

Nope. It was a bus admin econ degree. Also, you assume I could get a good job right off the bat, dumb bitch. First of all, this economy is shit. Second of all, employers won't hire average students. Third of all, about 50 something % of people with bus degrees are underemployed. Educate yourself on underemployment stats, you down syndrome idiot

>> No.24616057

debts you dumb shit
how do you think countries work?

>> No.24616061

It doesn’t. You’d have to pay all the bond holders + interest or else bond holders lose and exit the entire arena which makes the us government the sole holders of school loans. Also the debt forgiveness will be counted as income and irs will tax already unemployed faggots for income. Sorry, but the democrats lied to you.

Protip: democrats always lie

Ultra tip: you’re a retarded third world faggot for believing in the gibsmedat meme third world shitholes routinely sell to get elected.

Beast mode too: kys cuz you can’t make it

>> No.24616086

Wasn't "acting". It was short for "accounting", but the degree wasn't specified in accounting either fyi. It was a business admin/economics degree

>> No.24616125

Tb.h sounds like bullshit. Source or talking out of your dirty unshowered asshole? Btw, I have a bitcoin. You? None probably lol. I'll be fine long term. It's just retarded getting ripped off by 10x

>> No.24616220

i graduated 2 years ago with a masters in accounting. i did an internship with big 4 audit and got a job offer 1.5 years out. stop being a lazy fucking retard """average student"""" and actually apply yourself.

>> No.24616230

I'll specify.
"us government sole holders of debt"
These are what I have anyways AND they are lower interest than private loans so how is that a bad thing? The interest private companies charge is quite literally picked from their asses. Arbitrary pricing

"debt forgiveness WILL be counted as income"
Prove it

"irs WILL tax unemployed people"
Again, prove it (Fyi I work so this is irrelevant to me. I just dont like it when people talk out of their ass).

The rest of your post is absolute dogshit (10 fold) so it will get ignored

>> No.24616259

No. I don't live to be someone's bitch. I was going for the degree to get some low level middle class job.

Please tell me you fucking invest and plan to escape rather than plan on being someone's bitch for life?

>> No.24616286

>"debt forgiveness WILL be counted as income"
>Prove it

>"irs WILL tax unemployed people"
>Again, prove it (Fyi I work so this is irrelevant to me. I just dont like it when people talk out of their ass).

should have studied harder in your accounting classes, retard. debt forgiveness is a taxable event. unemployment compensation is taxable.


>> No.24616309

is this where you pretend to be on the track to wild financial success despite being a retard that dropped out in senior year of college with 0 marketable skills?

>> No.24616343

why went thing so bad with governament bonds? What did it happen?

>> No.24616414

I'll take that as a no Lol

>> No.24616445

The college degree is already devalued.

>> No.24616547

You meant to say "alpha"

>> No.24616548

Kek, your country is fucked. The dollar standard will fail and after that its time for the greater depression. They could only pull this off by raiding a gold rich nation like Iraq again, but I dont think that China and Russia will allow this shit another time.

>> No.24616598

Nah he’d rather piss and moan, he’s too smart to work lmao

>> No.24616607

You willingly took out the loan you absolute mong.

>> No.24616713

you're talking to a literal retard that dropped out in senior year over a cumulative $7.5k loan.

>> No.24616731


Educate yourself, retard

>> No.24616795

Last time I checked, an alpha doesn't like spreading their buttcheeks. Delusional

It's why I have a bitcoin. Shorting the dollar

I have a job, retard.

Missed the point, faggot. I advise you to try to use 1IQ point to understand the point I was making. Fuck it. You're too retard. Point is this country forces you to do this for a CHANCE to a middle class job AND school is overpriced by at least 10x meaning you are forced to take the debt or stay in a shit paying job, retard

>> No.24616822

I already addressed this, down syndrome. My major has about a 56% underemployment rate. Holy fuck, I pity the business you work for.

>> No.24616853

hey man that's great. have fun working at walmart for $13/hour while i'm "working from home" as we speak, making $70k a year.

>> No.24616908

You’ve got a job? Great! Then just pay off the debt instead of asking for a handout? All this rationalization
>prices too high
>I was forced!!!1!
Is around you wanting to shirk your obligations.

Here’s what you could’ve done: joined the coast guard in some soft job like accounting, done three years, taken your GI bill for a walk and left college having gotten paid to attend. “Muh zogbot! Bootlicker!” You’ll say - in reality a coastie job means you sit in miami and do spreadsheets, boo fucking hoo.

This country doesn’t force you to do anything you just have an undeserved ego.

>> No.24617039

15 :). But anyways, if it's stem you are absolutely retarded by thinking that is realistic for average people to do.

Bootlicker logic. "Please rip me off more!".
The issue your dumbass doesn't get is this system FORCES you to jot only pay for a degree (which is retarded because technically by encouraging people to get degrees and paying off the debt, the government would be at a long term net gain due to being able to collect more taxes since more pay = more taxes, you absolute retarded bitch), BUT you ALSO have to pay 10x what it's worth, you cum muncher.
Bootlickers are fucking pathetic. What you dob't get is tax payer money is used retardedly. Europe iirc actually pays people to go to college because their government realizes what I said above where the degree results in more pay which results in more taxes they take from you making it a met gain even IF it is a "handout. Loool you can't even uses basic logic. Holy fucking shit, you're a monkey.

>> No.24617125

Btw It may or may not have been europe. I know it was some first world country.

>> No.24617155

ID changed since I'm home from work now

>> No.24617164

What you don’t get is I’ve got a masters and have 700k in the bank at 30 with no debt and make 180k a year in tech.

You’ve got your limp dick, a wal mart job, and a bad attitude.

Where do you think euro countries get their “free college” money from? Taxes. It’s a handout.

>> No.24617340
File: 476 KB, 1242x979, B55C1A34-6EA7-467F-A609-45F5C8666FA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you don’t get is I’ve got a masters and have 700k in the bank at 30 with no debt and make 180k a year in tech.
Let's assume this isn't larp. Foes your dumbass actually think this is common for college grads? I know fucking engineers that don't have this networth in their 50s. Anecdotal data is for down syndrome retards

>Where do you think euro countries get their “free college” money from? Taxes. It’s a handout.
Yes. I said they are a hand out, BUT I also said it would result in a net gain anyways due to how workers that make more get taxed more, dumb bitch. Secondly, I'm poor, right? And guess what? I get ZERO benefits from taxes. You know what that tells me? They aren't even used efficiently to begin with. Shit ton spent on the military. That is the biggest issue. I am not anti-military, but you also have to be retarded to think this is efficient or helpful at all to the citizens of this country.

>> No.24617548

Aaand to add to this, what the FUUUUUUUUUCK is the point yo taxing MY money if I get ZERO out of it? It's RETARDED

Fucking retarded doesn't comprehend the point of taxes isn't to fund this dumbass mafia, but to instead benefit society as a whole.

>> No.24617602
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 5E5EB91E-495B-43BB-A0B0-55DDDDFC1E95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your engineer buddies are either lying or financially illiterate, but then again if you’re in your 50s you’re a boomer, and they’ve managed to completely fuck up the wet dream of the best time in history to make money.

Here’s my boomer accounts I have the same amount again in crypto because the memetic energy of link was so obvious.

>net gain blah blah
If it was predicated on a return we would call it an investment and it would have legal framework around it, not “free college lmao”

Half the money on the military goes into raytheon/lmt/bae etc. buy those stonks. Get returns, voila now you are the jew benefiting!

>> No.24617640

how many 21 year olds have $60k from just saving? lol

>> No.24617713

>memetic energy of link was so obvious.
Ironic that you cock suck employers when it was crypto that allowed you to have that net worth. I'm also 25.
Shit roi and forcefully thrown at you. Do you not know what "forced" is? It's a "pick your poison" scenario. Saying "blah blah blah" to the "handouts" resulting in a "net gain" is the dumbest shit I've seen all day.
"free college lmao". Dumbass. I never said "free". My real issue is at a cc you pay like 50 per unit while in a university the same class is 500 a unit. Idiot. Only a retard would defend this price spike.

>jew benefiting
I'll stick to bitcoin

>> No.24617749

Well desu that should say 22-25 yr olds. I only have 20k in bitcoin because I was retarded with my trades and bleed half away plus other curve ball bullshit along the way in general

So tempting to 10x leverage this shit.. I'd never do that of course.

>> No.24617880

why went thing so bad with governament bonds? What did it happen?

>> No.24617925

>you got lucky with crypto!

Lmao waiting for that one, no-linker bingo was right. If you’ve been here since ‘17 and you missed out you’re a mong.

Nobody held a gun to your head and made you go to school. You’re a midwit with a victimhood complex. Are universities overpriced? Sure. Does that mean your loan is invalid? Lol. Get over yourself.

>> No.24618002

>Nobody held a gun to your head and made you go to school.
This system basically does force you, you dumbass ape. Don't go pretending citizens are given "viable options" LMFAO.
Stockholm syndrome is so fucking beta. Invest that money in testosterone shots. Maybe then you can understand being forcefully dominated is not something to "defend".

>> No.24618032

>Are universities overpriced? Sure. Does that mean your loan is invalid? Lol
Yep. It does considering, again, it is forced unto you. AGAIN, you are NOT given viable options making it a FALSE "choice". It's like saying "you either get ass fucked with no lube or with lube". Ya no. Both are not "real" options. Only a bitch would think those options are reasonable

>> No.24618104

>Debt forgiveness
Is Biden going to forgive the loans I took out to buy shitcoins? I really regret it man, maybe if I cry loud enough ito go away! WAHHH WAHHHH WAHHH! Stupid little faggot bitch

>> No.24618140

To add:
Aaaaaand again, it results in a NET GAIN meaning the ONLY reason what I said isn't done is due to greedy asshole mentality. If you are not the one benefitting AND you defend getting ripped off, you are nothing more than beta and we'll never come to an agreement

>> No.24618149

>/biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.24618165

Retard bitch faggot incest fucker cum muncher. I used that money for school. It was a rip off as I self-studied. I basically paid thousands to self-study free/cheap content

Fucking smooth brain can't even keep up LOL

>> No.24618191

Yep. People like you fucked this board up. Now it's shit (just kidding. It was always shit. Just more so with you bootlickers coming in).

>> No.24618220

>hello sirs . I am very strong. I fuk ur wife

>> No.24618228

Basically say you got some debt maybe you owe $50G. You can’t pay that!

Biden basically gonna be like nah, you don’t owe that no more. Don’t even be trying to call be about it bro, I don’t owe it no more.

So that’s what he gon do bro just like that. So go buy them rims bro you do you.

>> No.24618236

All the copium, butthurt, etc is from people who paid back their loans fair and square. I feel for them. But understand this - the jews in this country bet on the fact that we are hyper-competitive with each other, and envy each other, that we won't allow us to make a better world for people who are younger than us out of spite.

>> No.24618246

So when thje fuck is Airbnb gonna launch?
I thought it was today

>> No.24618248
File: 2.20 MB, 350x235, 1600718756918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re still poor so...

>> No.24618251

To further explain to the retard:

you can literally find cheaper content through udemy. Problem? You have to pay thousands for a dumbass degree for dumbass credentials. It. Is. A. Rip. Off.

Only beta bitches defend this shit. Invest in testosterone shots

>> No.24618287
File: 41 KB, 511x671, 1561332458794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just say you're forgiven and your debt disappears.

>> No.24618293

can't believe i wasted my time reading this retarded thread
OP, you're the most retarded person I have ever seen in my entire life and I'm not even joking

>> No.24618297
File: 710 KB, 680x568, 1607117190724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you are actually restarted and don’t realize it. You are the perfect example of a midwit who thinks they are smart.

>> No.24618301

>hello sirs. They are larping because if it's true my masculinity will be threatened


Yep. So many bootlicker sheep. It's a shame humans are mammals since mammals are sheep in the sense that they follow the herd. It's pathetic to see.



>> No.24618338

You have 0 content in your responses. Quite literally all of them are shitposts, not arguments. Stay away, retard. You are lowering the average IQ here

>> No.24618349
File: 1.05 MB, 960x606, 1597899200303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the IDs, idiot. Not the same person. Secondly, what's your profession again? Let me guess. Waiter? Let me guess again. You were in the too 1% of your staff? Shut the fuck up

>> No.24618373

More down syndrome shitposts lol. You have nothing *slaps your mouth*

>> No.24618381

>Retards with debt get it wiped away for free.
>Responsible people who penny pinched get nothing.
This is true but also
>People who had negative net worth are still broke, now with $0.
>All this funny money will pump our crypto bags.
We still win bros.

>> No.24618400

>Bus admin

>> No.24618402

If you behave, I'll let you lick the shit from my toilet, okay? Play nice, mutt

>> No.24618422

Business administration, you stupid ape. Holy fuck, you actually are underaged.

>> No.24618423

MSM and the /pol/ propoganda machine are both created and churned out by elites. Retards don't realize that nativism has been dished out and sponsored by elites dozens of fucking times throughout history. These people laugh at niggers thinking they're oppressed when Amazon supports them but actually thinks the far-right is 'revolutionary' when historically the far-right is tied with industrial cartels and scumfuck (((jews))) who exploit the real grievances of the population for gain.

The whole systems fucked, everythings fucked. The three main oppositions to neoliberal globhomo - leftism, far-right, and Islam are fucking dogshit ideologies. We are living in the end times, whoever wins we lose.

>> No.24618477

Lol what he will get less for his degree on uniswap you stupid fuck?

>> No.24618515

>what is a trade?

>> No.24618574

Yeah and I used that money for shit coins and got ripped off. What’s the difference? What makes your loan more special than mine?

>> No.24618704

>I’m poor and can’t pay back a loan.
How’s it like being poor? You like Mr. shekelberg coming in for his monthly polishing don’t you? That’s why you signed the contract in the first place.

>> No.24618824

Shhh don’t tell him he was FORCED to go to college, the military, merchant marine, pipefitters, HVAC, welders, they don’t exist! FORCED! Its the systems fault! Add in some insults too for flavor.

>> No.24618992

Didn't read. Objectively speaking, you're the biggest retard in this thread. Waste of time

>> No.24619033

I actually did an associates in the electrical trade, retard. It's fucking shit work. I'm willing to bet you've never done it. Also, you illiterate cunts, I even mentioned the trades and truck driving earlier. They work harder and cap lower than white collar workers.

>> No.24619229


Prime examples of leftist retards and failures at life. Neck yourselves as soon as possible.

>> No.24619246

>It. Is. A. Rip. Off.
So you fell for a scam and want everyone else to pay for your mistakes.
This faggot thinks he's so enlightened and above it all but this type of cynical faggot that does nothing but criticize is ultimately the most easily controlled and useless.

>> No.24619802

Couldn't hear you over the sound of you chugging cum

Lmao it's a scam either way, retard

>> No.24619835

>criticize is ultimately the most easily controlled and useless.
You speak in nothings. So actually being able to criticize inefficiencies and not be a sheep somehow makes me a sheep? Down syndrome

>> No.24619908

Also, retard. You can't read. 1) I am saying to allocate more money from the military to the u.s.
2) the mother fucking point to taxes is to benefit society. If these mother fuckers can't even do that, I shouldn't even be getting taxed in the first place 3) You lose eother way, nigger. This country puts a gun to your head. "Want anal with or without lube" are the options this country gives you 4) Paying off debt with tax payer money is actually a net gain to the government so it makes 0 sense to not do it i.e. the more you make the more they take


>> No.24620030


>> No.24620074

>not be a sheep
You're such an insecure sheep follower that you even get defensive on behalf of other people.
>I am saying to allocate more money from the military to the u.s.
I don't care what you're saying and didn't bother to read anything except what I replied to. Why would I want to read what the dumbest retards have to say? Who would ever care what you think about anything? You fell for a shit scam and want to force other people at gunpoint to pay for your mistakes. You're an admitted failure and a threat to my life.

>> No.24620154

That ain't shit

>> No.24620224

It encourages and legitimizes millions of other undergraduate degrees, but sure go ahead and act retarded I guess.
>t. workposting

>> No.24620273

1) makes no sense to call me a sheep when I am quite literally arguing AGAINST this system, retard

2) In other words you're a retard. Good to know. Stopped reading after your down syndrome first sentence

>> No.24620364

Wow he's "against the system" guys. What a cool dude that's totally worth listening to and should definitely post 23 more times about shit he hasn't even spent 5 minutes thinking about.

>> No.24620489

By "this faggot" I mean gGWAM30t who manages to be even more worthless than 09x.

>> No.24621046

>What a cool dude
That wasn't the point, down syndrome. I was correcting your asinine logic. Holy fuck. Don't reproduce

>> No.24621072

You're pretty worthless yourself. Your arguments are just as shit as the SAXv1 guy. Equally retarded

>> No.24621109

Since bootlicker cock sucking cum munchers are all that's left of this thread, I'm leaving.

My recommendation before I go:
Invest in testosterone shots

>> No.24621206

just don't pay it. leave america if you want to avoid wage garnishment. you parents didnt cosign did they? there's not much they can do without a lawsuit, and most lenders would rather sell the debt to a debt collector than bother with that.

>> No.24621350

Jesus christ, you're bitchin about 7.5k? You're in for a rude awakening once you actually start your life

>> No.24621405

>leave america
>jew banker sells debt to international debt collector jew
>heh, nothin personnel goy

>> No.24622605

Take as much debt as physically possible and put it into bitcoin. Then GTFO out of America as soon as you can.
Shit it about to hit the fan.

>> No.24622730

why went thing so bad with governament bonds? What did it happen?

>> No.24622908
File: 995 KB, 1024x1024, 1605045493630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek retard, is this literally your first election or something? It must be because if anyone's learned anything from the last 4 years it's confirmation that presidents have fuck all for power and it doesn't matter who gets into office you won't see anything actually happen anytime soon. You think there will be "debt forgiveness" but you honestly thing the government is going to do the equivalent of give you a free $50,000? The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, is going to just say "nah that's ok bro you don't have to pay us back the thing that will keep you enslaved and paying to keep niggers on welfare while also lining our own pockets, we're just that generous!"

get real dumbass, what's going to happen is he'll pass some stupid literally nothing bill that will erase only the interest gained during 2020 and slap the biden seal of approval on it as his debt forgiveness program. You'll save a whopping $2-5k or something. And by the way, I know you're a filthy redditor because that meme format is what my normie friend keeps sending me while talking about his favorite meme sub. Try getting a REAL 4chan epic gamer meme like this one, bitch

>> No.24622942

K retard. Just calling it how it is. I could say the steps that made alleviate the situation but you’d call me a commie faggot, a racist nazi, or some other thing depending on what camp you’re in