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24610412 No.24610412 [Reply] [Original]

>US lawmakers fast tracking to make stablecoins illegal.


This literally makes RSR dead in the water and worthless. We're not talking a dump to 1 cent but to zero. Why is the market not reacting I wonder.

>> No.24610422

Dai too?

>> No.24610425

that would suck if it was pegged to a fiat currency.

>> No.24610433

Why do Burgers ruin everything?

>> No.24610441

Holy fuck.

>It shall be unlawful for any person to issue a stablecoin or stablecoin-related product, to provide any stablecoin-related service, or otherwise engage in any stablecoin-related commercial activity, including activity involving stablecoins issued by other persons, without obtaining written approval in advance, and on an ongoing basis, from the appropriate Federal banking agency, the Corporation, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.”

>> No.24610453
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HAHAHAHAH they're scapegoating black people.

>> No.24610464

Tether court confirmed to be fucked no matter what Bitfinex says.

>> No.24610463

>Why is the market not reacting I wonder.
>Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib
Amazing RSR fud, it's not going to pass and you damn sure know it but you are likely shilling freedom reserve which is the current meta shitcoin to feed your village with

>> No.24610488

i fucking hate democrats and their minority pandering. Sure racism exists to some degree but this shit is just extreme.

>> No.24610511

Why are Americans such cancer?

>> No.24610524

Scum of the earth.

>> No.24610530

This better not pass. Wtf do stablecoins have to do with black people?

>> No.24610537


>> No.24610554

would like to know too

>> No.24610558

imagine not locking up your funds in hex or axion lmao there is less volitivity if you earn more coins, I hope this shit passes makes me extra bullish on both hex and axion!

>> No.24610568

Thanks for fucking everything up again, America
I swear, aside from guns you guys just make everything worse

>> No.24610579

Dai is not backed by USD, it is backed by market incentives to keep it at $1. It is decentralized. It cannot be stopped.

>> No.24610582

What does stable coin have to do with race?

>> No.24610595

its exact same thing they did with the ending encryption bill that they disguised as the "protecting children act" or something

>> No.24610609

Was that bill pass?

>> No.24610627

Seems like markets are responding to this and rsr is dumping. Rip rsr

>> No.24610645

>incorporate in a non-US jurisdiction
>pass everything to that corporation
>deny the IRS the benefit of any taxes they could reap from it
I don't think they've thought this through.

>> No.24610654

They do.
Everywhere outside of a few countries is under US Jurisdiction.

>> No.24610670

I don't own any, but what would happen to someone holding a stablecoin if this bullshit passed?

>> No.24610685

Better hope your stablecoin of choice follows through and meets the requirements (or finds a way to dodge them) otherwise you can count on it being pissed into the shadow realm

>> No.24610695

Bill will never pass. And even if it did they would get the approval right away. This is actually very bullish for RSR/RSV since they understand the potential and that it could overtake the dollar

>> No.24610704

If I have a loan denominated in a stable coin and it gets banned, what are the consequences?

>> No.24610714

This is in fact extremely bullish. We are in the same spot we were in in 2017 but instead of US FUD we were getting hit with china FUD twice a week. Why because they couldnt control it. Then over the past two years they learned instead of how to control it how to profit from it while US was busy soulfinding and making up their mind about trump. Well now that thats over with they recognize there are more important things such as money and they are behind. Now they are playing catch up but first as always try to kill off the new contender instead of side with him. Once they find out its better and easier to use crypto rather than destroy it we will see the bull of all bulls, but this time with AMERICA in the lead and not gooks niggers and underdogs.

>> No.24610721

>Everywhere outside of a few countries
All it takes.

>> No.24610773

I am unsure too anon, I genuinely am too.

>> No.24610799

Why don’t these crypto companies use a few of the billions they made to lobby the US government into submission? These corrupt fucks just want a cut. Every other industry is doing this.

>> No.24610815

I've asked this multiple times as I'm in the same situation. Bump

>> No.24610827

fuck these faggots

>> No.24610837

why not just peg to the china dollar

>> No.24610868

This is what you faggots get for voting democrat, you stupid fucking cunts

>> No.24610886


>> No.24610938

they'll be crying for the crypto devs and companies to save them in like two years

>> No.24610965

Keep saying those racist things and I am going to have to report you to the Thought Police

>> No.24610975


People who don't understand crypto making laws to ban it.

Makes sense!

Only governments are allowed to print money it seems.

>> No.24610987

They can just do it from Europe instead. The EU loves cryptocurrencies and EU law is cryptocurrency friendly. Many EU politicians even knows how it works and what it is.

Many articles on the left thinks that cryptocurrencies exclude black people because it is based on math.

>> No.24610997

Won't pass. Next item of business please.

>> No.24611013

This is so fucking bullish oh my god
>Government tries to fuck with crypto
>Nobody cares and stable coins keep being pumped out
>It is finally proven we invented something they cant fuck with
>Everything moons even tether

>> No.24611018

The United communist states of America

>> No.24611035

trust a poo in the loo to fud

>> No.24611059

bullish af on rsr and crypto. it wouldnt be worth anything if they could ban it, and stuff like this just advertises crypto's antifragility

>> No.24611064

All in XMR

>> No.24611074

God I love Jews

>> No.24611085

Wtf??? I typed love not love

>> No.24611090

I dumped rsr as soon as I heard this news. I moved to Ampl cause I heard they are safe from this USD stable shit.

>> No.24611119

based and redpilled

>> No.24611134

Is there a new filter? Did you type hate and not love?

>> No.24611137
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The only risk is that stable coins will rival the dollar and make it easier to transfer funds to different fiat currencies without needing so much bullshit to set up a traditional bank account. If a currency gets weaker then people can move their money over to a stable coin which accelerates the weakening of a country's currency. That's the real reason it's in the central banking kike's cross-hairs.

>> No.24611198


Who the fuck cares about literally who shitcoin.

Tether is what they are after.

>> No.24611256

Not gonna pass and impossible to enforce even if it did. This just looksole good news to me that big daddy fed wants in on crypto

>> No.24611280

>that old this is good for bitcoin shtick
no. no its terrible for crypto and all stablecoins.

>> No.24611330
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>> No.24611352

can someone explain how a stable coin effects black americans? I don't get it. This one's a real puzzle.

>> No.24611516

unbelievably bullish for ampl, you have no idea how much it will pump if this turns out to be true

>> No.24611570

it doesn't. US politicians like to use race as a political weapon here. The timing of this bill is suspicious. A couple of days before it was announced there was a hit piece from the jew york times calling Coinbase racist..

This is definitely being pushed through a backchannel by big banks, they are trying to take over crypto.

>> No.24611580

95 % of crypto is in the hands of white males

>> No.24611609

sounds like you need racism re-education

>> No.24611646

Only applies to unlucky suckers living in muttica

>> No.24611868


BTC is headed to 1k-2k once the tether rug gets pulled.

>> No.24611977

Don’t blame us retard, that’s some arabnigger Palestinian

>> No.24611987

I hate negro women

>> No.24612033

The government does not print money. Jews do. The Fed is a private institution

>> No.24612192

What does this mean for Tether

>> No.24612212

>Sure racism exists
t. jogger

>> No.24612411

look at the name. she a poo. not you retards

>> No.24612528

Just think of the niggerinos you heartless bastard.

>> No.24612630

So then its illegal in the US. Who cares.

>> No.24612669



>> No.24612693

and asians.

>> No.24612746
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Bullish for ALGO since their team is based in the US (Professors from MIT) and well connected with the Fed.

>> No.24612764
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Yup. USDC, which runs on Algorand blockchain, will be the clear winner. Start accumulating.

>> No.24612857

God I hate Jews

>> No.24613288

Bullish for RSR since this act narrowly defines stablecoins as those being "backed" by USD, which btw is very clearly supposed to target Libra/Diem. Also this will never pass and is just a "Facebook is racist" gesture.

>> No.24613718

just got my Maker account deleted for asking that exact question.
guess I'll be switching to usdc then

>> No.24614136

i was just going to say this. I think this is a play for Tether's marketshare by USDC, and they'll get it, because Tether is some seriously sketchy shit.

>> No.24614216

> Sure racism exists to some degree
Yeah, against white people. It's called affirmative action.

>> No.24614249
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wakey wakey

>> No.24614327

how are they going to enforce this? Are they gonna hack everyone's metamask so they can watch us?

>> No.24614498

Stable coins that are backed by USD have always seemed shady imo.
for instance, if Tether is backed 1:1 by USD, then Tether corp. would have a bank vault with 20 billion USD.

Even if you were to believe that this is actually the case, then it relies on blind trust in the tether guys. There is no obvious way of finding out whether or not they are telling the truth.

>> No.24614643

In a world where the continent of Asia doesn't exist, sure.

>> No.24614655
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stop wasting your time on stupid cyberpunk fantasies and buy real regulated jew cryptos like XRP, XLM, ALGO. or keep buying your internet community fantasy nerd projects and pretent to make it.

>> No.24614773

Can Russia or china just nuke muttistan already? There's no nation, culture or people so anti human as these fucking insects

>> No.24614823
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>> No.24614876

wtf /biz/ i just sold all of my coins i didnt realize this was a racist industry

>> No.24614929

They want to regulate crypto because nogs keep falling for the literal runescape-tier Twitter scams such as "Hi I'm Elon, send me 1 and I'll send you 2" while also buying the absolute top

>> No.24614969

damn siding with the kikes. do you feel good about yourself?

>> No.24614975

I’m sure that is the reason and not just a scapegoat anon
not like US would have a problem with a global stable currency outside of FED control

>> No.24615046

Is this a good time to go all-in on CRV?

>> No.24615090

Yes nothing keeps people of colour down like stable currencies.
We need to stop them or they'll repeat the crimes of the big banks, even though we never did stop those guys.
What people of colour need isn't stability in tokens, they need volatile shitcoins, scams and rugpulls that respect the CULTURES of the underprivileged.
Introducing the Needful Act: a 750 billion dollar stimulus that will be delivered in the form of PNK

>> No.24615216

BTC is a stablecoin now.

>> No.24615852


>> No.24615888

>Not gonna pass and impossible to enforce even if it did.

fucking DELUSIONAL and retard pilled

>> No.24615929

>how are they going to enforce this? Are they gonna hack everyone's metamask so they can watch us?

Low IQ filter. I'm shocked you have enough IQ points to breathe properly.

>> No.24617069

Tether has no backing resources so if tether gets hit it collapses. So you'll not have to pay it back. Or you will but tether will be worth 0.002

>> No.24617134
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>> No.24617182

>including activity involving stablecoins issued by other persons
wait, what?
I have to ask for permission to merely use stablecoins?

>> No.24617254
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this was the goal of woke shit all along
a new bludgeon to push forward shitty legislation in the interest of corporate backers, since the old bludgeons of commies and terrorism stopped working

>> No.24617271


>> No.24617325

>residents of color
When I look at low income communities "of color" I don't see having crypto investments in portfolios as their fucking problem

>> No.24617404

I warned you lot to vote for Trump. Peter Thiel, RSR investor, is a big Trump supporter. You guys never should have voted for Biden.

>> No.24617442
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It's the non whites in positions of power that have fucked everything up. Our empire is coming to an end.

>> No.24617444

nobody voted for biden, goy. Other than dominion voting machines.

>> No.24617453

>bill won't pass
>rsv will eventually not be pegged to the dollar
>rsr is a cia coin

>> No.24617547

This is basically what china did but at least they made their own digital yuan first

>> No.24617778

>get a 1 trillion $ loan from stable coins
>buy all the BTC you can
>"oh, no! Stable coins are illegal now. Guess I can't pay this loan anymore..."
Delightfully devilish...

>> No.24618394



>> No.24618437


>> No.24618447

Bearish as fuck actually. Guess i'm moving all to USDC and ALGO.

>> No.24618452

every single guy here is incredibly ugly in his own unique way

>> No.24618530

Look at their smug faces, as if they knew it was coming all the time.

>> No.24619117
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Told you guise that this is illegal in burgerland.. everyone said it was fud... I tried to warn you

>> No.24619182

this. everything else is FUD

>> No.24619193

Why america is such communistic shithole?

>> No.24619235

its almost as if theres a plan to undermine US power by sabotaging important innovations and losing time to china. also see singapore

>> No.24619319

Assuming it passes.. what does this mean for anyone in US holding RSR?

>> No.24619338

Bills aren't laws, retard.
It means fuckall.

>> No.24619446

This has nothing to do with crypto, this is a punch at facebook for refusing to bend the knee and police trump supporters

>> No.24619975

>muh algorand will have USDC
babby's first stablecoin
USDC will be a federal approved stablecoin and will run on many L1.

>> No.24620068

Know how many bills die, this won’t even hit the senate floor.

>> No.24620139

Arrest the founders, threaten Vitailk, Dai disappears.

>> No.24620156

>muh laws

>> No.24620276

So they'll just get approval and all their competition will be kept out as per the usual USG racketeering operations.
Got it.

>> No.24620437

desu it will just end up fucking over Americans, as usual. All stable coins will operate off the Eurodollar system and American goyim will simply be unable (legally) to participate in stable coin trades.

Internationally, everyone but burgers will be unaffected. Just the American government hating the American people as always.


>> No.24621158

They don’t actually give a shit about shitskins. This is about power. All the woke bullshit is a just a bludgeon to beat you down and keep you trapped in the middle class until they are ready to completely nuke it with The Great Reset. They are hoping to play on your empathy for others to manipulate you and if that doesn’t work they will simply brand you a raycis to ruin your life. Post-reset they will be able to control you using a social credit system that shuts off when you don’t play by their rules. Either people finally stand up right now or we are going to be living in hell on earth for eternity.

>> No.24621265

Shit I just converted everything to PAXG. Gold is a better peg than fed shitcoins. Gold is going to survive this economic reset.

>> No.24621305

Isn't it already illegal for US residents to hold RSR? This seems bullish for RSR imo

>> No.24621329

Everyone needs to start treating USA like lepers. Nothing good ever comes from associating with them

>> No.24621354

It’s not dems. It’s the ((then))

>> No.24621482

they dont have a stable currency with fed control

>> No.24621485

>stop wasting your time on stupid cyberpunk fantasies
anon, take a good look around it. cyberpunk is reality, man. Orwell is here now. He's livin' large. We have no names, man. No names. We are nameless!

>> No.24621584

((They)) ARE democrats(communists)

>> No.24621619
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they're not. they're after facebook. they were shocked when they realised how much facebook owns their balls and now they're afraid of the monsters they created in silicon valley.

>> No.24621636

found the retard

>> No.24621639

every politician is literally a slave to elite interests
dems and repubs send each other christmas cards and collect checks from the same lobbyists

>> No.24621678

it's right wing retard propaganda
whatever the problem is doesn't matter, the blacks and jews are to blame
> they're taking our jobs!

>> No.24621714
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>> No.24621856
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Are you implying that Rashida Tlaib, a woman who is banned from entering Israe, might be a nazi?

>> No.24621915


>> No.24622003
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They find and sue / arrest the distributor of the crypto, or get accounts that use the bad tokens marked as enemies of the state. Any centralized entity that deals business with a flagged account that has touched the tokens will be fined for breaking the law.

>> No.24622284

What about a DAO?

>> No.24622294
