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24609971 No.24609971 [Reply] [Original]

What is the make it stack? Exchange listing in a little over 2 weeks

>> No.24609997

I own 500k IOUs so if the exchange honors them I think I will make it.

>> No.24610087

From BigONE? Whats the avg price you paid for them?

>> No.24610097

12.9 cents

>> No.24610223

1M usd it making it for me. So 50K GRT by eoy 2021. I've only 35K so far tho

>> No.24610299

Big balls. You'll make it very soon if you won't get gooked.

>> No.24610308 [DELETED] 

Trading without kickback? Missing money bro use ref UD3MOTMZ on Binance to get 10% back on trade fees.

>> No.24610319

eoy 2021 circulating supply will be 6M tokens
6m*20$= 120M marketcap
You think it will go that high?

>> No.24610325

It's a pretty legit exchange, and I figure with $400m daily real volume it doesn't make sense for them to scam me out of $60k, but stranger things have happened in crypto for sure. It's a gamble on a gamble but if it comes through I will pretty much have my dream portfolio moving forward and won't need to watch crypto as closely.

>> No.24610331

Damn thats a good price ngl

>> No.24610466


And yes. Thegraph will be in the top 5-10 for sure in a trillions dollar market. All the top 10 coins will be 100B+. That equal to 200$ per Link, which looks like it's going to happen despite how delusional it sounded back in 2017. Graph will be equal, above or very close to Link by value, It's inevitable at this point.

Which coins do you hold beside grt?

>> No.24610478


>> No.24610667

120B* yes typo

I do think The Graph should be valuated similar to LINK, not sure if marketcaps will go that high again.
You not selling anything before 20$?

>> No.24610726

The Graph is the most adopted project in crypto right now. Should be valued the same as LINK

>> No.24611321

100k is enough

>> No.24611633

Based. Which exchange anon? Couldnt find it on Bigone.

>> No.24611657

It's on BigONE under preGRT. There's about 130k left up to 32 cents but I think I'm at my risk ceiling haha

>> No.24611673

what do you think the price will be at listing?

>> No.24611703

No idea, man. But as I said above I got in at about $0.13 and that's better than I could ever have hoped to get. My hope before I saw the big one listing was to get in around $0.15 to $0.20.
There may be a good opening with crowdsale flippers taking quick profits, but I don't think it will stay low for long, and this way I don't have to bite my nails hoping to beat the crowd.

>> No.24611794

Are you not worried about the 6 months unlock of VC’s?

>> No.24611838

Doesn't make any difference to me. VC's will be involved in every legitimate project moving forward, they're a lot better to manage (from a dev standpoint) than a bunch of retail moonboy retards.
The Graph isn't a 6 month hold. It's a "hold until the smart contract stack is mature and you literally own a chunk of the industry standard indexing protocol" hold, and I'm sure the VCs know that too.

>> No.24611894

Because of this post, I bought some IOU tokens.

>> No.24611935

Got 1.8m preGRT from max contribution x2 to normal sale and the last private sale round.

>> No.24611964

I hope they don't make the redemption process too difficult.

>> No.24611983

where do I buy this fucking shit when where how I'm poor make me rich

>> No.24612049

You can't buy it for another 2 weeks.

>> No.24612086

It could be longer, honestly. The team gave a 30-60 day launch timeframe (which would give up to December 22) but they are still on stage 2 of 4 of the indexer program, and the Tele mods are making a big point about saying "there is no date".
I wouldn't be surprised if it's delayed until next year.

>> No.24612134

They are finishing up phase 3 actually. I'm in the program. The information the admin gave in telegram is incorrect.

>> No.24612158

>It's a pretty legit exchange, and I figure with $400m daily real volume

anon I... all the volume on these exchanges is faked anon...

hope it comes through for you anyway

>> No.24612159

Oh nice! How are you finding the program? I've found the documentation around curating to be pretty good so far.

>> No.24612168

It'll pump to 5$ til VC coin release

>> No.24612177

>what is wash trading

>> No.24612214

I enjoy it. A very thoughtful way to introduce us to their network. It's clear they are here for the long term, so I have no doubt in my mind that this will be a long hold for me.

>> No.24612216

>buying stocks in wikipedia

>> No.24612245

Sure, volume is not the best metric to judge by. But in terms of the sophistication of the platform, the levels of KYC, the number of things they offer, and even coingecko's trust score, I thought it was worth the risk to take the shot I did. I'm not counting chickens before they hatch, but it's not a z tier exchange. I did what due diligence I could.
It's not like I'm all in. If it falls through it would hurt, but I wouldn't be ruined.

>> No.24612256

Great to hear, anon, glad it's working out.

>> No.24612296

What do you actually expect Graph to be worth? Do you agree with the other anon that it will rival Link?

>> No.24612329

I don't think most crypto valuations are rational, and if anything I think Chainlink is massively undervalued, so I can't really compare in that way.
I think The Graph will be different because it's launching "hot" with a working product and tons of attention, but I think it will also be very volatile as a result.
Indexing is a big deal and if you have a monopoly on that in a mature smart contract economy then you will be worth a lot. That's all I can say, I don't really do price predictions.

>> No.24612350
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>> No.24612366

>a mature smart contract economy
Seems like we're an awfully long way from that. However the timing of the launch may work in your favour.

>> No.24612382

Graph will be worth a shitton in the short term as well because the level of attention is so high, but all my buys in crypto are multi-year, i suck at trading haha

>> No.24612403

If you get in to graph, you can ride the up, and then sell at like 2x or 3x; then go back to holding.

>> No.24612404

>I don't do price predictions
>worth a shitton
Checks out, I guess.

>> No.24612437

You know, like specific numbers. Like "It's going to $12 on May 12 2023" sort of stuff. Of course I buy things because I think they will be worth a lot later.

>> No.24612467

Well you may be right. But personally, I'm all in bazingacoin. It's the future.

>> No.24612479

BZC is a strong buy forever and ever.

>> No.24612493

I've got a second mortgage that says this, is indeed, destiny.

>> No.24612564

I expect it to be the number 5 coin in a week of launch.

>> No.24612705

To be fair, I think it will have two small corrections before it moons to top 5. The first one on listing (flippers) the second one after 6 months as anticipation to the VC tokens unlock. However 1 year from now, this all wouldn't matter.

>> No.24612709

Don’t you think a week is a bit too quick my friend

>> No.24612753

UNIswap literally requires graph to function.

>> No.24612828

>64500$ for IOUs from a chink exchange
Oh boy

>> No.24612841

will be $500k ($1 per GRT) inside a year. Mark my words.

>> No.24612867

it will be a story for /biz/ either way haha

>> No.24612891

What he is getting at is that they could just... not give you GRT and keep your money.

>> No.24612929

Would you buy IOU GRT tokens for $0.13 if it was a trusted exchange like Coinbase?

>> No.24612947
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waiting over a year for a 10x

>> No.24612953

Realistically I think it will be at top 20-25 at start. Around $1.2B mcap and $1.2 per GRT.

>> No.24612974

Too quick, that'll require x200 ICO price, Will definitely get there.

That said, Avax did x15, Skale x6, Radix x10,Filecoin x50 and even API3 whitepaper shitcoin did x6 (X3 from the average buy in).

Graph is bigger than all combined and valued as much as Avax did initially, Make the probabilities yourself. I might be wrong as crypto is unpredictable but based on historical launch of projects that inferior to graph by order of magnitude it'll be hard to bet against it doing some incredible things on listing or shortly after.

>> No.24612992
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That's a bear market prediction.

>> No.24613001

Ah yes I’m sure seeing as how the seed round paid half a cent, you pajeets are outta control

>> No.24613041
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>> No.24613089
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Control your seeth. Any tokens that aren't public sale tokens are locked for 6+ months. And it's about fair valuation, You can't treat GRT like it's /biz/ pajeets flavor of the month.

>> No.24613092

Early adopters got BTC and ETH for under $1. Chainlink ICO investors got LINK for $0.11. With that mindset you would pass on buying BTC for $10 or ETH for $3. So what's your point?

>> No.24613124
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Bros they still haven't entered Phase 3 and there's another Phase 4 after that...

60 day period ends in 15 days...

>> No.24613330

Phase 3 ends on 10th. Minor delay won't make any difference anyway

>> No.24613355

How long did the previous phases take? (So we can estimate when mainnet will actually be ready)

>> No.24613427

not sure, but I think it was around 2-3 weeks

>> No.24613497

phase 3 started on 24th. They may even manage to ship the mainnet on time

>> No.24613591

Can someone QRD me on the token usecase, tokenomics and financial returns of the company plz ?

>> No.24613602


>> No.24613661

What will be the initial market cap and the initial supply in circulation?

>> No.24613684

I suggest you checking r/cryptocurrency after GRT listing on coinbase. Quality sub with some great advices from crypto OGs

>> No.24613700


>> No.24613789

Of course, it's obvious.
I'd rather buy at 0.5$ on binance than buy IOUs on a chink literal who exchange for 12 cents.
Why? Well I've been here long enough to be paranoid.
>be me in 2019
>matic starts pumping
>binance shuts down because of a hack
>I send everything to tokok and buy matic
>can't withdraw because they don't have that matic
>sell on low volume and withdraw btc then send to binance when back up and buy matic, still made gains
But I was extremely lucky, that tokok could've just taken my funds and banned me, wtf would I have done? Take a flight to China then sue them?

>> No.24614358

Where can I buy it?

>> No.24614764

$0.50 may be a bit too high at listing. Think $0.30 is fair.

>> No.24615747

You probably cant buy this for 0.3 at launch, too many wanting to buy for that price

>> No.24615771

What price do you think is realistic to buy at then?

>> No.24616102

God I wish this fucking flops so you fucking pajeets get your jaw dropped.
>Muh top 5 in launch lmao.

>> No.24616269

It won't flop. The whole crypto ecosystem is running on The Graph.
To name a few: Uniswap, AAVE, Synthetix, Coingecko, Coinmarketcap, Balancer, USDC, RLC. Other layer 1 protocols beside Ethereum and IFPS will be announced soon (Polkadot, Cosmos, Avalanche etc.). Don't worry about us mate, money will be made.

>> No.24616294

Id say $0.5 for listing is fair but once all the braindead people find out what the graph does it will go much higher

>> No.24617535

Would you mind explain to me brainlet what it does exactly ?

>> No.24617788

solves yacht indexing problem

>> No.24618041

blockchain google

>> No.24618219

I thought you were fooling around, but you were not. Project just looks amazing. Do you know if GRT will be an ERC20 token ?

>> No.24618262

no it will start as ERC-10 and then becom ERC-721

>> No.24618436
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I hope this gets listed on Kraken

>> No.24618643

source where it says it will become ERC-721?

>> No.24619044

>api3 did x6
are you delusional bro
literally a SINGLE whale bought everything below 0.6$ FOR 0.6$ in the mesa sale
all the plebs bought at 1$+

>> No.24619068

lmao you're tripping balls too, yes anon, your shitcoin will do 10x on launch, and NOBODY will want to sell at that price
list goes on of "t1" projects

>> No.24619649

you're either retarted because you can't come up with better FUD or you're retarted because you don't know what The Graph is

Now go do your homework and come back timmy

>> No.24619792

>let's have 10 billion NFTs
it was a joke

>> No.24620088

are you really comparing skale, near and avax with The Graph? says a lot about your crypto knowledge.. Only comparable project is Chainlink.

>> No.24620118

how do i buy this

>> No.24620133

>Only comparable project is Chainlink

Are there any other exchanges selling IOUs? Do we have any idea where it will list first? Want to get my accounts and authorizations ready

>> No.24620243

Coinbase invested and Coinmarketcap (owned by Binance) uses The Graph. So you can assume both will list GRT. Binance is always fast, so i'll bet on Binance being one of the first.
It's an ERC20 so it will be on Uniswap the moment it gets unlocked (assuming there are liquiditiy providers)