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2460531 No.2460531 [Reply] [Original]

Swarm City (SWT) launching minimum viable product named "Boardwalk" in five hours.

Livestream to launch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYiKlP-UnUg&feature=youtu.be

Website: swarm.city

Moon or nah?

>> No.2460541

> Moon

That's just a pitstop, this shits going to pluto.

>> No.2460566

Sitting on 300 SWT.

>> No.2460597

480 SWT here
Hold, or double position?
Id have to sell a small portion of my ETH or all my LTC to buy right now :/

>> No.2460634

well litecoin is trash so that should be obvious

>> No.2460652

I know but as much as everyone shits on it watch it end up mooning the hardest here soon

>> No.2460725

I'm looking forward to the REEEEEEEEEEEEEE threads in 5 hours

>> No.2460746

>not buying the dip

>> No.2460795

isnt it obvious that vitaliks dad is an advisor because vitalik is furthering himself from advising projects. dude prob holds swt. to pluto we go!!!

>> No.2460804

I don't really see this as a potential "sell the news", as there has been no news. Seriously, the marketing around Swarm City has been terrible. Sounds like a good concept, but they need to work on their shilling

>> No.2460821

of course i transfer BTC off of bittrex ... which will take fucking days

>> No.2460829

i feel lucky as fuck that they never did any marketing. talk about gains when assholes finally hear of swt

>> No.2460886

Please keep in mind boardwalk is the MVP. Keyword minimal. That is why there is little marketing around it since it is mostly for the people that already use the system (terminal) on facebook. Storefronts will be the wrappers so to speak of boardwalk that would be geared more towards usability. This is far from the finish product for swarm so as long as you keep that in mind you won't be disappointed.

>> No.2460920



I'm sitting on 20k. Not planning on selling until we reach $50

>> No.2460975

Good point. These past weeks in crypto have made me an impatient little babby

>> No.2460983

selling when its on the silicon valley intro ;)

>> No.2461228

Wish I had more. Only 50 here, but still in for the ride.

>> No.2461513

just bought 50 at ath. i trust biz.

>> No.2462028

damn.. the stream begins at 1 am for me... will stay awake and watch it tho.. I'm very excited, but sadly I only hold 318 swt

>> No.2462055


>> No.2462163

You do realize that's 318k in the future. Maybe not this month but consider the project. I'm not even profit taking till 500$ish. I think selling this gem right now is retarded considering it's pretty much a gareunteed retirement before the end of the year.

>> No.2462185
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>> No.2462316

volume is so low on bittrex still

>> No.2462325

this shits tankin man jump ship we ain't goin to pluto we all going to hell

>> No.2462414

Hope we moon just so I can shitpost this

>> No.2462696
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Same here, brother. HODL

>> No.2462702
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>> No.2462726
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Honestly. I'm active in the slack and thankfully the Devs have recognized this and they're launching a new website in a couple hours.

>> No.2462736

You're too late. Should have came in earlier when the weak handed showed up. Regardless of the price tonight, you should buy at least a couple SWT

>> No.2462766

in for 75 SWT, when is the takeoff

>> No.2462775

should i transfer my dollars to swarm or nah

>> No.2462783


For anyone who is held back by the marketing, here's the devs view, which imo solidifies that they are very serious about Swarm City and that this project is as legit as it can get in crypto:

'For the Boardwalk launch I’ve found it preferable to focus on markets based around common interests or philosophies, instead of locations (with one caveat). The reason why is certain locales really want a rideshare “app”, with all the fixens. (Austin and Rideshare)That type of situation is more geared towards Storefronts (3rd release). So then the question is “who” is more likely to use boardwalk once it goes live on the 15th. I believe this is early adopter, crypto people, liberty-oriented people, etc. People who want an experience directed at a specific use case (rideshare, retail, rental, etc.) will get that a bit later on.'

'Personally I believe that you don't need old school 'push' marketing for a great product (which it indeed is), the right crowd finds you anyways. In this phase Swarm City will attract mostly 'pioneers' or early adopters, and those are the people you need in these early phases.. If you want to see the 'social' activity, most is happening on Slack right now, so don't hesitate to join.., and apart from that, there's Twitter & Facebook, with increasing activity every day.'

>> No.2462886

hope you're right, I'm not planning to sell.
I think - especially since uber is banned in some countries - swarm city has very great potential.

I'm planning to actually use the platform.

>> No.2462898

You will be fine. Just don't listen to all the FUD here.

>> No.2462988

You should.

>> No.2463038
File: 35 KB, 335x335, Dimitry Buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, this is the MINIMUM viable product, essentially the public beta for the platform.

Also VITALIK'S FUCKING DAD is on the board! Do you really think this will be allowed to fail?: https://press.swarm.city/dmitry-buterin-joins-swarm-city-advisory-board-675d47f268d1

This project is the only one I can really see a WIDE long-term potential use. Talk about cloud storage and micropayments to most normies and they'll switch off. Mention the ability to make a hashtag to show off and run your own mini-business for ride-sharing or cake selling or some bullshit and all the normies will perk up. The hipsters love the hashtagging crap too.

Don't underestimate the amount of normies and hipsters who love this sort of thing. Candy Crush made ~500 MILLION over 3 MONTHS.

>inb4no app
No need, most "apps" are simply responsive websites anyway, and they're obviously designing this for mobile use: https://press.swarm.city/swarm-city-boardwalk-overview-9a362f19411f

Shite marketing is the only thing that could sink this product, however as the anon above posted, this is intentional at this stage. I'm actually pleased that they're being smart about this. No point having the whole world piling onto it at this stage, better off sounding the trumpets when the product is finished.

At least these guys actually have a fucking product though, most of these cryptos just have an idea and a begging bowl.

>> No.2463065

Only thing that's concering me here is that from looking at their GitHub they only have two really active developers, and a couple more semi-active ones. Seems like a small dev team for a quite ambitious project

>> No.2463105

The Swarm City developer team will not plan a mobile app. The whole hashtag functionality runs on ethereum/ipfs on which any third party can build an app if they so wish.

>> No.2463133

Sorta makes sense desu. The uses for this will be VERY wide-ranging, so rather than trying to make a catch-all app, better they put effort into making the platform, and then have it open for any specific apps to be designed upon it.

One focusing purely on ride-sharing, another one dealing with sales, etc, all using the swarm platform and token.

As to small dev team, eh as long as they're productive you don't need gargantuan teams of pajeet programmers. Most awesome shit started off just with two guys in their garage or whatever.

>> No.2463172

Another issue is that we don't want to be bound by the 'centralized' policies of app marketplaces.

2 full-time programmers were enough to get to the MVP that will launch this evening. The team will expand if needed.

>> No.2463199


don't worry anon, the team is planning to hire more people once the audience grows, but they want to be smart about it (which is exactly what you want).

Also have you heard the adage that '"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." ?

>> No.2463568

Oh shit nigga im jelly

>> No.2463585

> '"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." ?
This too. 1 excellent programmer is better than 10 decent ones. Also, sometimes too many cooks.

>> No.2463640


>> No.2463739

honestly this is the only reason I'm holding bitbay.
I think david is pretty legit.

(yeah wrong thread ... sorry)

>> No.2463772

People already have uber, fuck swt.

>> No.2463848

It's not just for uber you fucking mong. Also, decentralized.

>> No.2463871
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>tfw being the big candlestick for the first time

Feels made it, man

>> No.2463883


>> No.2463907

/sigh they have VITALIK'S DAD on the board, hardly a meme.

Also lol you fucking autist, what fucking normie is going to care about the bloody graphic?

>> No.2463924

>trying to fud now
It's too late anon. Main thrusters have already activated. This baby is going to the moon whether you want it to or not.

>> No.2463939

are you seriously going to fud against a coin that has VITALIK'S OWN FATHER on the board? you'll be damned for eternity

>> No.2463966

Nice anon, hope you make bank. That being said I'm hoping for more volume, liquidity is so low on this token

>> No.2463985
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comfy pic from twitter

>> No.2464078
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>mfw I buy a crypto on /biz/ advice and it doesn't immediately floor for once
You guys are alright, don't buy crypto on August 1st

>> No.2464174
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10 minutes to go

>> No.2464200
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the only thing this baby's flooring on is the GAS

>> No.2464220

Boardwalk is going to be launched at the end of the stream.

>> No.2464223


>> No.2464261
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>> No.2464274


>> No.2464277

that presenter/SWT owner is definitely a fucking peedo
big red flags there

>> No.2464288


stop projecting you degenerate.. have some respect

>> No.2464331

how do i buy in?

>> No.2464337


Livestream here where they're explaining about Swarm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYiKlP-UnUg&feature=youtu.be

>> No.2464338


>> No.2464350

try shapeshift.io

>> No.2464363

You're all either in on this or fucking retarded. R.I.P you will all soon be bagholders.

>> No.2464375

kek .. cope more buddy

>> No.2464390
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Of a >100 Million $ coin

>> No.2464399

I'm going to bet that I have enough ETH to buy your whole shitcoin portfolio 10 times over. Not sad I'm sidestepping the brown and yellow pajeet coin.

>> No.2464400

Sure mate, at least these guys have a fucking product, and one that could have a HUGE user base.

This is the MVP launch. A single hashtag to test the functionality. Doesn't the fact that they're doing it this way tell you something? Fucking idiots would have just sperged and thrown the whole thing out there and then had it fall over. Doing it in stages like this makes sense.

This stage is for investors and those interested, next will be when they open it up for any hashtag, then I presume a huge marketing blast to normies.

Fucking idiots in here throw all their money behind bitbeans and scamcoins, at least these dudes are trying to do something. One of my top 5 long holds.

>> No.2464402

tanking HARD now
lol bag holders
retards buying into a scam with a peedo as the CEO

>> No.2464407



>> No.2464413

Lmao what's the link to your discord you lousy fucking shills. This is pathetic.

>> No.2464418

lol the fud on this. Really mate? Sad you didn't get in early enough ey.

>> No.2464435

in to the trash

>> No.2464478

wow found the retard. swt got shilled for weeks here and other than for example dgb, it got shilled for a reason.
today the first milestone gets geleased and it will be the first part of getting "hardcore" normies into crypto.

don't buy if you don't believe in swt or crypto.. but please.. don't cry when it's too late.

no need to lie on biz.. your 0.1btc will be worth a lot in the future ;)

>> No.2464485

The product seems alright, but what teh FUCK is the point in the scammy token?
Does it give me dividends? NO IT DOESNT
So why would i buy this peice of shit token'?

Who the fuck is going to take their USD, buy bitcoin, then convert it into scam city tokens, so they can use this application?

>> No.2464487

They are doing this right. Great broadcast so far. Professional, clean, good talk.

To the moon. SWT not going any lower than the price it is now. Period.

>> No.2464514

I'd imagine you'll be able to by SWT straight with dollars through their service.

I mean come on now you can buy fucking RP on LoL straight out, yet idiots fudding here think people will haveto arse about going on bittrex, buying bitcoin, then buying swarm, then sending them to their wallet to use in the app etc, what retards.

>> No.2464519

Then what happened to DGB? Can you refresh my memory?

>> No.2464527

its tanking as we speak. fuck this shit im selling

>> No.2464537

It might work if they dont tell the hipster normie tards that they are using this token for a few years

The price should just be done in USD/EUR or whatever and the conversion gets done without them knowing
Until crypto is mainstream in 5 years

>> No.2464544

DGB wasn't actually launching anything you fucking retard, they were at a competition that they didn't win.

Not exactly "Bad" news, but you know how sweaty handed people are.

These guys are LAUNCHING A PRODUCT, stop trying to fud just so you can buy more cause you're a fuckwit and got in too late. I've been accumulating this for yonks.

That's called selling the news, idiot. I made 30% profit already and buying back in when it's finished dropping and ready to moon afterwards.

>> No.2464558

it's performing nice since I bought some for 113sat but still.. I don't think it will be a think in a year..

it won't be implement anywhere and some dgb-servers will be empty soon..
Honestly I'm waiting to sell my last coins, bc it WILL pump again... but theres no real long term potential

>> No.2464561

Don't really see it mattering. Sure don't go into the whole background of crypto, but normies are sat buying virtual "dust" on pokemon, and "coins" on all their random mobile apps and games. It's not like they're new to having to use digital currency for online services, especially mobile focused.

>> No.2464583
File: 157 KB, 720x617, 1497227780271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... what a joke this coin is

>muh replace uber
>muh replace lyft
>muh think our target audience, normal regular people, understand bitcoin or crypto let alone start buying our chuck-e-cheese money I MEAN swarm city tokens
>muh replace task rabbit
>muh replace postmates
>muh replace handy
>muh replace CRAIGSLIST
>muh "uber takes too much of the drivers money!" yet takes their money anyways regardless and offer no legal or financial liability that uber does
>muh total scam

seriously, you guys are idiots.

>> No.2464600

it's all about "hey chad... your findArideINlosangeles-hashtag was so nice on twitter.. wish we could make money out of of it"


"wow guys... you CAN ... just add it on swarm city"

>> No.2464601
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G-guys we are taking off soon, right ?

>> No.2464634

You won't NEED to understand crypto you fucking idiot, of course they're not going to go full crypto autist on normies.

Simply all they need to do is focused on decentralised, peer to peer, people communicating with eachother (not tied to companies), able to buy, sell and trade whatever the fuck they want.

So what if they need a token? As mentioned people buy virtual currency all the damn time already. Just call it a bloody "token", don't need to even mention crypto.

Do you think normies care about all the mechanics behind how transfers are done now? People a few years ago would be like "ha ha who's going to arse about signing up on PayPal to use ebay".

>> No.2464661


this is how I imagine you in 2009:

>muh bitcoin
>muh magic internet money
>muh target audience, normal regular people, understand bitcoin let alone using it or buying it
>muh replace gold
>muh replace international wire transfer
>muh replace illegal marketplaces
>muh replace fiat
>muh "banks are crap" but they provide so much security and convencience
>muh bitcoin is total scam

seriously, you guys are idiots

>> No.2464665


>Shill calling everyone in board with a different opinion a 'fucking idiot.'

No one should buy this coin because the faggots trying to sell it don't give a fuck about you.

Prepare for the imminent dump.


>> No.2464677
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Okay, who is this faggot. I'm out

>> No.2464679

kek ... bet you feel offended from this guy:

>> No.2464692

HAHAHAHAH you literally made that?

Trying this hard.

"Pajeet shitcoin" with literally Vitalik's dad on the board. Sure mate.

>> No.2464722

Alright whose the fucking idiot that said yesterday that this was going to moon today? I fucking told you to sell the news and you didn't fucking listen lmao. Fucking retard, how's it feel bagholding some Pajeet Uber clone.

>> No.2464729
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>muh decentralization

Are you fucking stupid? Decentralization isn't always better you retard, ESPECIALLY for the service provider.

Uber/Lyft vet their drivers, offer insurance, and track the users by requiring a facebook that matches your credit card information. This makes both parties liable to each other and uber liable to both parties. THIS IS A GOOD THING YOU DUNCE.

What happens when some rapist posts "I need a ride" and waits for some young girl to respond? Then he pulls out a knife and tells her to pull over to the park where he rapes then kills her. Literally no one knows about this, there is no record, no GPS signals to help police solve the missing persons crime, etc.

The only thing swarm city would be good for is being a black market, and we see how well that worked out for silk road. Another reason why it's a fucking stupid idea is that the only way for swarm to be adopted would mean it would have to reach a critical mass in major cities, which is the complete opposite direction of being a black market because regular people don't want to be associated with that shit. So in that send they are literally compete with all the billion dollar silicon valley backed ventures and businesses.

Anyone investing in swarm is seriously fucking retarded. At least you can bullshit and lie with other coins to promote value, whereas with swarm you KNOW for a fact the idea is retarded and will fail

>muh decentralization
>muh black market
>muh FBI show up at my door anyway lol wtf

kill yourself.

>> No.2464744

so entertaining to see those idiot-fuds .. remember me of the 06/2016-ETH-times

>> No.2464752

R.I.P to your shit city coin

>> No.2464756

Actually I own 200 bitcoin from 2011. Oh and I bought netflix stock when it was 8 dollars. I could buy your mother and make her clean my toilets while I ass fuck her.

>> No.2464773
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>> No.2464788

good larping, bro.. you're jesus christ, too?

>> No.2464792

You are bagholding for Pajeet's ride service. How fucking mad does that make you feel lmao? You fell for a fucking useless product. Boy I would be pissed if I was you, down 11% already and falling further. Get fucking wrecked kid.

>> No.2464806
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>> No.2464817
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better leave crypto and invest in 4%-index-fonds

>> No.2464819

Such angry fudsters

why are you so angry?

They would be the ones fudding BTC when it was brand new

>> No.2464822

12% drop in 20 minutes... AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.2464823

what the fuck was that
they seriously ended off the video with that old guy
no demonstration of the release
just two jews saying they pressed a button to release it

>> No.2464832

Such effort put into this post. One would think you're fudding because youre salty that you sold at a much lower position.


Your effort just reveals the real motivation behind these posts

>> No.2464836

I'm glad monero taught me to never buy a coin right before "big news"

>> No.2464845

12% and going down further boys! Enjoy Pajeet's Uber-Lite service! #needaride? lmfao!

>> No.2464850


>tfw you're pissed that you didn't buy before it was 50 dollars per SWT

Quit hating and buy in on this thing.

>> No.2464853

>still buying more

>> No.2464870


I'm not sure what that was but I think the actual release starts at 9pm EST

>> No.2464888

That was a truly great presentation. Such charismatic devs. I have high hopes for this coin, it has limitless potential.

>> No.2464894
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>muh blackmarket
>muh no insurance
>muh no vetted drivers
>muh child rapists

as if these things cant be accomplished with normal bitcoin, DERP

drivers can be vetted by a review/rep system

an independent service can offer insurance

fucking retards

>> No.2464906

Thanks. We know it is not perfect yet, especially the UX part. That is why we didn't hype it too much until this release. Now with early adopters we will expand our team to streamline the front-end and have a great storefront release for the less technical.

>> No.2464911

lmaooooo sell the news retards

>> No.2464913


The question is, WHY use swarm over uber or craigslist? For your illegal shit? Fuck off you child rapist

>> No.2464921

It is important to know that most of the effort went in working with ethereum/ipfs, which currently bleeding edge technologies. This is now fully functional and we can start working on the user experience.

>> No.2464925


>> No.2464927

maybe because its cheaper where uber is allowed ... and .. WOW .. you can use it where uber is not allowed

>> No.2464929

>The question is, why would you use bitcoin? Fuck off you child rapist

>> No.2464930
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Congrats, you guys are all invested in cp

>> No.2464944
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>> No.2464947
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>> No.2464957
File: 39 KB, 733x629, 6358972875013950101751865366_2015-12-05T015538Z_1486033539_GF10000255098_RTRMADP_3_USA-ELECTION-TRUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always dips after a news release. Snore.

>> No.2464970

Here we go boys, going back up.

>> No.2464972


>> No.2464974


>> No.2464980

Swarm city is a scam sell now scam scam scam scam

>> No.2464982

we will laugh so hard about this guys tomorrow


>> No.2465010

Do you remember how bad that "news" about Monero was a few weeks ago? The price dropped 40% and then immediately went back up 35%. It happens every time some announcement comes out about a coin. Stupid people always fall for it too I don't know why. And then they complain about losing all their money. Weak hands are fucking pathetic.

>> No.2465019

Keep selling keep selling!!!

>> No.2465020

Oh look it's already back up to 208.

>> No.2465028

Kek. All this fud means it's going somewhere.

>> No.2465032
File: 338 KB, 480x271, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please please please don't buy SWT I want it cheaper
>Gotta Samefag and IP rotate
>Gotta bring out child porn/rape meme
>Gotta ignore the fact that all of crypto can be used in a blackmarket setting
>Gotta ignore the fact that my points are easily refuted

The more fud a coin gets the more potential it has, remember that tenant biz

SWT to the fucking moon, professional broadcast done with personalities, great devs, Vitalik's dad is on board, MOON MISSION confirmed boys

>> No.2465041

Sold at 220 bought back in at 186, now off to the moon please.

>> No.2465052

I bought in at 200 because I thought that would be the bottom. I wish I had waited just a few more minutes.

>> No.2465062

who are you?

why are you not promoting this more / why does nobody know about this? is it because you are so confident in this project?

>> No.2465083

yea, i've been holding this coin for 3 weeks now and sold at 200. That presentation was just awful and unprofessional. The pajeet was the best part about it unfortunately. Was expecting alot more.

>> No.2465084

Love these pre-moon sales!

>> No.2465101
File: 113 KB, 1024x935, IMG_5907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me it wouldnt cancel my sell order at 190...guess who just had to lose 5 SWT to buy back in because bittrex is retarded

>> No.2465108
File: 1.43 MB, 400x206, 3424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful and unprofessional? It was as professional as you can get.

>> No.2465118

>puts sell order up
>blames Bittrex for his retardation

>> No.2465132

damn.. you just lost 5000 USD

>> No.2465141

Yeah yeah but I still blame them for being slow as fuck compared to Polo.

>> No.2465176

Yea youre retarded, it was a half baked get release held in some shitty location. They didnt even try to show the tech they just released.

>> No.2465207

Shitty location? It was fine. What do you want, one the Hyatt ballrooms?

You can try out the tech right on their website bro.

>> No.2465231
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I liked it a lot.

>> No.2465547

lol look again

>> No.2465651

Kill me my man

>> No.2465660

Users are calling Boardwalk everything from shit to fucking shit.

>> No.2465711


>> No.2465739

I warned these retards yesterday to sell the fucking news. Not a single one listened. Oh well, their money. Now they are stuck holding Pajeet's bags just like DGB.

>> No.2465740


I love watching shilled shitcoins die the inglorious deaths they deserve

>> No.2465754
File: 14 KB, 614x446, kjygfkjhgfkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am litteraly stuck holding my bag since GODDAMN WALLET FONT LET ME SEND

oh well

>> No.2465771

"Something went wrong"

yes, you were dumb and bought a shillcoin.

Please try again, unless you've learned your lesson.

>> No.2465779

next time /biz/ is shilling a coin, sell before major events or releases, that is when everyone dumps.

>> No.2465790

but literally why. NOTHING negative happened.

>> No.2465822

because a whale bot is mass selling like 20 orders at once

>> No.2465842
File: 20 KB, 306x306, ive had enough of your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So It's literally nothing? the price is going to recover in like 2 days? Wow, the fudders are retarded.

>> No.2465846

Buy the rumor sell the news. People buy in anticipation that something new and exciting is happening to their coin, but when the the event happens and everyone realizes everything is exactly how it was everyone sells. same things happen with stocks. When UNEXPECTED good news happens though, that is the time to buy and ride the pump. Expected good news/events/releases are already priced in though and will dump when they happen.

>> No.2465856

Any idea why I cant sell?
I'm doing everything by the book.

>> No.2465872


>> No.2465873

you need eth to pay gas

>> No.2465891

the whale bot is probably fucking you
this is what happens:

>everyone sits with their cocks out at the PC due to the news
>whale bot sells the first 3 pages of the order book at once and drops the price 2k satoshis
>order book and price on the exchange tanks and everyone shits themselves
>retards with their cocks out panic sell
>whale bot buys back his stack 10mins later

repeat for 12 hours

>> No.2465916

how the fuck do you know if it's cheaper or not? Did you do a cost profit analysis? Did you factor in accident risk, etc? Fucking brain dead uneducated retard, you literally know nothing stfu.

Because Bitcoin might grow exponentially you fucking dunce. If you said you bought swarm because "it might go up temporarily and then I'll dump it" I might respect you, but if you actually think this scam project is going anywhere you're a fucking tard lol

>> No.2465931

I dont need gas in their online wallet. Just 0.01 swt.

I guess so.
To release the pain, it was a gamble anyway with $ I could spare.

oh and fuck all the captcha's

>> No.2465940

>"it might go up temporarily and then I'll dump it"
My idea.

I just dont like being locked up when i want to sell

>> No.2466163

Fuck you faggots

>> No.2466178

I checked, i do need eth to send swt.

I put 0.002 eth in my wallet. Doesnt seem to be enough.
How much do i need to put in to get my swt out?

>> No.2466667

Hold it.

>> No.2467118

y'all better jump off the rickshaw before you're raped

>> No.2467154

who's doing the raping

>> No.2467171


the swt shills. the coin is literally designed to crowdsource rickshaw rapists on the blockchain

>> No.2467927

Soon there will be a 'gas station' -> swt will auto convert a small amount to cover eth fees.

Also default gas prices will be lowered, since quick confirmation times are less important.