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24600042 No.24600042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't the betting market swung hard on this news? odds only dropped from 27 to 23

>> No.24600080

It’s over you absolute loser

>> No.24600107

Because it’s almost certainly fake

>> No.24600133

keep paying off those campaign debts goyim

>> No.24600138

our collective attention span is too short to remember events that far in the past

>> No.24600150

nah, dr Shiva had done mathematical analysis before any of this evidence came out, and he had already calculated that it was exactly 113% like the evidence shows

>> No.24600619

Okay and this random Twitter retard is probably using that 13% figure because he watched that video. If there was an algorithm switching votes the manual, hand recounts would find it.

>> No.24600646

His numbers were 70 to 130 but yea.. well over 100%. Can't wait for trump to win so these retards neck for 4 years

>> No.24600668

he already lost tho a few hundred votes won't turn anything.

>> No.24600678

stay tuned
after 40 minutes trump will tell you something big

>> No.24600681
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>because he watched that video

it's not a video. the machines were only subpoenaed a few days a ago.
Dr Shiva released his analysis weeks ago

pic related

>> No.24600693

Read the whole thread.

>> No.24600703

Rofl u honestly don't understand. If any fraud is found. If any audit from these machines find anything which they have. The whole election will be under question. I feel really bad for you biden fags. I dont even care who wins. But I'm sorry to say, biden is fucked.

>> No.24600726
File: 51 KB, 700x700, 7ff34b06204fb8bb531542cf024cce4a6e-drunk-woman-michigan-voter-fraud.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish all the faggots who came here in 2016 would go the fuck back where they came from.

>> No.24600734

>If any fraud is found.
noting will happen maybe some isolated cases go to court and some fall guy goes to prison. trump lost deal with it. he lost with too much for any recount to change it.

>> No.24600743

>I feel really bad for you biden fags
you shouldnt. they are getting paid to post.

>> No.24600758

In one of his hearings he showed the 70 to 130 matching perfectly. I haven't seen this article. Thank you.

>> No.24600760

Was he still alive then?
Checkmate, trumptard.

>> No.24600775

I agree it’s kinda funny though to see these losers actually still believe trump will win

>> No.24600785

Please kill yourself, leftoid subhuman.

>> No.24600791

i never even knew biden existed until recently to be honest. he is a gropey pedo uncle and obviously only slightly more intelligent than trump which means less than a smarter chimpanzee.
still just about anything would beat trump as president even a fucking hamster.

>> No.24600803

i remember there were the same allegations about Bush's campaign doing electoral fraud by Democrats in 2004. I don't think there was as much analysis during the period and Kerry conceded, but evidence was compiled after it was all over.
The burden of proof is a big thing, media suppression as well; unless Trump pulls a big dick move and doesn't vacate the office then I don't see much of a chance of this alternative narrative taking hold... and it's just one county they did right now, building a proper case can take months at the very least.

>> No.24600810

You should start by returning to reddit, where you came from.

>> No.24600816

it's hilarious and sad

>> No.24600824

22% of trump votes in swing states where dominion is used gives trump a margin of victory of approximately 21.9%

>> No.24600834

Hope you're not white, faggot.

>> No.24600842

Do you really think the people running the betting places are as based and redpilled as you anon?
They don't know that Trump won and that XRP is going to 2k eoy.

Give them time.

>> No.24600843

it's all bullshit of course

>> No.24600844

holy shit you retards are unironically retards ... fuck.. and you probably think your an "independent thinker" or something like that kek

>> No.24600855

lmao exactly. people are still not over it

>> No.24600859

Fuck off faggot I'm sick of smelling Donald Trump's balls on your breath.

>> No.24600863

>>>/reddit/ or >>>/leftypol/

>> No.24600870

>i never even knew biden existed until recently to be honest
you know he was the vice president for 8 years, right?

>> No.24600895

It’s even funnier when you remember they believe he’ll run again in 2024. I just hope they realize eventually that if they went anywhere near Trump or his properties he’d have them shoo’d off using men with guns. He doesn’t give a fuck about the average American just his elite friends and family like every politician and billionaire

>> No.24600899

no to be honest i never knew a single vps name.
presidents sure.

>> No.24600903

>reddit leftist pretending that 99,9% of reddit isn't leftist
lol ok, faggot

>> No.24600937

Sounds good friend is that where the winners are at? Hope to see you there one day

>> No.24600952

>He doesn’t give a fuck about the average American
Did you read that on reddit? Even if it were true, at least he doesn't want whites dead and gone like you drooling, rabid, utterly clueless "liberal" leftists

>> No.24600956

my problem with trump is not that he is a slimy scumbag sort of capitalist. that's really fine. capitalism is a wonderful system where retards lie trump bleed money like no tomorrow. unless you elect them as president.
my problem is that the only thing i hate more than commies are populist retards. and trump is probably the worst of those.

>> No.24600975

Oh, you're from leftypol. I wish you could realize how braindead and inadequate you really are. You're too dumb for politics.

>> No.24600990

>Did you read that on reddit
Yes it’s a great website as I’m sure you know since you won’t shut the fuck up about it. How do trumps balls taste by the way?

>> No.24600991

And you're country is 1% white but don't seem to mind being a minority, mutt.

>> No.24601000

>honest about being from reddit
>i'm turning the country into commie mexico
>we're winning so much
You leftists are beyond braindead.

>> No.24601030

>keeps spamming about trump's gentalia
80 iq commie redditors sure are vulgar.

>> No.24601056

>And you're country is 1% white but don't seem to mind being a minority, mutt.
Take your schizo meds.

>> No.24601074

they are still way smarter than trumplets apparently

>> No.24601078

I’m literally just trolling because I can sense your seething from the across the internet. I don’t take politics seriously at all but I love seeing fags like you get heated over bullshit that really doesn’t matter. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone mention reddit more than you by the way.

>> No.24601086

>where retards lie trump bleed money like no tomorrow.
How did you get so delusional? This is just insanity. Leftism should be classified as a mental illness. Truly, you'd have to be a braindead loon to agree with you "people."

>> No.24601108

>no one replying to me
>/biz/ remains bluepilled as balls

>> No.24601110

do you even read what you reply to tho?
i'm not leftist i just fucking hate imbeciles and trump is a fine specimen.

>> No.24601116

You're clearly a low iq, leftist discord raider, who is most likely from reddit/leftypol. There's one or two more of you subhumans here.

>> No.24601144

To call trump a failed business men is crazy, yes.

>> No.24601148
File: 162 KB, 800x450, 6AF01B14-68EA-4FC2-AC1C-46C982495E5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another reddit mention

>> No.24601150

Trump lost you butthurt schizos. Hopefully you'll all kill yourselves when Biden is inaugurated.

>> No.24601151

I didn't vote Trump but it is obvious that there has been some sort of USNATSEC take over with Trump as a front ma.
Biden will not be president.

You don't really follow things if you think otherwise.

>> No.24601163

>business men

>> No.24601193

>you're a schizo if you pay attention to what leftists do and say that they want
No, you moron. Also, please kill yourself. Do the world a favor for once in your miserable life.

>> No.24601229

Seems like all minds are turning to Glitch Finance

>> No.24601236

but he literally is all he managed is pile up insane amount of debt on the business he started from his dads money. but after 4 years of presidency i expect his books are looking way better.
good job retards for bailing the trump clan out.

>> No.24601303

>this reddit delusion
It's like reading r/politics, I imagine. Baseless, reality-divorced hysterics by feminine minds.

>> No.24601359

never been there my sources are quiet different
there is no end to the articles about how trump actually got and managed his money.
hew is a fucking loser poser. enjoy the fallout cucks!

>> No.24601447

>hysterically anti trump
>never browsed reddit
oh i bet

>> No.24601543

Look im tired of bombshell after bombshell amounting to nothing

So either these bombshells are bullshit

>> No.24601584

Do you retards realize that Dr. Shiva and Professor Grifter and Seargant Fagface are all colluding in this massive disinfo campaign right? Your narrative has changed 10+ times, hilarious. Can't wait until you guys make up some other shit to justify why Bidens getting sworn in.

>> No.24601645

i'm more looking forward to see how the media will spin things when they realize trump is the winner, and how it's going to fuck up their credibility hard after all they've been saying for 3 weeks non stop is fraud is impossible (that's after 3 years of mentioning nothing but the russian hack)

>> No.24601653

delusional retard

>> No.24601732

>Why hasn't the betting market swung hard on this news?
because it's not true

>> No.24601759

well it's down to 22 now, after being at 30 for the last whole week. it could be down to 10 within the next 5 hours

>> No.24601824

yep, the whole thing responds to your beliefs and those of retards like you. You think an election outcome is more likely? They give you lower odds to reinforce your belief. It's actually automatic. A bunch of money rolls in for a position and they automatically lower the payout. Not much money covering a position and they raise the payout.

but surely that means your position is right, right? Nope, it's just a business transaction that responds to your beliefs.

>> No.24601839

That's fair. We'll see what happens in a couple weeks. Just remember my post friend. When nothing happens, and Trump leaves office, and no real evidence of election fraud is found and not deboonked - we will both have our answer. Remember this post retard, maybe you'll do some critical thinking after.

>> No.24601863
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>> No.24601876

How can Trumpfags actually believe this shit? The MSM at least puts in real psychological work and obfuscation when it comes to creating disinfo and fake news - Trumps media machine is piss poor and retarded and still can capture 48% of the country.

>> No.24601908

>How can Trumpfags actually believe this shit
They’ve been high on Trump for 4 years and are scared to sober up.

>> No.24601927

people are easy to fool when you tell them what they want to hear. I mean look at the anger at Fox News when they told the truth.

>> No.24601940

lying retards lying to retards. you're in a deluded cult

>> No.24602196
File: 109 KB, 603x838, 1607289581816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been debunked already and isn't this the creator of mail? I really want Trump to win too. I have bet more than 10k on him. I have basically reviewed every single legal case and every single fraud accusation. But at this point instead of digging our heels in about something crazy like "election fraud" - whatever that's supposed to mean - we should really start thinking about 2024.

Not to mention, it's not even possible to program a computer to count fractional votes. When one ballot goes in it's counted as one ballot and no amount of conspiracy theory can change that.

Basically the big journalism platforms and other institutions haven't found fraud either and are supporting my current view. I ask you kindly to stop hurting democracy and accept the results.

>> No.24602200

>making shit up about the opposing side making shit up
Yeah, there's the leftist attitude to honesty. Have your iq and test levels checked, you faggot.

>> No.24602240

>the cnn viewer that votes for open borders, gibs and censorship thinks he has truth on his side
You bloody retard.

>> No.24602271

>Basically the big journalism platforms and other institutions haven't found fraud either
They don't want to find it. Trump's lawyers and campaign has already found plenty, you leftoid shill.

>> No.24602278

no one cares about this shit anymore

>> No.24602307

>. I ask you kindly to stop hurting democracy
You leftists have imported tens of millions of hostile foreigners and given them the right to vote, to undermine the will of the original voting base. That's besides the dominion-related cheating. You couldn't be more full of it. Kindly kill yourself.

>> No.24602356

>you're in a deluded cult
kek You 80 iq "liberal"-leftist morons are literally wrong about everything. All of your politics are absurdly stupid and self-destructive. Again, as I've told you, you're too dumb for politics. How do you even get so warped? Go back to red-dit and kill yourself.

>> No.24602365

The anon above and below this post cares. Not in any sort of intellectual fact checking way, but he’s just super angry and name calling.

>> No.24602380
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probably cuz for trump to win, he has to win through the courts and the deep state has their hands in fucking everything so they'll make it damn near impossible even if he legitimately won which i believe he did after all the fraud is taken into account

>> No.24602394

>deluded cult
Is this the most asinine projection ever from leftists? No, socialism isn't great for the economy, open borders, white replacement and censorship isn't beneficial, and keep your filthy hand from my guns, you little shitstain.

>> No.24602428

Hahaha nobody cares about this anymore the fucker lost

>> No.24602429

>Not in any sort of intellectual fact checking way,
My factchecker says that the races aren't the same and that you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.24602443

How do we bet on trump for the most gains with a secure sauce?

>> No.24602444

Blah blah blah. Focus on link

>> No.24602447
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>i never even knew biden existed until recently
You are a fucking clueless zommie reddit faggot

>> No.24602458

>all this effeminate redditors from some discord server
You don't belong. Hell, you're not even real people.

>> No.24602477

>accuse other of undermining democracy
>when you've already made a joke of it
>when anon points this out, you play dumb
Stupid faggot.

>> No.24602518

why are you harping on about feminity? are you insecure about your manlyness or something? no one cares fag.

>> No.24602562


Or the establishment hides them so well it doesnt matter...no matter what you do its over

>> No.24602595

I'd like to see blatant fraud go punished, but it just won't happen. Everything is rigged.

>> No.24602606

Because you leftists are essentially women. Freedom and truth makes you uncomfortable. You see no inherent value in it. You're extremely irrational and group-oriented. Authority figures can order you to think in certain ways. You operate on an asinine political binary of hate and non-hate, and everything that gets the wrong label is immediately dismissed, regardless of its validity. You're big fucking pussies.

>> No.24602619
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>the projection

>> No.24602641
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>Rudy Giuliani taken to Georgetown University Medical Center
Hows that investigation going?

>> No.24602662

Well that debunks the moon landing

>> No.24602732

If the Democrats actually did pull off some massive voter fraud scheme to win then those are the type of people I want in office anyways

>> No.24602766


>> No.24602775

Corrupt deep state faggots?
Fucking hell you losers are retarded.

>> No.24602776
File: 53 KB, 625x657, 7B0BD907-3E07-4EFB-AA4D-9C829DF3FDC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro if ur not pro trump you’re a communist

ok faggot, didnt read, kys nigger

>> No.24602821

very few dems would have been in on it imho. brian kemp (a republican) seems to have turned on his party for his own financial gain.

>> No.24602866
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Please understand, you'll never be a woman.

>> No.24602878
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If they dont pay out at Stake.com I will sue their asses. Look at this bullshit, they paid out early on Biden and call it "smarter betting" kek. Fuckin morons werent supposed to pay out until the electoral college date this month. Now theyre saying they wont honour the bet if Trump wins by being voted in by the states, and Biden has to also concede. Nevermind that they paid out for Biden without Trump ever conceding. These leftist fags.

>> No.24602908


How many people ITT actually understand statistics