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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24596823 No.24596823 [Reply] [Original]

biz tell me what to buy

>> No.24596833


>> No.24596844


Don't listen to ANYONE who tells you to buy LINK.

>> No.24596849

food, shelter, debt free, gold, silver, btc, monero

>> No.24596893

INJ , this is on the way to being huge (just check the backers, awards and people yourself), yet it's early enough that most of /biz/ hasn't heard of it yet.

>> No.24597132

9mm has increased in value more than any of those.

>> No.24597493


>> No.24597671
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I already sold API3

but I want to see number go up

already have but I'll buy a bit more once ETHBTC goes up

>not an erc20
nobody cares

how is this better than loopring or xdai?

>most of /biz/ hasn't heard of it yet
>already on binance

pretty boring suggestions guys

>> No.24597691

numbers will go up for all basic items. you will save a lot of money by buying them now

>> No.24597765
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shove your goldbars up your ass and get the fuck out of my thread doomer

>> No.24597798

It's on binance because it's backed by binance you mong.

>> No.24597863

The only correct answer to this question is DEXG at this moment in time.


>> No.24597864

if you buy shit when it's already on binance you're doing crypto 2020 wrong

>> No.24597937

Exactly this, find gems like dexg as the anon above said.

>> No.24598038

This is the most braindead "article" I ever read, samefag

>On chain price oracle (or, you know, just the current rate of the AMM LMAO, uniswap has a better on chain oracle idea with twaps)
yeah ok

spotted some chink letters on the page too
not buying the china hustle

>> No.24598828


>> No.24598893
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why did all the api3 threads suddenly stop? pajeet brigade is over huh?

>> No.24598988

But numbers are going up on all of those

>> No.24599035

Mutual fund Assessment and Handling with Digital Interest Keys
>MAHDIK is easy to find
>MAHDIK is large and only getting larger
>everyone who tries MAHDIK loves it
I have it on good authority your own mother has tried MAHDIK, she begged for more of it.
Buy a taste of MAHDIK today!

>> No.24599146

join us in api3 general

>> No.24599513

I don't understand why everyone is so black-and-white here. What is wrong with diversification? Heres what I understand so far:
BTC- Original, secure, household name, but slow, costly, lacking utility, and threatening to governments.
ETH- same as above, unless ETH 2.0 fixes everything. still could be an issue with goverments
XRP- semi-centralized, compliant, bankster-friendly, fast, low cost... but also centralized and bankster friendly
Link- Oracle... but shitty ERC20 coin, dont see much promise in it, but wouldnt want to miss out either
RLC- "world computer" but also a shitty ERC20 coin
XLM- XRP but decentralized. different from ETH because nodes instead of mining and staking
Other coins- I dont really see why you would buy anything else (strictly long-term investing here) except maybe other ISO20020 coins
Is there really anything wrong with just splitting my money evenly between all the coins I listed?

>> No.24599538

Dragon dildo. You won't regret it!

>> No.24599597
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Decentralized, open-source, and not dependent upon future promises.

Buy high and sell low to earn the most profits!


>> No.24599744


>> No.24599804

randomly buy ur mum a rose
maybe you'll profit or maybe not

>> No.24599828
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>> No.24599849

wCRES (you have to buy on dodo or balancer until uniswap gets liquidity added)

Backed by:
Real Vision

>> No.24599853

DEXG is a chink scam. see the whitepaper and tell me it isn't written by a 14 year old pajeet third-tier ghostwriter from fiverr

>> No.24599906

Just get some wCRES

>> No.24599920
File: 53 KB, 649x626, tartarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are taking over the ETH network!
Hyper-deflationary token network.
Telegram: @TartarusGroup

>> No.24599948

kys tranny

>> No.24599963

All in XLM>>24596823

>> No.24599980

holy fuck get out newfag

>> No.24599994
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buy xrp to dupe your money by eoy

>> No.24600020
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Fucking this.CrescoFin Bought at 5$ and again at 7$, its around 8.50$ now or something, I cba to check but in a few weeks or earlier its going to fucking explode . Based Cryptodog and Aave on the board

>> No.24600048

cryptodog isnt based and you faggots are making retarded whores like elsa rich

>> No.24600392

imagine the smelle

>> No.24600461

dude just cuz im new to crypto doesnt mean I'm new to 4chan. im an outcast just like you so let me fucking live. clearly youre mad that I've been able to harvest this much information and condense it into a concise summary for all the new(er)fags to read. seriously though I just want to figure out which coin to buy. for now im in XRP, XLM, ETH, BTC and ALGO. kind of 50/50 on link its hard to tell whether its over or not.

>> No.24600509

I heard that the coin suck. I don't want sucky MAHDIK

>> No.24601048


>> No.24601088
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Imagine being so stupid you think you're smart.

Fuck off to reddit kid

>> No.24601142
File: 50 KB, 494x515, 400100700213_107354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UBXT....check out their platform too...they are literally a swiss army knife platform for traders on top of having algo tradings

>> No.24601504

if youre so smart why dont you humble me and explain whats wrong with my analysis?

>> No.24602302

See, this is where you get that tumblr /twitter leftist tier nonsense like "it's not my job to teach you...do your own research..." , Because this retard is flying blind on crypto just like everyone else on this retarded site. 99% of the people here's strategy is "buy a cheap shitcoin and pray to kek it moons while they're watching it". Don't let them tell you otherwise.