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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24593506 No.24593506 [Reply] [Original]

Money laundering shouldnt even be a crime. change my mind.

>> No.24593555

did you think this was a controversial statement?

>> No.24593564 [DELETED] 

Anon... don't tell me you're using Binance without a ref with kickback... use ref UD3MOTMZ on Binance to get 10% back on trade fees.

>> No.24593600

It's only a crime when you and I do it. Banks/governments do it every day.

>> No.24593615
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What excuses do bootlickers and glowniggers come up with when these threads pop up, again?
>muh paying taxes allows roads, public transportation and utilities to exist in the first place
>Taxes don't impact the wealthy as much as it impacts the poor
>Money that isn't officially recognized and allowed by the state is more often than not used for criminal activities and hurt society as a whole
>If everyone paid taxes the middle class wouldn't have to bear the brunt for both the wealthy and the poor
>Who protects you if there's no state?


>> No.24593652

what about tanisha and her 8 children that need feeding after tyrone left them?

>> No.24593909

My coomer mind is on overdrive. Anon, I need the sauce

>> No.24593936

what about abdul who’s waiting for his next payment

>> No.24593969

Money laundering is cleaning the paper trail of money that was obtained illicitly. Why wouldn't it also be a crime? I suppose you could say that it should simply make them accomplice to whatever charges the initial crime was, but that's obtuse.

>> No.24594495
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if you push hard enough, the state simply takes the mask off and tells you the truth: they don't need a reason because they have a monopoly on power. pay up or we'll put you in a cage. if you resist being put in a cage we'll kill you. end of.

you WILL subsidize your own destruction anon, and you will not dare complain about it.

>> No.24594620


>> No.24594627

I wish we could protect ourselves with no legal recourse. A guy in my state was recently sent to jail for shooting a burglar outside of his residence, dude got charged with 1st degree attempted murder, it's almost like the laws are made to protect criminals rather than citizens.

>> No.24594699

its only illegal because it prevents the govt from getting money same goes via drugs the profit you make from it is literally OP so they had to nerf it and make it illegal cause they are salty that the gubermints dont get their share.
tax translated in german means steuern and steuern means controlling as in driving a car youre in controll thats what taxes are its to control the masses and enrich a few people this never changed since the old romans through the middle ages via kings and now we have this modern form of slavery
taxation is theft if they want my money they have to get it themself

>> No.24594747
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she's so beautiful anons...I need her, I want to have her it isn't fucking fair I want to touch booba so bad

>> No.24594870

Money laundering isn’t bad by itself but is immoral when it covers up the profits from a crime

Which is source?
Nao Junguji ?
Kym Graham ?
Or Pandora Kaaki?

>> No.24594945


>> No.24595017

It's fucking bullshit what feminism and social media has done to today's dating pool, even used up obese disgusting fucking roasties are in demand, even tranny fucking frankenpussy is being simped over. Simps and fucking feminists/Zionist have ruined everything.

>> No.24595053

Oh, thanks man aha

>> No.24595117

Go to gym
Smile at gym thot
45 minutes later pounding that pus

It’s never been easier-you just have to do it in person not online

>> No.24595218

a thief used roads to make his escape. lets lock up the workmen who built the roads

>> No.24595236

lets also lock up the criminals parents who fed him up to this day. lets also lock up everyone who ever served this criminal food.

>> No.24596245

You are right aml laws & organizations are killing the velocity of money.

Check when organizations like fincen were created then look at velocity of money, same shit all around the world.
Control freaks killing freedom , which reduces growth which leads to more control needed to finance the system that kills more freedom in a death loop.

>> No.24596580

fucking based

>> No.24596659

indeed, also gun manufacturers if a single murder is committed with gun they made

>> No.24596736

Those aren't real. She is noticeably smaller in her earliest pics. Even those looked fake

She got new titties in.

How do you even trust thots anymore? Fake asses and tits are everywhere and they're becoming more and more lifelike

>> No.24596748

She escorts I think, some anon here mentioned he paid for fucking her

>> No.24596759

except the purpose of money laundering is to give the govt their share of the profits so they dont get pissy

>> No.24596773

built for the bbc

>> No.24596869

The best one is when police get no-knock warrants, break into someone's house, the homeowner shoots them for breaking and entering, and then the homeowner is jailed and called a cop killer as though it's not possible for a criminal to dress up like a cop as an excuse to break into your home and kill you.

>> No.24596890

Why would i change your mind when your statement is correct? Welcome to possession laws 101.

>> No.24596944

Also keep in mind its only a crime because women and jews are trying to protect you through fascist means i.e. removing possession of your own money through say selling of your own possessed drugs which is off their tax book pisses them off. If they dont control the money though, theyd have no way to make simple transfer of value illegal.

>> No.24596966


>> No.24596996

Its funny too i was watching Emily D Baker last stream and apparently some onlyfans posted CP. and this liberal bitch said no to prosecuting because of intent. THATS NOT HOW POSSESSION LAWS WORK YOU DONT GET TO CHOOSE NOT TO PROSECUTE.

>> No.24597076

I dont usually like cow udders but those are some nice tits

>> No.24597282

And think about what is a barter. Say i have a girlfriend and i give her dinner and she gives me sex. Ok there's no explicit sale but can we say theres such a distinction from prostitution? Its like our entire society has borderline thinking

>> No.24597309


>> No.24597313

>giving food for sex
are you dating a dog?

>> No.24597657

that's a dumb fuckin analogy, building a road isn't overtly covering up a crime

>> No.24597693

Except building a road metaphorically is what Ross Ulbricht was locked up for. Slippery slopes

>> No.24597739
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>> No.24597806
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I won't.

>> No.24597887
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>> No.24597996

building something to specifically facilitate crime like silk road isn't the same as building a public road that happened to be used by a criminal to drive away, it's just a bad analogy.

it's akin to saying that whoever opened the bank in the morning it got robbed should be locked up. the slope will never get that slippery because it's absurd

>> No.24598049

Money laundering laws makes it marginally harder for scammers, drug dealers and corrupt politicians to take all their dirty money and turn it into clean money. Hence "money laundering."

They're a necessary evil.

>> No.24598062

No one said the peer to peer sale technology that was silk road had to be used for drugs, that just happened to be the transactions people pushed. Ross didnt push the transactions. Its like when ethereum is used for money laundering prosecuting Vitalik for making it and all node operators for neutrally pushing it

>> No.24598110

They want a cut of everything, they do not want the people to get pure profit.
It's all so they can just sit around and get money while they send their mafia and assassins to kill anyone that threatens them.
native americans will be genocided again because they control casinos.

>> No.24598406
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>> No.24598485

It also makes all legitimate economic activity significantly harder. It costs more than it saves and is a way to force legitimate players to subsidize the losses of idiots.

>> No.24598500

you left out one trick that is not to be ugly