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File: 77 KB, 866x603, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24586998 No.24586998 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you anon investing in index funds?

>10% gains every year on average for a 30 year period
>3 fund portfolio is all you need
>no speculation required
>guaranteed to become a millionaire

>> No.24587016

I prefer meme pump and dumps on fly by night exchanges based out of Eastern Europe

>> No.24587023

>want to kill myself for 15 years
>become millionaire
>mind is so decrepit
>still want to die
Thanks OP

>> No.24587032

Too slow

>> No.24587037
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>> No.24587126

go on neetbux

>> No.24587132

past performance is not indicative of future performance...

>> No.24587144
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>> No.24587189
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You are investing in a decaying empire.

>> No.24587201

This is literally only good for millionaires that already own anything and it’d just sit in there bank anyways

>> No.24587206

so invest in china then?

>> No.24587207

>just wait 24 years for a 10x!

>> No.24587208

You’re an idiot

>negative gains for 15 years after 1999. At least do Berkshire

>> No.24587217

That's a good idea, but there are some risks and it's difficult to invest in China.

>> No.24587218

>negative gains for 15 years after 1999
the stocks were on sale

>> No.24587224

Imagine setting for 0.1x a year while crypto degens make 3x-10x multiple times a week

>> No.24587244

Who is the real idiot?
Someone who tries to get a better view of the world?
Or the one who tells others they are idiots with no arguments because they think they know everything?

>> No.24587252


>> No.24587412

China is currently in an economic war with our western world which will make it progressively harder to invest in them.
They are a massively state governed dictatorship with less than 20% of their economy being really capitalistic.
Each time something grows too big the government steals it from the one who is responsible for its success and adds regulations to it further reducing its efficiency.
There is no transparency for their system. A look at their corona statistics, how they behaved and stole resources from other countries through diplomatic pressure at the start of the epidemic to later sell them something useless as a replacement.
They behave like a bully who thinks he is all powerful and can do whatever he wants because he is strong.
This behavior is going to cause a lot of resentment from those who were taken advantage of.
The reason the $ became the reserve currency is because it had no such problems associated with it and was easy to use until they started to print it and punish others for using it in a way the politicians disapprove.

China is however currently rising as they stole most of our technology and some of our brains for a few decades while we are going into the greatest economic disaster of the last 100 years. The only thing keeping up the stock market is the printing of the FED which in return devalues the value of the $. The result will eventually be that the real inflation will be higher than the rise in stocks until the P/E ratio goes back to its natural 1/15 average value and the $ is not a reserve currency anymore.
As opposed to this China's economic size compared to its economic output is a lot smaller than it should be which means they are undervalued while the US is overvalued.

>> No.24587580

let me get this straight
>china regulates industry which is bad for investing
>china lies which is also bad for investing
>china bullies and breeds resentment which will eventually bite them in the ass
and at the same time
>the us is driving down the value of the dollar
>sooner or later the $ will probably no longer become the standard currency
so are we just fucked then?

>> No.24587701

That's what I use my workplace pension fund for.

>> No.24587716

This is for millionaires that just have the money and don’t want the money to sit in a bank somewhere and they never to check it again and it makes them a lot of money

>> No.24587740


That graph is completely fucking retarded and entirely made up.

>> No.24587762

Value is swinging back to commodities and value based companies. Tech will lead the v stock crash like it led the rally

>> No.24588038

However China may still have 10-30 years left before they collapse whereas the western collapse happens now thanks to the great reset.

>> No.24588583

So the China meme of them being our new overlords is not a meme? I welcome our new overlords and I am so glad as a consumer I helped them in their cause.

>> No.24588821

what's your opinion on crypto?

>> No.24588829

btc does 360% annually on average

>> No.24588985

>>become millionaire
>10% gains
but anon. you do realize the REAL inflation rate is basically 8%+ for any given year. so you are making less than 2% or losing money with an index every year. You cant say "last 30 years" and include the dot com gains. it makes no sense. CPI is not REAL inflation. make your own basket of assets, make your own spreadsheets, and learn the fucking truth.

>> No.24589049
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its 2% retard

>> No.24589066

No it's not, just buy almost literally any EM ETF and it will be heavily weighted towards chinese markets.

>> No.24589069

>The reason the $ became the reserve currency is because it had no such problems associated with it and was easy to use until they started to print it and punish others for using it in a way the politicians disapprove.
you are the idiot. Dollar became reserve currency because we had most gold. Then we stopped converting gold and no one cared. Learn your fucking history. What technology has china INVENTED, not innovatted, INVENTED, in last say ohhh 3000 years. They are a paper tiger, meaning they make up their numbers. They cant even move troops around their own country without them running out of supplies....how the fuck will the enforce shit worldwide? China will break apart in our lifetimes. Thats why we see them engaged in genocide. Only 20% of population outlying regions are Haan ethnic group. They will break away, they are just waiting for their moment. and when they do, india and japan and russia will all protect them. No country on earth wants china to win, because they will not keep promises. Therefore China is ultimately doomed and literal slave labor and fear is the only thing keeping that maoist beast running. Thats the 100 year view you are frankly missing.

>> No.24589082
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>investing in MSCI China is hard

okay friend. time to go back to your $50 portfolio to trade some meme coins.

>> No.24589092

>believing CPI.
make your own basket and get back to me. You will be very suprised at what is happening. Then make a second basket and price back in any government subs....then you will cry over your index funds.

>> No.24589138

Let's assume you're right and BLS are full of shit. What the fuck does that mean for me?

>> No.24589165

It means that the average index fund is barely enough to beat (((real inflation))).

>> No.24589171

in France I sure feel like real prices go up way more over the last 20 years than the official 2% something figure. Everything has like at least doubled in price since they introduced the euro.

>> No.24589184

it means if you arent making over 20% a year, whether that be plowing your income into it, or picking smart assets, youre fucked and will retire at 70.
the boomers fucked us all....they are just starting to really draw on medicare. its only the beginning. Look at the demographic curve in japan in the 90s. The recent influx of immigrants is an attempt to mitigate that fate....it may not work and unlike japan, the west wont even have its culture to fall back on. Supreme sacrifice at the altar of the dollar.

>> No.24589185

mmm how about fucking paper and gunpowder ? Like the 2 things you need to not be an african shithole. Books and Guns.

>> No.24589201

10,000 dollars in Berkshire at 1990 is worth 500k now

>> No.24589214

>20k in 2017
>19k now


>> No.24589219

how do you achieve 20% p.a.? Do you like crypto?

>> No.24589226

can you invest in the S&P500 if you're in the UK?

>> No.24589228

And China has literally been the biggest Empire on Earth for the last 2 000 years except 1700-2000. youre just too burger centric. Asians are actually smart and good at math which will help a lot in the digital age. What are Americans and Europeans going to with countries full of 80 IQ niggers ?

>> No.24589245

read the fucking post. I said last 3000 years. If they still had empire, like a monarch that you could trust, not a party whose members just steal money and move to to another country so their kids can have a decent life, I'd believe the rising china narrative. Without trust you can not have stability. No one, not even themselves, believe a word coming out of the cpp. Its only a front for a cash grab by transnationals and party members....and the music will stop and when it does decades of change will happen in weeks.

>> No.24589247

UK here and inflation seems basically nonexistent. Shocked when I go to the continent or the US and see the prices of groceries.

>> No.24589248

Good on you anon. Hold forever

>> No.24589261
File: 84 KB, 680x547, this_is_fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mates, i'm only 19, and you mean to tell me that i'm essentially fucked for life and there's nothing i can do about it unless i get really lucky?

>> No.24589284

You can do it in stocks. I made over 20% in corn and oil since summer. Made like 50% in my picks after march crash. Dollar cost average down. Martingale strategy on assets with strong fundamentals you believe in and have researched. Turn off CNBC, and stop reading any MSM news source....they loose money, CNN, NYTimes, FOX, etc. they all loose money....ask yourself why they are still in business....then ask yourself why they scare people into selling when the market is at the bottom and tell people to buy in at the top.

>> No.24589287

just learn about crypto and invest in crypto. Do it right now or miss the big bull run coming up. Im a poorfag but I put 2k in XRP it should be a good starting block for wealth building when I get my x100 - x2000 sometime in the next months / years.

>> No.24589314


>> No.24589323

No man. But realize if you stay in the herd....You will be fucked. Realize that 99% of your classmates will live their entire lives in misery, never understanding why. Then realize that if you dont like that future you MUST TAKE YOUR FUTURE. No one will hand you anything. Luck requires preparation and foresight. Blackpilling yourself at 19 will only bring great pain.

>> No.24589398

Thanks anon. Do you recommend any books I should read? The most I have is a fundamental understand of economics.

>> No.24589420

chinks are dumb as shit, haven't u seen the gook hate thread fucking gook

>> No.24589486

Adam Smith wealth of nations. The Rise and Fall of the Roman empire. Marcus Aurelius's Meditations. Then plato, socrates, artistotle, sencca, the pliny's, Then G.E Moore's Principa Ethica, Nietsche, The Social Contract, Paine's Common Sense, B Russel, finish off your philosophy reading with the last great Karl Popper. Then read Keynes, then read Austrian economics. Freud and Wittengstien. Then read about evolutionary psychology. Then read about advertising, Bernays is easy entry. Then turn your attention to the evolution of empire once again.

>> No.24589491

Not him but I recommend reading Meditations just to improve your life and help give you the mentality you'll need in order to navigate this insane hell-world

>> No.24589502

>t.wishful thinker
I see guys like you all the time, you all talk big like you know whats up when really its obvious that youre just trying to confirm your own deeply ingrained biases instead of being a dispassionate searcher of truth. its really funny watching watching you guys emotionally bloviate though:
lol if china didnt have actual substance then the US would treat china like a complete joke instead of actually taking china seriously. thats why the US banned huawei, cuz you know chinas like a paper tiger and shit right? It surely isnt because we cant compete with them r-right? hint, actions speak louder than words, regardless of the deep state propaganda you mindlessly regurgitate its pretty obvious that china does have some serious "teeth" judging by how seriously the US takes the situation

>> No.24589507

trp handbook, antifragile, millionaire fastlane

>> No.24589525

absolutely based stoic anon.
This as well. Familiarize yourself with the concept of "will to power"

>> No.24589538


Already a millionaire from speculating, no thanks

>> No.24589565

Prove me wrong. Name one invention that was first developed in china in the last 15 years that changed lives like the PC or the Iphone? China is a labor camp, a highly profitably camp in the short term, but it is built on vapor and is not stable. I'm investing in things that won't go to zero USD. Like not ever. When Tibet + the outlyiers rise up, China goes to $0. Why would I invest in that ever?
>innovation is theft by another name.

>> No.24589588

just wagecuck for 30 years and be a millionaire off index funds when you’re 55 guys, it’s that easy. Or do it in a few years from crypto

>> No.24589589

>"will to power"
no one gives you it, you must take it. Thats the message here 19 year old anon.

>> No.24589625

Because USA is imploding and you will never recover. Enjoy being Japan 2.0. I'm up 100% this year from handpicking a few stocks and will cash out in February before the next black swan

>> No.24589628

soifag they’re destroying their environment pumping out the grimey shit we don’t wanna produce, so we need them. Nobodies scared of the Chinese military even the pajeets pushed their shit in when they fought

>> No.24589643

because i'm averaging 20% gains each month now

>> No.24589801

Their failure with the belt and road initiative is another red flag to me. If they cant project power enough to even build a highway to europe...a highway they are giving these countries for free no money down...how will they surplant the US/transnational hedimony? In my mind, stoping that project is exactly why Iran is under sanction and we have endless wars. Overlay the belt and road plans over the middle east, and the last 30 years of western foreign policy becomes crystal clear and I dont see that changing in next decade.

>> No.24589802

but you didnt answer my point though, if china was a paper tiger then why is the US taking it seriously instead of laughing at it? innovation or rather lack thereof is a red herring and misdirection. in spite of your insistence that china cannot innovate and is a paper tiger the US still sees it as a serious threat. why is that? if china was all bark and no bite then the US would already know this and would be acting accordingly but theyre not so...either youre full of shit or the US gov is full of shit and doesnt know what its talking about. who do you think im going to believe?

ps you cant even spell outliers right ;)

>> No.24589867

>but you didnt answer my point though
you havent addressed mine either. One invention in the last 3000 years was my inital point.

>China cant innovate
never said that. I said invent. innovation is stagnation.
>China isn't a threat
never said that either. I just said its unstable due to widespread curruption, the looting by transnationals, and its demographic/geographic makeup. They have nukes. They could become desperate. We also view NK as a threat because its extremely easy to smuggle something the size of a cargo container into any country in the world.
>cant spell
who cares? you have no argument so you nit pick, strawman, and move goalposts. I know people like you and I pity you.

>> No.24589870

>stole resources from other countries
Just like British empire eh?
Your point being?

>> No.24589874


added to my running "dope words" list

>> No.24589885

>Already a millionaire from speculating

you're the exact person that's supposed to be moving away from high risk..

>> No.24589917

thank you anons

>> No.24589929

There’s nothing to /gain/ from an all out war with china, they already keep their nose out of our business directly I’m sure they supply weapons to our enemies, that said they’d be lucky to be top5 in the munitians trade world wide despite their income, literally nobody buys their jets cause they’re garbage. They’re far too vulnerable to an attack, they don’t even have food and water, oil available to sustain themselves. basedboys have this chinese fetish it’s embarrassing and shows a lack of knowledge, the us is the war machine

>> No.24589938
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>invest in Spy
>passive invest in tobacco companies (because they're part of the S&P500
>passively invest in zombie companies

ARKK funds seem pretty good, but their fees are pretty high.

>> No.24589965

Kid, finding the way in is easy, literally anyone in the world will take your money- it’s finding the way out that’s hard.

There’s a scam running on apps like Tinder, where Chinese slaves/bots pretend to be pretty girls and convince foreigners to invest in currency/Bitcoin/gold via their uncles investment company in China.
Idiots do it and then once the funds are transferred they never ever ever get it back, because often the amounts are below an international court case costs.

>> No.24589974

World market VT/VWCE, world tech, some crypto

>> No.24590000
File: 29 KB, 640x466, you are not immune to propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna make it, kid. And remember, always believe the opposite of what the mainstream media says.
The earlier you realize that the state is and has been bombarding you with propaganda, the sooner you can work to undo its effects. Don't concern yourself whether your normie friends agree with your outlook, don't let others hold you back like crabs in a bucket. Just work on yourself.

>> No.24590014
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i am

>> No.24590078

>always believe the opposite of what the mainstream media says
I have to disagree. disregard what they say entirely. Go straight to the bare data, make your own models of reality. The numbers dont lie. Even doing the opposite opens you to the possibility of Alinsky tactics for framing the debate/Overton window/etc etc. Your opposition to a narrative or counter argument may in fact be a catalyst for the true aim of the propaganda. Better to just not engage with that game.

>> No.24590079

Paper gets it’s name from Papyrus, and was invented in Egypt, aka an African shithole.
Go fuck yourself Chang, 傻屄

>> No.24590169
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That's true, and takes into account the fact that Fox News is controlled opposition.
>Your opposition to a narrative or counter argument may in fact be a catalyst for the true aim of the propaganda.
Exactly the case with social justice, where the goal is simply to create division and make the unwashed masses fight against eachother rather than unifying against the real enemy.


Point is, though, the mainstream media can not be trusted

>> No.24590193

so...china is doomed because it cant invent yet its been around for 3000 years? OTOH the west can invent and the US has only been around for less than 300 years yet its already beginning to implode due to internal instability, political factionalism and increasing multiculturalism and diversity. It kind of seems like your can invent/cant invent is an arbitrary distinction about whether a nation can survive or not. its almost like...youre oversimplifying a complicated and multifactorial situation

ps you cant spell "hegemony" either lol

>> No.24590226

ccp shill detected

>> No.24590228

yup occupy was the proving ground, controlled actors wielding racial justice were able to beat organic actors preaching class justice. The amazon leaks about diversity in the warehouse and lower probabilities of a unionization attempt also support that your meta-narrative here.

>> No.24590284


>> No.24590295


>> No.24590377
File: 26 KB, 573x483, 3948-1509552555842769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all it's 7% inflation adjusted. second of all look at this post >>24589092

the BLS makes all sorts of jewish adjustments to understate inflation and justify it with their usual jewish handwaving. this isn't some /pol/ conspiracy theory, they outline it in their methodology papers. if you want a starter look at their concept of "hedonic quality adjustments" which is related to this pic. they apply it to all sorts of shit, like housing or cars, which are incredibly inflated by any measure of common sense.

the BLS kikes will adjust this inflation downward by arguing that infotainment touch screens and 10 speed automation transmissions in a new car are technological improvements which improve the quality of the product and so they are within their rights to understate inflation because of this, it's a hedonic adjustment (never mind that you can't buy a new car without this shit and most people care more about a car costing $30k minimum rather than a 10 speed transmission or a touch screen display.) the same applies to housing, they argue for a hedonic adjustment downward because new apartments and houses are larger and having hardwood floors which partially offsets the 5-10% real inflation that real people see every year.

don't ever for a second trust these government kikes, especially economists. they're all fucking liars, every last one of them. "oy vey it's only 1.7% inflation per year, you should be happy with mr. shekelberg's generous 2.0% cost of living raise!" meanwhile everything around is is ACTUALLY getting 5-10% more expensive per year.

>> No.24590396

China hasn't been around for 3000 years. In 80% of its land mass the ruling Haan ethnic group represents less than 20% of the population. When Qing fell it was reforged. There is no continuity after the color revolution. I'm sure you know that though.
>US will fall because of multiculturalism
the US does not rely on anything other than power projection and trust. The average person living here here could be in rags and the US would still be the world power. Because the money that supports the military isn't coming from the tax base at all, but from transnational entities that need that power to conduct business, and those entities trust our word. We inflate USD and run a trade deficent to export the dollar, because the dollar represents our word, and our word can be trusted. Because they hold the dollar, we tax those international holders with inflation. Because they require a trusted trade medium to conduct business, they are forced to hold the dollar.
>nitpicking spelling
its nice to see a truely professional poster like yourself hang with the common man once in a while. Perhaps you could recommend a McGuffy's Reader or two? Would love to "get on your level"

>> No.24590449
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This is cope btw.

>> No.24590646

you were the one who suggested china has been around for 3000 years not me. see below:
>you havent addressed mine either. One invention in the last 3000 years was my inital point

>the US does not rely on anything other than power projection and trust.
so their ability to invent doesnt matter? I thought you were just suggesting that being able to invent is all that matters. that was your main point right?

btw whats a trade deficent? oh wait you mean a trade DEFICIT. wow, im glad to be lectured on global economics by someone that cant even use the right word for trade deficit

>> No.24590829

Yes chinese culture doesnt value invention and actively discourages dissent therefore assuming they will lead anything makes no sense to me. This has been the situation there for 3000 years first under Empire then under cpp. Thats not the same thing as China existing for 3000 years. You inability to name the exception to this "invention rule" (they do exist btw, you are just too ignorant to know them) proves my point in its entireity.
Your obsession with spelling points to mild autism or canned tactics. My carelessness with it points to the fact I'm on an anomonous message board and dont give a fuck.
Please educate me though. Why should I ever invest in China? How will it ever be the world power? Why should I think of it as a stable country? Why should I buy shoes and t-shirts made by people that get paid pennies an hour or ever support a company involved in that?
That one rare earth mine is the only thing I'd consider investing in that entire country (even though hydrogen fuel cells could mean that mine is worth $0ish), and due to the existence of the cpp and the laughable legal protections there (I point to Ant Finance and hong kong as a recent examples of a breach of oath) how can I trust that my investment will be safe? Change my mind, I'd love to make some quick bucks there in the next year, but the risk is way too high. I want to keep my wealth not piss it away so that the President of the Party or its Hotel magnates can send their kids to yale and oxford. Or lose everything when the muslims and Tibet rise up. And the ccp's inability to keep ships floating, or even be able to move troops around (and keep them supplied) within their own borders means this could happen faster than anyone expects and its something you could never time.

>> No.24591139

I don't understand who is dumb enough to fall for that. It literally doesn't make sense to me

>> No.24591175

post body

>> No.24591210

I made 200% return in 3 days from neo vikings. Why the fuck would I invest for 10% a year.

>> No.24591339

blacks dominate basketball and football even though they didnt invent it. simply not being able to invent stuff doesnt mean that youre "doomed". reality is more complex than that. If youre able to excel and innovate within prexisting frameworks then this alone is quite powerful. game changing innovation doesnt constantly or regularly happen, rather it occurs in spurts. If china is able to take advantage of these spurts of invention and run with it on its own then it will be able to do well. The whole invent meme is overrated, once new paradigms have been created it is the ability to innovate which is often important for reaching the harder to pick fruits, not simply the ability to invent. your view is just too one dimensional

a trade deficent huh, lol ok...

idc if you invest in china or not, I just thought it was funny how much bullshit you spew and you lack the self awareness to realize it. you see yourself as seeing through all the bullshit yet you still repeat obvious propaganda talking points (muh uighur genocide!!). truth is, we dont know everything about whats going on in china but im not going to take any one sides word about it when there is so much disinfo out there

>> No.24591576

That's not even inflation adjusted.

>> No.24591595

repeat that 10 times and come back.

>> No.24591709

>racial divide and conquer
nice start there
>innovation is more valuable than first mover advantage.
Microsoft, Apple, Tesla, Ford, Standard Oil, US Steel, Hersey all prove the opposite point when it comes to making money. You are asking me to invest in the second mover, and you say moving second is an advantage. History says otherwise. The second mover normally loses.
>invention doesn't constantly happen
yes it does. And in fact the speed at which this is happening is increasing. We had mechanical computers in 1800, tubes driven computations by the 1910s, silicon in the 70s, and are now stepping into quantum. Clearly we are speeding up...paradigms were once ice, but now have become vapor.
>idc if you invest in China
you seem to care about my quote unquote "deeply ingrained biases" yet are unable to provide any examples to counter them. So maybe you are biased/blind one or perhaps just carrying some albibaba or huwei bags. I only seek a more accurate understanding of the world.
>my FUD is bullshit.
Why is it safe to invest there? What protections do I have? What's the last oath or promise they kept? A counterexample to the points would prove I'm talking out of my ass....yet you are unable to provide any.
>muh genocide
I mentioned this because it is a symptom of just how unstable the ethnic/demographic/geographic situation is there. You dont do that without reason, and that reason is potential instability on a vast scale. Crypto feels safer to me than the chinese market. Fuck saudi arabia feels safer and they have princes that just take property and dont have a functioning court system at all. Hell I'd invest in sicily before china. And costra nostra is taking a cut from every business there.
>not going to take a side
You are actively taking a side. see >>24590226
Inaction and fence sitting is a decision itself. And thats besides the fact it appears you are not writing in good faith.

>> No.24591721

>$40k in gold
>only $4k in btc

not gonna make it

>> No.24591765

Why would you do this when BTC is going to 100k+ next year?

>> No.24592216

>10% over a year
kek yieldlets

>> No.24592320

the chinese quantum computer are way ahead of google you moron.

>> No.24592346

>>guaranteed to become a millionaire
i have $50k in crypto. how long would it take for me to become a millionaire if i converted it all to this? t. math brainlet

>> No.24592448

Assuming 10% yearly gains and no additional contributions, it will take you 32 years to reach 1 million. Thing to note, 10% is the very high end; average is more around 7%.
And boomers wonder why /biz/ would rather gamble on shitcoins. 32 years is an eternity and by that point you no longer have the time or energy to enjoy your gains.

>> No.24592657

> 32 years is an eternity and by that point you no longer have the time or energy to enjoy your gains.
Do you honestly believe this? Why does biz have such a distorted view of time?

>> No.24592719

I believe so yes. If you're in your late twenties or early thirties, you have to leave $50,000 in your portfolio, untouched, till the ripe age of 60. Then you have a million, great, what do you do with that at 60? Unless you have children who can inherit it from you, that 1M is useless.

>> No.24592794

You can do the exact same things with money at 60 as you can when you're 20. If anything money is less important when you're younger since things like going to clubs and getting laid is cheap compared to more expensive oldfag activities.

>> No.24592817

lol. they have the same number of qubits as googles....2 years after googles press release. because they stole the plans and "innovated". so no. they aren't forging new ground there at all. google is at least 5 years ahead of them. "100 trillion times faster" means nothing, its about qubits and they were unable to add qubits.

>> No.24593049

>Even doing the opposite opens you to the possibility of Alinsky tactics for framing the debate/Overton window/etc etc.
Genuine Bigbrain

>> No.24593167

>You can do the exact same things with money at 60 as you can when you're 20.
No you can't, retard. 20s-30s is when you can travel around in luxury and bang pussy everywhere and live life to the fullest. After that your body is too frail to handle the strain and you're confined to cities and boomer vacation tours. By 60 the most exciting thing you can actually do is a cruise.

>> No.24593370

>not investing everything including full margin powers in ROBLOX day 1


>> No.24593548

With all the shilling of index funds on here, it’s making me think the market is going to drop soon...

>> No.24593589

I have about 200k in vanguard index funds. It's a shitty Boomer investment and I expect it to crash and have another 10-20 year period of negative returns. The entire stock market is propped up by 10 shitty tech companies, all billions in debt from stock buybacks to push shares up. I'm planning to cash it all out of Trump doesn't perform a Christmas miracle and stay in office, which isn't going to happen.

Real estate is the only real investment at this point. Your money is losing so much value that no one will be able to own a home in 30 years. You'll easily 100x your money with homes purchases within our lifetime.

Crypto is just straight garbage long term. Bitcoin will be back under 10k within a few months.

>> No.24594267


Anon I hate tell you but a lot of real estate is propped up with billions of debt.

>> No.24594403

plus property taxes make non-commerical property unholdable in most places....while commercial real estate because of covid is now unholdable too.

>> No.24595295

With the way people are out of work and the small biz are dying, the market will have another meltdown soon

>> No.24595347


No matter the country, or time period, land and property always go up over time anon. There are dips for sure but it's more of a sure bet than anything else ultimately. And that's not getting into the fact that the greatest strength of RE is leveraging debt and mortgages to supercharge your growth. You can't just take out a $200k, 3% interest rate loan for the stock market. You can do that for a house.

>> No.24595459

How does one buy an IPO? Just wait till it appears on any regular broker software and buy?

>> No.24596225

that graph is a complete lie
during that time frame india and china werent empires
india was under a brutal occupation of recently converted to islam eurasian horse nomads
who cared more about torturing indians then building anything
while china was also occupied in repeating waves of north asian horse nomads who also only cared about brutally oppressing the native chinese
throughout history both of those regions were mostly either fractured in civil war or under foreign occupation
the idea of a chinese history as a nationstate is completely laughable

there is no rule of law except for the party can steal all it wants
so i fully support the anon that keeps asking for reason why i should invest anything in a country that can steal at will

if a government expropriates real estate is its value zero or infinite?

>> No.24596367

Id rather die with worthless crypto than that garbage