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24577867 No.24577867 [Reply] [Original]

Buy $yfd - 1.2 million market cap DeFi coin.

At $300 you will get 1 coin.

When $yfd reach $10k, your $300 investment will be, $10k.

Just go to Uniswap and buy $300 worth of $yfd now. Go pump it.

>> No.24578212

WOW and LOL but WTF and SCAM

>> No.24578273
File: 213 KB, 1654x2339, EBE8F0AE-95A1-48B5-B461-69DC943C8B64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scam how? All tokens are locked. Project is active since September, price went up from $12 to $300. Doyr before you comment.

>> No.24578336


>> No.24578458


How is this going to attract demand from new buyers? Cool idea but I see a lot of whales mate

>> No.24578583

$1.2M mc. How come this is top? This found a strong support here. It will be $1k soon.

>> No.24578610

I heard they announcing some good news this week (partneship) then end of the December, liquidity farming. Whale are slowly selling and tokens are well distributed.

>> No.24578678

@YfDFI_Finance at $300 (only $1.2M MC) compared to rest of DeFi with similar features, it should at least be $10M market cap right now which is 10x from here. $yfd is truly undervalued compared to rest of the market. This should be a no brainer. I doubt it will stay under $1k for too long. A big whale might come any time to scoop up these cheap $yfd. We have very limited time to fill our bags. Buy now or get left behind.

>> No.24578709

People look price instead of mcap. The ROI is insane lol, been stacking those gains past month loll No need to worry about what bitcoin is doing!

>> No.24578762


Definitely has potential value but any big buyers coming in risk getting dumped on is my point. The liquidity is low and with an anon team they could easily have YFD stored in other private wallets that aren't part of the locked ones. Sad but true.

>> No.24578822

This is what they said about the early contributors during the AMA:

Kevin DeFi: First of all, I’m pleased to inform you that the first contributors are three people. The first one has a PhD in Cryptography, ex-cypherpunk, pro-decentralization, in crypto space for a while. The second one is a Blockchain/Business Strategy Consultant & Serial-Entrepreneur. The third one is a Tech SAVVY Blockchain Serial-entrepreneur having contributed to many blockchain projects you surely know.

>> No.24578854

Freaking bought 200YFD when another anon shilled it here a while ago. Sold 100 after it doubled, Staking 100YFD & earning over 300$$$ every fucking day. Best Santa GIFT ever

>> No.24578869

There are only 20k tokens issued and all wallets are public. Please do proper research. All wallets are locked. 500 tokens were allocated to Early contributors but these are even locked for 6 months.

>> No.24578907

Same here, I only have 50 but earning 1 Yfd every 2 days. $4500 per month at this price but I think it will be $1k soon. So $15k per month. This is the best ROI ever!

>> No.24579009

YFD ticks every single box! Solid project. Low marketcap. Limited supply. Awesome staking APY. Audited, Locked liquidity. Don't need to be a genius to realise this is one of the easiest 10xs of the year. I'm finishing 2020 in style. Fully staked and making bank :D

>> No.24579096

People say anon team. So why most of you anonymous here? Lol Seriously governance will allow the community to vote on whether dev teams be doxxed. implement KYC for users. See works both ways.

>> No.24579193

In this market , with these tokenomics , with big news and constant release of new products in the next 2 quarters ( farming , swap , governance , insurance , self banking) , there is no way that a 1.2 mil market cap is the top , no where near it .

>> No.24579226

For all you all that can’t DYOR here I have done it for you

just buy $yfd as much as you can all day every day
cut down on everything and just fucking buy buy buy
this is SNX below $.20
this is LINK below $.60
this is YFI below $300
hello? Community powered project?
hello? Liquidity farming?
hello? Dex?
hello? Staking?
hello? Chainlink integration?
hello? Decentralized Insurance?
hello? Audited, no rug?
hello? First truly decentralized project developed by community?
seriously, what more do you want from a team / early contributors
if you're playing with scared money or money you can't afford to lose then just take out your initial after it 10x which is pretty much guaranteed, and let the rest ride. Stake/do liquidity farming, earn as much as possible. This is your chance to have financial freedom!!!

>> No.24579256

Bullish AF. Based anon!

>> No.24579292


Okay that sounds like they are trying to do a lot... Any big marketing plans to attract new buyers? Honestly I'm still scared of all those whales... I see they keep dumping the price..

>> No.24579423

Yes, I heard lot of things happening in the background. Big partnership may announce next week also, if you follow Twitter lot of big accounts started tweeting about $yfd so it’s just matter of time. These whales are the one who bought super early but they are almost done selling.

>> No.24579454

I have seen them being mentioned by AltcoinBuzz and few big Twitter Gem hunters.
Traders are always going to trade. I’m sure these fuckers dumped Bitcoin below 5k during that dump

>> No.24579577

Also , 3 of the most important considerations when investing in a crypto project . Team token allocation ( only 500 , 2.5% of total supply ) , Community strength , and hitting milestone targets . @YfDFI_finance has all of these in abundance . DYOR , you will realise that this is one of the very few strong plays in the space right now

>> No.24579667

There is a lot more marketing planned and ion the process of being finalised . Here is a link to a recent Altcion buzz article , very good read and outlines how far YFD has come in a short period and what is planned

>> No.24579719


>> No.24579839

7.2% per week staking rewards designed to last at least 8 months , Then we will have liquidity farming soon with 10% apy per week and which will last another 6-8 months.

>> No.24579842

Yes, only 500 tokens allocated to early contributors and they are even locked. How come this is still $1.2m mc? Way undervalued.

>> No.24579861

Rewards are designed to last long, sustainable but still attractive. Best way to give it to the community.

>> No.24579911


sure but members of the team could have easily bought in using other wallets is what im saying. they are anon so why would they care? they cant be doxed lol. the downfall to community drive tokens like this is that marketing loses momentum. normally there would be a team working on that but this doesn't seem to have one just random contributors from around the world if im understanding correctly?

>> No.24579922

It's undervalued at the moment as YFD have opted to be heavy on development rather than aggressive marketing , a good choice in my opinion

>> No.24580007

there is a marketing team currently working and finalising a marketing drive at the moment

>> No.24580082

There are over 20 contributors. And, definitely some great leaders. Everything was developed via gigs and rewards. Even if they bought it, they could have bought it from Uniswap but anyone can buy from uniswap right? And, only 6500 were added as a initial liquidity in uniswap and locked for 6 months.

>> No.24580285

There is a large wallet containing around 700 tokens , this wallet is used marketing , dev design and promotion etc . you can track any movement of this wallet on etherscan and all tokens used for the project right here:

>> No.24580322

Just Checked, if the team would have bought the price wouldn’t have stayed below 3$ for almost a week during the initial listing. It should have spiked through the roof

>> No.24580494

Can't post the link here but there is TG channel called YfDFI Gigs and Rewards , there is a large amount of tokens allocated for this reason

>> No.24580552

Stealth release on Uniswap , check the dex history here . https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x40ba9b6421d584cec10330f882c5a343d8466b71

>> No.24580655

Yes, I am telling you guys these people are not here for money. Sooner you realize the better. Read the AMA and you will know why this is undervalued and deserves to be at least $50m mc.

>> No.24580884
File: 59 KB, 1200x630, 200228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bread reeks of curry niggers.. just buy YFI if you want a defi investment. its going to 10 millions this bull run. that goes for you too pajeets.

>> No.24580923

What kind of pajeet shit shill is this. Holy shit.

>> No.24581096

that's right guys.. heed the words and advice of a horrendous rascist! I'm sure his opinions are very valid!

YfDFI is the first truly decentralised defi project that will provide a circulating economy - all fees and profits generated by the defi solutions (exchange, swap, insurance, self-banking, ventures) will be distributed between token holders. and token holders will be the ones governing the direction the project goes in once all solutions are set up. This is a unique project with true decentralisation and community ownership at its core.

>> No.24581125





>> No.24581170

This project is transparent AF. As per AMA:

We already have a platform that is generating profits, our Staking Pool! All collected fees are currently in a trackable public wallet which contains no less than 140 YFD: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3cb1e955aed25c24048a48cb43c5bba92c7f50fd#tokentxns

>> No.24581297

Freaking curry, DOYR first.

>> No.24581533

Haters are gonna hate, pajeets are always pajeets and can’t even research any more

>> No.24581966

Fuck yes bro I am seething right now. I could have just gone all in on this shitcoin but instead I bought the other shitcoin and instead i bought the other shitcoin and instead i bought the other shitcoin and then i bought the top and then i bought the shitcoin and then i was literally seething at your gains and jealous of your fast money and charts and seethign about the gains and the charts again but i bought the top and then you bought the bottom and now we are running in this scam together brows. Fuck yeah we are going to be rich there is so much good advice in biz i love this place you guys are the best and I definitely love filthy indians and this is definitely not a scam and these fudders are the problem on biz because they keep normies from the gains because decentralized blockchain reward nodes protocol hashgraph decentralized nodes of generational wealth imagine not getting in 2.0 ETH next golden bull tard market run seething we are going to make it im so comfy suicide stack nodes public token generational wealth nodes

Fucking never selling my ETH LINK and YFD Staking Stack

>> No.24582047

You are funny bro!!

>> No.24582056

Yfd is the best fucking thing I have done in crypto since I began 3 years ago. Making BANK on the staking rewards. Still so early, massive potential to grow considerably!

>> No.24582905

This is the most obvious scam I have ever seen on here. Look at all the namefags hahaha wtf are you doing ranjeesh?

>> No.24582941

Fucking curry! Fucking Rakesh. You will wait and watch.

>> No.24582995

you are unironically a pajeet

>> No.24583098

i'm watching it. so far i've seen it dump by USD $40 since this thread started. is the rugpull happening right now?
